Making a .dmg available for download from a website - url

Good day lovely computer peoples!
I've uploaded a .dmg file to my server, but when I test to see if it is downloadable by pointing the web browser to it's place in the directory (i.e. using it's URL) I get a 404.
Any possible ideas of why this could be happening?
I realize that the 404 means that it can't find the item, but I'm staring at both addresses (the one in the browser and the one in the FTP client that I use) and they seem identical. I have some underscores in the name of the .dmg. Could that be the problem?

You need to make sure you add a mime type for the file extension. Most servers now days do not allow access to files that don't have explicit file extension declarations in their list of mime types.
You didn't say what server you're using so I can't give you specific instructions on how to do it but in most servers it's fairly easy. Just google your webserver name and "add mime type" with the quotes.

The myfile.dmg is not found. Double check the file location and the URL you are pointing to.


how can i know the physical path from selected file (fileupload bootstrap)

I´m making a web application in MVC, I have a view where I select a file from my pc directory (like opendialog form in windows applications), bootstrap´s fileupload gets the file name but I want to know his physical path to. Because I want to save it in my data base (where file come from).
Anybody can help me??
Thank you in advance!
You can't, this information is never sent to the server for obvious security reasons. Only the filename is sent to the server. So you cannot store the physical path where the file originated from the client machine on your server.
When you upload a file via a web browser, the actual file path is not supplied. This is seen as being a security feature.
There is no way to circumvent this using pure HTML. Some people get around it by using a plugin such as Flash or Silverlight to upload the file, but I recommend living with this feature if you can.

Uploaded media 500 server error - Umbraco

I have migrated an Umbraco install to a new server.
However, I now get a 500 server error whenever I try and open a media file.
I can upload files successfully to the root 'media' folder but I cannot seem to then navigate to these files.
Does anyone know what could be causing this?
As other poeple have mentioned, ideally we need to see the error message. Additionally, can you check if your server can serve up files of that type from other location? If so then it's a permissions issue (check the permissions on the old server match the new one, remember to give read, write and modify permissions to "IIS_IUSRS", "Network Service" and "IUSR" Windows accounts), but if you cannot serve any files of that type at all then you need to add the MIME extensions (added in IIS - see here)
This link suggests touching the global.asax, while this one makes me wonder whether you removed the Label datatype by any chance.
What version of Umbraco are you using? I would also look in the database, in the UmbracoLog table for any errors that might point you in the correct direction.
What type of media files don't work? Is it just certain extensions? Or everything (including images)?
If it is simply certain extensions, you may need to verify that IIS is allowing those extensions.

How do I link to a PDF file in Silex?

I've looked around a bit and can't seem to figure out how to link to a static file while using Silex. I've seen some similar questions/answers in regards to Symfony, but they involved YML routing files, which I don't use with Silex.
My Situation
I have some files in a /docs folder. Logged in users can upload new pdf files (so, I don't know ahead of time what all of the filenames will be; they're constantly changing).
My Intent
I need to be able to link to these PDF files, so that a click on a link somewhere will open
The Problem
Due to the routing system in silex, it treats the url as a route (obviously) and throws a Page Not Found error.
Thanks in advance for any feedback!
You need to configure your web server in a way that it does not forward existing files to the front controller. The web servers section of the silex documentation has examples of such configurations for the most popular web servers.
As for the link itself, just link to the file directly, something along these lines:
{{ filename }}

Alfresco CMIS, Bad filenames for download of files

I have a website that have an integration against an Alfresco installation through CMIS. The problem is that the content-url that I get from Alfresco is ugly. The major problem is that the filename is "" (xxx-being the file-extension).
In another project we have solved this by streaming the document through the website and then to the visitor, but for this case (internal web) that doesn't make any sence and only introduce another source for problems. But I can't make the user to accept as filename for all files they are going to use so I need a way to fix this.
Is streaming the file through the website my best choise after all?
It appears that you may be using the deprecated CMIS URLs. When I get the content stream for an object named "test.txt" using the appropriate CMIS URLs and the AtomPub binding (/alfresco/cmisatom) I use the following URL:
If I then connect using the deprecated URL (/alfresco/s/api/cmis) the content stream URL becomes:
Can you double-check that you are using the non-deprecated URL and see if this addresses your issue?

Open a file that is on a file server from a webpage?

I am working on an internal application. We have a website that displays all our SSRS reports for a group of work. I have been asked to see if I can link all the files (pdf, word, excel) for the group of work. These files are stored on a file server that users viewing the reports have access to. Each group has its own group of reports and shared files.
Is it possible to open the files (without downloading them) from a webpage? Meaning that they file is opened from the file server? I don't want people to download a copy of the file.
I am pretty sure this can work with IE because sharepoint does it. However, other browsers may have an issue.
EDIT: What I would like is to have a web page with links to the files. When they click on a link (say for a word doc), word will open the file that resides on the file server. Without out a local copy downloaded from the network share.
EDIT2: Please note, I know what I am asking is probably not possible in all browsers. I am more or less just making sure. It seems possible in IE using activeX, but out side of that browsers do a good job at keeping processes inside a sandbox.
3 options. Remember this is for an internal website.
link to the share using file://. This will have the side affect of downloading the file to be viewed. As long as user clicks open every time it should not be a big deal.
Use JavaScript and activeX to open word (excel, reader, ect) passing in the file path as a command line arguments. This works only in IE and in win7 (probably vista) user will get a pop up asking if it is ok for the activeX control to run.
Create a new protocol. openfile://. This would be set up to run an application that is installed on the client machine which would open the file. Since it is internal, the application could be installed on the machines without issues. This also requires a registry change.
I haven't picked one as this change is still being looked into but i figure I would update this in case someone runs into something similar.
