ASP.NET MVC 3 RC AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas() and dynamically loaded assemblies -

I am currently experimenting with dynamically loaded areas with ASP.NET MVC 3 RC. I've seen it written in many places that this is not what areas are intended for, and (at least pre-MVC 2) not possible, say here for example.
But still! It should be possible to get it to work, right? I've created a solution, added a MVC 3 project, added an area and some content. All is working well. Now I created a new class library project (in the same solution), added a reference to it from the MVC-project, and started moving over the area-related parts to the library. Changed the output-directory of the library project to the area-folder of the MVC-project, and made sure the Views and their web.config are copied to the output-folder.
After reading so much about how you couldn't have external areas, it was a little surprising that this worked. No problem at all really! The problem starts when I remove the reference between the projects, and instead load the library in code. (Before calling AreaRegistration.RegisterAllAreas().) Now it doesn't work. At all.
I've been poking around a bit in the source for MVC 3, and the problem seems to be with BuildManager.GetReferencedAssemblies() which is used to get the assemblies to look for implementations of AreaRegistration.
Now, I'm not 100% sure about this, but it seems as if this method only looks at assemblies that were present/referenced at compile-time, can someone confirm if this is in fact so?
I have debugged through this, and that method-call does indeed not find the assembly I loaded just before the call to it. It might be because of something else that I've missed perhaps.. Any ideas?

The way things work is a bit complicated.
GetReferencedAssemblies includes referenced assemblies, not loaded assemblies. This includes:
all assemblies referenced in you application's web.config (such as System.Web.Mvc)
everything inherited from root web.config, which includes things like System, System.Web and others that you do not have to add yourself. (You can take a look at the list here: C:\Windows\Microsoft.Net\Framework\v4.0.30319\web.config). It also contains a special * item, which:
includes everything in your site's bin folder
So now take your app v1 (everything in a single app). Everything works because the application code gets compiled into the bin folder which gets automatically included. Also, all of the area views etc are in the application itself so they are accessible.
Now in app v2 (different project with a proj-to-proj reference and a custom build task that copies the views to the right location in your main app) everything still works, because by default a proj-to-proj references means that the class library binary gets copied to your app's bin folder. So by the above rules, the area code still gets loaded correctly. The fact that you've set the library's output path to be some location within your main app's Areas folder does not actually make a difference - you just end up with two copies of the binary.
Now in app v3 (no proj-proj ref, area library assembly loaded manually) your library assembly gets loaded too late. By the time your code runs the set of referenced assemblies has already been locked and can no longer be changed.
There is a way to run code and add items to the list of registered assemblies: you can do it using the AddReferencedAssembly method which must be invoked from a PreApplicationStartMethodAttribute method.
Of course you still have to deal with how you manage your view files. The way you currently have it set up is pretty much the same as having the views in the main application (since they effectively get copied into the right location).

1 - Seperate you Mvc Areas into differrent Mvc Projects to be compiled into their own seperate assemblies
2 - Add this to your AssemblyInfo.cs class, to call a method when the application is loaded
[assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(PluginAreaBootstrapper), "Init")]
3 - Here's what the Init method looks like when it's invoked during the load
public class PluginAreaBootstrapper
public static readonly List<Assembly> PluginAssemblies = new List<Assembly>();
public static List<string> PluginNames()
return PluginAssemblies.Select(
pluginAssembly => pluginAssembly.GetName().Name)
public static void Init()
var fullPluginPath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "Areas");
foreach (var file in Directory.EnumerateFiles(fullPluginPath, "*Plugin*.dll"))
4 - Add a custom RazorViewEngine
public class PluginRazorViewEngine : RazorViewEngine
public PluginRazorViewEngine()
AreaMasterLocationFormats = new[]
AreaPartialViewLocationFormats = new[]
var areaViewAndPartialViewLocationFormats = new List<string>
var partialViewLocationFormats = new List<string>
var masterLocationFormats = new List<string>
foreach (var plugin in PluginAreaBootstrapper.PluginNames())
"~/Areas/" + plugin + "/Views/{1}/{0}.cshtml");
"~/Areas/" + plugin + "/Views/{1}/{0}.vbhtml");
"~/Areas/" + plugin + "/Views/Shared/{1}/{0}.cshtml");
"~/Areas/" + plugin + "/Views/Shared/{1}/{0}.vbhtml");
"~/Areas/" + plugin + "/Views/{1}/{0}.cshtml");
"~/Areas/" + plugin + "/Views/{1}/{0}.vbhtml");
"~/Areas/" + plugin + "/Views/Shared/{0}.cshtml");
"~/Areas/" + plugin + "/Views/Shared/{0}.vbhtml");
"~/Areas/" + plugin + "/Views/{1}/{0}.cshtml");
"~/Areas/" + plugin + "/Views/{1}/{0}.vbhtml");
"~/Areas/" + plugin + "/Areas/{2}/Views/{1}/{0}.cshtml");
"~/Areas/" + plugin + "/Areas/{2}/Views/{1}/{0}.vbhtml");
"~/Areas/" + plugin + "/Areas/{2}/Views/Shared/{0}.cshtml");
"~/Areas/" + plugin + "/Areas/{2}/Views/Shared/{0}.vbhtml");
ViewLocationFormats = partialViewLocationFormats.ToArray();
MasterLocationFormats = masterLocationFormats.ToArray();
PartialViewLocationFormats = partialViewLocationFormats.ToArray();
AreaPartialViewLocationFormats = areaViewAndPartialViewLocationFormats.ToArray();
AreaViewLocationFormats = areaViewAndPartialViewLocationFormats.ToArray();
5 - Register your Areas from your different Mvc (Area) Projects
namespace MvcApplication8.Web.MyPlugin1
public class MyPlugin1AreaRegistration : AreaRegistration
public override string AreaName
get { return "MyPlugin1"; }
public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
new {action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional}
Sourcecode and additional references can can be found here:


How can I use an absolute path for the razor-engine to search under?

I have multiple projects that are written on the top of ASP.NET MVC framework. Each of these projects use common views and editor-templates. Thus, I have to duplicate the common views like editor-templates and master-layout into every project on my local machine.
Instead of duplicating views, is there a way to include an absolute path instead of using ~ to determine the views' path when the app is running locally?
In another words, instead on using something like ~/CustomViews/Shared/{0}.cshtml is there a way to use c:\\MyProjects\\CommonViews\\Views\\Shared\\EditorTemplates\\{0}.cshtml to tell razor-engine where to search?
I would only include the absolute path if my running environment is dev or running on a localhost.
I tried to create a my own engine which extends the RazorViewEngine class
public class CustomViewEngine : RazorViewEngine
public CustomViewEngine()
: base()
ViewLocationFormats = GetGlobalViews();
public string[] GetGlobalViews()
var views = new List<string>();
if (Running on localhost...)
var baseDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~"));
var root = baseDirectory.Parent.Parent.Parent;
var viewsPath = Path.Combine(root.FullName, "CommonViews", "Views");
if (Directory.Exists(viewsPath))
// include the Views directory
views.Add(viewsPath.ToString() + "/{1}/{0}.cshtml");
// include the Views/Shared directory
var sharedViewsPath = Path.Combine(viewsPath, "Shared");
views.Add(sharedViewsPath.ToString() + "/{1}/{0}.cshtml");
// include the Views/Shared/EditorTemplates directory
var editorTemplatesViewsPath = Path.Combine(sharedViewsPath, "EditorTemplates");
views.Add(editorTemplatesViewsPath.ToString() + "/{1}/{0}.cshtml");
return views;
Then in the Application_Start method of my app I added the following code to use the CustomViewEngine.
ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new CustomViewEngine());
But when the system error because the view does not exists, none of my absolute bath is listed as it was searched
Note: I am not worrying about deployment issues or production environment issues I just want this to work locally.

Why should Ninject dlls be in the Web/bin folder? Can't I just put them in the GAC?

My company has got a deployment policy (I skip the details) such that any 3rd party software should be installed in the GAC, whilst our libraries are in Web/bin folder. But this approach doesn't work with Ninject and MVC 3/4. Let's follow an example:
This is my dependencies binding code:
public class RequestorDependenciesRegistration : NinjectModule
public override void Load()
And this is my MVC controller:
public MyController(IMyDearDependency something) {
this.something = something; // 'something' is set only if Ninject dlls are in Web/bin... X-(
If Ninject dlls are in the GAC, it loads the module correctly, but when instantiating the MVC Controller the dependency is not injected (in some cases is null, in some cases MVC returns an error "No parameterless constructor etc etc"). If I manually copy Ninject*.dll in the Web/bin folder, than everything works fine, even without restarting IIS! Can't really understand why...
Even more surprisingly (for me), if I do something super-dirty like storing a reference to the Ninject Kernel instance in a public static property and use it as a ServiceLocator, it works! (Something dirty like this, in the MVC controller):
public MyController(IMyDearDependency something) { // 'something' is always null if Ninject is only in the GAC...
var controller = Kernel.Get<MyController>()
this.something = controller.something; // ... but this 'controller.something' is set, even if Ninject is only in the GAC!!! 8-O
Can anyone suggest me the reason why? And possibly a solution? :-) Many thanks!!
Ninject has a built in extension loading mechanism which is used to load the different extension like the Ninject.Web.Mvc.
But mechanism is looking only for the application folder to load the extensions so if your dll are in the GAC Ninject won't find them.
To solve this you can turn off the automatic extension loading and load the MvcModule module by hand when creating your StandardKernel:
var _kernel = new StandardKernel(
new NinjectSettings() { LoadExtensions = false },
new MvcModule(),
/* your other modules * /);

Absolute URL in ASP bundle

I use a jQuery library for Google Maps, and it depends on the Google scripts to be loaded first. I'd like to be able to include both in the bundle as such:
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("myfoobundle").Include(
This doesn't seem to work (throws an exception complaining about the first string). And one may say that this shouldn't work because that absolute URL is not meant to be minified/bundled.
But the current approach is a hassle, as I need to ensure that the dependencies are correct, and that happens in different places (half the problem in the bundling code, the other half in the view).
Would be nice to have a 1-step solution as above. Do I have any options in this regard?
To address the comments regarding using a CDN as a solution: if I specify bundles.UseCdn = true it has no effect, and I still get the exception The URL '' is not valid. Only application relative URLs (~/url) are allowed. Also I'm unsure what the implication of doing that is in the first place, because I already use CDN support for jQuery, etc., so unsure how that would conflict with my use case.
If you are using a version of System.Web.Optimization >= 1.1.2, there is a new convenient way of overriding the url's for Styles and Scripts. In the example below, I am grabbing a CdnBaseUrl from web.config to use as the base url for all scripts and stylesheets:
public class BundleConfig
private static readonly string BaseUrl = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CdnBaseUrl"];
public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
// This is the new hotness!!
Styles.DefaultTagFormat = "<link href=\"" + BaseUrl + "{0}\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>";
Scripts.DefaultTagFormat = "<script src=\"" + BaseUrl + "{0}\"></script>";
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/js").Include(
"Your scripts here..."
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/bundles/css").Include(
"Your css files here..."
More info on static site (CDN) optimization
Currently you would have to include a local copy of the jquery that you are depending on inside of the bundle, or you would have to manage the script tags as you mention. We are aware of this kind of depedency management issue and it falls under the category of asset management which we are tracking with this work item on codeplex
Based on the MVC tutorials, your syntax is incorrect for creating a bundle from a CDN. And as others have said, ensure that you have the bundles.UseCdn = true; property set. Using the example on the MVC site - your code should reflect the following:
public static void RegisterBundles(BundleCollection bundles)
bundles.UseCdn = true; //enable CDN support
//add link to jquery on the CDN
var jqueryCdnPath = "";
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("myfoobundle", jqueryCdnPath).Include(
If it is just a matter of getting absolute url in bundle then you can go for this.
public static class Extensions
public static IHtmlString RenderScript(this UrlHelper helper, params string[] paths)
string scripts = System.Web.Optimization.Scripts.Render(paths).ToHtmlString();
string hostName = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Scheme + Uri.SchemeDelimiter + HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.Authority;
string replaced = Regex.Replace(scripts, "src=\"/", "src=\"" + hostName + "/", RegexOptions.Multiline | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
return new HtmlString(replaced);
This will basically take the bahvior from Scripts.Render and then apply absolute urls to it. Then in the view you have to write
instead of
Enjoy coding!!...
I tried this as suggested and it didn't work:
string googleMapsApiCDN = "";
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/gmap3", googleMapsApiCDN).Include(
"~/Scripts/GMap3/gmap3.min.js", // GMap3 library
"~/Scripts/GMap3/mygmap3-about.js" // Pops up and configures
GMap3 on About page
The mygmap3-about.js script was rendered but the gmap3.min.js and the CDN script from google where both excluded.
Have you tried enabling CDN support and seeing if that allows the absolute URL to work:
bundles.UseCdn = true;

How to set up a multitenancy application using ASP.NET MVC?

A multitenancy application is an app that is shared by multiple organizations (medical practices, law offices..) and each organization, in turn, has it's own users. They all log on a centralized environment.
To be identified within the application, the organization must be expressed in the URL. There are two major URL forms for that. Subdomains and folders:
At first I tried the second because this solution does not involve dealing with DNSs. But then the problem: Everytime the developer needs to express an url (#Html.Action or #Url.Action) it has to explicitly pass the [tenancy_name]. This adds an unwanted overhead to the development. A possible workaround would be to implement custom versions of these HTML helpers that automatically take into account the tenancy name. I'm considering this option but looking for something more straitghtforward. I also realized ASP.NET MVC automatically passes route values for outgoing URLs but only when the controller and action are the same as the current. It would be nice if route values were always passed.
To implement the first option, the subdomain one, I think, I would need some third party DNS manager. I heard of DynDNS and took a look at it but I thought it unclear how they work just looking at their site. Would I need to trigger a web-service to tell them to create another subdomain everytime a new tenancy is created? Do they support wildcards in the DNS? Do they work on Windows Azure or shared hostings?
I'm here looking for directions. Which way should I go?
look this project on codeplex, the "baseRoute" maybe can help you.
Following made View resolution trivial in our app:
How to use:
For views that you need to overload for a particular tenant - treat them same way as custom display modes:
Following will work:
as far as I remember display/editor templates also work same way
Known issues:
1. You have to create Layouts for all combinations of primary+secondary (for whatever MVC-reason)
2. Regardless of what resharper is saying about its support of display modes - it does not support "." as part of the display mode name (here's an issue to track progress
//put in application start --------
foreach (var displayMode in GetDisplayModes())
private IEnumerable<IDisplayMode> GetDisplayModes()
return new CompoundDisplayModeBuilder()
.AddPrimaryFilter(_ => dependencyResolver.GetService(typeof(IResolveCustomerFromUrl)).GetName(),
.AddSecondaryFilter(ctx => ctx.Request.Browser.IsMobileDevice, "mobile")
//end of application start part
//and the mode builder implementation:
public class CompoundDisplayModeBuilder
private readonly IList<DefaultDisplayMode> _primaryDisplayModes = new List<DefaultDisplayMode>();
private readonly IList<DefaultDisplayMode> _secondaryDisplayModes = new List<DefaultDisplayMode>();
//NOTE: this is just a helper method to make it easier to specify multiple tenants in 1 line in global asax
//You can as well remove it and add all tenants one by one, especially if resolution delegates are different
public CompoundDisplayModeBuilder AddPrimaryFilter(Func<HttpContextBase, string> contextEval, params string[] valuesAsSuffixes)
foreach (var suffix in valuesAsSuffixes)
var val = suffix;
AddPrimaryFilter(ctx => string.Equals(contextEval(ctx), val, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase), val);
return this;
public CompoundDisplayModeBuilder AddPrimaryFilter(Func<HttpContextBase, bool> contextCondition, string suffix)
_primaryDisplayModes.Add(new DefaultDisplayMode(suffix) { ContextCondition = contextCondition });
return this;
public CompoundDisplayModeBuilder AddSecondaryFilter(Func<HttpContextBase, bool> contextCondition, string suffix)
_secondaryDisplayModes.Add(new DefaultDisplayMode(suffix) { ContextCondition = contextCondition });
return this;
public IEnumerable<IDisplayMode> BuildDisplayModes()
foreach (var primaryMode in _primaryDisplayModes)
var primaryCondition = primaryMode.ContextCondition;
foreach (var secondaryMode in _secondaryDisplayModes)
var secondaryCondition = secondaryMode.ContextCondition;
yield return new DefaultDisplayMode(primaryMode.DisplayModeId + "." + secondaryMode.DisplayModeId){
ContextCondition = ctx => primaryCondition(ctx) && secondaryCondition(ctx)
foreach (var primaryFilter in _primaryDisplayModes)
yield return primaryFilter;
foreach (var secondaryFilter in _secondaryDisplayModes)
yield return secondaryFilter;
yield return new DefaultDisplayMode();

Asp.NET MVC 3 will not resolve routes for an MVC area loaded outside of bin directory

I have MVC areas in external libraries which have their own area registration code just as a normal MVC area would. This area registration gets called for each dll (module) and I have verified the RouteTable contains all the routes from the loaded modules once loading has been completed.
When I reference these external areas in the main site they get pulled into the bin directory and load up fine. That is, when a request is made for a route that exists in an external library, the correct type is passed to my custom controller factory (Ninject) and the controller can be instantiated.
Once I move these dll's outside of the bin directory however (say to a Modules folder), there appears to be an issue with routing. I have checked that the RouteTable has all the required routes but by the time a request makes its way into the ninject controller factory the requested type is null. From reading here an SO link here this behaviour seems to occur when ASP.NET MVC cannot find the controller matching the requested route or does not know how to make sense of the route.
When loading the modules externally I have ensured that the modules that I want loaded are loaded into the app domain via a call to Assemby.LoadFrom(modulePath);
I did some research and it appears that when attempting to load a library outside of bin you need to specify private probing in app.config as pointed out here;. I have mine set to 'bin\Modules' which is where the mvc area modules get moved too.
Does anyone have any ideas why simply moving an mvc area project outside of the bin folder would cause the requested type passed into the controller factory to be null resulting in the controller to be instantiated?
All routes registered in external areas have the namespace of the controller specified in the route
Below is a fragment of code that creates a new Ninject kernel, reads a list of module names from a file to enable, and then goes searching for the enabled modules in the bin/Modules directory. The module is loaded via the assembly loader, has its area(s) registered and then loaded into the ninject kernel.
// comma separated list of modules to enable
string moduleCsv = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Modules.Enabled"];
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(moduleCsv)) {
string[] enabledModuleList = moduleCsv.Replace(" ", "").Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
_Modules = enabledModuleList ?? new string[0];
// load enabled modules from bin/Modules.
var moduleList = Directory.GetFiles(Server.MapPath("~" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "bin" + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Modules"), "*.dll");
foreach (string enabledModule in enabledModuleList) {
string modulePath = moduleList.Single(m => m.Contains(enabledModule));
// using code adapted from from AssemblyLoader
var asm = AssemblyLoader.LoadAssembly(modulePath);
// register routes for module
// load into Ninject kernel
This is the crux of the Ninject controller factory that receives the aforementioned Ninject kernel and handles requests to make controllers. For controllers that exist within an assembly in bin/Modules the GetControllerType(...) returns null for the requested controller name.
public class NinjectControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
#region Instance Variables
private IKernel _Kernel;
#region Constructors
public NinjectControllerFactory(IKernel kernel)
_Kernel = kernel;
protected override Type GetControllerType(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, string controllerName)
// Is null for controller names requested outside of bin directory.
var type = base.GetControllerType(requestContext, controllerName);
return type;
protected override IController GetControllerInstance(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
IController controller = null;
if (controllerType != null)
controller = _Kernel.Get(controllerType) as IController;
return controller;
Update on Ninject Nuget Install
I couldn't get it to install Ninject.MVC3 via NuGet for some reason. Visual Studio was giving some schemaVersion error when clicking the install button (I have installed other Nuget packages like ELMAH btw).
I did find out something else that was interesting though, and that is that if I pass in the extra module assembilies to the NinjectControllerFactory I have and search those when the type cannot be resolved it finds the correct type and is able to build the controller. This leads to another strange problem.
The first route to be requested from an external module is the /Account/LogOn in the auth and registration module. The virtual path provider throws an error here after it has located the view and attempts to render it out complaining of a missing namespace. This causes an error route to fire off which is handled by an ErrorHandling module. Strangely enough, this loads and render fine!
So I am still stuck with two issues;
1) Having to do a bit of a dodgy hack and pass in the extra module assemblies to the NinjectControllerFactory in order to be able to resolve types for Controllers in external modules
2) An error with one particular module where it complains about a namespace not being found
These two issues are obviously connected because the assembly loading just isn't loading up and making everything available that needs to be. If all these mvc areas are loaded from the bin directory everything works fine. So it is clearly a namespacing/assembly load issue.
LoadFrom load the assembly into the loading context. These types are not available to the other classes in the default Load context. Probably this is the reason why the controller is not found.
If you know which assemblies have to be loaded then you should always use Assembly.Load(). If you don't know which assemblies are depolyed in the directory then either guess from the filesnames the assembly names or use Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoadFrom() (preferably using a temporary AppDomain) to get the assembly names. Then load the assemblies using Assembly.Load() with the assembly name.
If your assemblies contain NinjectModules you can also use kernel.Load() which does what I described above. But it only loads assemblies containing at least one module.
Read up about the different assembly contexts.
Here is a small extract from the Ninject codebase. I removed the unnecessary stuff but did not try to compile or run so probably there are minor issues with this.
public class AssemblyLoader
public void LoadAssemblies(IEnumerable<string> filenames)
GetAssemblyNames(filenames).Select(name => Assembly.Load(name));
private static IEnumerable<AssemblyName> GetAssemblyNames(IEnumerable<string> filenames)
var temporaryDomain = CreateTemporaryAppDomain();
var assemblyNameRetriever = (AssemblyNameRetriever)temporaryDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(typeof(AssemblyNameRetriever).Assembly.FullName, typeof(AssemblyNameRetriever).FullName);
return assemblyNameRetriever.GetAssemblyNames(filenames.ToArray());
private static AppDomain CreateTemporaryAppDomain()
return AppDomain.CreateDomain(
private class AssemblyNameRetriever : MarshalByRefObject
public IEnumerable<AssemblyName> GetAssemblyNames(IEnumerable<string> filenames)
var result = new List<AssemblyName>();
foreach(var filename in filenames)
Assembly assembly;
assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(filename);
catch (BadImageFormatException)
// Ignore native assemblies
return result;
