Steps to create my own authentication system, need some guidance - ruby-on-rails

I want to learn how to create my own authentication system, please provide some guidance if am doing this wrong.
I will create a Module in my /lib folder /lib/auth.rb
I will require this module in my ApplicationController.
when a user enters their email + password, I will call a method that will do a lookup in the user's table for a user with the same email, I will then compare the passwords. (i'll add encryption with salt later).
If the user entered the correct credentials, I will create a row in the Sessions table, and then write the session GUID to a cookie.
Now whenever I need to check if the user is logged in, or I need the user object, I will check if the cookie exists, if it does, I will lookup the session table for a row with the same guid, if it exists, I will return the session row and then load the User object.
I realize there are many suggestions one can give, but in a nutshell does this sound like a workable solution?
Now to make this usable, I will have to make some helper methods in my ApplicationController right?
How will I access the current_user from within my views?
P.S I know of other authentication systems, I just want to learn how to create my own.

The basic logic you're following is correct. Of course you can always expand on this with features that you need. For instance, you'll need helper methods for things like "logged_in?" and "current_user". Also, you might want to add session expiry, or session retention as a "remember me" feature.
Go for it, you won't learn authentication systems better than building your own then figuring what's wrong with it.

You should really check out the authlogic gem on github.
It also has great instructions on how to set up your users.

After Faisal said what I would say, I only give you answer to the last part of your question:
"How will I access the current_user from within my views?"
try something like this:
class User < ...
def self.current=(u)
#current = u
def self.current
In your views (or any part of your code) you can call User.current. Your controller has to assign a validated user to User.current. Your filters can react to "if User.current.nil?" and so on.
If you want to be thread safe, you may use a thread variable instead of #current:
Thread.current[:current_user] = u


Rails 5 access profile data anywhere in session without querying database each time

I've a user profile (with name, logo, about_me) which is created after user creation(using Devise). Profile table uses user_id as Primary key.
Now I want that whenever the user creates/updates a post, while filling in form some details are taken from profile, so profile data or #profile be available in post form as I cannot expose my model in form.
To set post.myname attribute in create and #update I'm doing this:
#myprofile = Profile.find_by_user_id(current_user)
I read from various sources but what's the best solution of the 4 given and if anyone can back with easy code as I do not want to do something extensive? Thanks in advance.
1)Form Hidden fields - Like get the profile data as above in hash in #edit and then pass through form and access fields in #update but that way we will pass each field separately. Can one #myprofile be passed?
2)Session - I feel if profile data is stored in a session and someone updates profile then updated data won't be available in that session.So not sure if it is plausible.
3)Caching - easy way to do that?
4)polymorphic profile---tried it but I didnot get relevant example. I was stuck with what to put as profileable id and type and how to use them in the code.
If your Profile and User models have a one-to-one relationship with each other, the simplest solution is to remove the Profile model altogether and move its fields into the User model.
Devise already queries the database to obtain the current_user object. So, your example would like this:
Which wouldn't hit the database (after Devise has retrieved the current_user object).
If you're forced to keep the Profile model, in looking at your four scenarios ...
You could use a session variable. Something like:
session[:profile_name] ||=
This would go in a controller action.
The trick here is that you will want to redefine the each relevant session variable if the profile gets updated. And because you don't have access to the session in the model, you'd be best to perform that action in the controller. So, not pretty, but it could work.
You could also use low-level caching, and save the profile relationship on the user. In general, you could have a method like this in your user model:
def profile_cached
Rails.cache.fetch(['Profile',]) do
Here, too, you will have to know when to expire the cache. The benefit of this approach is that you can put this code in the model, which means you can hook its expiration in a callback.
Read more about this in Caching with Rails.
I would avoid hidden fields and I'm not sure how a polymorphic relationship would solve you not hitting the database. So, #2 and #3 are options, but if you can combine the two models into one, that should simplify it.

Authorization for actions (not models!) with roles in rails

If I've got a simple rails user model that has an array of roles, is it sufficient enough to control access to actions by simply checking the model's role attribute for that role and blocking/proceeding accordingly?
Is there an advanced system that I ought to leverage due to unforeseen complexity?
Important: I'm not looking to authorize users/roles to models (I am already aware of CanCan). I'm looking to do security at the controller level so that I can break out the functionality in finer detail.
Even more important: Seriously, I'm not necessarily asking about CanCan, please read the question carefully and pay attention! :)
Question 1: YES, Question 2: NO.
I just keep this simple
If you check the models attribute in the controller, the controller will restrict all users that do not have this attribute set.
def create
if #user.admin?[:post])
make a method in the user model
def admin?
role == "Admin"
You should make better code than this. To much logic in the controller, but this will keep all, except admins out.

current sessions in Grails

I am a beginner in Grails 2.0 framework and I am trying to follow this tutorial . I implemented this code but I am getting an error in UserController.groovy at this line 'def user = User.current(session)' as ' No such property: User for class: grailtwitter.PersonController' I assume that this line takes the user's current session. I am looking for an explanation of how this works ?
This code is incomplete. The controller presupposes that you have a way of identifying the currently logged in user. Implicitly the line def user = User.current(session) assumes that you have defined a current() method on the user class itself that takes in a session and presumably uses some field that you've set in it to retrieve a User. That would be kind of dumb.
A common way to do this would be to build your own authentication mechanism. Note that this is a naive practice and you are far better off using Spring Security Core unless you want to leave your application open for gaping security holes. But, for practice, something like:
def login = {
//if you're stupid enough to store your passwords in plain text and not sanitize user inputs, you deserve to be hacked
def user = User.findByPassword(params.password)
session.user = user
You could then replace the offending line in the tutorial (--def user = User.current(session)--) with
def user = session.user ?: new User(userid:"I'm a little teapot")
Before you go much further, you probably want to walk through this free eBook on Grails before you get much further. Also highly recommend Grails in Action.
When I have run into this in the past it's because I didn't import the class and Grails/Groovy thinks I'm trying to access a variable called User rather than a method on the class.

Preventing discoverability in a RESTfully routed model

I have a model in my database whose 'show' action is open to viewing at URLs like:
The way my system is set up, there are a couple of defined methods through which these should be accessible:
A custom route I've set up is accessible to any visitor (registered or unregistered) who has this route. As an example, this custom route might be, which the company might pass out itself to certain people it wants to have access. Note that this custom route runs a separate controller action, which sets some internal analytics then redirects to the show action.
Direct access when linked to by a registered user's home page.
I want to restrict the ability to start with then simply change the IDs, thereby seeing any project. How can I do this?
My goal with this question is not just to obfuscate record IDs to make discovering certain records harder. Instead, I would like there to be only two allowable means of accessing project/12:
A user clicks on a link we provide on their home page (how can I ensure this link alone reaches project 12?)
A user or simple visitor is redirected here by another (specific) controller action.
Typing in project/12 directly should not be possible. At the moment, I imagine the best way to do this would be for the two methods above to pass a code that gets picked up by the project#show action. I just don't know how to implement this and if there are potential drawbacks.
Whatever you come up with - it is going to end up being security through obscurity due to this simple requirement:
A user clicks on a link we provide on
their home page (how can I ensure this
link alone reaches project 12?)
What you can do, however, is make it difficult to just straight-up guess the correct URL for the project.
My thought would be to give every Project a unique 'token' - If you are not logged in as the owner of the project, then you must use the token to access it.
For instance, in your project model you could have this:
class Project
before_create :set_public_token
def set_public_token
# Randomizes a 20-digit long hex code
self.token = ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.hex(20)
Then, in your project's show action you would need to have this:
class ProjectsController < ApplicationController
def show
#project = Project.find(params[:id])
# Obviously you would changed signed_in? to whatever method
# you have that verifies someone is logged in
if !signed_in? || #project.owner_id !=
raise "Unauthorized Access" if #project.token != params[:token]
Then the owner of the project can share the 'public' link of their project to people they want to have access to it, which would look something like this:
Again, anyone with that url could access the project, and I don't think you will be able to sanely get away from that - but it makes it a lot more difficult to do so.
This is the same concept many password reset functions work. Anyone with access to the password reset token could reset your password after you've requested a password. But knowing what token to use will take you ages (Make the token longer to make it harder to bruteforce).
That personally is how I would handle it, and how I've seen this sort of thing handled in the past (photobucket, private gists on github, etc)
The easiest way is to associate a project with a user or account, then require authentication when browsing your non public routes. If you setup an association, you can then do:
#user = current_user
#project = #user.projects.find(params[:id])
This will ensure that a given user can only find projects they 'own'.
If you don't want authorization, and just want obfuscation, you won't be able to use the 'id' alone in the route (as it is sequential). You could either pair the 'id' with a random key stored in the model (/projects/1?key=1234) or use a GUID instead of an id.
OK so another attempt now that I sort of understand.
First in your public controller action you want to do something like this:
def public_redirect
session[:authorized_for] = params[:id]
redirect_to resource_show_path(params[:id])
Now in your private controller:
def show
#resource = current_user.resources.find params[:id]
if #resource # authorized
respond_with #resource # ok
elsif session[:authorized_for] == params[:id] #redirected from public route
#resource = Resource.find params[:id]
respond_with #resource # ok
raise NotAuthorizedException # not ok, do something
This relies on sessions. This is certainly hackable, but it would be much harder then figuring out the public route. See
You can reuse the session technique for other similar needs (like for links from home pages where you can't verify the user from the controller, etc.
I have a project that has a similar requirement. Now first I feel the need to say that this is security by obscurity - and thus not much security at all. But for some apps that can be OK.
I have a on create callback on my model that generates a random string (or number) that I use as my ID - thus it is impossible hard to guess another resource's path.

Rails saving IP address with every create/update request

I'd like to do the following:
define a before_filter in application.rb that extracts the user's IP address and stores it anywhere, preferably in the session.
define two before filters in all my models as before_create and before_update that add the current user's IP to the object to be stored.
Problem: I cannot access session[] neither env[] in a model. Can anyone help with a standard solution that I don't know yet?
Try this. In your user model add a class attribute accessor
cattr_accessor :current_ip
In your application controller add:
before_filter :set_current_ip
def set_current_ip
User.current_ip = request.env['REMOTE_ADDR']
Then in your model you should be able to just call User.current_ip
We do something similar to get the current_user object passed through.
You're having trouble doing what you want because Rails is designed not to allow you to have access to session information in your models. It's the classic separation of concerns with MVC. Models are meant to work independently of your other layers, and you'll be thankful they do when you start doing things with Rake or other system tasks where you won't have a session.
cattr_accessor :current_ip
is a horrible approach. It's a hack and it should be apparent why. Yes, it may work, but it's the wrong approach to this problem.
Since you're tracking "who" did "what" by their IP, the logical place for this to happen is in the controller layer. There are several approaches you can take, including using CacheSweepers as auditors, as outlined in the Rails Recipes book. CacheSweepers can observe models but also have access to all controller information. Using the ditry attributes in a rails model, you can see exactly what changed.
#user = User.find_by_login "bphogan"
#user.login = "Brian"
=> ["login"]
=> {"login"=>["bphogan", "brian"]}
=> "bphogan"
Combine this with the session info you have and you have a pretty awesome auditor.
Does that help?
If you want to save the IP in the session, you can create a before filter in the applicationController. Like this, for each action, the filter is called and the ip is stored.
authlogic is a plugin to manage users login/sessions etc, it has a built in option to track the users IP
What you really need is a versioning plugin - I suggest having a look at one of the fine solutions at
Edit: archived version of that link (was 404 since sometime in 2012):
