I've placed a <canvas> element inside a <div> and it disappears. What gives?
I'd like to to make the canvas element (processing.js) resizable using jQuery.
It may be that your canvas has no height and the div is collapsing into an invisible horizontal line and is not displaying overflow. To get a better answer you'd need to post your html.
I have an image at http://jsfiddle.net/3GWL2/2/ that I want to make draggable and resizable:
I'm experimenting with three lines:
1. //$('#clown').draggable();
2. //$('#clown').draggable().resizable();
3. //$('#clown').resizable().draggable();
If I only uncomment line 1 the image is draggable fine.
If I only uncomment line 2 the image is resizable but it's not draggable.
If I only uncomment line 3, the image is draggable, but but only within the original size, and the image is resizable.
Apparently resizable and draggable are far from independent of each other. Could someone explain what's going on here?
jQuery UI's .resizable() makes your element resizable by adding a ui-wrapper div around your element that is initially the same size as your element, and setting your element to fill both height and width. Making your element draggable only allows it to be dragged within the ui-wrapper div.
If you want to be able to both drag and resize, apply .resizable() first, then make the wrapper draggable by calling .parent().draggable() on your element.
$('#clown').resizable(); //adds a new parent to #clown
$('#clown').parent().draggable(); //makes the new parent draggable
1: The resizable widget creates a wrapper div with css property overflow:hidden
2: The draggable is being moved by changing: top and left property.
3: scenario's:
3.1 When you first initialize the resizable and then draggable, the draggable will get position:relative, relative to the wrapper created by the resizable.(and will get trapped inside the wrapper created by the resizable).
3.2 When you first initialize the draggable and then the resizable, the draggable will get position:static. If you use dev tools in chrome and move the draggable you will see that the top and left properties are changed however the draggable with property position:static will stay inside the wrapper created by the resizable(and visually stay on the same place).
4: this is actually a cool question, because i never really delved into inner workings of the widgets and how they interact with css. Thank you, now i can't sleep until i figured it out :)
I am wondering in MVC(ie 3) + Razor, could we make partial view have the same effect as iframe? For example right side scroll bar, fixed height, etc.
Thanks a lot!
You can make use of CSS overflow, overflow-y and overflow-x properties to achieve the points you gave examples for (right side scroll bar, fixed height), making sure to include a height style or even width if required.
The possible values for the overflow properties are
visible (default)
So I guess your Razor markup would look something like this
<div class="partial-view-container">
Further explanation at css tricks or w3schools
I am using jquery-ui draggable. When I drag my box to beyond the bottom of the screen, the body shifts down. How can I prevent this from occurring?
I have tried making the draggable to be containment: "*tag*" where tag is html or body.
Still trying containment, I have tried surrounding the layout with a div, however, this breaks the layout scroll-ability of LHS, RHS and center.
The problem is solved by making the body - position: static !important. This then breaks the layout.
For reference, here is the jquery-ui draggable page.
Css Layout
I have a layout which is header, fixed-height-footer, left and right fixed-width-scrollable, fluid center-scrollable. The header and footer is achievable using a large body border hack. See this question for information on the layout. How to have a 3 column layout with fixed left/right, fluid middle and fixed footer?
Reproduction of the problem.
Here is my Fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/valamas/LrXCA/
Please click and drag the blue box below the footer to see a black band or a further pink band.
Pass scroll: false to your draggable constructor.
By default the auto-scroll option is set to true, if you don't want it, you have to specify scroll: false when creating the draggable. See scroll option on the jQuery draggable page.
Working jsFiddle
I have a div in a page (footer) and I want the following to happen with CSS:
If the page has not enough content to fill the window, the div should be at the very bottom.
If the page has enough content (and a scroll bar perhaps appears) then I want the div to be after all the content.
If I do it with position absolute etc, I can't get the second case to work.
Any ideas?
I think you're looking for 100% min-height layout. Check out this post: 100% Min Height CSS layout.
You want to use a sticky footer.
For example: http://ryanfait.com/sticky-footer/
or if you google Sticky footer you find a few alternatives
Please see http://jsfiddle.net/6XVNr/2/ for a (not very sexy) example of the issue I'm having.
I wish to resize an iframe element which has been given the jQueryUI dialog treatment. The issue I have is that I'm not sure which element I should resize.. I can resize the id of the iframe which was targeted for the .dialog() function, or I can resize the resulting ui-dialog class, which wraps around the iframe.
Resizing the iframe element only affects the height of the dialog, the width is simply hidden by the dialog. Resizing the ui-dialog class almost works perfectly.. the size is fine, but the buttonpane is not sticking to the bottom of the dialog. Which is the correct method and how can I get it fully working?
Please ignore the colours, the scrollbars, the fact it's not centred after resizing etc.. I stripped everything out for the example - also tested with a div instead of iframe and got the same results.
Thanks :)
Well it suddenly occurred to me - why not alter the height by resizing the iframe element, and the width by resizing the ui-dialog class.. seems to work ok so far :)