Handling TUdpSocket - delphi

I'm trying to use the TUdpSocket in Delphi. What I want to do is connect to a UDP server, send some data and wait for answer. Data is sent correctly, but the control does not receive anything. I don't know why. I've been struggling with this problem for many hours now and I'm going to give up :-(.
I tried to use TIdUDPClient, but the situation is the same. Data is sent properly, but none is received.
Only does TIdUDPServer work more or less properly for it both sends and receives data. Unfortunately data reception is handled by a separate thread (main or other, depending on the ThreadedEvent property) which forces me to use synchronization and complicate the whole code. I would like to handle UDP connection in my own thread. Just send some data and call WaitForData() to wait for an answer and then handle it in the same thread.
And if opossible, I don't want to use any third party controls, but if it is the only solution, I accept it.
Thank you very, very much for your help in advance.
---- Examples ---
i) TUDPSocket:
lR, lW, lE: boolean;
UdpSocket1.LocalPort := '1600';
UdpSocket1.RemotePort := '1600';
UdpSocket1.RemoteHost := '';
UdpSocket1.Select(#lR, #lW, #lE, 2000);
if lR then
As you can see, the control should receive the data it transmits. And apparently it does, for the lR evaluates to true after the Select() method is called. But Receiveln() returns an empty string, as ReceiveBuf() does. When i start a UDP server and send some data to it, it is received properly, so I'm certain that the data is really sent.

You should need nothing more than this:
function SayHi(Host: String; Port: Integer): String;
Client: TIdUDPClient;
Client := TIdUDPClient.Create(nil);
Client.Host := Host;
Client.Port := Port;
Result := Client.ReceiveString(1000);
which will, in the same thread, send a UDP packet and either receive a UDP packet or raise an exception after a timeout.
If the above doesn't work, check (using something like Wireshark that the client's actually sending the data. Then check on the server that it's actually receiving the packet.
Send() ultimately (on Windows) calls WinSock's sendto(), and ReceiveString() uses select() and recvfrom(). You could sort've simulate a TIdUDPServer by
while not Terminated do begin
S := Client.ReceiveString(1000);

Another possibility would be to use Synapse for your communication. It is a simple communications library which performs blocking calls, so works well in a single worker thread where you want to stop and wait for data rather than rely on an event to fire. The latest versions in SVN have support for the latest versions of Delphi.


Start Communication from server first in delphi by Indy 10

In Socket applications programmed by TCPServer/Client components, usually we active server side, then connect client to server, and when we need to get or send data from one side to other, first we send a command from client to server and a communication will starts.
But the problem is that always we need to start conversation from client side!
I want to ask is any idea for start conversation randomly from server side without client side request?
I need this functionality for notify client(s) from server side. for example, when a registered user (client-side) connected to server, other connected users (on other client-sides), a notification must send from server to all users (like Yahoo Messenger).
I'm using TIdCmdTCPServer and TIdTCPClient components
You are using TIdCmdTCPServer. By definition, it sends responses to client-issued commands. For what you are asking, you should use TIdTCPServer instead, then you can do whatever you want in the TIdTCPServer.OnExecute event.
What you ask for is doable, but its implementation depends on your particular needs for your protocol.
If you just want to send unsolicited server-to-client messages, and never responses to client-to-server commands, then the implementation is fairly straight forward. Use TIdContext.Connection.IOHandler when needed. You can loop through existing clients in the TIdTCPServer.Contexts list, such as inside the TIdTCPServer.OnConnect and TIdTCPServer.OnDisconnect events. On the client side, you need a timer or thread to check for server messages periodically. Look at TIdCmdTCPClient and TIdTelnet for examples of that.
But if you need to mix both client-to-server commands and unsolicited server-to-client messages on the same connection, you have to design your protocol to work asynchronously, which makes the implementation more complex. Unsolicited server messages can appear at anytime, even before the response to a client command. Commands need to include a value that is echoed in the response so clients can match up responses, and the packets need to be able to differentiate between a response and an unsolicited message. You also have to give each client its own outbound queue on the server side. You can use the TIdContext.Data property for that. You can then add server messages to the queue when needed, and have the OnExecute event send the queue periodically when it is not doing anything else. You still need a timer/thread on the client side, and it needs to handle both responses to client commands and unsolicited server messages, so you can't use TIdConnection.SendCmd() or related methods, as it won't know what it will end up reading.
I have posted examples of both approaches in the Embarcadero and Indy forums many times before.
Clients initiate communication. That is the definition of a client–the actor that initiates the communication. Once the connection is established though, both sides can send data. So, the clients connect to the server. The server maintains a list of all connected clients. When the server wants to send out communications it just sends the data to all connected clients.
Since clients initiate communication, it follows that, in the event of broken communication, it is the client's job to re-establish connection.
If you want to see working code examples where server sends data, check out Indy IdTelnet: the telnet client uses a thread to listen to server messages. There is only one socket, created by the client, but the server uses the same socket for its messages to the client, at any time.
The client starts the connection, but does not have to start a conversation by saying 'HELLO' or something like that.
Technically, the client only needs to open the socket connection, without sending any additional data. The client can remain quiet as long as he wants, even until the end of the connection.
The server has a socket connection to the client as soon as the client has connected. And over this socket, the server can send data to the client.
Of course, the client has to read from the connection socket to see the server data. This can be done in a loop in a background thread, or even in the main thread (not in a VCL application of course as it would block).
Finally, this is the code that I used to solve my problem:
// Thread at client-side
procedure FNotifRecieverThread.Execute;
str: string;
MID: Integer;
TCP1: TIdTCPClient;
if frmRecieverMain.IdTCPClient1.Connected then
TCP1 := TIdTCPClient.Create(nil);
TCP1.Host := frmRecieverMain.IdTCPClient1.Host;
TCP1.Port := frmRecieverMain.IdTCPClient1.Port;
TCP1.ConnectTimeout := 20000;
while True do
while True do
str := '';
str := TCP1.Socket.ReadLn;
if Pos('showmessage_', str) = 1 then
MID := StrToInt(Copy(str, Pos('_', str) + 1, 5));
if str = 'updateusers' then
if str = 'updatemessages' then
// be quite and try next time :D
// And command handlers at server-side
procedure TfrmServer.cmhCheckMyNotifCommand(ASender: TIdCommand);
UserID, i: Integer;
str: string;
str := 'notifnotfound';
UserID := StrToIntDef(ASender.Context.Connection.Socket.ReadLn, -1);
for i := 0 to NotificationStack.Count - 1 do
if NotificationStack.Notifs[i].Active and
(NotificationStack.Notifs[i].UserID = UserID)
NotificationStack.Notifs[i].Active := False;
str := NotificationStack.Notifs[i].NotiffText;
// And when i want to some client notificated from server, I use some methodes like this:
procedure TfrmServer.cmhSetUserOnlineCommand(ASender: TIdCommand);
UserID, i: Integer;
UserID := StrToIntDef(ASender.Context.Connection.Socket.ReadLn, -1);
if UserID <> -1 then
for i := 0 to OnLineUsersCount - 1 do // search for duplication...
if OnLineUsers[i].Active and (OnLineUsers[i].UserID = UserID) then
Exit; // duplication rejected!
SetLength(OnLineUsers, OnLineUsersCount);
OnLineUsers[OnLineUsersCount - 1].UserID := UserID;
OnLineUsers[OnLineUsersCount - 1].Context := ASender.Context;
OnLineUsers[OnLineUsersCount - 1].Active := True;
for i := 0 to OnLineUsersCount - 1 do // notify all other users for refresh users list
if OnLineUsers[i].Active and (OnLineUsers[i].UserID <> UserID) then
SetLength(NotificationStack.Notifs, NotificationStack.Count);
NotificationStack.Notifs[NotificationStack.Count - 1].UserID := OnLineUsers[i].UserID;
NotificationStack.Notifs[NotificationStack.Count - 1].NotiffText := 'updateusers';
NotificationStack.Notifs[NotificationStack.Count - 1].Active := True;

Should I use a mutex for TCP client send or code my own queuing mechanism?

Delphi XE2, Indy V10, Windows 7 Pro - but I think I have a general conceptual problem.
Indy's TCP client is synchronous - it uses blocking calls.
However parts of my application are asynchronous - I want to send data over TCP and wait for a response when A) the 3rd party serial port component reports input from the serial port (it appears to be asynchronous & run in it's own thread, posting messages to my application's main form's Windows message queue) and B) when one of several timers expires (also asynchronous)
My application's handling of these async events needs to make a blocking call to send data over TCP and get a response before the next TCP data can be sent. E.G.
procedure OnSerialPortRxChar(...);
if SendTCpData(...) = 'OK' then ...
procedure OnTimerExpiry(...);
if SendTCpData(...) = 'OK' then ...
These should not interrupt each other, but currently do.
Obviously, my function SendTCpData needs some sort of blocking mechanism to prevent reentrant calls, or a queuing mechanism. Given that the caller needs to know the result, is my best solution a mutex? The problem is that the TCP transaction is just one line in the 20 line SendTCpData function which those asynch events can invoke.
I hope that I have explained this comprehendably. If not, please request more information.
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
If your serial library is AsyncPro, I would go with a single-threaded solution. There is more than one way to skin a cat, and I am not saying that you could not use a multi-threaded solution. But given that the AsycPro events will be running in the main thread, and you are not currently using threading in your application, this may be the simplest way forward.
In this solution we use a re-entry gate and a queue. The following is a mix of Delphi and pseudo-code.
isInTCP: boolean = False;
function DoSendTCP: boolean;
isInTCP := True;
result := SendTCpData(...) = 'OK'
isInTCP := False
procedure OnSerialPortRxChar(...);
// This is safely re-entrant.
if isInTCP then
Push the event onto a queue
else if DoSendTCP then
// Calling DoSendTCP may cause re-entry.
if (queue is empty) or isInTCP then break;
Pop from head of queue
until False
You can use TIdAntiFreeze. Just drop it on your main form. Your call will still be blocked but your GUI will not be blocked. You may want to use some timeouts with your client though.

Need a sample/demo of using TIdTelnet to interact with telnet server

I tried to employ Indy 10.5.5 (shipped with Delphi 2010) for:
connecting to telnet server
performing username/password authentication (gaining access to the command shell)
executing a command with returning resulting data back to application
and had no success, additionally i'm completely lost in spaghetti logic of Indy's internals and now have no idea why it didnt work or how i supposed to send strings to the server and grab the results. Need some sample code to study.
Formal form of the question: Where can i get 3-rd party contributed demo covering TIdTelnet component? (indyproject.org demos webpage do not have one)
The main problem with Telnet is that it DOES NOT utilize a command/response model like most other Internet protocols do. Either party can send data at any time, and each direction of data is independant from the other direction. This is reflected in TIdTelnet by the fact that it runs an internal reading thread to receive data. Because of this, you cannot simply connect, send a command, and wait for a response in a single block of code like you can with other Indy components. You have to write the command, then wait for the OnDataAvailable event to fire, and then parse the data to determine what it actually is (and be prepared to handle situations where partial data may be received, since that is just how TCP/IP works).
If you are connecting to a server that actually implements a command/response model, then you are better off using TIdTCPClient directly instead of TIdTelnet (and then implement any Telnet sequence decoding manually if the server really is using Telnet, which is rare nowadays but not impossible). For Indy 11, we might refactor TIdTelnet's logic to support a non-threaded version, but that is undecided yet.
done with indy.
no comments.. just som old code :-)
telnet don't like the send string kommand.. use sendch.
telnetdude.Host :=;
on E: Exception do begin
end; {except}
if telnetdude.Connected then begin
for i := 1 to length(StringToSend) do telnetdude.sendch(StringToSend[i]);
end; {while}
end; {if}
if telnetdude.Connected then telnetdude.Disconnect;
I hope this helps anyone looking for answers to a similar question.
Firstly, It would seem the typical command/response model (as mentioned above, does indeed NOT apply).
So I just got it working for some very simple application (rebooting my router).
Specific additions to above code from Johnny Lanewood (and perhaps some clarification)
a) You have to send #13 to confirm the command
b) I got "hangs" on every command I sent / response I requested UNTIL I enabled ThreadedEvent. (this was my big issue)
c) the OnDataAvailable event tells you when new data is available from the Telnet Server - however there are no guarantees as to what this data is - i.e. it's pretty what you get in the command line / what ever is appended to the previous responses. But is is NOT a specific response line to your command - it's whatever the telnet server returns (could be welcome info, ASCII drawings etc etc.)
Given (c) above, one would rather check the OnDataAvailable event and parse the data (knowing what you'd expect). When the output stops (i.e. you need build a mechanism for this), you can parse the data and determine whether the server is ready for something new from the client. For the purpose of my code below, I set a read timemout and I just used Sleep(2000) - ignorantly expecting no errors and that the server would be ready after the sleep for the next command.
My biggest stumbling block was ThreadedEvent := True (see above in b)
Thus, my working solution (for specific application, and possibly horrible to some).
lIDTelnet := TIdTelnet.Create(nil);
lIdTelnet.ReadTimeout := 30000;
lIDTelnet.OnDataAvailable := TDummy.Response;
lIDTelnet.OnStatus := TDummy.Status;
lIdTelnet.ThreadedEvent := True;
lIDTelnet.Connect('', 23);
if not lIDTelnet.Connected then
Raise Exception.Create(' TELNET Connection Failed');
lIdtelnet.SendString(cst_user + #13);
lIdtelnet.SendString(cst_pass + #13);
lIdtelnet.SendString(cst_reboot + #13);
if lIDTelnet.Connected then
//Do some handling
and then
class procedure TDummy.Response(Sender: TIdTelnet; const Buffer: TIdBytes);
class function TDummy.ByteToString(
const aBytes: TIdBytes): String;
i : integer;
result := '';
for i := 0 to Length(aBytes) -1 do
result := result + Char(aBytes[i]);

problems sending picture from client to server

i am trying to send a picture from 'C:\picture.bmp' to 'c:\temp\picture.bmp' using server and client socket
clients onconnect event handler is as follow:
procedure TForm2.ClientSocket1Connect(Sender: TObject;
Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
fs : tfilestream;
fs := TFileStream.create('C:\picture.bmp', fmOpenRead);//picture allready exists
and servers onclientread as :
procedure TForm2.ServerSocket1ClientRead(Sender: TObject;
Socket: TCustomWinSocket);
fmm : tfilestream;
iLen: Integer;
Bfr: Pointer;
iLen := Socket.ReceiveLength;
GetMem(Bfr, iLen);
fmm := TFileStream.Create('c:\temp\picture.bmp', fmCreate or
Socket.ReceiveBuf(Bfr^, iLen);
fmm.Write(Bfr^, iLen);
picture is recieved/created but is either corrupt on was never recieved i.e created because of tfilestream.create method?
please help!what am i doing wrong?
Despite its name, SendStream() is NOT guaranteed to send the entire stream (especially if you are using a non-blocking socket). Its return value returns how many bytes are actually sent. If less than the full size of the stream are sent in one call, you have to call SendStream() again, potentially many times, to finish sending the entire stream (the same problems exists with SendText() as well).
On the other side, ReceiveLength() only reports how many bytes are available on the socket AT THAT MOMENT. That is likely to be less than the full stream being sent (likewise, ReceiveText() may not receive a full sent string either because it uses ReceiveLength() internally).
The best way to send a stream (or any arbitrary data in general) is to send the data's size first, then send the actual data afterwards. Keep calling SendBuf/Stream/Text() until that size is reached (if -1 is returned by a non-blocking socket without raising an exception, you have to wait for the socket's OnWrite event to trigger before the socket can accept more data again). On the receiving end, read the size first, then keep reading until the specified size is reached. You may have to read in multiple triggering of the OnRead event before you get all of the data.
Go to http://www.deja.com and http://forums.embarcadero.com to search the Borland/CodeGear/Embarcadero newsgroup/forum archives. I have posted example code many times before.
I don't know what's wrong, but I'd try troubleshooting a simpler problem. i.e. can you even transfer somethign simple? See if you can transfer c:\hello.txt containing just "Hello" and have it arrive in the right order. It should be easier to examine the stream and resulting file, to see if/where things are getting garbled. If you don't receive "Hello" on the server, then you know it's got nothing to do with the size or complexity of the data.

How to make an HTTP request in a separate thread with timeout?

I haven't programmed in Delphi for a while and frankly didn't think I'll ever have to but...
Here I am, desperately trying to find some information on the matter and it's so scarce nowadays, I can't find anything. So maybe you guys could help me out.
Currently my application uses Synapse library to make HTTP calls, but it doesn't allow for setting a timeout. Usually, that's not a big problem, but now I absolutely must to have a timeout to handle any connectivity issues nicely.
What I'm looking for, is a library (synchronous or not) that will allow making HTTP requests absolutely transparent for the user with no visible or hidden delays. I can't immediately kill a thread right now, and with possibility of many frequent requests to the server that is not responding, it's no good.
EDIT: Thanks everybody for your answers!
You will always have to take delays and timeouts into account when doing network communication. The closest you can get IMHO is to put network communication in a thread. Then you can check if the thread finishes in the desired time and if not just let it finish, but ignore the result (there's no safe way to abort a thread). This has an additional advantage: you can now just use synchronous network calls which are a lot easier to read.
In synapse, the timeout is available from the TSynaClient object, which THttpSend decends from. So all you have to do to adjust for timeout (assuming your using the standard functions) is to copy the function your using, add a new parameter and set the Timeout to what you need. For example:
function HttpGetTextTimeout(const URL: string;
const Response: TStrings;
const Timeout:integer): Boolean;
HTTP := THTTPSend.Create;
HTTP.Timeout := Timeout;
Result := HTTP.HTTPMethod('GET', URL);
if Result then
Synapse defaults to a timeout of 5000 and does timeout if you wait long enough. Since its tightly contained, synapse runs perfectly fine in threads.
[Known to work on D2010 only]
You can use MSXML to send client requests (add msxml and ole2 to your uses clause). The trick is to use IServerXMLHTTPRequest rather than IXMLHTTPRequest, as the former allows timeouts to be specified. The code below shows the Execute() method of a thread:
procedure TClientSendThread.Execute;
LResolveTimeoutMilliseconds = 2000;
LConnectTimeoutMilliseconds = 5000;
LSendTimeoutMilliseconds = 5000;
LReceiveTimeoutMilliseconds = 10000;
LHTTPServer: IServerXMLHTTPRequest;
LDataStream: TMemoryStream;
LData: OleVariant;
{Needed because this is inside a thread.}
LDataStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
{Populate ....LDataStream...}
LData := MemoryStreamToOleVariant(LDataStream);
LHTTPServer := CreateOleObject('MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0') as IServerXMLHTTPRequest;
LHTTPServer.open('POST', URL, False, 0, 0);
FAnswer := LHTTPServer.responseText;
I recently discovered an extremely annoying behavior of this MSXML technique in which GET requests will not be re-sent if the URL remains unchanged for subsequent sendings; in other words, the client is caching GET requests. This does not happen with POST.
Obviously, once the timeouts occur, the Execute method completes and the thread is cleaned up.
Synapse can be configured to raise an Exception when network errors occur.
Check http://synapse.ararat.cz/doc/help/blcksock.TBlockSocket.html#RaiseExcept:
If True, winsock errors raises
exception. Otherwise is setted
LastError value only and you must
check it from your program! Default
value is False.
