capistrano failure - where is cap deploy defined? - ruby-on-rails

My run of cap deploy fails, and I think it's because of a formatting issue. Here's some output:
* executing "rm -rf /var/www/cap-deploy/socialmit/releases/20101215141011/log /var/www/cap-deploy/socialmit/releases/20101215141011/public/system /var/www/cap-deploy/socialmit/releases/20101215141011/tmp/pids &&\\\n mkdir -p /var/www/cap-deploy/socialmit/releases/20101215141011/public &&\\\n mkdir -p /var/www/cap-deploy/socialmit/releases/20101215141011/tmp &&\\\n ln -s /var/www/cap-deploy/socialmit/shared/log /var/www/cap-deploy/socialmit/releases/20101215141011/log &&\\\n ln -s /var/www/cap-deploy/socialmit/shared/system /var/www/cap-deploy/socialmit/releases/20101215141011/public/system &&\\\n ln -s /var/www/cap-deploy/socialmit/shared/pids /var/www/cap-deploy/socialmit/releases/20101215141011/tmp/pids"
(Sorry for the formatting.)
The &&\\\n things look really fishy, and indeed dumping them into my console causes an output of `\n: command not found.
WHere is cap deploy defined? It looks like the issue has something to do with it being defined as a list of commands that aren't properly formatted, leading to the extraneous newline that is throwing stuff off. But I can't find the actual code for cap deploy to fix it. It doesn't seem to be an app-specific thing since it's not in my Capfile or any of the files referenced by the Capfile.

The issue was that some user-defined tasks named after_symlink had to be renamed and invoked after the symlink using the after("deploy:symlink", "deploy:new_name") syntax:
namespace :deploy do
desc "Symlink the upload directories"
task :after_symlink do
#run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/uploads"
run "ln -s #{deploy_to}/shared/db #{deploy_to}/#{current_dir}/db/link"
error (actually a warning):
Deprecation Warning] Naming tasks with before_ and after_ is deprecated, please see the new before() and after() methods. (Offending task name was after_update_code)
[Deprecation Warning] Naming tasks with before_ and after_ is deprecated, please see the new before() and after() methods. (Offending task name was after_symlink)
correct way of doing it:
namespace :deploy do
desc "Symlink the upload directories"
task :link_db do
#run "mkdir -p #{shared_path}/uploads"
run "ln -s #{deploy_to}/shared/db #{deploy_to}/#{current_dir}/db/link"
after("deploy:symlink", "deploy:link_db")
The issue with the \\\n business was a misdiagnosis on my part. Apparently that is executed fine.

The deploy task is defined in the gem here.
I'd say that's most likely not the problem though. What error is it raising when the deploy fails?


Capistrano not restarting Sidekiq

I have Capistrano deploying my app to a Ubuntu remote server on a cloud host. It works except that Sidekiq does not get restarted. After a deploy new Sidekiq jobs are stuck in the queue until it does finally get restarted. I currently manually SSH into the machine and run sudo initctl stop/start workers which works. I am not super strong at all with Capistrano and me research so far has failed to find me a solution to this. I am hoping I am missing something obvious to someone more familiar than me. Here is the relevant portion of my /config/deploy.rb file:
namespace :deploy do
namespace :sidekiq do
task :quiet do
on roles(:app) do
puts capture("pgrep -f 'workers' | xargs kill -USR1")
task :restart do
on roles(:app) do
execute :sudo, :initctl, :stop, :workers
execute :sudo, :initctl, :start, :workers
after 'deploy:starting', 'sidekiq:quiet'
after 'deploy:reverted', 'sidekiq:restart'
after 'deploy:published', 'sidekiq:restart'
From my reply logs:
DEBUG [268bc235] Running /usr/bin/env kill -0 $( cat /home/ubuntu/staging/shared/tmp/pids/ ) as ubuntu#
DEBUG [268bc235] Command: cd /home/ubuntu/staging/releases/20160806065537 && ( export RBENV_ROOT="$HOME/.rbenv" RBENV_VERSION="2.2.3" ; /usr/bin/env kill -0 $( cat /home/ubuntu/staging/shared/tmp/pids/ ) )
DEBUG [268bc235] Finished in 0.471 seconds with exit status 1 (failed).
I don't believe you need those configs in your deploy.rb if you have the capistrano-sidekiq gem installed and called in your Capfile.
Make sure you have require 'capistrano/sidekiq' in your Capfile or it won't know to call the default tasks.

Crontab in Amazon Elastic Beanstalk

I am doing a cron tab in AWS - Elastic Beanstalk with Ruby on Rails 3, but I don't know what is wrong.
I have this code in my .ebextensions/default.config
command: "crontab -r || exit 0"
command: crontab */2 * * * * rake send_email:test
leader_only: true
I receive this error:
Failed on instance with return code: 1 Output: Error occurred during build: Command 02send_test_email failed .
I tried next:
*/2 * * * * rake send_email:test > /dev/null 2>&1
command: "cat .ebextensions/crontab.txt | crontab"
leader_only: true
RESULT: No errors, but it does not work.
crontab -l > /tmp/cronjob
echo "*/2 * * * * /usr/bin/wget http://localhost/crontabs/send_test_email > /dev/null 2>&1" >> /tmp/cronjob
#echo "*/2 * * * * rake send_email:test > /dev/null 2>&1" >> /tmp/cronjob
crontab /tmp/cronjob
rm /tmp/cronjob
echo 'Script successful executed, crontab updated.'
command: "/bin/bash .ebextensions/"
leader_only: true
RESULT: Works with url, but not with rake task.
Updated for 2018
In order to get this to work on the latest version of Elastic Beanstalk, I added the following to my .ebextensions:
mode: "000644"
owner: root
group: root
content: |
56 11 * * * root . /opt/elasticbeanstalk/support/envvars && cd /var/app/current && /opt/rubies/ruby-2.3.4/bin/bundle exec /opt/rubies/ruby-2.3.4/bin/rake send_email:test >> /var/app/current/log/cron.log 2>&1
command: "rm -f /etc/cron.d/*.bak"
How I got there:
There are four main issues to confront when trying to cron a rake task in AWS EB:
The first hurdle is making sure all of your EB and Rails environment variables are loaded. I beat my head against the wall a while on this one, but then I discovered this AWS forum post (login may be required). Running . /opt/elasticbeanstalk/support/envvars loads all of your environment variables.
Then we need to make sure we cd into the current app directory using cd /var/app/current.
Next we need to know where to find the bundle and rake executables. They are not installed in the normal bin directories, but are located in a directory specific to your ruby version. To find out where your executables are located, ssh into your EB server (eb ssh) and then type the following:
$ cd /var/app/current
$ which bundle
$ which rake
You could probably guess the directory based on your ruby version, but the above commands will let you know for sure. Based on the above, your can build your rake command as:
/opt/rubies/ruby-2.3.4/bin/bundle exec /opt/rubies/ruby-2.3.4/bin/rake send_email:test
NOTE: If you update your ruby version, you will likely need to update your cron config as well. This is a little brittle. I'd recommend making a note in your README on this. Trust me, six months from now, you will forget.
The fourth thing to consider is logging. I'd recommend logging to the same location as your other rails logs. We do this by tacking on >> /var/app/current/log/cron.log 2>&1 to the end of our command string.
Putting all of this together leads to a cron command string of:
. /opt/elasticbeanstalk/support/envvars && cd /var/app/current && /opt/rubies/ruby-2.3.4/bin/bundle exec /opt/rubies/ruby-2.3.4/bin/rake send_email:test >> /var/app/current/log/cron.log 2>&1
Finally, I referenced the latest AWS documentation to build an .ebextensions config file for my cron command. The result was the .ebextensions/0005_cron.config file displayed at the top of this answer.
I am having the same issue. Though I figured out that the reason that rake task doesn't run correctly on eb is because of RACK_ENV, RAILS_ENV and BUNDLE_WITHOUT
Defaults of eb:
RACK_ENV: production
RAILS_ENV: production
BUNDLE_WITHOUT: test:development
When the cron runs rake task, it runs in development mode, and gives gem not found error, as gems grouped in development are not installed.
you can see this by changing your cron a bitfrom:
*/2 * * * * rake send_email:test > /dev/null 2>&1
*/2 * * * * cd /var/app/current/ && /usr/bin/bundle exec /usr/bin/rake send_email:test > /tmp/cron_log 2>&1
and then checking the /tmp/cron_log file
To know the location of bundle and rake, run
which bundle
which rake
I tried setting RAILS_ENV in command in cron, but that didn't work aswell
One quick fix is to set
Finally I got it to work,
"/tmp/cron_jobs" :
mode: "000777"
content: |
1 10 * * * cd /var/app/current/ && RACK_ENV=production rake some:task >> /var/app/current/log/cron_log 2>&1
encoding: plain
command: "crontab -r -u webapp || exit 0"
command: "crontab /tmp/cron_jobs -u webapp"
leader_only: true
- option_name: RAILS_ENV
value: production
- option_name: RACK_ENV
value: production
Notice the '-u webapp' when removing and adding cron, this will run this cron under user webapp. The above will also run in production mode. And the output will be dumped in log/cron_log file.
If the above wont work then adding 'Bundle exec' before 'rake some:task' might work.
I've seen these used with separate files in .ebextensions, such as:
command: "cat .ebextensions/crontab | crontab"
leader_only: true
I haven't gotten around to it yet, but I took note of this along the way. Let us know if this works.
This stackoverflow post has much more information
After Update 1/2:
Cron doesn't know where rake is. Your application runs from /var/app/current, and you need to be running bundle exec rake from that directory.
Elastic beanstalk is horrible with logging errors, to get this right, ssh to the machine and experiment until you have the commands right, then put this back into your cron script. You can even try and re-run some of the eb scripts as found in the logs, then reverse that into your ebextensions files.

whenever gem: I set :output but the logfile doesn't show up where I'd expect it to

In my schedule.rb file I have the following lines:
set :output, '/log/cron_log.log'
every 5.minutes do
command 'echo "hello"'
I ran whenever -w as suggested in this question Rails, using whenever gem in development, and I assume the cronfile is written and running. (I tried restarting the Rails server as well.)
And when I run $ crontab -l I see the following:
0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /bin/bash
-l -c 'echo "hello" >> /log/cron_log.log 2>&1'
But I can't find the log file. I checked in rails_project/log, ~/log and /log to no avail. On OSX btw.
How can I get the log file to be written to the rails project log folder?
Where is your log?
You're putting the output file at the highest directory level:
$ cd /log
To see if the file exists and if it has data in it:
$ ls -la cron_log.log
To create the log file if needed:
$ touch cron_log.log
To open up permissions for your own local debugging (do NOT do this in production!)
$ chmod +rw cron_log.log
Is your command running?
To run the command manually to find out if it works as you expect:
$ /bin/bash -l -c 'echo "hello" >> /log/cron_log.log 2>&1'
To improve your security and protect your path, use full paths:
wrong: command 'echo "hello"'
right: command '/bin/echo "hello"'
To find the command full path:
$ which echo
To verify the cron is running as you expect:
$ sudo grep CRON /var/log/syslog
The grep result should have lines that something like this:
Jan 1 12:00:00 CRON[123]: (root) CMD (... your command here ...)
Are you on a Mac?
If you're not seeing output in the syslog, and you're on a Mac, you may want to read about the Mac OSX switching from cron to launchd.
See the cron plist (/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.vix.cron.plist) and use a stdout/stderr path to debug cron itself. I don't recall if launchctl unloading and launchctl loading the plist is sufficient, or since it's a system daemon if you'd have to restart entirely. (see where is the cron log file in lion)
How to log relative to Rails?
To put the log relative to a Rails app, omit the leading slash (and typically call it cron.log)
set :output, "log/cron.log"
To put the log in a specific fully-qualified directory:
set :output, '/abc/def/ghi/log/cron.log'
The Whenever wiki has some good examples about redirecting output:
every 3.hours do
runner "MyModel.some_process", :output => 'cron.log'
rake "my:rake:task", :output => {:error => 'error.log', :standard => 'cron.log'}
command "/usr/bin/cmd"

Capsitrano deploy recipe : after deploy file listing and modifications

I'm currently working on a multi-stage recipe for Capistrano that would, ideally, after deploy, make wise use of the yui compressor for all css and js.
Here's what I currently came up to :
after "deploy", "deploy:cleanup", "minifier:compress"
# Task to minify via Yui-compressor
# Uses compressor bundled with application in #{application}/lib/yuicompressor
namespace :minifier do
def minify(files)
files.each do |file|
cmd = "java -jar lib/yuicompressor/build/yuicompressor-2.4.6.jar #{file} -o #{file}"
puts cmd
ret = system(cmd)
raise "Minification failed for #{file}" if !ret
desc "minify"
task :compress do
desc "minify javascript"
task :minify_js do
desc "minify css"
task :minify_css do
What's really puzzling me is the
uninitialized constant Capistrano::Configuration::Filelist (NameError)
I get as soon as Capistrano gets to the point.
As a total newbie to Ruby, Rails, and Capistrano, I understand for some reason FileList isn't a common Capistrano method, but can't figure out what to replace it with.
Thanks for the help.
Your task is conceptually wrong, it will run on local system (the one from which you're deploying), because you're call system, you should use the run method which run commands remotely.
def minify(files)
files.each do |file|
cmd = "java -jar lib/yuicompressor/build/yuicompressor-2.4.6.jar #{file} -o #{file}"
puts cmd
ret = system(cmd) # *** SYSTEM RUN LOCAL COMMANDS ***
raise "Minification failed for #{file}" if !ret
That said, I will change that code with shell scripting, something like (untested)
task :minify
cmd = "java -jar lib/yuicompressor/build/yuicompressor-2.4.6.jar"
run "find #{current_path}/public/css/ -name '*.css' -print0 | xargs -0 -I file #{cmd} file -o file"
run "find #{current_path}/public/js/ -name '*.js' -print0 | xargs -0 -I file #{cmd} file -o file"
or if you prefer to use ruby to program it, you should move the code into a rake task (which you can try and debug locally) and then invoke it with Capistrano: How do I run a rake task from Capistrano?

Is there a way to use capistrano (or similar) to remotely interact with rails console

I'm loving how capistrano has simplified my deployment workflow, but often times a pushed change will run into issues that I need to log into the server to troubleshoot via the console.
Is there a way to use capistrano or another remote administration tool to interact with the rails console on a server from your local terminal?
cap shell seems promising, but it hangs when you try to start the console:
cap> cd /path/to/application/current
cap> pwd
** [out ::] /path/to/application/current
cap> rails c production
** [out ::] Loading production environment (Rails 3.0.0)
** [out ::] Switch to inspect mode.
if you know a workaround for this, that'd be great
I found pretty nice solution based on
desc "Remote console"
task :console, :roles => :app do
env = stage || "production"
server = find_servers(:roles => [:app]).first
run_with_tty server, %W( ./script/rails console #{env} )
desc "Remote dbconsole"
task :dbconsole, :roles => :app do
env = stage || "production"
server = find_servers(:roles => [:app]).first
run_with_tty server, %W( ./script/rails dbconsole #{env} )
def run_with_tty(server, cmd)
# looks like total pizdets
command = []
command += %W( ssh -t #{gateway} -l #{self[:gateway_user] || self[:user]} ) if self[:gateway]
command += %W( ssh -t )
command += %W( -p #{server.port}) if server.port
command += %W( -l #{user} #{} )
command += %W( cd #{current_path} )
# have to escape this once if running via double ssh
command += [self[:gateway] ? '\&\&' : '&&']
command += Array(cmd)
system *command
This is how i do that without Capistrano: (a deployment tool built on top of rake tasks). I've added a task to the README to open a remote console on the server:
# remote.rake
namespace :remote do
desc "Open rails console on server"
task :console do
require 'remoting/task'
remote('console', config.login, :interactive => true) do
cd config.dest
source '$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm'
bundle :exec, "rails c production"
Than i can run
$ rake remote:console
I really like the "just use the existing tools" approach displayed in this gist. It simply uses the SSH shell command instead of implementing an interactive SSH shell yourself, which may break any time irb changes it's default prompt, you need to switch users or any other crazy thing happens.
Not necessarily the best option, but I hacked the following together for this problem in our project:
task :remote_cmd do
cmd = fetch(:cmd)
puts `#{current_path}/script/console << EOF\r\n#{cmd}\r\n EOF`
To use it, I just use:
cap remote_cmd -s cmd="a = 1; b = 2; puts a+b"
(note: If you use Rails 3, you will have to change script/console above to rails console, however this has not been tested since I don't use Rails 3 on our project yet)
cap -T
cap invoke # Invoke a single command on the remote ser...
cap shell # Begin an interactive Capistrano session.
cap -e invoke
cap invoke
Invoke a single command on the remote servers. This is useful for performing
one-off commands that may not require a full task to be written for them. Simply
specify the command to execute via the COMMAND environment variable. To execute
the command only on certain roles, specify the ROLES environment variable as a
comma-delimited list of role names. Alternatively, you can specify the HOSTS
environment variable as a comma-delimited list of hostnames to execute the task
on those hosts, explicitly. Lastly, if you want to execute the command via sudo,
specify a non-empty value for the SUDO environment variable.
Sample usage:
$ cap COMMAND=uptime HOSTS=foo.capistano.test invoke
$ cap ROLES=app,web SUDO=1 COMMAND="tail -f /var/log/messages" invoke
The article has a great solution for this. I just made a minor change so that it works in multiple server setup.
desc "open remote console (only on the last machine from the :app roles)"
task :console, :roles => :app do
server = find_servers_for_task(current_task).last
input = ''
run "cd #{current_path} && ./script/console #{rails_env}", :hosts => do |channel, stream, data|
next if data.chomp == input.chomp || data.chomp == ''
print data
channel.send_data(input = $stdin.gets) if data =~ /^(>|\?)>/
the terminal you get is not really amazing though. If someone have some improvement that would make CTRL-D and CTRL-H or arrows working, please post it.
