What is using connection in the code - c#-2.0

What is the purpose of using (connection) in the code - please explain me
static void HasRows(SqlConnection connection)
using (connection)/// what is this line
SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(
"SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName FROM Categories;",
SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
if (reader.HasRows)
while (reader.Read())
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", reader.GetInt32(0),
Console.WriteLine("No rows found.");

using (connection){
makes sure that connection is closed when the application is done using it.
similar to a Try Catch.
Disposing of the connection is another way of saying closing a connection. An open connection can leak memory and if you have too many it can slow down or freeze up whatever you are connecting to.
the using function closes the connection even after you return something from the class you are in. same as the try catch. it always closes the connection no matter what happens inside the brackets. even if there is an exception that breaks out of the class/application the connection still gets closed

Quote from site:
The using statement allows the programmer to specify when objects that use resources should release them. The object provided to the using statement must implement the IDisposable interface. This interface provides the Dispose method, which should release the object's resources.

I would probably re-write the method to something like the following:
static void HasRows(string connectionString)
using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using(var command = new SqlCommand("SELECT CategoryID, CategoryName FROM Categories;",
using (var reader = command.ExecuteReader())
if (reader.HasRows)
while (reader.Read())
Console.WriteLine("{0}\t{1}", reader.GetInt32(0),
Console.WriteLine("No rows found.");
In your original implementation the caller could be at the receiving end of an ObjectDisposedException exception, because the SqlConnection is passed in as a parameter.


Generic Data Reader causing memory leak

I created a generic method in reading sql statement, but I am having a memory leak whenever I do a select query and using while read.
Sample Query:
public CMItemPackagingType GetItemPackagingType(int itemID)
List<CommandParameter> param = new List<CommandParameter>();
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
using (BaseConnection db = new BaseConnection())
param.Add(new CommandParameter("#itemID", itemID));
using (var rs = db.ExecSQL(sb.ToString(), param.ToArray()))
CMItemPackagingType cmItemInfo = new CMItemPackagingType();
while (rs.Read())
CMItemPackagingType list = new CMItemPackagingType();
if (!rs.IsDBNull(0))
list.Ratio = Convert.ToInt32(rs.GetValue(0));
if (!rs.IsDBNull(1))
list.PackagingTypeCode = rs.GetValue(1).ToString();
return cmItemInfo;
catch (Exception ex)
return null;
Generic Reader:
public DbDataReader ExecSQL(string sqlStmt, CommandParameter[] param)
List<MySqlParameter> p = ParameterMySql(param);
_mySqlConn = new MySqlConnection(szConnect);
if (_mySqlConn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
_mySqlComm = new MySqlCommand(sqlStmt, _mySqlConn);
MySqlDataReader reader = _mySqlComm.ExecuteReader();
return reader;
I'm assuming the BaseConnection is a wrapper around a SqlConnection and _mySqlConn is an instance of BaseConnection. I suspect the issue is that you are opening and closing the connection in ExecSQL and at the same time have a using statement around BaseConnection creating this leak. I would refactor your code with proper placement of using statements to ensure correct disposal of the objects and freeing of resources.
var query = "YOUR QUERY";
using (var connection = new SqlConnection("YOUR CONNECTION STRING"))
using (var command = new SqlCommand(query, connection))
await connection.OpenAsync();
using (var reader = await command.ExecuteReaderAsync())
if (reader != null)
while (await reader.ReadAsync())
// your logic
} // reader closed and disposed up here
} // command disposed here
} //connection closed and disposed here
Also notice how I'm using the async versions of the ADO.NET methods. Async commands are critical in achieving scale, throughput, and latency.
I recommend you use Dapper over trying to develop a generic data reader and writing all the boilerplate ADO.NET code yourself.

SQLite Serialized Mode

I have an Xamarin Android project and was using mono.data.sqlite and had problems with multithreading, so I tried the Zumero component. I'm still having problems. I'm trying to set serialized mode as with the flag SQLITE_CONFIG_SERIALIZED in http://www.sqlite.org/threadsafe.html. I'm still getting random crashes. Can I set the serialized flag with Zumero? Any other suggestions other than recompiling SQLite from the source?
I used to have this problem. And despite conflicting recommendations here's how I stopped getting the exceptions:
Share a static instance of SQLiteConnection between all threads. This is safe to do as SQLite connection is only a file pointer it's not like a traditional data connection.
Wrapped all my SQLite queries/inserts/updates in a mutex with the statix instance of my SQLiteConnection as the lock. I've been advised that I shouldn't need to do this when using serialized mode however my experience with it begs to differ.
lock(myStaticConnection) {
As a backup I also use some added retry logic to encapsulate every query. Not sure if SQLite does this on its own (I've seen reference to busytimeout and people claiming it is now gone?). Something like this:
public static List<T> Query<T> (string query, params object[] args) where T : new()
return Retry.DoWithLock (() => {
return Data.connection.Query<T> (query, args);
}, Data.connection, 0);
public static T DoWithLock<T>(
Func<T> action,
object lockable,
long retryIntervalTicks = defaultRetryIntervalTicks,
int retryCount = defaultRetryCount)
return Do (() => {
lock (lockable) {
return action();
public static T Do<T>(
Func<T> action,
long retryIntervalTicks = defaultRetryIntervalTicks,
int retryCount = defaultRetryCount)
var exceptions = new List<Exception> ();
for (int retry = 0; retry < retryCount; retry++) {
return action();
} catch (Exception ex) {
exceptions.Add (ex);
ManualSleepEvent (new TimeSpan(retryIntervalTicks));
throw new AggregateException (exceptions);

Windows Application SqlDepedency Calling Onchange infinitely

I have console application in which I am doing sqldependency. My problem is when I set commandType as Text, it is working fine. But if I use commandType as StoredProcedure, onchange method is calling infinitely.
Please see the code below:
static DataSet myDataSet;
static SqlConnection connection;
static SqlCommand command;
static void Main(string[] args)
// Remove any existing dependency connection, then create a new one.
string connstr = "Data Source=XYZ;Initial Catalog=Dev;Integrated Security=True";
string ssql = #"[dbo].[SchedulerPendingControlRequestIDFetch]";
if (connection == null)
connection = new SqlConnection(connstr);
if (command == null)
command = new SqlCommand(ssql, connection);
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
if (myDataSet == null)
myDataSet = new DataSet();
private static bool CanRequestNotifications()
SqlClientPermission permission =
new SqlClientPermission(
return true;
catch (System.Exception)
return false;
private static void GetAdvtData()
// Ensure the command object does not have a notification object.
command.Notification = null;
// Create and bind the SqlDependency object to the command object.
SqlDependency dependency = new SqlDependency(command,null,100);
dependency.OnChange += new OnChangeEventHandler(dependency_OnChange);
using (SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(command))
adapter.Fill(myDataSet, "ControlRequest");
private static void dependency_OnChange(object sender, SqlNotificationEventArgs e)
SqlDependency dependency =
dependency.OnChange -= dependency_OnChange;
Console.WriteLine(e.Info.ToString() + e.Source.ToString());
My stored Procedure is:
IF OBJECT_ID('SchedulerSirasColcoDetailFetch') IS NOT NULL
DROP PROCEDURE SchedulerSirasColcoDetailFetch
PRINT 'Creating stored procedure SchedulerSirasColcoDetailFetch'
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[SchedulerSirasColcoDetailFetch]
SELECT Colco_Code AS 'CountryCode',Connection_String AS 'Url',Resend_Interval AS 'ResendInterval',
Default_Encoding AS 'Encoding' FROM dbo.SirasColcoDetail
If I copy the select statement inside stored procedure as my command text and set the commandType as Text, everything is working fine.
could you please let me know what the issue is????
Thanks a lot in advance.
You're supposed to check the values of the SqlNotificationEventArgs argument. Only if Type is Change and Source is Data where you notified for a data change.
You'll discover that you're not notified for data changes, but for incorrect settings or incorrect query. Your query and connection settings must comply with the requirements specified in Creating a Query for Notifications.

Problem while adding a new value to a hashtable when it is enumerated

I am doing a simple synchronous socket programming,in which i employed twothreads
one for accepting the client and put the socket object into a collection,other thread will
loop through the collection and send message to each client through the socket object.
the problem is
1.i connect to clients to the server and start send messages
2.now i want to connect a new client,while doing this i cant update the collection and add
a new client to my hashtable.it raises an exception "collection modified .Enumeration operation may not execute"
how to add a NEW value without having problems in a hashtable.
private void Listen()
//lblStatus.Text = "Server Started Listening";
while (true)
Socket ReceiveSock = ServerSock.Accept();
ConnectedClients = new ListViewItem();
ConnectedClients.Text = ReceiveSock.RemoteEndPoint.ToString();
ClientTable.Add(ReceiveSock.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(), ReceiveSock);
//foreach (System.Collections.DictionaryEntry de in ClientTable)
// keys.Add(de.Key.ToString());
//lblStatus.Text = "Client Connected Successfully.";
catch (Exception ex)
private void btn_receive_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Thread receiveThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Receive));
receiveThread.IsBackground = true;
private void Receive()
while (true)
//lblMsg.Text = "";
byte[] Byt = new byte[2048];
lblMsg.Text = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(Byt);
private void btn_Send_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Thread SendThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(SendMsg));
SendThread.IsBackground = true;
private void btnlist_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Thread ListThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(Configure));
//ListThread.IsBackground = true;
private void SendMsg()
while (true)
foreach (object SockObj in ClientTable.Keys)
byte[] Tosend = new byte[2048];
Socket s = (Socket)ClientTable[SockObj];
Tosend = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("FirstValue&" + GenerateRandom.Next(6, 10).ToString());
catch (Exception ex)
You simply can't modify a Hashtable, Dictionary, List or anything similar while you're iterating over it - whether in the same thread or a different one. There are concurrent collections in .NET 4 which allow this, but I'm assuming you're not using .NET 4. (Out of interest, why are you still using Hashtable rather than a generic Dictionary?)
You also shouldn't be modifying a Hashtable from one thread while reading from it in another thread without any synchronization.
The simplest way to fix this is:
Create a new readonly variable used for locking
Obtain the lock before you add to the Hashtable:
lock (tableLock)
ClientTable.Add(ReceiveSock.RemoteEndPoint.ToString(), ReceiveSock);
When you want to iterate, create a new copy of the data in the Hashtable within a lock
Iterate over the copy instead of the original table
Do you definitely even need a Hashtable here? It looks to me like a simple List<T> or ArrayList would be okay, where each entry was either the socket or possibly a custom type containing the socket and whatever other information you need. You don't appear to be doing arbitrary lookups on the table.
Yes. Don't do that.
The bigger problem here is unsafe multi-threading.
The most basic "answer" is just to say: use a synchronization lock on the shared object. However this hides a number of important aspects (like understanding what is happening) and isn't a real solution to this problem in my mind.

SubSonic 3.0 stored procedure generation

When using SubSonic and the StoredProcedures.tt template, the generated code won't compile and throws an error:
... 'DB' does not contain a definition for 'Provider' ...
This is in the calling method for the sproc.
StoredProcedure sp = new StoredProcedure("Company_Get", this.Provider);
Am I missing something or is there a bug in the 3.0 templates for generating wrappers around stored procedures?
I guess those of us wanting to use v3 of SubSonic are on the bleeding edge. I needed to generate the code with the context.tt as well. This corrected my problem. This is really cool stuff, but the screen casts and the docs are not keeping up with how quickly the product is evolving.
public ProcedureParameters Parameters
return sp;
sp = value;
# region "Constructors"
public ExecuteProcedures(int ParameterLength, string ConnectionString):base(true,ConnectionString)
sp = new ProcedureParameters(ParameterLength);
strConnection = ConnectionString;
# region "Execute Procedures"
public bool InvokeProcedure(string ProcedureName, SqlTransaction SqlTrn, SqlConnection con)
SqlCommand Sqlcmd = new SqlCommand();
Sqlcmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
Sqlcmd.Connection = con;
Sqlcmd.Transaction = SqlTrn;
Sqlcmd.CommandText = ProcedureName;
return true;
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception("Error Occured :-" + e.Message, e);
public bool InvokeProcedure(string ProcedureName)
SqlCommand Sqlcmd = new SqlCommand();
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(strConnection);
Sqlcmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
Sqlcmd.Connection = con;
Sqlcmd.CommandText = ProcedureName;
return true;
catch (Exception e)
throw new Exception("Error Occured :-" + e.Message, e);
I'm sure you got the answer to this years ago, but you need to Run All of the ActiveRecord templates, including Struct and Context.
