Working example for Erlang Server Interface - erlang

I am trying to make Erlang's Inets mode_esi work and run some function. So, far, I did not succeed. Can someone post a minimal example of how to run Inets so that a url like http:localhost:8099/esi/my_mod:foo will invoke the method my_mod:foo/3?
Addition: I have started inets with these commands:
inets:start(httpd, [{port, 8099}, {server_name, "localhost"}, {document_root, "."},
{server_root, "."}, {erl_script_alias, {"/esi", [my_esi, io]}}]).
The module is:
foo(Sid, Env, In) -> mod_esi:deliver(Sid, ["bla"]).
But browsing to http://localhost:8099/esi/my_esi:foo result in an error message.

To clarify what has already been said, I'll give a working example (from the ground up). This is to help those who came here from google, mostly because it's how I found it ;)
First, create the module:
# filename: my_esi.erl
foo(Sid, Env, In) -> mod_esi:deliver(Sid, ["foo"]).
bar(Sid, Env, In) -> mod_esi:deliver(Sid, ["bar"]).
Save it, then compile it:
erlc my_esi.erl
You'll now have my_esi.beam
Then run the shell from bash
Within the shell type the following:
{Httpd_State,Httpd_Pid} = inets:start(httpd, [{port, 8099}, {server_name, "localhost"}, {document_root, "."}, {modules,[mod_esi]},{server_root, "."}, {erl_script_alias, {"/esi", [my_esi, io]}}]).
The important part here is:
If you need other modules, load them by appending them to the list.
To clarify how/why:
I will first admit that it does seems a bit strange at first, and that the documentation was less helpful than I had hoped. However, I realised that:
modules() -> [atom()]
{modules, [mod_access, mod_esi, ..., etc.]}
Hope it helps someone :)

I've solved it myself. For some reason, beyond my understanding, the exact same code worked when I invoked Inets with a configuration file (a modified version of inets/examples/server_root/conf/8080.conf). I suppose that the example file includes a more complete list of properties that Inets required than what I listed in inets:start(httpd, [...]). If anyone encounters Inets problem in the future, my advice is to start with the example configuration.

Ok, here goes:
set {erl_script_alias, {"/esi", [my_mod]}} for the inets web server, so the module is accepted.
Write my_mod. Something like:
foo(SessID, _Env, _Input) ->
mod_esi:deliver(SessID, ["Data ", <<"as">>, " an iolist"]).
Make sure mod_esi is part of inets section called module: {modules, [.., mod_esi, ..}}
This step is very important: Breathe 3 times, recite the holy words "I pray to thee, inets, that you will work this time". Cross your fingers.
Drink a cup of coffee. Tea will not do. It has to be coffee.
Enjoy your web server.


How to start deps application automatcially in Chicago Boss?

I can't figure out how to automatically start an "deps" applciation in Chicago Boss.
Use applcation:which_applications() I can see a bunch started like "lager, ranch, cowboy ..etc etc". How do I start another one I added?
If I go to console and run application:start(oauth2) and it's ok. I can start it.
But I tried to change src/ and add it to {applications,[]}, but no go. Isn't this the place to load/start any application that mine depends on?
But I can't find how boss loads and start all the other applications either.
By the way, this oauth2 appliation doesn't contain an application-behavior file (oauth2_app.erl) so I don't know if this is related. Since I can manually start it ok.
So, confused. Any help would be appreciated.
Plus: I remember that I did start application by adding the application:start(xxx) into the /priv/init/xxx_01_news.erl init function but that's very hackish I think.
You can use rebar.config to add your dependency applications then edit boss.config file this way:
First: Add the dependency applications name in applications.
Second: Add their specific configurations as follows.
boss.config file:
{boss, [
{path, "./deps/boss"},
{applications, [your_app_name, your_app_dep_1, your_app_dep_2]},
{assume_locale, "en"},
%% ... other configuration
{your_app_name, []},
{your_app_dep_1, []},
{your_app_dep_2, []}
Edit: This way CB expects another boss application so looks for the router file and warns if cannot find it. However starting the dependencies inside its init function is not a dirty way and I suggest to consider it.

Erlang escript launching application with start parameters

Currently my Erlang application is started within an escript (TCP server) and all works fine since it uses the default port I provided. Now I want to pass the port via the escript to the application but I have no idea how. (The app runs a supervisor)
!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-
main([UDPort, TCPort]) ->
U = list_to_integer(UDPort),
T = list_to_integer(TCPort),
app:start(), %% Want to pass T into the startup.
_ -> ok
-export([start/0, start/2, stop/0, stop/1]).
-define(PORT, 4300).
start () -> application:start(?MODULE). %% This is called by the escript.
stop () -> application:stop(?MODULE).
start (_StartType, _StartArgs) -> supervisor:start(?PORT).
stop (_State) -> ok.
I'm honestly not sure if this is possible with using application but I thought it best to just ask.
The common way is to start things from whatever shell just calling
erl -run foo
But you can also do
erl -appname key value
to set an environment value and then
application:get_env(appname, key)
to get the value you are looking for.
That said...
I like to have service applications be things that don't have to shut down to be (re)configured. I usually include some message protocol like {config, Aspect, Setting} or similar that can alter the basic state of a service on the fly. Because I often do this I usually just wind up having whatever script starts up the application also send a configuration message to it.
So with this in mind, consider this rough conceptual example:
!/usr/bin/env escript
%% -*- erlang -*-
main([UDPort, TCPort]) ->
U = list_to_integer(UDPort),
T = list_to_integer(TCPort),
ok = case whereis(app) of
undefined -> app:start();
_Pid -> ok
ok = set_ports(U, T).
%% Just an illustration.
%% Making this a synchronous gen_server/gen_fsm call is way better.
set_ports(U, T) ->
app ! {config, listen, {tcp, T}},
app ! {config, listen, {udp, U}},
Now not only is the startup script a startup script, it is also a config script. The point isn't to have a startup script, it is to have a service running on the ports you designated. This isn't a conceptual fit for all tools, of course, but it should give you some ideas. There is also the practice of putting a config file somewhere the application knows to look and just reading terms from it, among other techniques (like including ports in the application specification, etc.).
I just realized you are doing this in an escript which will spawn a new node every time you call it. To make the technique above work properly you would need to make the escript name a node for the service to run on, and locate it if it already exists.

Pass some arguments to supervisor init function when app starts

I want to pass some arguments to supervisor:init/1 function and it is desirable, that the application's interface was so:
redis_pool:start() % start all instances
redis_pool:start(Names) % start only given instances
Here is the application:
start() -> % start without params
application:ensure_started(?APP_NAME, transient).
start(Names) -> % start with some params
% I want to pass Names to supervisor init function
% in order to do that I have to bypass application:ensure_started
% which is not GOOD :(
case start(normal, [Names]) of
{ok, _Pid} -> ok;
{error, {already_started, _Pid}} -> ok
start(_StartType, StartArgs) ->
Here is the supervisor:
init([]) ->
{ok, Config} = get_config(),
Names = proplists:get_keys(Config),
init([Names]) ->
{ok, Config} = get_config(),
PoolSpecs = lists:map(fun(Name) ->
PoolName = pool_utils:name_for(Name),
{[Host, Port, Db], PoolSize} = proplists:get_value(Name, Config),
PoolArgs = [{name, {local, PoolName}},
{worker_module, eredis},
{size, PoolSize},
{max_overflow, 0}],
poolboy:child_spec(PoolName, PoolArgs, [Host, Port, Db])
end, Names),
{ok, {{one_for_one, 10000, 1}, PoolSpecs}}.
As you can see, current implementation is ugly and may be buggy. The question is how I can pass some arguments and start application and supervisor (with params who were given to start/1) ?
One option is to start application and run redis pools in two separate phases.
redis_pool:run([] | Names).
But what if I want to run supervisor children (redis pool) when my app starts?
Thank you.
The application callback Module:start/2 is not an API to call in order to start the application. It is called when the application is started by application:start/1,2. This means that overloading it to provide differing parameters is probably the wrong thing to do.
In particular, application:start will be called directly if someone adds your application as a dependency of theirs (in the file). At this point, they have no control over the parameters, since they come from your .app file, in the {mod, {Mod, Args}} term.
Some possible solutions:
Application Configuration File
Require that the parameters be in the application configuration file; you can retrieve them with application:get_env/2,3.
Don't start a supervisor
This means one of two things: becoming a library application (removing the {mod, Mod} term from your .app file) -- you don't need an application behaviour; or starting a dummy supervisor that does nothing.
Then, when someone wants to use your library, they can call an API to create the pool supervisor, and graft it into their supervision tree. This is what poolboy does with poolboy:child_spec.
Or, your application-level supervisor can be a normal supervisor, with no children by default, and you can provide an API to start children of that, via supervisor:start_child. This is (more or less) what cowboy does.
You can pass arguments in the AppDescr argument to application:load/1 (though its a mighty big tuple already...) as {mod, {Module, StartArgs}} according to the docs ("according to the docs" as in, I don't recall doing it this way myself, ever:
application:load({application, some_app, {mod, {Module, [Stuff]}}})
Without knowing anything about the internals of the application you're starting, its hard to say which way is best, but a common way to do this is to start up the application and then send it a message containing the data you want it to know.
You could make receipt of the message form tell the application to go through a configuration assertion procedure, so that the same message you send on startup is also the same sort of thing you would send it to reconfigure it on the fly. I find this more useful than one-shotting arguments on startup.
In any case, it is usually better to think in terms of starting something, then asking it to do something for you, than to try telling it everything in init parameters. This can be as simple as having it start up and wait for some message that will tell the listener to then spin up the supervisor the way you're trying to here -- isolated one step from the application inclusion issues RL mentioned in his answer.

Erlang: Problem with crypo:sha()

This works in my erlang shell:
1> U = default_user_name().
2> crypto:start().
3> crypto:sha(U).
4> crypto:stop().
But when I compile this:
default_pw() ->
U = default_user_name(),
And execute it in the erlang shell, I get this:
1> person:default_pw().
** exception error: bad argument
in function port_control/3
called as port_control(crypto_drv04,5,<<"jDoe">>)
in call from crypto:control/2
Two questions:
1) What am I doing wrong?
2) It seems that I need to start and stop the crypto server. But is there a better place to start and stop it in my application?
Many thanks,
The error you are getting indicates that the crypto application was not started. An easy way to start it is just to add it as a parameter to erl like so:
$ erl -s crypto
I had a look at the current implementation of crypto and the past release notes for erlang and I came to the following conclusions (someone please correct me if I'm wrong):
Erlang releases <14A require crypto to be started prior to calling any functions because the library used a port driver. This makes sense because I got the error you described with 13B04 after not starting crypto.
Erlang releases >=14A don't require crypto to be started as the implementation now uses NIFs. This makes sense because the current implementation of crypto_server.erl is just a gen_server template, and on 14B03 I don't need to start the application in order to make crypto:sha/1 work.

How to refine the debugging?

Crash report (SASL) gives more or less where and why a bug happens.
But is it possible to refine this (the function, the line de code, etc) ?
If you can reproduce the fault, the best way to get more information is to put a dbg trace on sections in question and review that output.
This usually does the trick for me. Replace Mod and Func with whatever module and function you want to debug.
If you are looking for more detailed post-mortem logging then sasl and the error_logger are your friends. There are of course times when SASL does not give you enough info, if this happens a lot in your system you probably should either learn to understand the SASL output better or write your own log handler. It is quite easy to plug-in your own error handler into SASL and output things as you want.
You will however never get line number as that information is destroyed at compilation time and there is no way for the VM to know which line crashed. It does however know which function and possibly with which arguments, given this it is usually possible to find out where things went wrong. Unless you write very long functions, which IMO is bad code smell and a sign that you should refactor your code to smaller functions.
In general, no. The erlang .beam files does not contain the line numbers from the original code, so it is hard to know at what line the problem occurred. I do have a number of macros I use in my project, included as "log.hrl":
-define(INFO(T), error_logger:info_report(T)).
-define(WARN(T), error_logger:warning_report(
[process_info(self(), current_function), {line, ?LINE} | T])).
-define(ERR(T), error_logger:error_report(
[process_info(self(), current_function), {line, ?LINE} | T])).
-define(DEBUG(Format, Args), io:format("D(~p:~p:~p) : "++Format++"~n",
-define(DEBUGP(Args), io:format("D(~p:~p:~p) : ~p~n",
[self(),?MODULE,?LINE, Args])).
and this does give you some log lines in the program to hunt for. For debugging I often also use the redbug tool from the eper suite:
It allows you to trace in realtime whenever a call happens:
Eshell V5.8.3 (abort with ^G)
1> redbug:start("erlang:now() -> stack;return", [{time, 60*1000}]).
2> erlang:now().
17:50:14 <{erlang,apply,2}> {erlang,now,[]}
17:50:14 <{erlang,apply,2}> {erlang,now,0} -> {1297,183814,756227}
I hope this helps.
