I'm afraid I should ask a rookie question :
After push my app to heroku. I got error of no database
This is the command I use
heroku rake db:migrate
My app can run locally with no problem, but I notice the database file only in development.
and my test evironment only use rails server and localhost:3000
anyone tell me how to make the database in production mode in heroku.
here's the heroku log file:
here's the logs
Started GET "/drummers/1" for at Sat Dec 18 06:17:40 -0800 2010 Processing by DrummersController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"1"} Completed in
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't
find Drummer with ID=1):
I think it may due to the datebase,config file, become I use sqlite3 in local test, and all the migration file is development prefix,
It's not telling you that you have no Database.
It's telling you that it can't find a specific record
(Couldn't find Drummer with ID=1):
It's likely that you have code that's doing Drummer.find(1) and that doesn't exist on your production environment.
Recommend you either:
create a seeds file (heroku rake db:seed) rails cast
push your entire database to heroku (heroku db:push) [make sure you understand this will wipe out your production database]
Heroku creates a database for each application deployed to it (no need to run heroku rake db:create. Here are the commands you should be using to deploy a Rails application to Heroku:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial import"
heroku create
git push heroku master
heroku rake db:migrate
heroku open
I believe Heroku creates a new database.yml for you on deploy if you have no production according to the Docs.
When running my RoR app in Heroku shows this error:
We're sorry, but something went wrong.
If you are the application owner check the logs for more information.
Checking the heroku logs, this shows http://pastebin.com/yTWtRMVD
My main page is https://salty-stream-26420.herokuapp.com/ and my callback URL is https://salty-stream-26420.herokuapp.com/auth/twitter/callback in OmniAuth.
It runs in Cloud9 perfectly but not in Heroku. What is wrong?
Thank you, Alex.
2016-05-03T13:47:23.544506+00:00 app[web.1]: PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR: relation "submissions" does not exist
suggests to me that you have to simply migrate your database on the remote server.
Try running heroku run rake db:migrate
You will have to create environment variables in the config/database.yml file for the username, password and database name
Those same environment variables need to be defined under
Heroku login >> application >> settings >> reveal config vars
By default you will get a DATABSE_URL something as
where wwwbirawxqwmws is USER
and 7bef28c02299c9c6054a646b5ce19276bbab52feca6692dac8305b32dbd7d36c is PASSWORD
and d6n59y5r09ko99 is the DATABASE
These three variables needs to be assigned in the heroku config, then you will be able to run
heroku run rake db:create
heroku run rake db:migrate
I have gone through the proper protocol with Heroku, installed the gem puma, created a Procfile, and have successfully implemented the git push heroku master command. But when I opt to initiate Heroku open, the website will not display my app. I ran Heroku logs --tail, and the error comes up that the app crashed. When I ran Heroku run rake db:migrate, this message came up:
heroku run rake db:migrate
Running rake db:migrate on stormy-tor-8615... up, run.9976
ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (1.2ms) SELECT "schema_migrations".* FROM "schema_migrations"
Is this indicative that my app's models were successfully migrated? If not, how can I properly troubleshoot this issue?
Firstly I will suggest you check if you are still on a feature branch locally. if you are, you may want to push that branch instead. you can do that by typing git push heroku master:(your branch name)
I just resolved the problems with my app, it turned out that the spec file was duplicated in the app directory, and once I removed it, I then directed my attention to the config/secrets.yml, where the residing issue was how I initially setup the secret_key_base ENV hash. There was a slight error in the original entry, which in retrospect, broke the app when I attempted to push it to Heroku. After I correctly reconfigured the ENV hash, the app was able to be accessed via Heroku. And, then I was able to manually input the Facebook App id and APP secret key via the terminal.
I am currently doing the Ruby on Rails tutorial by Michael Hartl. Somewhere along the way I messed up my database. In my database file there is only 1 user, by the name of Bob.
Locally in cloud9 IDE, when I do 'rails console' and then do Users.first, I get a user with a name of "Bob".
However when I do 'heroku rails run console' and do Users.first, I get a user with a different name. (I probably changed the name somewhere along the way)
How do I get Heroku to see the correct local database file again? Should I clear the heroku database, then use pg:pull to pull the local sql database to heroku?
Not sure if you've gotten to Chapter 9 yet but section 9.3.2 of the current book deals with creating sample users. This is done through the db/seeds.rb file.
Running $ bundle exec rake db:reset then resets your DB followed by $ bundle exec rake db:seed to fill it with your new data.
You can run the same procedure on your production application with:
heroku pg:reset DATABASE
heroku run rake db:migrate
heroku run rake db:seed
It is, of course, also possible to transfer data between local and production databases with tools such as heroku-pg-transfer but that's a little advanced if you're only starting out, and I think somewhat unnecessary if you only have one user to transfer over.
Hope this helps.
You can use yaml_db gem to dump your local data to file and then upload it to heroku.
On your development machine:
rake db:data:dump
Then commit changes, push to heroku and run:
heroku run rake db:data:load
This is a basic, stupid question, but I configured my Rails app to deploy on Heroku, and I'm able to open the application from my Heroku account, etc. But when I want to change my code, do I need to re-deploy the whole application? I tried just committing/pushing to heroku master, but I get the error "fatal: remote end hung up unexpectedly." What should I do instead?
Also: am I supposed to run db:migrate BEFORE deploying/pushing?
There is nothing stupid about a basic question, as everyone has to start somewhere.
The basic process with deploying a Rails app to Heroku is to:
Make changes
Add and Commit your changes ($ git add files_changed.rb & $ git commit -m "make changes")
Push your changes to Heroku ($ git push heroku master)
This then pushes your code to the remote Heroku repository and redeploys your Rails application. If you have made any database migrations, you need to run:
$ heroku run rake db:migrate
This runs db:migrate on your heroku app - see how that works? :)
Running rake db:migrate locally simply migrates your local development database.
After deploying an app of Heroku I am having trouble getting the database populated with some of the data I need there. I ran heroku rake db:populate and it did create the initial admin user, but failed to put the rest of the data in.
I am populating the database with files from my local disk. I suspect the problem is caused because it sees nothing in the directory listed in the sample_data.rake file, as it in on my hdd and not the server. How can I get around this?
I figure that I have to either host all the files and change the directory to the servers directory, or find a way around this. I would guess there is an easy way to move the database from my computer to heroku? I'm obviously pretty new to this.
heroku commands have changed. now it should be:
heroku run rake db:push
heroku pg:reset DATABASE
heroku run rake db:seed
also data from local database can be uploaded to heroku by installing taps gem and pushing data from local PostgreSQL db.
gem install taps
heroku db:push
If you have a clean local database (i.e. just the good stuff, no silly testing data), then you could try heroku db:push:
db:push [<database_url>] # push a local database into the app's remote database
And please remember to develop on PostgreSQL if you're going to use the Heroku shared or dedicated databases, using the same database and version (version 8.3 for shared, 9.0 for dedicated) in both your development and production environments will save you much pain, suffering, and confusion.
How can I import my existing data to Heroku?
Import: Push to Heroku
I setup the development db, and push it to Heroku.
rake db:reset
rake db:seed
heroku rake db:push
If you are using the default PostgreSQL, another option is heroku pg:reset
heroku rake db:seed
I use the following in the seed.rb file:
require 'pathname'
RailsRoot = Pathname.new(RAILS_ROOT).expand_path
print "Loading data..."
fileData = File.read (RailsRoot + "db/data-file.csv")