Ruby on Rails: Array to Hash with (key, array of values) - ruby-on-rails

Lets say I have an Array of content_categories (content_categories = user.content_categories)
I now want to add every element belonging to a certain categorie to content_categories with the category as a key and the the content-item IDs as elements of a set
In PHP something like this is possible:
foreach ($content_categories as $key => $category) {
$contentsByCategoryIDArray = Category.getContents($category[id])
Is there an easy way in rails to do this?

Your question isn't really a Rails question, it's a general Ruby programming question.
Your description isn't very clear, but from what I understand, you want to group IDs for common categories using a Hash. There are various other ways of doing this, but this is easy to understand::
ary = [
'cat1', {:id => 1},
'cat2', {:id => 2},
'cat1', {:id => 3}
hsh = {}
ary.each_slice(2) { |a|
key,category = a
hsh[key] ? hsh[key] << category[:id] : hsh[key] = [category[:id]]
hsh # => {"cat1"=>[1, 3], "cat2"=>[2]}
I'm using a simple Array with a category, followed by a simple hash representing some object instance, because it makes it easy to visualize. If you have a more complex object, replace the hash entries with those objects, and tweak how you access the ID in the ternary (?:) line.
Using Enumerable.inject():
hsh = ary.each_slice(2).inject({}) { |h,a|
key,category = a
h[key] ? h[key] << category[:id] : h[key] = [category[:id]]
hsh # => {"cat1"=>[1, 3], "cat2"=>[2]}
Enumerable.group_by() could probably shrink it even more, but my brain is fading.

I'd use Enumerable#inject
content_categories = content_categories_array.inject({}){ |memo, category| memo[category] = Category.get_contents(category); memo }

[cat, Category.get_contents(cat)]

Not really the right answer, because you want IDs in your array, but I post it anyway, because it's nice and short, and you might actually get away with it:

content_categories.each do |k,v|
content_categories[k] = Category.getContents(v)
I suppose it's works

If i understand correctly, content_categories is an array of categories, which needs to be turned into a hash of categories, and their elements.
content_categories_array = content_categories
content_categories_hash = {}
content_categories_array.each do |category|
content_categories_hash[category] = Category.get_contents(category)
content_categories = content_categories_hash
That is the long version, which you can also write like
content_categories = {}.tap do |hash|
content_categories.each { |category| hash[category] = Category.get_contents(category) }

For this solution, content_categories must be a hash, not an array as you describe. Otherwise not sure where you're getting the key.
contents_by_categories = Hash[*{|k, v| [k, Category.getContents(]}]


ruby delete hash of hash based on identical values for different keys

I have a hash of hashes like this:
authors = {"7"=> {"id"=>"60"} , "0"=> {"id"=>"60"} , "1"=> {"id"=>"99"}, "8"=> {"id"=>"99"}, "15"=> {"id"=>"19"} }
I want to merge each hash where the id of the hash in that hash is duplicated (or remove each second hash with same hash of hash id).
In this case, I want to end up with
authors = {"7"=> {"id"=>"60"} , "1"=> {"id"=>"99"}, "15"=> {"id"=>"19"}}
There are quite a few questions on sorting hashes of hashes, and I've been trying to get my head around this, but I don't see how to achieve this.
Here are two ways.
require 'set'
st = { |_,v| st.add?(v) }
#=> {"7"=>{"id"=>"60"}, "1"=>{"id"=>"99"}, "15"=>{"id"=>"19"}}
authors.reverse_each.with_object({}) { |(k,v),h| h[v] = k }.
reverse_each.with_object({}) { |(k,v),h| h[v] = [k] }
#=> {"7"=>[{"id"=>"60"}], "1"=>[{"id"=>"99"}], "15"=>[{"id"=>"19"}]}
Try this one
authors.to_a.uniq { |item| item.last["id"] }.to_h
=> {"7"=>{"id"=>"60"}, "1"=>{"id"=>"99"}, "15"=>{"id"=>"19"}}
uniq method with a block can do the work

How to refactor each function with map in Ruby?

I have a loop building a hash for use in a select field. The intention is to end up with a hash:
{ => "object name", => "object name" }
#hash = {}
loop_over.each do |ac|
#hash[] =
I think that the map method is meant for this type of situation but just need some help understanding it and how it works. Is map the right method to refactor this each loop?
Data transformations like this are better suited to each_with_object:
#hash = loop_over.each_with_object({}) { |ac, h| h[] = }
If your brain is telling you to use map but you don't want an array as the result, then you usually want to use each_with_object. If you want to feed the block's return value back into itself, then you want inject but in cases like this, inject requires a funny looking and artificial ;h in the block:
#hash = loop_over.inject({}) { |h, ac| h[] =; h }
# -------------------- yuck -----------------------------^^^
The presence of the artificial return value is the signal that you want to use each_with_object instead.
Hash[ { |ac| [ac[:name], ac[:id]] }]
Or if you are running on Ruby 2: { |ac| [ac[:name], ac[:id]] }.to_h
#hash = Hash[ { |ac| { =>} }.map(&:flatten)]
Edit, a simpler solution as per suggestion in a comment.
#hash = Hash[ { |ac| [,] } ]
You can simply do this by injecting a blank new Hash and performing your operation:
loop_over.inject({}){ |h, ac| h[] =; h }
Ruby FTW
No a map isn't the correct tool for this.
The general use-case of a map is to take in an array, perform an operation on each element, and spit out a (possibly) new array (not a hashmap) of the same length, with the individual element modifications.
Here's an example of a map
x = [1, 2, 3, 4].map do |i|
i+1 #transform each element by adding 1
p x # will print out [2, 3, 4, 5]
Your code:
#hash = {}
loop_over.each do |ac|
#hash[] =
There is nothing wrong with this example. You are iterating over a list, and populating a hashmap exactly as you wished.
Ruby 2.1.0 introduces brand new method to generate hashes:
h = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 } { |k, v| [k, v+1] }.to_h # => {:a=>2, :b=>3, :c=>4}
I would go for the inject version, but use update in the block to avoid the easy to miss (and therefore error prone) ;h suffix:
#hash = loop_over.inject({}) { |h, ac| h.update( }

Iterate through array to construct hash in Ruby

Currently I have:
cache_hash = {}
array = [:id, :content, :title]
data_source = some_active_record_object
array.each{ |k| cache_hash[k] = data_source.send(k) }
#=>{:id=>"value1", :content=>"value2", :title=>"value3"}
I'm wondering if there is a better way to iterate through the array and get the hash out.
Write as below :
cache_hash = Hash[ { |k| [k, data_source.send(k)] }]
Or use new #to_h
cache_hash = { |k| [k, data_source.send(k)] }.to_h
I'm not sure if you want to follow this route, but here is an alternative with AR query:'id, content, title')
Foo is the model you're operating on.
This is similar to #Arup's answer using map. The cool thing about map functions, in any programming language (not just Ruby), is that you can also express them in terms of
an inject function (also called fold, reduce, or aggregate in other languages):
cache_hash = array.inject({}) do |hash, key|
hash[key] = data_source.send key
Not as clear as Arup's answer using map, but kind of cool to know anyways.

Ruby mixed array to nested hash

I have a Ruby array whose elements alternate between Strings and Hashes. For example-
["1234", Hash#1, "5678", Hash#2]
I would like to create a nested hash structure from this. So,
hash["1234"]["key in hash#1"] = value
hash["5678"]["key in hash#2"] = value
Does anyone have/now a nice way of doing this? Thank you.
Simply use
hsh = Hash[*arr] #suppose arr is the array you have
It will slice 2 at a time and convert into hash.
I don't think there is a method on array to do this directly. The following code works and is quite easy to read.
hsh = {}
ary.each_slice(2) do |a, b|
hsh[a] = b
# Now `hsh` is as you want it to be
Guessing at what you want, since "key in hash#1" is not clear at all, nor have you defined what hash or value should be:
value = 42
h1 = {a:1}
h2 = {b:2}
a = ["1234",h1,"5678",h2]
a.each_slice(2).each{ |str,h| h[str] = value }
p h1, #=> {:a=>1, "1234"=>42}
h2 #=> {:b=>2, "5678"=>42}
Alternatively, perhaps you mean this:
h1 = {a:1}
h2 = {b:2}
a = ["1234",h1,"5678",h2]
hash = Hash[ a.each_slice(2).to_a ]
p hash #=> {"1234"=>{:a=>1}, "5678"=>{:b=>2}}
p hash["1234"][:a] #=> 1
let's guess, using facets just for fun:
require 'facets'
xs = ["1234", {:a => 1, :b => 2}, "5678", {:c => 3}]
#=> {"1234"=>{:a=>1, :b=>2}, "5678"=>{:c=>3}}

Ruby way to loop and check subsequent values against each other

I have an array that contains dates and values. An example of how it might look:
{'1/1/2010' => 'aa'},
{'1/1/2010' => 'bb'},
{'1/2/2010' => 'cc'},
{'1/2/2010' => 'dd'},
{'1/3/2010' => 'ee'}
Notice that some of the dates repeat. I'm trying to output this in a table format and I only want to show unique dates. So I loop through it with the following code to get my desired output.
prev_date = nil
#reading_schedule.reading_plans.each do |plan|
use_date = nil
if plan.assigned_date != prev_date
use_date = plan.assigned_date
prev_date = plan.assigned_date
plan.assigned_date = use_date
The resulting table will then look something like this
1/1/2010 aa
1/2/2010 cc
1/3/2010 ee
This work fine but I am new to ruby and was wondering if there was a better way to do this.
Enumerable.group_by is a good starting point:
require 'pp'
asdf = [
{'1/1/2010' => 'aa'},
{'1/1/2010' => 'bb'},
{'1/2/2010' => 'cc'},
{'1/2/2010' => 'dd'},
{'1/3/2010' => 'ee'}
pp asdf.group_by { |n| n.keys.first }.map{ |a,b| { a => { |c| c.to_a.last.last } } }
# >> [{"1/1/2010"=>["aa", "bb"]}, {"1/2/2010"=>["cc", "dd"]}, {"1/3/2010"=>["ee"]}]
Which should be a data structure you can bend to your will.
I don't know as though it's better, but you could group the values by date using (e.g.) Enumerable#reduce (requires Ruby >= 1.8.7; before that, you have Enumerable#inject).
arr.reduce({}) { |memo, obj|
obj.each_pair { |key, value|
memo[key] = [] if ! memo.has_key?(key);
memo[key] << value
=> [["1/1/2010", ["aa", "bb"]], ["1/2/2010", ["cc", "dd"]], ["1/3/2010", ["ee"]]]
You could also use Array#each to similar effect.
This is totally a job for a hash.
Create a hash and use the date as the hashkey and an empty array as the hashvalue.
Then accumulate the values from the original array in the hashvalue array
