RSpec Google Contacts Connection - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to test out a controller action on Rails 2.3.10 that connect to Google to retrieve contacts. I'm using Rspec and Mocha for testing. I want to stub out the actual call to Google since this is a unit test. I want to verify that the authsub_url method is called with the correct parameters. Stubbing the method out causes the expectation to fail.
Any advice would be appreciated.
My method that sets up the client to google is below:
def setup_client
#client = => CONTACTS_SCOPE, :source => 'google-DocListManager-v1.1', :version => '3.0')
if params[:token].nil? && session[:google_token].nil?
#authsub_link = #client.authsub_url(import_method_gmail_url, false, true)
render :action => :index, :layout => "empty"
elsif params[:token] && session[:google_token].nil?
#client.authsub_token = params[:token]
session[:google_token] = #client.auth_handler.upgrade
#client.authsub_token = session[:google_token] if session[:google_token]
Here is my test:
describe "setup_client" do
it "has a authsub_link if there is no token parameter and the google token is not present in the session" do
user = Factory(:subscriber_user)
profile = Factory(:profile, :user => user)
login_as user
controller.instance_variable_get(:#client).expects(:authsub_url).with(import_method_gmail_url, false, true).once
get :index
assigns(:authsub_link).should == ""

I would recommend FakeWeb. It allows you to fake web requests. Simple define the URL you're going to call and prepare the response(s). Makes your life very easy.

It looks like you are stubbing out the DocList#authsub_url method in two places :-
The first stub is on any instance of DocList and returns a URL :-
The second stub is on the actual instance of DocList but this returns nil because no there is no returns clause :-
controller.instance_variable_get(:#client).expects(:authsub_url).with(import_method_gmail_url, false, true).once
I think you can achieve what you want by combining them something like this :-
controller.instance_variable_get(:#client).expects(:authsub_url).with(import_method_gmail_url, false, true).returns("")
Note that once is the default so is not needed unless you want to emphasise that the method should only be called once.


How To Subscribe To Real Time Updates For My App Users Feeds Using Koala Gem Rails

Having trouble getting the real time updates from Facebook working using Koala gem...
I have followed the guide in the wiki. I have set up a callback url with the following in my routes file:
match "facebook/subscription", :controller => :facebooks, :action => :subscribe, :as => 'subscribe', :via => [:get,:post]
Then when Facebook makes the get request I have tried both the following in my controller to 'meet the challenge' as required in their docs (
class FacebooksController < ApplicationController
def subscribe
verify_token = "VERIFY_TOKEN"
if params["hub.mode"] == "subscribe" && params["hub.verify_token"] == verify_token
I have also tried (with the route amended to the right action):
class FacebooksController < ApplicationController
def realtime_request?(request)
((request.method == "GET" && params['hub.mode'].present?) ||
(request.method == "POST" && request.headers['X-Hub-Signature'].present?))
def subscription
case request.method
when "GET"
challenge = Koala::Facebook::RealtimeUpdates.meet_challenge(params,'SOME_TOKEN_HERE')
render :text => challenge
render :text => 'Failed to authorize facebook challenge request'
when "POST"
p params['object']
render :text => 'Thanks for the update.'
The result every time is the following error on their dashboard when I try to subscribe:
The URL couldn't be validated. Response does not match challenge, expected value="2090763306", received="\u003C!DOCTYPE html>\n\u003Chtm..."
And the following when I try to run this in the console:
Console cmd:
#updates.subscribe("user", "feed", "" , "YOUR_VERIFY_TOKEN")
Console response:
Koala::Facebook::ClientError: type: OAuthException, code: 2201, message: (#2201) response does not match challenge, expected value="773833772", received="\u003C!DOCTYPE html>\n\u003Ch...", x-fb-trace-id: GbtUB+FcLJS [HTTP 400]
I am unsure what the issue is as I can not see what is being returned to Facebook and i am still a little unsure of what I should be using as the VERIFY_TOKEN.
Any help appreciated.
OK after much testing and cURLing I found the problem.
First the problem was devise trying to authenticate and so responding with the HTML error doc.
Then I had used a piece of code off here to respond to the request, which was fine but old.
Just in case anyone missed it, render_text: is now render_plain : What to use instead of `render :text` (and `render nothing: true`) in rails 5.1 and later?
I am now subscribed for updates from my app users and if you want to do the same you can use the code above, just remember to skip authentication in the FacebooksController and use render_plain instead of render_text!

How to Consume SOAP with Savon in Rails app

I need to communicate to a service called ifthenpay via Soap using Savon on a Rails app that i'm working on.
The service generates payment references so users could pay on home banking or in cash machines.
The app needs to communicate to the service to see if the payment was made or not.
I'm using Savon and this is what i have so far in the checkout model(don't know if this is the right place to put the above code):
def self.check_status!
client = Savon.client(
wsdl: "",
endpoint: "http://localhost:3000",
namespaces: {"xmlns:ift"=>""}
response =, message: check_status_hash)
rescue Savon::SOAPFault => error
def self.check_status_hash
"ift:get_payments" => {
"ift:chavebackoffice" => { "ift:chavebackoffice" => "0000-0000-0000-0000" },
"ift:entidade" => {"ift:entidade" => "11202"},
"ift:subidentidade" => {"ift:subidentidade" => "202"},
"ift:dtHrInicio" => {"ift:dtHrInicio" => ""},
"ift:dtHrFim" => {"ift:dtHrFim" => ""},
"ift:referencia" => {"ift:referencia" => ""},
"ift:valor" => {"ift:valor" => ""}
I've an admin page where i need to list all the payments that have been made, so i can manage what was selled.
You can see the service operations here
What do i need to put in the controller and in the view for this to work?
I really appreciate your help, because i'm struggling with this for a long time.
From my point of view, and pardon me because I'm not very experienced with the use of savon, you are slightly overkilling this.
To start with, you are providing the client with a WSDL url, so what is the use of attaching a doubtfully necessary endpoint?
A namespace is, to my understanding, necessary, once again, in case there is no standard WSDl interface.
I would go, to start off, I would simply go for:
#client = Savon.client(wsdl: "")
Watch the #client instead of client. We need to assign the client to a variable that will be reachable throughout the entire process (request, process, response).
Next, you will need to prepare your request. Parsing the above url, there is a banch of methods. You are providing in your example getPayments request.
I will not use this space to tell you how to construct the hash, but the hash should look something like this:
request_hash = {
chavebackoffice: "0000-0000-0000-0000",
entidade: "11202",
subidentidade: "202",
dtHrInicio: "",
dtHrFim: "",
referencia: "",
valor: ""
To make the call to the api, you should simply do this:
#response = do
message request_hash
And then, parse the #response. You will probably need to turn it to a hash first. Maybe something like this:
#data = #response.to_hash[:get_payments_response][:get_payments_result][:ifmb]
I hope this will help you enough. It should be more than enough.
Putting all up: Controller code, adapt to your need
before_action :set_client, only: [:get_payments, :other_actions_perhaps]
def get_payments
# params[:whatever] in case you post to #whatever object
# params without [:whatever] if you are using "GET" method
request_hash = {
chavebackoffice: params[:whatever][:chavebackoffice],
entidade: params[:whatever][:entidade],
subidentidade: params[:whatever][:subidentidade],
dtHrInicio: params[:whatever][:dtHrInicio],
dtHrFim: params[:whatever][:dtHrFim],
referencia: params[:whatever][:referencia],
valor: params[:whatever][:valor]
response = do
message request_hash
# use this #data in your view
#data = response.to_hash[:get_payments_response][:get_payments_result][:ifmb]
def set_client
#client = Savon.client(wsdl: "")

Rspec testing inside a loop

I am trying to test the code inside a loop, how would I go about this:
class MyClass
def initialize(topics, env, config, limit)
#client =
#topics = topics
#env = env
#limit = limit
def start
#client.filter(track: #topics.join(",")) do |object|
# how would I test the code inside here, basically logical stuff
next if !object.is_a?(Twitter::Tweet)
txt = get_txt(object.text)
Is there a way to do this?
If think that you can use a double of your Twitter::Streaming::Client that has a method filter and when this method is invoked it returns the desired output:
let(:client) { double 'Twitter Client', filter: twitters }
You will need to built manually the twitters object (sorry by my lack of context but I never used the Twitter client) and then you can make the assertions for the result of the start method.
As you can see, testing that code is quite tricky. This is because of the dependency on the Twitter client gem.
You can go down couple of paths:
Don't test it - the Twitter client gem should provide you with Twitter::Tweet objects. You only test your logic, i.e. get_txt method
Do what #Marcus Gomes said - create a collection double that has the filter method implemented.
What I would prefer to do is to stub the #client.filter call in the spec.
For example, in your spec:
some_collection_of_tweets = [
double(Twitter::Tweet, text: "I'll be back!"),
double(Twitter::Tweet, text: "I dare ya, I double dare ya!")
#my_class =, env, config, limit)
allow(#my_class.client).to receive(:filter).and_return(some_collection_of_tweets)
This means that the some_collection_of_tweets collection will be returned every time the class calls #client.filter, and by having the data built by you, you what expectations to set.
One thing that you will have to change is to set an attr_reader :client on the class. The only side effect of this type of testing is that you are tying your code to the interfaces of the Twitter client.
But like everything else... tradeoffs :)
Hope that helps!
Perhaps you could do something like this if you really wanted to test your infinite loop logic?
RSpec.describe MyClass do
subject {['foo','bar'], 'test', 'config', 1) }
let(:streaming_client) { }
describe '#start' do
let(:valid_tweet) { 1) }
before do
allow(Twitter::Streaming::Client).to receive(:new)
after { subject.start }
it '#get_txt receives valid tweets only' do
allow(valid_tweet).to receive(:text)
.and_return('Valid Tweet')
allow(streaming_client).to receive(:filter)
.with(track: 'foo,bar')
expect(subject).to receive(:get_txt)
.with('Valid Tweet')
it '#get_txt does not receive invalid tweets' do
allow(streaming_client).to receive(:filter)
.with(track: 'foo,bar')
.and_yield('Invalid Tweet')
expect(subject).not_to receive(:get_txt)

Rails/Rspec: Testing delayed_job mails

Just wondering how to test that actionmailer requests are actually sent to the delayed_job que in rspec.
I would have assumed it was quite simple, but my delayed_job queue doesn't seem to be incrementing. Code below:
def create
#contact =[:contact])
contactmailer = ContactMailer
render :action => "new"
it "queues mail when a contact is created" do
expectedcount = Delayed::Job.count + 1
Contact.stub(:new).with(mock_contact()) { mock_contact(:save => true) }
post :create, :contact => mock_contact
expectedcount.should eq(Delayed::Job.count)
Both before and after the call to the controller, the Delayed::Job.count returns 0. I've tried taking the conditional out of the controller, but I still can't get the delayed job count to increment.
Any suggestions appreciated - cheer
You can also test what the jobs will do by running them or turning off queuing.
Tweak config whenever you want (i.e. in a before :each block).
Delayed::Worker.delay_jobs = false
or perform your saved jobs == [1, 0]
I have been using this method happily for a while. For one thing, using the new any_instance support in RSpec, you can test your delayed methods effects directly. However, I've found tests that use work_off to be slow.
What I usually do now is:
mock_delay = double('mock_delay').as_null_object
Then I have a separate spec for my_delayed_method. This is much faster, and probably better unit testing practice -- particularly for controllers. Though if you're doing request specs or other integration-level specs, then you probably still want to use work_off.
I think your mock object is somehow introducing an error -- it's hard to tell exactly how without seeing the definition of the mock_contact method.
In any case, you might try something along these lines:
it "queues mail when a contact is created" do
Contact.stub(:new) { mock_model(Contact,:save => true) }
Delayed::Job.count.should == 0
post :create, {}
Delayed::Job.count.should == 1
or the sexier version (caveat: I always end up doing it the non-sexy way):
it "queues mail when a contact is created" do
Contact.stub(:new) { mock_model(Contact,:save => true) }
expect {
post :create, {}
}.to change(Delayed::Job.count).by(1)
You can also follow the convention (from Railscast 275) of ==
but instead do this:
Delayed::Job.last.handler.should have_content(
This thread is a bit old, but here is my go at it:
Create a function expect_jobs
def expect_jobs n, time = nil
expect(Delayed::Job.count).to eq(n) unless time.nil?
successes, failures =
expect(successes).to eq(n)
expect(failures).to eq(0)
expect(Delayed::Job.count).to eq(0) unless time.nil?
Then simply call it before checking if the callback has done its job. eg:
it "sends a chapter to the admin user" do
post :chapter_to_user, { chapter: #book.chapters.first}
SubscribeMailer.should have(1).delivery
SubscribeMailer.deliveries.should have(1).attachment
This seems to work on my side, and allows me to run both my delayed jobs and my methods.
#zetetic I think we have to pass block in change method here.
It shoulb be like this:
it "queues mail when a contact is created" do
Contact.stub(:new) { mock_model(Contact,:save => true) }
expect {
post :create, {}
}.to change { Delayed::Job.count }.by(1)

Specing a manual call to valid?

Hey all, I am completely lost on this one.
I found a code snippet online to help validate fields via ajax as the user types into them. So I'm trying to write a spec against part of it and I just can't get it to pass.
Here's the code
def validate
field = params[:field]
user = => params[:value])
output = ""
if user.errors[field] != nil
if user.errors[field].class == String
output = "#{field.titleize} #{user.errors[field]}"
output = "#{field.titleize} #{user.errors[field].to_sentence}"
render :text => output
and here is my test so far
describe "POST validate" do
it "retrieves the user based on the past in username" do
mock_errors ||= mock("errors")
put :validate, :field=>'username', :value=>'UserName'
response.should == ""
I get this error -
1) Spec::Mocks::MockExpectationError
in 'UsersController POST validate
retrieves the user based on the past
in username' Mock 'errors' received
unexpected message :[] with
I can't seem to figure out how in the world to mock the call to user.errors[field]. Ideally this spec tests the happy path, no errors. I'll then write another for a validation failure.
I'm not seeing mock_user. Here's a shot at it:
describe "POST validate" do
it "retrieves the user based on the past in username" do
mock_errors = mock("errors")
mock_user = mock("user")
put :validate, :field=>'username', :value=>'UserName'
response.should == ""
The key is that you need your User mock to respond to the errors method by returning either an empty hash or a hash of fieldname/errors. An alternative to this is to use one of the fixture replacement tools. I'm using machinist right now, which might reduce this whole thing to:
describe "POST validate" do
it "retrieves the user based on the past in username" do
#user = User.make{'username'=>"UserName"}
put :validate, :field=>'username', :value=>'UserName'
response.should == ""
