i use webflow in a my grails application, i have 2 tables with relation ManyToMany in hibernate mode. this relation as u know, creates a table with 2 primary keys of the original tables, both be the primary key of the third table.
my tables are destination and destinationGroup.
i write a select statement with dynamic finders to have a list of destnation group that has specific destination.
i try these ways and no effect for any one:
def DestinationInstance = Destination.get(params.destination)
flow.DestinationGroupList = DestinationGroup.executeQuery("select distinct d.name,d.description from DestinationGroup d where d.destinations = :p",[p:DestinationInstance])
def DestinationInstance = Destination.get(params.destination)
flow.destinationGroupList = DestinationGroup.findAllWhere(Destinations:destinationInstance)
def DestinationInstance = Destination.get(params.destination)
flow.destinationGroupList = DestinationGroup.findAll("from DestinationGroup as d where d.destinations =:p", [p:destinationInstance]
these 3 statement has no effect, if there is any why for solving this problem please till me about it.
Have you tried a Criteria query?
def c = DestinationGroup.createCriteria()
flow.destinationGroupList = c.list{
Can someone identify why this multi-table join is not accepted? When I bring in the third table, it then fails with invalid table alias. I am not seeing what is wrong:
This works (two table):
a.ri as `R_ID`
,oc3.name as `RET`
,a.rch as `RC`
from dev.sl a join dev.codes oc3
on (a.pk_business = oc3.pk_business
and a.pk_data_source = oc3.pk_data_source
and a.pk_frequency = oc3.pk_frequency
and oc3.pk_data_state = '123'
and oc3.code = a.ri and oc3.codeset = 'xyz')
Then add a third table and it fails:
(Three table):
a.ri as `R_ID`
,oc3.name as `RET`
,a.rch as `RC`
from dev.sl a join dev.codes oc3
on (a.pk_business = oc3.pk_business
and a.pk_data_source = oc3.pk_data_source
and a.pk_frequency = oc3.pk_frequency
and oc3.pk_data_state = '123'
and oc3.code = a.ri and oc3.codeset = 'xyz') join dev.items b
on (b.pk_business = a.pk_business
and b.pk_data_source = a.pk_data_source
and b.pk_frequency = a.pk_frequency
and b.pk_data_state = '123'
and a.ii = b.item_id
and a.cc = b.country_code)
SemanticException [Error 10009]: Line 1:2920 Invalid table alias 'a':
I have an update - it seems that this was caused by having one table created as an updatable table (TBLPROPERTIES ('transactional'='true')), and one without, and with my session settings of:
SET hive.txn.manager=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.lockmgr.DbTxnManager;
SET hive.support.concurrency=true;
SET hive.enforce.bucketing=true;
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode=nonstrict;
This caused the problem. On another session without the settings AND repointing to an identical table "a" created as a non-ACID type table, the multi-table join worked fine. I don't know enough about HIVE to know why - I suspect that a transactional and non-transactional table cannot be joined in the same "transaction" (select statement).
One more update - It may not be due to the transactional table. With additional testing, I now also see it happens with non-transactional tables as well. It seems that the three table join works when I execute it from a putty session directly on the server, but when I use SQL Developer, it will produce the aforementioned error. It appears to be an issue with SQL Developer, but why still is unknown.
I have a many-to-many relationship so I have three tables (administrators, offices and the intermediate table):
I need to do a very simple innerjoin of the three tables to show lastnames and their offices with Active Record. I tried but I couldn't.
This is what I tried:
$admins = Admins::find()
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
Also I would like to know how to show the SQL query so it can help me to find a solution.
You need to specify the relation name for joinWith() rather than table names. Since there isn't any info on the relation names I will use simple innerJoin using table names as per your requirements to display the last name and the office name for the admins.
->select('a.lastnameadm, o.nombreofi')
->innerJoin('admin_oficinas ao','ao.idadm = a.idadm')
->innerJoin('oficinas o','o.idofi = ao.idofi')
Try this:
->join('inner join',
'table_name_2.column = table_name_1.column'
->join('inner join',
'table_name_3.column = table_name_2.column'
but if you can also use Via like the following example:
public function getClassschedule()
return $this->hasOne(TABLE_NAME_2::className(), ['table_name_1.column' => 'table_name_2.column'])
when excuded, the results should be obtained like the previous example. so there's no need to repeated relations. full documentation can be seen here :
Kindly, Convert this below hql query to GORM either using criteria or using some API. I am new to grails and I searched enough but I did't get any positive solution for this forgive me if it is simple.
MappingDetail.executeQuery("select map.id from MappingMaster as map where map.id = (select mapdetail.id from MappingDetail as mapdetail where mapdetail.rawdata_template.id=(select rawdata.id from RawDataMasterTemplate as rawdata where rawdata.name like :name))",[name:'%Rick%'])
Why do you have to use criteria here? I think this is the select where you use HQL instead.
def raw = RawDataMasterTemplate.findByNameLike('%Rick%')
def detail = MappingDetail.findByRawdata_template(raw)
def master = MappingMaster.get(detail?.id)
Test this:
MappingMaster.withCriteria {
createAlias 'mappingDetail', 'mp'
createAlias 'mp.rawDtaMasterTemplate', 'rd'
projections {
property 'id'
ilike 'rd.name', '%Rick%'
I'm running grails 1.3.6 and I have this code:
String hql = '''
ApiResponse a
a.lockId = :lockId
a.lockId = 0
a.dateAdded asc
ApiResponse.executeUpdate(hql, [lockId : workerId])
It seems that this code updates all rows in DB instead of the 5 oldest entries. Does this mean LIMIT is not working in HQL? Please help me how to achieve the same SQL logic in GORM or HQL. Basically, I need to do a bulk update using LIMIT.
what i do (grails 1.3.7):
ExAus.executeQuery( "select distinct <field> from <controller>", [max: 20, offset: 0] )
While waiting for someone to reply, I think I found a workaround. Here it is:
def c = ApiResponse.createCriteria()
def targetList = c.list {
eq('lockId', 0)
order("dateAdded", 'asc')
String hql = '''
lockId = :lockId
id in (:ids)
ApiResponse.executeUpdate(hql, [lockId : workerId, ids: targetList.collect {it.id}])
I believe this approach can still be considered same logic with the original. However, this has to make 2 queries.
Feel free to suggest other approaches. Thanks!
I know the post is quite old but the question is still relevant since I had the same problem.
I fell back to using Groovy sql (jdbc) instead.
You will need to inject the dataSource object within your service/controller first by using:
def dataSource
Then you may do this in your method:
String sqlQuery = '''
a.LOCK_ID = :lockId
a.LOCK_ID = 0
def sql = new Sql(dataSource)
sql.executeUpdate(sqlQuery, [lockId : workerId])
Note that you will need to use the database native table and column names in the sql query.
Is there a way to querying across 2 databases in grails ?
Example (I made a select on two databases - works and test) :
works.crfs c,
test.item_groups ig;
1) I would like to query against two databases, and attach results to a domain.
Or :
2) Is it possible to mixing one query part with data from database and other part with domain class ?
Edit : I need to do a single query mixing tables from 2 databases (one db is PostgreSQL and other db is Mysql). So, in grails is it possible to mix to dataSources beans in one query ?
Edit 2 : Here a better example :
igm.item_group_id as group_id,
ig.name as group_name
works.item_group_metadata igm,
test.item_group ig
If you are planning to do your own sql (like it seems to be the case) over 2 datasources, I suggest that you define your 2 datasources as Spring beans in grails-app/conf/spring.
e.g. (drop your db drivers in /lib and replace the values to match your RDBMS drivers and connection string) :
import org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource
import oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
beans = {
worksDataSource(BasicDataSource) {
driverClassName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:#someserver:someport:works"
username = "works"
password = "workspassword"
testDataSource(BasicDataSource) {
driverClassName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:#someserver:someport:test"
username = "test"
password = "testpassword"
Then create a service to handle your queries, like :
import groovy.sql.Sql
class SomeService {
def worksDataSource
def testDataSource
def query1 = """
SELECT crf_name, crf_id
FROM works.crfs
def query2 = """
SELECT group_id, group_name
FROM test.item_groups
def sqlWorks = Sql.newInstance(query1)
def sqlTest = Sql.newInstance(query2)
// Then do whatever you like with the results of the 2 queries
// e.g.
sqlWorks.eachRow{ row ->
def someDomainObject = new SomeDomainObject(prop1 : row.crf_name, prop2 : crf_id)
someDomainObject.otherProp = whateverYouLike()
Your query doesn't have a where clause so I don't know how you want to relate the data coming from your 2 tables...
If you want to do a single query mixing tables from 2 databases, (ask your DBA to) establish a DBLink between databases test and works and perform the query on the datasource containing the DBLink.
I hope this helps.
You should use a "UNION SELECT" which is supported by most databases. Make sure that both select statements have the same number of columns.
A union select concatenates the results for 2 queries, for example:
select 1 union select 2
Have you looked at the Datasources plugin? It sounds like it will do what you require, but I think you'd need to use HQL or finders on the domain objects directly, rather than SQL, for it to work.
I haven't used the plugin myself but I'd be interested to hear how it goes it you try it.