Are there any configuration options for RoR asset packager? - ruby-on-rails

Regarding the Asset packager plugin for RoR.
Is there a way to configure it, so that it packages JS/CSS files in development environment, but without minifying the JS files?

Doesn't seem like it, but it's easy to add:
Add "development" env at this line or setup another ENV variable and if it exists it can be included automatically so you don't mess around with code more than once.
For the compressed_file method (which compresses the js and css) you could add an option (or have it read from the ENV) and compress or not depending on it

def javascript_include_merged(*sources)
It only expects sources and does not have an options hash like most methods that accept options do.


Is it possible in Rails to have different assets directories for different environments?

Before executing Asset Precompile (rake assets:precompile) I want to apply gulp tasks to my JavaScript files which are located here:
So when I later run rake assets:precompile it will pick already processed-by-gulp files.
But the problem for me is that I do not want to simply overwrite existing JS files with its gulp output files since I still need original, not touched files for comfortable development.
I think I need to have two folders:
1) development_assets
2) production_assets (auto-generated folder with gulp output)
Is it possible in Rails to have different assets directories for different environments? (development, production). If yes - how to configure it?
Maybe there is another solution for my problem? Without having two separate directories... I am open to suggestions.
You can configure the assets path with config.assets.prefix = '/gulped-assets'. If you do that in config/environments/production.rb, it'll apply to production but not development, letting you still use your original files in dev. You'll need to either make sure your deploy process runs Gulp before asset compilation, or run Gulp locally and include /gulped-assets in your repository.
You can also add a preprocessor to the asset pipeline, which would leave you needing just one /assets directory. You do that by specifying a file extension and a handler, then adding the extension to all the files you want processed that way, just like you have with .sass, .erb, etc. To crib from the Rails examples, it looks like this:
module BangBang
class Template < ::Tilt::Template
def prepare
# Do any initialization here
# Adds a "!" to original template.
def evaluate(scope, locals, &block)
# config/initializers/bang.rb
Sprockets.register_engine '.bang', BangBang::Template
Then any file containing .bang in the extensions will have a ! appended to it. There's already support for a lot of different tasks out there, so perhaps you can avoid Gulp in favor of a Sprockets-only pipeline. Depending on your Gulp tasks, you might even be able to shell out and run data through them to build a hybrid pipeline.
Or, you can go the other direction and replace Sprockets with a Gulp-only pipeline. There are a lot of people doing that, and anything I'd write here would be long and only duplicate their work, so check out the gulp-rails-pipeline gem and perhaps read Gulp - a modern approach to asset pipeline for Rails developers for another angle on it.

Force recompilation of certain files in rails assets pipeline

I'm using ruby on rails 4.1.9.
Is there a way to define a whitelist of files that should be recompiled anytime, even if they don't change?
For example: I have a few .js.erb files injected with some Rails variables. So, even if the original file is not changing, they need recompilation.

Load multiple configuration files in Rails engine

I'm building a Rails Engine and right now I set all my configuration variables in config/environments/development.rb (within the engine itself, i can also overwrite it from the application later) and can access it from the application with ::Rails.application.config.my_item
This file is getting big and some variables such as config.title = 'Lambda Website' could be placed somewhere else, I was thinking to make a config/settings/my_file.rb and just include it to be able to call it the same way as the development.rb variables but it's more complicated than I expected ... I tried a couple of gems that didn't work at all, maybe because it's an engine. I also tried to require files but it blows up too.
How can I simply split this configuration file easily ? Is there an easy way to include configuration files within an engine ? Both YAML/ERB solution are welcome ...
Thank you guys ;)
Inside your
Then feel free to use this constant this anywhere in your app.

Rails Asset Pipeline to a Grunt based approach

I wish to try out Grunt so for a task I have duplicated a project and want to convert it from using the default asset pipeline to work all via Grunt and it's tasks.
I can then evaluate both approaches and go for what I think turns out the best.
I have disabled the pipeline in my application.rb file. I have set up my Gruntfile.js and want to first of all get it to concatenate my javascript files. I am using the grunt-contrib-concat task but what I cannot figure out is the best place to tell grunt to place the processed files?
Would it be in /public? I am just confused as to where these files will now be served from? I know that I cannot use the Rails asset helpers in my views and will have to reference them myself, but from where?
I hope you can help.

Create a global settings file in an open source rails app

I'm trying to create a rails app and have it on github, but I'm running into some trouble separating out personal settings from what I check in to git. Just like how you typically check in a database.yml.example and let people make their own database.yml, I wanted to do that with a bunch of other files (all rb files though), like secret_token and production.rb, but I didn't feel like making the setup process involve copying 15 sample files to files that actually get used.
What I ended up doing was creating a settings.yml.example file in my config dir, and putting all of those settings from the other files in there. then the setup process was just 2 copies (database.yml and settings.yml). Then I added this to the beginning of environment.rb
#allow files to read their private settings from settings.yml using SETTINGS
require 'yaml'
SETTINGS = YAML.load("config", "settings.yml")))
and when I needed something from the file, I would just say something like
Foo::Application.config.secret_token = SETTINGS["secret_token"]
This worked fine until I tried to run rake test, when it gave me uninitialized constant Rails (NameError) from the Rails.root.join call
My question is is this a good way to accomplish what i'm trying to accomplish? And if so, is there a better place to put the code that loads the settings file? It seems like I can load it before each individual call and just add something like "unless settings is defined" after the load, but that would be annoying to have to do everywhere
Note: For anyone who's curious, the files I would have had to copy were
production.rb (for config.action_mailer.default_url_options)
devise.rb (for config.pepper)
I expect more in the future as i start using more libraries (still new to this)
this was answered in a comment, so I'll copy Thomas's answer here to make it more clear.
Both figaro and econfig (by the creator of carrierwave and capybara) are great gems for that purpose. I personally use figaro with it's config/application.yml file that is excluded from version control to great success since a few months on open-source projects.
