Routing / in Rails - ruby-on-rails

I'm writing a simple Rails app with one main controller and I want to map /(:action(:id)) to this controller (basically remove the controller prefix at the beginning), but still have the path helpers I get by using map.resources.
I tried map.root :controller => 'notes', but I get an error:
undefined method `note_path' for #<ActionView::Base:0x102038b50>
where I use the link_to_unless_current function in my view.
Edit: Here is the code in index.html.erb that gives the error.
<% for note in category.notes %>
<h3><%= link_to_unless_current h(numbered_title note), note %></h3>
<% end %>

UPDATE: I don't know how I came to this question, but author just pointed out that this is 3 years old, which I totally missed. I will leave this answer if somebody needs that behaviour in rails 3. In rails 2 it is not valid...
Route root will not work with whole controller as this has to point on specific action.
First parameter of resources will be used to determine path (normally it would be /notes) and at the same time to create helpers like notes_path. What you want to do is set this to '/', but also add :as option to give proper helpers names. So finally it should look like:
resources '/', controller: :notes, as: :notes
Also quite important thing to notice, if you want to use any other resources, you should put them above notes route. Otherwise rails will recognize resources name as id of notes action show.
resources '/', controller: :notes, as: :notes
resources :comments
Going to /comments will try to find note with id 'comments'.
resources :comments
resources '/', controller: :notes, as: :notes
Opening /comments will go to comments_controller#index.


Failed to try to use 2 ids on nestes routes in rails

I'm trying to pass 2 ids to the controller within the update action, but it does not stop, I do not recognize the first id, student_id. This is the definition of the route within routes.rb
post 'registers/students/:student_id/notes/:note_id/edit', to: 'registers/students/notes#update', as: :update_registers_student_note
While this is the part of the form_for, using the corresponding helper
<%= form_for #note, url: update_registers_student_note_path(:student_id,:note_id), method: :post do |f| %>
My question is how can I correctly pass the 2 ids of the corresponding resources, since the form only recognizes me note_id, and not student_id
Thank you
The helper should works. You also can use update_registers_student_note_path(student_id: 1, note_id: 12).
But I suggest you to use nested resources in your routes instead.
You can write somethings like that:
namespace :registers do
resources :students do
resources :notes
The new url helper will be registers_student_note_path(<note_id>, student_id: <student_id>) with method PATCH.
yes, you did put a right thing for url_helpers. You can try to open rails console and try it with these command
include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers
you will see => "/registers/students/1/notes/2/edit"

rails named route puts '.' instead of '/' in URL on updating [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Rails dot instead of slash in URL
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
Update #3 ... fixed! Solution was moving the new name space code (get 'dash', to: 'dashes#show') to the bottom of the routes.rb file just above the root "campaigns#index" entry.
Update #2 ... it's not a pluralization as it's called singularly, shown below & removing the named route automatically corrects all issues.
Update #1 ... found reason why no one had listed period in place of slash in URL ... it's unix nouns, not english ... IE: if you search for 'dot' in place of '.', then you get all sorts of answers.
I'm flumoxed by this one ... made my first named route the other day, everything looked great until suddenly it appears that the edit page when called from the named route doesn't update properly, with error ...
No route matches [PATCH] "/dash.6"
Removal of the named route takes me back to normal routes & all options working. I can't find a mention of routing which uses '.' instead of '\', so I'm lost. My route file below & then the route results from rails server ...
Rails.application.routes.draw do
devise_for :users, controllers: { sessions: 'users/registrations' }
# map.login '/login', :controller => 'sessions', :action => 'new' ## 3rd try
# get '/dash', :controller => 'dashes', :action => 'show' ## 2nd try
# get 'dash', to: 'dashes#show' ## Original named route
resources :dashes
resources :campaigns
resources :players
resources :countries
root "campaigns#index"
# yank later
resources :neighborhoods
Rails results on server ...
Paths Matching (dashes):
dashes_path GET /dashes(.:format)
POST /dashes(.:format)
Paths Containing (dashes):
dashes_path GET /dashes(.:format)
POST /dashes(.:format)
new_dash_path GET /dashes/new(.:format)
edit_dash_path GET /dashes/:id/edit(.:format)
GET /dashes/:id(.:format)
PATCH /dashes/:id(.:format)
PUT /dashes/:id(.:format)
DELETE /dashes/:id(.:format)
My form is standard rails generated & works whenever I remove the named route ... edit.html.haml renders the _form partial ...
%h1 Editing dash
= render 'form'
= link_to 'Show', #dash
= link_to 'Back', dashes_path
= simple_form_for(#dash) do |f|
= f.error_notification
= f.input :name
= f.association :user
= f.association :dashcampaigns
= f.association :dashplayers
= f.button :submit
As described in this question, typically the issue is when you confuse between collection (plural) and member (singular) controller actions.
A collection controller action is an action that does not have an ID since it does not manipulate an existing resource (dash) or since it works on a group of resources. The RESTful collection actions are: index, new, and create. Each of them has a helper method and a "verb" (method):
index: url: dashes_path, method: :get (method get is default)
create: url: dashes_path, method: :post
new: url: new_dash_path, method: :get
Note how both index and create share the same plural URL helper method dashes_path. Only the method option differentiates between them.
A member controller action is an action that has an ID of the resource it is manipulating (one particular dash). The RESTful collection actions are:
edit: url: edit_dash_path(#dash), method: :get
show: url: dash_path(#dash), method: :get
update: url: dash_path(#dash), method: :patch
destroy: url: dash_path(#dash), method: :destroy
See how except edit, all other actions use the same singular URL helper method dash_path(#dash).
You can find further details on this in the guides.
Now, the "dot instead of slash" symptom is when you mistakenly try to point to a member action in a way that should be used for collection actions. So if you try to do dashes_path(#dash) - there is no such thing. The only parameter dashes_path accepts is format, which is added to the URL in the end after a dot, that's why you're seeing a weird URL such as /dash.6.
Rails form builder form_for and extensions such as simple_form_for need to decide whether to point the form action at the #create collection action (when rendering the #new collection action) or #update member action (when rendering the #edit member action). They do so "magically" by taking a look at the object you give them when you do simple_form_for(#dash). If #dash.new_object? is true, they point the form action to #create, if it's false they point it to #update.
In your case when you used it "out of the box" it was all good. It started acting up on you when you added this line to your routes.rb:
get 'dash', to: 'dashes#show'
By default show is a member action, not a collection action. It must receive an ID. I think that this is why Simple Form is acting up on you. Instead of that alias, try this one:
get 'dash/:id', to: 'dashes#show'
Let us know if this fixes the issue.
And in general, I recommend to "work with" the RESTful routing rather then "working against" them. It is very rare to need to add named routes in routes.rb. There are exceptions, but I don't think it is justified in your case to deviate from conventions and try to use dash/1 rather than dashes/1. "Working with" Rails will get you the productivity boost it is known for, not "working against" it by trying to force it for relatively small details like this one.

rails link_to using get instead of post

I'm making a website for a class and I'm trying to implement a friend request function with a model called 'Users' and a join model called 'Relationships'. I have a button on the user#show page that should add a friend by using the create method in the Relationships controller. Here is the code for the button:
<%= link_to "Add as Friend", relationships_path(:friend_id => #user), method: :post %>
When I press the link, however, it tries to access the index method instead. After looking in the console, it looks like the link is sending a GET request, which routes to the index method, instead of a POST request, which routes to the create method. Can someone explain why this error is occurring and how I can fix it?
Edit: As requested, here is what I have in my routes:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resources :interests
get 'interests/create'
get 'interests/destroy'
get 'home/index'
get 'sessions/create'
get 'sessions/destroy'
resources :users
resources :relationships
resources :subscriptions
# The priority is based upon order of creation: first created -> highest priority.
# See how all your routes lay out with "rake routes".
# You can have the root of your site routed with "root"
# root 'welcome#index'
root 'home#index'
get "/auth/:provider/callback" => "sessions#create"
get "/signout" => "sessions#destroy", :as => :signout
Using a link_to helper indicates to Rails that you'd like to produce an a tag in your HTML. No element of the HTML specification regarding a tags allows for producing POST requests. Because Rails understands the utility of allowing for POST and DELETE requests to be issued using links, however, it provides those options in the link_to helper. It's implementation, though, must use JavaScript under the hood in order to appropriately function.
Check that jquery-ujs is installed, and that your asset pipeline is working correctly in order to use the helper in this way.
You may also evaluate whether using a form_for and a button is better, since that will automatically POST.
I'm pretty sure you are matching the wrong route. Run rake routes and see the route that links to the Relationships#create.
Using 'url' instead of 'path' with the route helper solved the problem for me. So instead of 'relationships_path' use 'relationships_url'.

Wrong url with parameterize

I'm trying to have URL rewriting with parameterize, as explain here : How do I rewrite URL's based on title?
Here is my model :
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :category
self.per_page = 5
def to_param
And my link :
<%= link_to(article.title, blog_article_path(article), {:class => "blog_title"}) %>
THe problem is that I don't have a link like /blog/article/"my-article-title" but I have /blog/article."my-article-title", which is wrong and not interpreted.
Do you know the reason ?
My route.rb :
get "blog/index"
get "blog/category"
get "blog/article" (I don't use the show action of my article controller, is it the reason ?)
resources :categories
resources :articles
Using link_to the way you are by passing in a resource only really works when you actually use resources in your route file.
This is the difference (rake routes output) with using a non-resourceful route and one generated by resources:
blog_article GET /blog/article(.:format)
article GET /articles/:id(.:format)
When you use article_path(#article) it will fill in :id with the id of the resource.
I'd advise you to use the show action of the articles controller so you would have /blog/articles/:id or you could do something like this if you really want that routing:
get "blog/article/:id" => "articles#show", :as => 'blog_article'
which turns into:
blog_article GET /blog/article/:id(.:format)
The official guides have some good info on this.

Ruby on Rails multiple methods per page in routes.rb?

Stupid question... I have two forms with two different functions on one page, my views/projects/new.html.erb file. So far I've only implemented one, with the option to "Create" a new project. I want to add another function to sort the records displayed on the same page, something like:
<%= link_to "Category", { :controller => "projects", :action => "sortTable", :filter => "Category" }, :remote => true %>
My routes.rb file:
Docside::Application.routes.draw do
resources :projects
resources :categories
#get "home/index"
root :to => "projects#new"
match 'project/new',:controller=>"projects",:action=>"create"
But I'm getting the error "No route matches {:action=>"sortTable", :controller=>"projects"}". When I tried adding " match 'project/new',:controller=>"projects",:action=>"sortTable" " my other function didn't work, and the create function got screwed up. What should I have instead?
Try that:
resources :projects do
collection do
post :sortTable
And look at this guide
You can only have one route for a given path and method combination. You're trying to define multiple routes on the same path, so only one of these will work (the first one). You should be ok if you use distinct paths for each of these actions (instead of project/new for all of them. Beware of collisions with your existing routes)
You'll also make you life easier if you stick to rails' conventions (and the code will be easier to read if someone else starts working on it). For example resources :projects already creates a route for the create action. Additional actions can be added like so
resources :projects do
collection do
get :sort_table
Sets up a collection route (ie one that isn't about a specific project) for the sort_table action and sets up a URL helper for you (sort_table_projects_path). There are alternative syntaxes you can use - I encourage you to have a look at the routing guide
