Automated sleep log - blackberry

I would like to create a device that will log when a person falls asleep. Of course, someone can't just open a software application and make an entry say "fall asleep, 10:13pm" and be asleep a few seconds later. Instead, I was thinking about hacking a blackberry to log whenever a person powers it on to check the current time. The specific algorithm is not important, but is it possible to write a piece of code be written to intercept the power on button and write the current time/date to a file? If so, how is it done?
Also, if anyone has a simpler idea, please share.

I haven't tested it, but since you're asking for ideas:
You have your application running in background (or even an app which doesn't extend UIapplication) and have a Task (using Timer and TimerTask) that repeatedly checks if Backlight.isEnabled() returns true. If it does - somebody is using the phone. You can even incorporate an AlertListener class to check when the user has been woken up ;)
The downside of this solution (if it works) is that it is something of a 'busy waiting loop', so intercepting some event would be much better.
As far as writing down the current time is concerned - it's possible and sample code snippets are everywhere, you can of course use the persistent store or an SQLite table to aggregate the results in an interesting way.
Funny thing is I've been thinking about an app like this lately - it might be an good idea.


Where to put code that gets checked frequently?

I have some code that needs to get called frequently, such as check what day it is, if it's the next day then move the day strings in the tableView.
Now I thought that the viewDidLoad would get called all the time and so it would be 'fine' to put it in there. However, I've left the simulator overnight, and I've pressed the home button and clicked again, changed VCs etc. and viewDidLoad hasn't been hit.
What are my options for doing sporadic checks such as, is it a new day? As x happened etc.
In this specific case, you can subscribe to NSCalendarDayChangedNotification to be notified when the date changes and respond accordingly in your view controller. In general, didBecomeActive or viewDidAppear would likely work.
What are my options for doing sporadic checks such as, is it a new day
It depends what the meaning of "is" is! In particular, "is" when? You say "sporadic", but that's just fluff. When do you need to know this? To what stimulus do you want to respond? When the user opens your app? Then put it in applicationDidBecomeActive. Every day at noon? Then run an NSTimer. Really, the problem here is that you don't seem to know, yourself, just when you need to perform these checks.
Whilst in your app, its quite easy to continually check for something. You simply create a background thread. However, what you describe is a thread that persists from outside the app's lifecycle.
Have a read on this documentation provided by Apple itself. You have to have good excuse to put a background thread. The scope of such thread is limited to only certain scenarios such as downloading background stuff, playing sounds etc.
For your scenario, I'd look at applicationDidBecomeActive(_:) found in your Application Delegate. There you can mimic such continual check. Beware however, don't put heavy word load on start up or your app might be killed automatically if it fails to become active in reasonable amount of time.

How to schedule a piece of code to run at a specific time, and repeat daily?

I'm new to WatchKit development. I've been wanting to create a simple app that requires the ability to display a message at a certain time of day, and repeat this process daily.
I've tried to use NSTimer but once I open another app, the message is no longer shown. I don't know if this is the correct way to do it.
I would like some general insight on what ways I can approach this.
Edit: If possible, I prefer that it can work without relying on the iPhone's notification architecture. I wonder how the built-in Timer app works.
Edit 2: NSTimer seems like the way to go, the reason the message wasn't shown has more to do with the user interface system.

Is it mandatory to call NSUserDefaults synchronize method?

Please, anyone, help me: Is calling NSUserDefaults's synchronize() method mandatory?. If I don't call it, what will happen? My application is working fine without it.
Since iOS12, it isn't mandatory anymore.
Apple says:
This method is unnecessary and shouldn't be used.
You can find more information on iOS12 release note:
NSUserDefaults has several bug fixes and improvements:
Removed synchronization requirements. It's no longer necessary to use synchronize, CFPreferencesAppSynchronize, or CFPreferencesSynchronize. These methods will be deprecated in a future version of the OS.
Now that you don't need to call these synchronization methods, the performance characteristics of NSUserDefaults and Preferences Utilities are slightly different: The time taken for enqueueing write operations is now paid by the writing thread, rather than by the next thread to call synchronize or do a read operation.
From the docs:
Because this method is automatically invoked at periodic intervals, use this method only if you cannot wait for the automatic synchronization (for example, if your application is about to exit) or if you want to update the user defaults to what is on disk even though you have not made any changes.
Meaning that if you kill the app right after something is written to the defaults without the periodic interval catching it, it will get lost. You probably did not kill the app right after a write event yet which is why your app seems to work fine so far.
Normally it works perfectly fine and you only have to use it in special cases, for example when the app will close directly after writing to NSUserDefaults. So you can simply add the synchronize method to the corresponding AppDelegate-method.
As others have said, you don't normally have to call synchronize at all.
Normally the system calls it for you so your defaults changes get written.
However, when working with Xcode it's pretty common to terminate your app by pressing command period or clicking the stop button. In that case it terminates the app without warning and your user defaults changes will quite likely not be written out, and will be lost.
This can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on what you want. It's certainly confusing.
You can "fix" it by calling synchronize each time you make a change, or on some time interval. However that does slow your app down and increase it's power requirements (both by very small amounts.) If you are in a loop, writing changes to 10,000 server or Core Data records, and you change user defaults after each pass, then calling synchronize after each one might have a measurable effect on app speed and on battery life. In most cases you're not likely to notice the difference however.

How to log user activity with time spent and application name using 2.0?

I am creating one desktop application in which I want to track user activity on the system like opened Microsoft Excel with file name and worked for ... much of time on that..
I want to create on xml file to maintain that log.
Please provide me help on that.
This feels like one of those questions where you have to figure out what is meant by the question itself. Taken at face value, it sounds like you want to monitor how long a user spends in any process running in their session, however it may be that you only really want to know if, and for how long a user spends time in a specific subset of all running processes.
Since I'm not sure which of these is the correct assumption to make, I will address both as best I can.
Regardless of whether you are monitoring one or all processes, you need to know what processes are running when you start up, and you need to be notified when a new process is created. The first of these requirements can be met using the GetProcesses() method of the System.Diagnostics.Process class, the second is a tad more tricky.
One option for checking whether new processes exist is to call GetProcesses after a specified interval (polling) and determine whether the list of processes has changed. While you can do this, it may be very expensive in terms of system resources, especially if done too frequently.
Another option is to look for some mechanism that allows you to register to be notified of the creation of a new process asynchronously, I don't believe such a thing exists within the .NET Framework 2.0 but is likely to exist as part of the Win32 API, unfortunately I cant give you a specific function name because I don't know what it is.
Finally, however you do it, I recommend being as specific as you can about the notifications you choose to subscribe for, the less of them there are, the less resources are used generating and processing them.
Once you know what processes are running and which you are interested in you will need to determine when focus changes to a new process of interest so that you can time how long the user spends actually using the application, for this you can use the GetForegroundWindow function to get the window handle of the currently focused window.
As far as longing to an XML file, you can either use an external library such as long4net as suggested by pranay's answer, or you can build the log file using the XmlTextWriter or XmlDocument classes in the System.Xml namespace

Letting something happen at a certain time with Rails

Like with browser games. User constructs building, and a timer is set for a specific date/time to finish the construction and spawn the building.
I imagined having something like a deamon, but how would that work? To me it seems that spinning + polling is not the way to go. I looked at async_observer, but is that a good fit for something like this?
If you only need the event to be visible to the owning player, then the model can report its updated status on demand and we're done, move along, there's nothing to see here.
If, on the other hand, it needs to be visible to anyone from the time of its scheduled creation, then the problem is a little more interesting.
I'd say you need two things. A queue into which you can put timed events (a database table would do nicely) and a background process, either running continuously or restarted frequently, that pulls events scheduled to occur since the last execution (or those that are imminent, I suppose) and actions them.
Looking at the list of options on the Rails wiki, it appears that there is no One True Solution yet. Let's hope that one of them fits the bill.
I just did exactly this thing for a PBBG I'm working on (Big Villain, you can see the work in progress at Anyway, I went with a commands table where user commands each generated exactly one entry and an events table with one or more entries per command (linking back to the command). A secondary daemon run using script/runner to get it started polls the event table periodically and runs events whose time has passed.
So far it seems to work quite well, unless I see some problem when I throw large number of users at it, I'm not planning to change it.
To a certian extent it depends on how much logic is on your front end, and how much is in your model. If you know how much time will elapse before something happens you can keep most of the logic on the front end.
I would use your model to determin the state of things, and on a paticular request you can check to see if it is built or not. I don't see why you would need a background worker for this.
I would use AJAX to start a timer (see Periodical Executor) for updating your UI. On the model side, just keep track of the created_at column for your building and only allow it to be used if its construction time has elapsed. That way you don't have to take a trip to your db every few seconds to see if your building is done.
