Intraweb question about improperly working (radiobutton)? - delphi

I created 4 radiobuttons in a intraweb application.
One is checked by default, the rest is not.
The belong to the same group called group. (I set the group properly of each TIWradiobutton)
There is twiimage image which has click event. In that click event, I tried to set the radiobuttons.
The problem is that this sometimes set the radiobutton and sometimes it does not.
I found a fix by setting the rest of radiobuttons.checked to false. That fixed the problem.
I wonder what I did wrong in the first place when I just used one assignment.
Can you tell me if it is a bug in intraweb or I used radiobutton improperly?

just create a IWRadioGroup1(in iwstanderd pallet ) in your form
select IWRadioGroup1 , in the properties panenel dblclick on items
you will get a stringlist editor ,type the captions of your four radiobuttons line by line then click OK
now select your IWImage1 ,goto click events just type th above code
procedure TformMain.IWImage1Click(Sender: TObject);
IWRadioGroup1.ItemIndex := 2 // 2 is the radiobutton number as you typed in stringlist editor

sometimes IW or components build over the IW (e.g TMS suite for IW) have a strange can find how it works by looking out in the code, how they manage the java script behind your radio groups.
Also sometimes you must manage the components exactly how Atozed say in their documentation.
Probably isn't the best answer, but if you'll work a lot with IW you'll see that it has a lots of limitations and strange behavior (only if you don't work in their style, which sometimes differs a lot from win32 style).
best regards,


TDBrichedit displays plain text rather than rich text

The context is that I am maintaining an application running on delphi 7 with the BDE. I programmatically assign dbricheditcontrols' datafields to allow users to edit rtf documents. When the relevant forms open, the unformatted text is displayed and then once say the person moves onto the next document, suddenly the rich text kicks in; I suspect it must be an initialisation problem of sorts, but what am I missing; could not locate a solution online.
Ordinarily, I would not post an answer to a q which states
I programmatically assign dbricheditcontrols' datafields to allow users to edit rtf documents
but fails to include the code that you are using - you should have provided an MCVE (see
However, what you say sugggests that you may be going about what you are trying to do the wrong way. You say you are using a TDBRichEdit component, but if you are using it correctly, it should not require any programmatic assignment of datafields to do it: you simply need to connect the component to the TTable or TQuery you are using via a TDataSource component, and configure the DBRichEdit to access whatever field of the TTable/TQuery that stores the richedit text. That can be done a design time using the Object Inspector in the IDE to set properties and does not require any code.
So, it seems to me that either you are not using the DBRichEdit correctly, or you are trying to do something that you have not explained in your q.
You can satisfy yourself that a DBRichEdit works automatically, without needing to load or save its contents in code, as follows:
Open the FishFacts demo
Add a TDBNavigator and a TDBRichEdit to the form. Set the DataField property of DBRichEdit1 to Notes.
Set the ReadOnly property of Table1 to False. Then set Table1's Active property to True.
Compile and run the project. While it's running
Start WordPad.Exe and create a bit of richtext in it. Copy it to the clipboard. Click the Save speedbutton of DBNavigator1.
Paste the richtext into DBRichEdit1.
You should find that you can navigate away from and back to the edited record and the richtext will be automatically reloaded.
Also, the following code works fine for me to load the Notes field from an .Rtf file
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
and does not initially display the unformatted text as you describe. So I'm fairly sure you problem is arising in code of yours that you haven't shown us.
Btw, the only reason I am posting this as an "answer" is that there is more to say than will comfortably fit in a comment.

Avoid checkbox captions from wrapping in Windows Vista dialogs

For a software project I need to align two additional personalized checkboxes in a microsoft windows vista dialog. I learned about adding checkboxes using Visual-Components and Visualgroups on a CustomizeInterface in delphi.
My Question: What do I need to do with those checkboxes' captions in order to avoid them from wrapping?
1st solution (showing the checkboxes one next to each other):
Dialog.QueryInterface(IFileDialogCustomize, lCustomizeInterface);
if getCheckBox1Caption <> '' then
lCustomizeInterface.AddCheckButton(DWORD(CheckBox1ID), pWideChar(getCheckBox1Caption), Checked1);
if getCheckBox2Caption <> '' then
lCustomizeInterface.AddCheckButton(DWORD(CheckBox2ID), pWideChar(getCheckBox2Caption), Checked2);
2nd solution (showing the checkboxes one below the other):
Dialog.QueryInterface(IFileDialogCustomize, lCustomizeInterface);
lCustomizeInterface.StartVisualGroup(DWORD(1005), pWideChar('Test'));
if getCheckBox1Caption <> '' then
lCustomizeInterface.AddCheckButton(DWORD(CheckBox1ID), pWideChar(getCheckBox1Caption), Checked1);
if getCheckBox2Caption <> '' then
lCustomizeInterface.AddCheckButton(DWORD(CheckBox2ID), pWideChar(getCheckBox2Caption), Checked2);
You cannot avoid them wrapping. The IFileDialogCustomize interface offers no functionality to control layout. The control does all of that.
The best you can do is to use a shorter caption if you wish to avoid wrapping onto multiple lines. Or add some extra spaces to avoid the rather nasty mid-word breaks. For instance if you use this text 'Generate expandable / collapsible Excel export' then the outcome is:

How can I setup TListView with CheckBoxes in only certain columns?

I'm using Delphi 2010, and I am trying to allow the user to select between 2 options per row in a TListView. With TListView, I can set the style to vsReport and enable Checkboxes, but that only gets me 1 checkbox per row. What I need is 2 checkboxes per row...specifically 1 for the 1st column and 1 for the 2nd column.
What I am trying to accomplish is very similar to the standard Windows file security dialog:
Does anyone have any suggestions for implementing something like this using TListView or even MustangPeak's TEasyListView?
Take a look at this
Put a TCheckBox inside a TStringGrid in Delphi
The link shows how to draw checkboxes. You can do the same using TListView.OnCustomDrawItem and/or OnCustomDrawSubItem events
I use my own modified version of ExGridView by Roman Mochalov, and full sources for my modified version, plus a demo here (open the Demo in the Demo2 folder) showing checkboxes.

Delphi Search Edit Component

I need a delphi component for Delphi 2007 win32 that have features like Google search text box.
** While User writing search key it should fill/refresh the list with values, and user can select one of them.
**User can go up and down list and can select one of them.
**List should contain codes and text pair, so user can select text and I can get code for database operations.
(Google can highlight the search text in List but I think it is not possible with Delphi 2007, so it is not expected.)
I tried Dev Express TcxMRUEdit, however it doesn't meet my needs
Since you have DevExpress, why don't you try the cxLookupComboBox in lsEditMode and with ImmediateDropDown = True?
Check out woll2woll components. The TLookupcombobox has done this since Delphi 3 (or earlier). This is not spam, I just use the library.
I also had the same problem and unfortunately didn't find a suitable component. I was also inspired from google.
So it turned out to be easier for me to "simulate a component" by using an editbox and a grid placed under it. As the user types something in the editbox the query refreshes and the proper resulst are shown in the grid. I have many columns in the grid, the query results try to match all the fields (so if I type 'po', the query will return all records where any field is like 'po%'). I also added a delay of 500ms after the user types to avoid to run too many unnecessary queries (another aproach could be to kill the thread as the user strikes a new key, if the query is run in a thread).
In this way I obtained the required functionality, even if without higlighting the search text, anyway my users are delighted by this.
In every place I am using this "component" I am attaching a query at runtime so it can be used in many different forms.
I somehow was also inspired by the skype UI: when you display the lsit of contacts you can type something and the contacts will be filtered accordingly (skype uses an editbox + grid/listbox).

how can i hide TRibbon pages?

i'm using delphi 2009's TRibbon component. certain pages are not relevant depending on the application state. how can i hide a TRibbon page?
RibbonPage1.Visible:=false doesn't really hide the page...
is this maybe not allowed by the spec from microsoft?
thank you for you help!
I do not think you can hide the individual ribbon pages, but you can hide or disable the individual RibbonGroups on the each page.
RibbonGroup1.Enabled := false;
RibbonGroup2.Visible := false;
Microsoft Office disables any groups which are not relevant to the current state. Have a look at these articles from the documentation for more help.
Creating an Application that Uses Ribbon Controls
Adding Commands to the Ribbon
You can't do this presently. It is the Tabs (not the Pages) that need to support visibility and they simply do not.
If you try to manipulate the Tabs themselves you will find the code is very dependent on maintaining the linkage between the pages and the tabs to the point of destroying your pages. I don't think there is a good workaround.
Register it as a bug in Quality Central. Support for "Context" aware tabs/pages is definitely something that should be supported. I imagine quite a few others would vote for it.
In fact this is the only hide/show thing that is handled correctly by that piece of borland crap.
I am now searching how to hide group and individual actions. Visible = false is not ok, try to resize your form smaller and in the collapsed state all is still there.
maybe, try this: RibbonPage1.Free;
Try this: (Delphi XE6)
MainRibbon.Tabs[RibbonPage.Index].Visible := FALSE;
Then you can make it visible again by
MainRibbon.Tabs[RibbonPage.Index].Visible := TRUE;
