Newbie help with Rails/Ruby. Totally lost! (Mongrel related, I think) 503 Errors - ruby-on-rails

I am on the verge of actually hiring someone to fix this
for me, but I hope it doesn't come to that.
I have no experience with Rails/Ruby, but I do know my way around
computers in general.
I have two domains on one server (Hostingrails, I am beginning to hate
them more and more these days).
My secondary domain works 100% fine.
But for the past few days, my primary domain has not been working, it
has been giving me 503 Errors. I've opened a ticket regarding this, and
they told me to SSH into my server and reset "Mongrel". I've done this
using the code they gave me; "mongrel_rails start -d -e production
It seemed to have worked, but the problem was still there. The log says
the error is something about:
"require': no such file to load -- dispatcher (LoadError)"
I've re-opened a ticket concerning this, and Hostingrails basically told
me that it is not their problem anymore and that it's solely up to me to
fix it. Brilliant.
So I spent a good part of the day looking and changing things around
through SSH (probably wasn't the greatest idea) but I still keep getting
503'd on my website.
However, I recently found out that my index file HAS to be index.html,
or it will not render the page. index.htm or index.php will result in a
503. If I set the index page to index.html, it worked. Which is strange,
my htaccess file allowed for all.
Another problem, I think I have inadvertently changed something in my
settings while I was SSH'd in. When I do "bundle install" it installs
the gems into my own private webspace, for example /home/mywebsite. But
I believe on my shared plan, all the rails/ruby/gems etc are all under
/usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0/ which I don't think I have access to.
How do I change the directory to the default one? For example, before
the error log said:
`require': no such file to load -- dispatcher (LoadError)
Now it says:
`require': no such file to load -- dispatcher (LoadError)
I think that's everything for now. Here are the rails installed on my
server by the host:
Installed at (3.0.0): /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0
(2.3.8): /usr/local/rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.2-p0
(again, I think my mongrel is looking in the wrong place, as my gems are
now being installed into /home/mywebsite/ instead of
/usr/local/rvm/gems/) Is it possible to someone reset the settings I've
changed back into my host's default one?
Would anyone be willing to take the time and try and fix this with me? I
am pretty annoyed at Hostingrails, since I didn't do anything to create
this problem, and they are outright refusing to help me. Why is my
primary domain getting 503 errors when my secondary domain works fine?

Mongrel is not compatible to ruby 1.9.2. You need use a fork of mongrel to use it
I advice you to user thin/passenger or unicorn instead of mongrel.
I found a little blog post about problem with Mongrel and ruby 1.9.2

Maybe you could try using Ruby 1.8.7 - it causes less trouble in general at this time.
Not an answer to your question in particular, but if you're new to Ruby and Rails, then hosting your own stuff can be a daunting task.
Instead, try Heroku - simply push your Rails app to Heroku with git and you're good to go. They support custom domainnames for free.


Redmine 404 on some pages

I have installed Redmine on a shared Bluehost account and at first sight it seems to be working.
I followed both of these tutorials: and
But just as i started navigating around i noticed that there seem to be a routing problem because some of the pages are returning a 404 error code for a reason i don't understand yet.
The error log shows no information regarding this problem.
The url is on , the user/pass are still admin/admin.
I have identified that any URL regarding a project is failing, for example:
(Currently i have reset the DB for privacy concerns)
In order to prove my theory that it was regarding the projects issue, i went into the projects controller file found in app/controllers/projects_controller.rb and tried to put some abort("Foo") here and there but i couldn't see my message with any of the links that are not working so i thought maybe the problem is not there and is probably in the routing process. So i checked the config/routes.rb file and comparing it with my local version they seem identical
I am not sure what to try next as i am not a Ruby developer. Let me know what kind of info you need in order to help debug this problem.
Eventually i got it working by using FastCGI.
In order to do that, i simply created a .htaccess file and a dispatcher.fcgi as shown in the answer here : Redmine 2 on Hostmonster apache fcgi: Rails application failed to start properly
Don't forget to SetEnv GEM_PATH to your ruby gems path in your .htaccess file and it should work after restarting (pkill dispatcher.fcgi)

Passenger "No such file to load" error for Model

I'm having a problem with deploying a Rails 3 app to a Passenger/Apache2/RVM server running Ubuntu 11.10.
I'm getting the error:
A source file that the application requires, is missing.
Error message: No such file to load -- Goal
Exception class: LoadError
Goal is one of my Rails Models.
I've seen a lot of people with a similar error message, but their issues seem to relate to missing bundles/gems - not model files! Their problems were resolved by ensuring permissions were set up correctly, so to that end I've got:
Apache running as www-data, as is Passenger. RVM is installed as www-data and I've chown'd the entire web app directory to www-data.
I've been wrestling with this for some time now and am really out of ideas - if anyone has any suggestions I'd be very grateful!
You might probably have the file structure of your Rails app wrong. Are you sure you have the "goal.rb" file within {your_app_root_url}/app/models/ ?
To me, if I am seeing the error when you view the app in browser, it seems like your rails app and passenger(with apache2) are working fine. The other possibility is you might be looking at wrong app folder which passenger is set up to.
It's hard to tell what's wrong. Please provide more details of how you set up your passenger with your rails app directory. Also it would help if you could show what's inside your app (app structure) and what's inside goal.rb model file.
Well I've solved it. Turned out that a work around for a problem with yaml encoded model archives (i.e. an explicit require of Goal) in a completely unrelated Model was causing the error to appear. Looks like it only rears its head in production - probably due to the differences between the class loaders used in development vs. production.
Tough one to find... the stack trace didn't include a reference to where the problem actually was!

Passenger problem: "no such file to load" -- /config/environment

I've been researching this one and found references to similar problems here and there, but none of them has led to a solution yet. I've installed passenger (2.2.11) and nginx (0.7.64) and when I start things up and hit a Rails URL, I get an error page informing me of a load error:
no such file to load -- /path/to/app/config/environment
From what I've found online this appears to be some sort of a user/permissions error, but I've tried all the logical fixes: I've made sure that /config/environment.rb is not owned by root, but by a webapp user. I've tried setting passenger_default_user, I've tried setting passenger_user_switching off. I've even tried setting the nginx user, though that shouldn't matter much. I've gotten some differing results, but nothing's actually worked. I'm hoping someone may have the magical combination of settings and permissions for this. I may try backing down to an earlier version of Passenger, because I've never had this issue before; it's been a little while since I set up Passenger though.
Thanks for any suggestions.
EDITED: See below for the answer I stumbled on.
Modern Passenger prefers Rack to Rails. If you have a in your Rails application, Passenger will try to load it as a Rack application. This may be causing problems. In particular, your error message refers to config/environment -- note the lack of the .rb extension typical in a Rails application.
Try moving out of the way if it exists.
Naturally, it just took me posting the question to stumble onto the answer. In order to provide info for anyone else searching on this problem, I'll post some details here.
The relevant lines from the nginx.conf:
user www-data; # in order to have nginx not run as root
passenger_default_user www-data; # likewise for passenger
root /opt/foo/app/current/public;
The key at this point is to make sure that the application files are owned by www-data, in particular config/environment.rb because apparently Passenger looks at its owner to determine who to run as. This might mean that the passenger_default_user entry is irrelevant? But it's good to have it there as documentation of intent anyway, perhaps.
Finally, make sure that the parent directories of your app are all reachable by www-data -- in my case the system default setup had left a directory 0700, which I'd missed.

How to deploy a Rails app to Dreamhost?

I'm kind of lost, I try to deploy my application on a shared dreamhost server.
Now everything works fine locally. It's my first try at Rails, and I'm not really a programmer or sysadmin, just hacking something together.
On Dreamhost, if I start webrick, it works fine on port 3000, but webricks gets killed pretty quickly, I guess that makes sense.
So what do I have to do to make it run?
I enabled fastcgi support and mod_rails.
Now, how do I get the app constantly running?
I keep reading about having to do things to .htaccess and to dispatch.fcgi.
But I can't find any dispatch file in my rails app (2.3.2).
Do I have to create that one manually? Doesn't really feeld very rails-like to me. I didn't really manage to find out what this dispatch file does, and why it's needed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I looked at the DH Wiki, but couldn't figure it out (
I enabled mod_rails and pointed to the public directory (I had already done that).
I keep getting an error:
Hm, server logs look like there is actually no request, so this might be a problem on dreamhosts end. It's strange I see that the access.log show a new change date, when I try to access the page, but there is no request noted, error.log is empty too.
Dreamhost Support Answer:
The server was up to date, so that wasn't the problem.
They proposed freezing the Gems, which I did (see:
But it didn't help.
I guess I'm giving up, and looking into hosting which is specialized for rails.
Thx for all your help!
Changed to
I got the app working on, passenger on showed me errors, which weren't shown by dreamhost or mongrel. By correcting these errors, I got the app working.
Dreamhost won't let you use webrick if you're using shared hosting. You can either use FastCGI or Passenger to host Rails on shared DH (mongrel is an option if you upgrade to DreamhostPS, but that's obviously more expensive).
For FastCGI, you will need a dispatch.fcgi file (older versions of Rails would generate one when you created a new Rails app, but that stopped around 2.2 if I remember correctly) as well as code in your .htaccess to send requests to the dispatcher. See the Dreamhost Ruby on Rails wiki page for details about setting up FastCGI.
The more preferable option is to set up your application to run on Phusion Passenger (aka mod_rails). It should be pretty simple through your Dreamhost panel, you just need to enable the domain to use mod_rails, and then set the directory for the domain to the public directory of your application. See the Passenger wiki page for more details.

Rails 5.1.7 Server Hangs On First Request

We are trying to update a Rails Server to release 5.1.
Server starts fine; but on the first request, goes completely dead; and has to be killed with signal 9.
Doesn't matter if its Puma or Webrick.
Doesn't matter if its 5.1.0 or 5.1.7
Doesn't matter if its development or production mode.
Eventually I saw the process size was 90GB and growing!
I've tried rbtrace, but struggled to get anything meaningful out of it.
I'm on osx, so strace isn't available, and I've struggled to get dtrace or dtruss to work, or produce anything meaningful.
So looking for a way to get this rails server to tell me what it's problem is....
Let me know what additional information is salient.
After quite a long process, I found a solution that didn't so much find the source of the issue, but provided a process to work around it.
First off, I used
rails app:update
And accepted all of the overwrites. Then using git, I walked through all of the removed code from my config file and returned just the required sections [like config/routes.rb, and ActionMailer config, for example].
Application then started right up, no issue.
This also led me to
Which is pretty critical for Rails upgrading. This is well worth consuming:
