Implementing a singleton in Rails - ruby-on-rails

I took over a project and the previous developer used a CMS where the client could enter text and stuff but the problem was that the client wanted some css and javascript and it turned out that this 'about us' page was something that that developer ended up making changes to because the embedded text was full of markup and javascript at the clients request.
I am trying to make it so the client can just input text and it will self format etc... but it's an about us page and I don't want to create resource for this so that is why I'm thinking singleton.
Basically I want the client to have the ability to edit the about us page so it should be attached to the db but it's only one thing. So how would you do this?

Why not just give them a file called about_us.html.erb? They don't have to use ERB in the file. Any time they need to make changes to the file, they can give you a new version and you commit it to your VCS. Or, if you are using something like and they have an account, they can edit the file inline.
You don't even have to have a controller action defined in the controller.


Locating Models in the Umbraco hierarchy

I am helping a friend of mine to edit a few things on his website that was built using Umbraco. I am not the original author and I am pretty new to Umbraco but, I can't seem to find the answer anywhere. There is a form that is being used to send an email whenever someone wants to order supplies from the website. The form was previously working. However, he has lost access to the email account and had to create a new one. The problem is I cannot seem to locate the model to look inside of it and change where the emails are being sent.
I cannot locate the Models (there are multiple) in the Umbraco hierarchy even though I can find references to where they're are called inside of the different forms. See below:
#inherits Umbraco.Web.Mvc.UmbracoViewPage<Aeon.Models.OrderSuppliesModel>
I know this is not a URL so I am a little confused on why this is not in any of the Umbraco hierarchy. I know that since it is referencing something and previously worked it has to be there somewhere. The only other place I would think they could be is in the root directory which I don't have access to yet. Could they possibly be located there? Any type of help on this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Since you don't have access to the code, you will have to hope there is a variable somewhere which lets you set the email, rather than it being hardcoded into the controller.
Umbraco nodes
Sometimes Umbraco developers store the email on a field on a node in Umbraco. The common places are:
on the page node which has the form on it
on a settings node
on the home page node
The Web.config also has a section which can be used to easily setup variables. Checkout the <appSettings> section to see if there are keys and/or values which might indicate they're used for email.
Also, you haven't specifically said if it is the SMTP email account which has broken, or if it's the email account which submissions are being sent to. Look for the <mailSettings> section on the Web.config if you want to see the SMTP settings. There may be a 'from' field on the <smtp> element.
In the umbracoSettings.config there is an element which will look something like this:
<!-- the email that should be used as from mail when umbraco sends a notification -->
Forms are not directly handled within Umbraco. I am assuming you are using ver 6+.
To get a form to work you rely on the core MVC functionality, which means you create a Surface Controller with Get and POST actions to handle the logic.
There will be a reference to the specific model being passed to the view within the controller logic, but its common for standard static configuration information to be stored in an Umbraco node itself. Example of such are "SMTP server" "From Address" & "Use Encryption" etc. Some people as an alternative store this information as keys in web.config.
If you are specifically looking to change the model being passed to the form (OrderSuppliesModel), if you are using Visual Studio, the model should be colored in a teal color and when you hover over it, it shows the full namespace. Click it and press F12. This should link you directly to the class module.
hope it helps.
If you're lucky, they're using Umbraco Forms/Contour. When you log into the back office, do you see a section called either "Forms" or "Contour"?
If so, you should be able to find the form in the Forms tree, and at the bottom of the form you should be able to edit the workflows, which will allow you to change who gets emails sent to them etc.
If you don't have those sections, could you post the view that has the form on so we can see what it's doing please?

Loading data from database by Ajax - Ruby on Rails app

Sometimes at websites all comments or other data from DB is hidden by default. When user click at link like "Display comments" all comments from database are dynamically selected and placed under the content. It must be great for mysql performance, because content is generated only when user excatly need it. I would like to implement this stuff at my app.
I've got one idea to do this so far. Remote action with #comments = Content.comments and next page.insert_html at RJS template. Is it good idea or maybe I should choose different way?
The decision is purely based on the application that you are developing. For example if in case of stack overflow it does not make sense to show only the question and show answer link. But in case of a blog post it may be fine.
In the above situation, I don't think there will be a good improvement in performance by removing the comments of the content on show page. We can achieve the same functionality by making use of javascript methods. Hide the content on page load and show in on client request.

Rails: Send dynamically generated file already available to the view as a download

I have a controller in a Rails application that generates a set of CSV files and provides them to the view. I would like to add links allowing a user to download those files in the same view. I've looked through quite a number of download methods, but all seem to require additional controller actions. Is it possible to provide links to dynamically generate files within the same controller action that they were generated?
#Other view content here, page specific header stuff, formatted csv output, etc
#csv_files.each do |csv_file|
#spit out a download link to the CSV object in memory
Short answer: no. When the user clicks on a link, they're making another request to the server. That request will have to be handled as a download request.
If you're worried about generation time of these files, consider storing them in Memcached or similar, so that your download action can just pull them from there, rather than having to regenerate them.

MOSS to have a certain page available in all sites

I have a MOSS Publishing Site, say it's http://dev. It's basically a magazine site, with an issue for every month, so it's dev/2011-01, dev/2011-02, and so on.
There are some general pages like About.aspx, ContactUs.aspx which should be available for all issues. I don't want to create these pages in every issue/site. I know we can put the page in TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS folder.
But I don't really like it, because I want the pages to reside in dev/Pages folder, so it's in 1 repository, instead of here and there.
Is there any other way to achieve this? Like a custom handler that will direct request from dev/2011-01/Pages/About.aspx to dev/Pages/About.aspx.
You can always write a HttpHandler which will redirect the request for these pages.
However , the best way would be to
Put these pages in a feature
Deploy the feature using Module Feature with GhostableInLibrary=TRUE
Activate the feature on all magazine sites.
This way, your pages will reside on file system in feature folder, but will be visible on all sites as ghosted files. You can upgrade the feature to upgrade the files.
I'm not sure why you would need a custom handler. Either you are leveraging the navigation, which means these pages exist on every subsite, or you are manually entering the URL. If it is the latter, why not point to the URL on the root site?
When I've done something like this in the past, I create a custom master page and add the URLs to the pages in the root site in either the left nav or footer (or both). You should be able to use a URL in the style of: ~sitecollection/Pages/About.aspx

Creating custom content sections with umbraco

I'm working on an umbraco website just now and one of the requirements is to have a custom section in the back end that can be used to manage publish smaller micro-sites.
I have been able to create the new section and added some nodes to it. What I can't get to work is publishing them and making them viewable at the correct url.
As an example, say i have created a new section called microsite, inside that there is a folder called myportfolio. this should route to something like
Does anyone know how to get this sort of thing working? Is it even possible to publish content from outsite of the main content section?
Any help would be greatly apprechiated.
Kind Regards
Colin G
From my understanding the custom sections are for linking to custom databases or data somewhere that needs an interface.
That said, you can use UrlRewriting and an existing content page with a macro to do something like that.
If you had a page called microsite, then using UrlRewriting you could make the parameter passed in to microsite.aspx (a content page in Umbraco) be "myportfolio".
With a user control on the microsite template it could display some content from your external database (or wherever your custom section stores it).
Not sure that's what you're looking for...
Why are you trying to create a new section for more content? The current Umbraco content area has all kinds of permissions for both users and members. Are the microsites all in the same install of Umbraco?
Another option is that the custom section could simply be used as a setup wizard for the new sites. You could create new content and users in their normal places and just use the new section to create them. It's not too hard to create content from C#, so it would probably be the same as doing it from a user control.
Could you provide a little more info?
