How do I create a Stack Overflow-like registration process? - ruby-on-rails

I am wondering how I can build the registration process like we have in Stack Overflow, where a user can login using one of several already existing accounts? I would prefer using Rails as a technology platform.

Are you looking for this?

I'm not sure this is exactly what you need, but the devise module, available on github, makes it very easy to build a authentication system in a rails application.
For authorization, another great module is called "cancan". You might need that too.

Check out OmniAuth. There are a few railscasts describing it.

You can use omniauth gem to implement openId auth. Also, it possible to extend your existing user auth systems. See great screencast about this at railscast: OmniAuth Part 1


Single Sign on integration based authentication in RefineryCMS?

Is it possible to integrate Single Sign on based authentication in RefineryCMS? Any help would be appreciated.
Philip Arndt and i have created a Solidus ( and Refinery CMS ( single authentication with Devise :
It should help you to create your own authentication with Devise.
As version 3.0 or RefineryCMS has extracted authentication system from core, you should be able to implement any custom authentication system, even SSO. You can check as a start example.
I just implemented an SSO solution. In my case I could take advantage of Spnego being in the request stack, so it added a header to the request with the authenticated user id.
Refinery uses devise, which ultimately uses zilch-authentication. In my case, I specialized the zilch user and zilch authentication adapter classes to read this header.
Sorry in this case I am not allowed to share my code with you, but it was dead easy, once I knew about zilch. I hope that's enough of a clue

Which gem should I use to provide a login process for my social network app?

I am creating a social networking site for my university and I'm wondering which gem I should use for the login process, or if there is any other more secure way to implement a login process. Is there document or sample code which can guide me?
I've heard about the Devise gem but I am not sure that it will be work for us, or how to use it.
Definitely recommend devise. It's written by one of the top contributors to rails Jose Valim. It's pretty easy to use, especially if you just stick with the defaults which are very reasonable. And it's kept up to date - currently only has 7 outstanding issues. For a project with 6.4k watchers that's pretty amazing.
There's a getting started guide with everything you need to get started.
There's also a devise wiki with a lot of examples. Here's just a few:
How To: Disallow previously used passwords
How To: Display a custom sign_in form anywhere in your app
How To: Do not redirect to login page after session timeout
It largely depends on what features you're looking for. If you require a full-featured authentication solution (Registration, Forgot Password, Remember Me, Login) then either devise or Authlogic is recommended.
If you're just looking for a simple way to authenticate users (via login and password for example), you can just use the Rails built-in authentication via has_secure_password. Ryan Bates did a RailsCast on it not too long ago.
Whatever method you decide to go with just remember that without SSL its not secure.
Devise is very nice. However, I'm partial to using NoamB's Sorcery gem. Its like a balance between rolling your own and Authlogic.
Check it out here:
Also nice railscast on it:

Which authentication gem would you use in Rails 3 to integrate with as many third party authentication providers

We need to have basic authentication in our Rails 3 app but the requirements are to also integrate with providers such as facebook, linked in, google apps, twitter, etc.
We are looking at:
... and others.
Any advice on which one to use that provides most of what we need?
OmniAuth is great for plugging in to third party authentication:
The above railscasts are great resources for a simple overview of using OmniAuth.
Devise is the current top dog, as it sets up sensible defaults, and makes it remarkably easy to override parts of the authentication system without affecting the rest.
It also has a branch and instructions to easily support OmniAuth for OAuth/OpenID authentication:
I'm not experienced with either of these gems but I came across this blog post that had some high level points comparing Devise and Authlogic.
This one persuaded me to start with Authlogic:
When a user logs in I like to set a cookie that has the username so I can access it from JavaScript. I know how to do this with Authlogic: add a line of code to UserSessionsController#create. How do I do it with Devise? I can't see how. (I don't want to do it on every page request. Just when they authenticate.)
You can give a shot to Sorcery gem which nicely handle third party authentification.
I found it easy to learn and to implement, and it's well documented too.
I don't try the other gems but this one is growing very fast right now, despite the fact that it's not an very old project
Good luck!!!

Minimal rails auth script?

Someone got a tip for a minimal rails auth script or gem? It should include just the following points:
authentication by email-address
registration with email-address and password
Look into devise gem:
It can do a lot more than that, but it is a very easy to use gem for such a purpose.
It handles the views and passwords resets too.
Yeah, devise is great! If those are truly your requirements then I would suggest that too. If, on the other hand, you are looking for the most minimal authentication system possible, I would encourage you to consider the omniauth gem:
It will allow you to totally offload authentication to a third party (facebook, google, twitter, etc). This is a great way to avoid writing any of that logic at all.

Login/Register in Ruby on Rails?

Im starting to learn RoR and i want to make my personal blog in this language. I usually code a couple of prototypes on top of whatever im doing in my blog. So i would like people to be able to log in, and register with their openID. So i was about to jump to the coding place when i realized the concept of gems and all that stuff is giving you tools for this kind of things.
So is there some kind of package to manage users, profiles and openId?
check out technoweeni's restful-authentication plugin
I'd advise you to look at bort as a complete RoR skeletton app with RESTful auth builtin, one of its fork here or at AuthLogic a less intrusive auth solution for Rails (and Merb and some others).
Take a look at the bort skeleton app. It has restful auth and openid authentication already setup among other things.
Railscasts also has a number of screencasts about setting up authentication, restful authentication and OpenID.
One thing you want to be aware of to avoid hours of headache: the Ruby OpenID library changed substantially with OpenID 2.0, so if you're using a plugin or example code from a blog, be sure you're using the version of OpenID to which it corresponds.
There are several plugins; one with lot of activity is open_id_authentication.
Dan Webb has a good guide to OpenID authentication in Rails that walks you through writing the actual code, but note that, at least last I checked, it hadn't been updated for OpenID 2.0.
