Is there a way to pad files with a few extra bytes to get a different md5 checksum? - md5sum

I have video files, that I want to pad with a random number of extra bytes, in order to create a different md5 checksum. Is there a way to do that, and keep them playable?

It depends on the video file format, but you should be able to just add the extra bytes to the end, and most video players should ignore them. Most video formats contain a lot of metadata about the video data (such as "the total video size is X bytes"), so they're robust against this sort of change.
One simple way to do this is to use the >> shell redirection operator to append data, e.g.:
# Add 32 random bytes to the end of the movie.avi
head -c 32 /dev/urandom >> movie.avi

Metadata would be a good thing to change. If the file has metadata about the time the film was made or the software used for encoding, changes to those values should not have any effect on the final result. You'd need to specify the format.

It depends entirely on the video format. Look it up on wikipedia, some have a end of file flag byte sequence, simply adding bytes after it will achieve your effect, others will not work out so simply.


Reading file as stream of strings in Dart: how many events will be emitted?

Standard way to open a file in Dart as a stream is to use file.openRead() which returns a Stream<List<int>>.
The next standard step is to transform this stream with utf8.decoder SteamTranformer which returns Stream<String>.
I noticed that with the files I've tried this resulting stream only emits a single event with the whole file content represented as one string. But I feel like this should not be a general case since otherwise the API wouldn't need to return a stream of strings, a Future<String> would suffice.
Could you explain how can I observe the behavior when this stream emits more than one event? Is this dependent on the file size / disk IO rate / some buffers size?
It depends on file size and buffer size, and however the file operations are implemented.
If you read a large file, you will very likely get multiple events of a limited size. The UTF-8 decoder decodes chunks eagerly, so you should get roughly the same number of chunks after decoding. It might carry a few bytes across chunk boundaries, but the rest of the bytes are decoded as soon as possible.
Checking on my local machine, the buffer size seems to be 65536 bytes. Reading a file larger than that gives me multiple chunks.

Is it possible to split the recorded wav file into multiple wav files on iOS, given the duration of the splits?

I want to extract a few clips from the recorded wav file. I am not finding much help online regarding this issue. I understand we can't split from compressed formats like mp3, but how do we do it with caf/wav files?
One approach you may consider would be to calculate and read the bytes from an audio file and write them to a new file. Because you are dealing with LPCM formats the calculations are relatively simple.
If for example you have a file of 16bit mono LPCM audio sampled at 44.1kHz that is one minute in duration, then you have a total of (60 secs x 44100Hz) 2,646,000 samples. Times 2 bytes per sample gives a total of 5,292,000 bytes. And if you want audio from 10sec to 30sec then you need to read the bytes from 882,000 to 2,646,000 and write them to a separate file.
There is a bit of code involved but it can be done using Audio File Services Class from the AudioToolbox framework.
Functions you'll need to use are AudioFileOpenURL, AudioFileCreateWithURL, AudioFileReadBytes, AudioFileWriteBytes, and AudioFileClose.
An algorithm would be something like this-
You first set up an AudioFileID which is an opaque type that gets passed in to the AudioFileCreateWithURL function. Then open the file you wish to splice up using AudioFileOpenURL.
Calculate the start and end bytes of what you want to copy.
Next, in a loop preferably, read in the bytes and write them to file. AudioFileReadBytes and AudioFileWriteBytes allow you to do this. Whats good is that you can read and write whatever size bytes you decide on each iteration of the loop.
When finished close the new file and original using AudioFileClose.
Then repeat for each file (audio extraction) to be written.
On an additional note you would split a compressed format by converting the compressed format to LPCM first.

Merge MDAT atoms of MP4 files

I have a series of MP4 files (H.264 video, AAC audio, 16KHz). I need to merge them together programmatically (Objective-C, iOS) but the final file will be too large to hold in memory so I can't use the AVFramework to do this for me.
I have written code which will do the merge and takes care of all of the MP4 atoms (STBL, STSZ, STCO etc.) based on just concatenating the contents of the respective MDATS. The problem I have is that while the resultant file plays, the audio gradually gets out of sync with the video. What seems to be happening is that there is a disparity between the audio and video length in each file which gets worse the more files I concatenate.
I've used MP4Box to generate a file from command line and it is 'similar but different' to my output. A notable different is that the length of the MDAT has changed and the chunk offsets have also changed (though sample sizes remain consistent).
I've recently read that AAC encoding introduces padding at the beginning and end of a stream so wonder if this is something I need to handle.
Q: Given two MDAT atoms containing H264 encoded data and AAC audio, is my basic method sound or do I need to introspect the MDAT data in some way.
Thanks for pointer Niels
So it seems that the approach is perfectly reasonable however each individual MP4 file has marginal differences between the audio length and video length due to differences between the sampling frequency. The MP4s include an EDTS.ELST combination which correct this issue for that file. I was failing to consider the EDTS when I merged files. Merging EDTS has fixed the issue.

Reading TIFF files

I need to read and interpret a binary file containing a TIFF image. I know there exist readers for doing this but I want to go the hard way. I found the TIFF format description and need to parse the binary file in small chunks. Assume I was able to read in memory the complete binary file. This means that I have a variable containing one long list of bytes.
I know via the format definition what the meaning is of the different groups of n bytes.
How can one define character variables with different lengths (sometimes 2, sometimes 3, sometimes 4 etc.) so that the variable address points to the right position in the image variable array?
With other words, assume my image is loaded into an array Image containing all bytes of the file.
The first 2 bytes I want to load in a string with length 2 bytes so that I can just link the address pointer to the first position in the Image array and automatically the first 2 bytes are associated with the first character string. A second string of 4 bytes would have another meaning and so I make the address for the second string of 4 bytes point to the 3rd position of the Image array.
Is this feasible in C++? I remember that this was a normal way of working for dynamical memory allocation in Fortran 77 in a simulation code I analysed a long time ago.
Thanks in advance for the hints!
The C++ language is easily capable of processing TIFF files from a byte array. The idea you have in mind is basically correct, but there a few problems with it. C strings are zero-terminated and the strings which appear in TIFF files are not necessarily zero terminated since their length is specified explicitly. It really is simpler to create a dedicated data structure to hold the TIFF-specific data fields and then parse the binary data into the structure. Your method will immediately run into trouble with the Motorola/Intel byte issue if your machine has the opposite endian-ness.

Get PTS from raw H264 mdat generated by iOS AVAssetWriter

I'm trying to simultaneously read and write H.264 mov file written by AVAssetWriter. I managed to extract individual NAL units, pack them into ffmpeg's AVPackets and write them into another video format using ffmpeg. It works and the resulting file plays well except the playback speed is not right. How do I calculate the correct PTS/DTS values from raw H.264 data? Or maybe there exists some other way to get them?
Here's what I've tried:
Limit capture min/max frame rate to 30 and assume that the output file will be 30 fps. In fact its fps is always less than values that I set. And also, I think the fps is not constant from packet to packet.
Remember each written sample's presentation timestamp and assume that samples map one-to-one to NALUs and apply saved timestamp to output packet. This doesn't work.
Setting PTS to 0 or AV_NOPTS_VALUE. Doesn't work.
From googling about it I understand that raw H.264 data usually doesn't contain any timing info. It can sometimes have some timing info inside SEI, but the files that I use don't have it. On the other hand, there are some applications that do exactly what I'm trying to do, so I suppose it is possible somehow.
You will either have to generate them yourself, or access the Atom's containing timing information in the MP4/MOV container to generate PTS/DTS information. FFmpeg's mov.c in libavformat might help.
Each sample/frame you write with AVAssetWriter will map one to one with the VCL NALs. If all you are doing is converting then have FFmpeg do all the heavy lifting. It will properly maintain the timing information when going from one container format to another.
The bitstream generated by AVAssetWriter does not contain SEI data. It only contains SPS/PPS/I/P frames. The SPS also does not contain VUI or HRD parameters.
-- Edit --
Also, keep in mind that if you are saving PTS information from the CMSampleBufferRef's then the time base may be different from that of the target container. For instance AVFoundation time base is nanoseconds, and a FLV file is milliseconds.
