Weird Routing Error in Rails When Manually Adding View - ruby-on-rails

I am not sure what I am doing wrong but when I manually add the view "blah.html.erb" to my project and then visit myproject/dog/blah. It says the following:
Routing Error
No route matches "/dog/blah"
There is an action defined in DogController called "blah" which is the following:
def blah
NOTE: I add the view using TextMate. I add a new blank file. I think there is some wrong encoding attached to the .html.erb file.

For clarity, you need to either have each action listed explicitly in your routes.rb file; or you need a wildcard pattern to match the controller and action.

What's in your routes.rb file?
Better yet, you need to have something like this
match "/dog/blah", :to => "dog#blah", :as => :dog_blah
This tells your rails app that the url /dog/blah maps to the blah action in your DogController, and the :as option will give you a named route that you can use in your view in this case dog_blah_path.


Setting default page for Controller in Rails

In rails how to set the default page for controller. In my application I have a controller named "greet" which have two actions "welcome"
and "wishes". So while calling the welcome page like "localhost:3000/greet/welcome" is properly worked.
But My requirement is if I didn't
give the action name for that controller like "localhost:3000/greet", then it takes the default page associated for that controller only. How to do this
in rails 4.2. I tried to make an index action within greet controller. But it didn't work. Can anyone help me to solve this problem ?
in your routes.rb add line:
get '/greet' => 'greet#welcome'
you must also in folder view create folder greet and in this folder you have to create file welcome.html.erb
Rails work with REST concept. So, according to this when you just call localhost:3000/greet it will search greet#index method. Well, If you want to see any custom method while usinglocalhost:3000/greet, you will need to write in file config/routes.rb like:
Rails.application.routes.draw do
get 'greet', :to => 'greet#welcome', :as => :greet
Hope this will help.
Try this.
get '/greet', to: 'greet#welcome'
Rails.application.routes.draw do
resource :greet, controller: 'greet' do
get 'welcome'
get 'wishes'
#Default resource routing
get '/', to: 'greet#welcome'

routes matching in ruby on rails

i am new to ruby on rails.
Can anyone please explain about routes in ruby on rails.
match 'dash_bw' :to 'reports#dash_bw'
How it link to controller,can please explain.
'report#dash_bw' Here we writing class name that define in controller, is it write ?
If it wrong please explain how it link to controller and view.
please don't mind i am learning, my own please explain .
right side of routes match is class name or directory name.
First of all, the route should look like:
match 'dash_bw', to: 'reports#dash_bw', via: :get
which will create a route like
dash_bw GET /dash_bw(.:format) reports#dash_bw
You can check the routes by running rake routes command.
When you access in the browser which will call dash_bw action in your ReportsController (because of reports#dash_bw).
Also, you could also use the new way to define the routes as:
get 'dash_bw', to: 'reports#dash_bw', as: :dash_bw
Here we writing class name that define in controller, is it write ?
To answer the above question, you specify the class name of the controller, but not the complete name just the prefix part before the Controller.
For example: if your controller name is ReportsController then you specify reports(in lower case) in your to: option i.e., to: reports#dash_bw part. Please note that dash_bw is your action name.
refers to Reports Controller, dash_bw Action.
You must have a controller like:
class ReportsController...
def dash_bw
... code here
So when the browser hits that route what ends up happening is the dash_bw method gets called.

Rails get routing with parameter

I want to create a new route in my routes.rb which points to a "courses" controller which has the method pdfdownload. The route is supposed to take 2 parameters: course_id and user_id. I thought it should be like this:
get "/courses/pdfdownload/:course_id/:user_id"
The courses controller and everything works fine until I add the line above. The courses controller has a method called pdfdownload. Nevertheless, when I try to start the server (rails s), I get the following error:
warning: already initialized constant Mime::PDF
warning: previous definition of PDF was here
`default_controller_and_action': missing :controller (ArgumentError)
When I type rake:routes I get:
missing :controller
The courses controller is existing and is working very well with many methods. After I altered the line to this:
get "/courses/pdfdownload"
The server starts.
The rails guides says at "3.2 Dynamic Segments", it has to be written this way:
get ':controller/:action/:id/:user_id'
Whats wrong here? Thank you very much!
Update: I'm using the following link in the view:
<%= link_to "PDF", courses_pdfdownload_path(, %>
Please have a try
get "/courses/pdfdownload/:course_id/:user_id" => "courses#pdfdownload", :as => "courses_pdfdownload"
try match "/courses/pdfdownload/:course_id/:user_id" => "courses#pdfdownload"
The correct route would be:
get '/courses/pdfdownload/:course_id/:user_id', to: 'courses#pdfdownload'
But for a nicer REST route, I would rather change it to this:
get '/courses/pdfdownload/:id/:user_id', to: 'courses#pdfdownload'
The fact that the action deals with a Course resource is already implied by the name of the controller handling the action. So you don't need to call the Course id :course_id, simply :id is enough.
Note also that you can customize the name of the route helper like this:
get '/courses/pdfdownload/:id/:user_id', to: 'courses#pdfdownload', as: 'courses_pdfdownload'
Your route helper will then be courses_pdfdownload_path.
As for the errors,
warning: already initialized constant Mime::PDF
warning: previous definition of PDF was here
this is due to Rails registering PDF by default since 2011. No need to register them in config anymore.

Rails view template path loading seems incorrect

I have a problem where Rails is searching an additional subdirectory based on the controller path. Is there a way to get rails to stop searching one extra subdirectory? I kind of like the directory structure that I have now. Here's the details:
Rails will return this error message. As you can see, it's going for v1 twice:
Template is missing
Missing template api/v1/v1/print
I have a controller in app/controllers/api/v1/v1_controller.rb and a view in app/views/api/v1/print.html.erb
The specific route in config/routes.rb is (semi-truncated):
namespace :api do
scope module: :v1 do
match "v1/print",
:to => "v1#print"
Based on the routes, it looks OK. Rake routes show this:
api_v1_print GET|POST /api/v1/print(.:format) api/v1/v1#print {:format=>"html"}
Why is it going one directory too deep?
The problem is that Rails assumes there's a subdirectory per each controller. The duplication is formed since you have v1 in the module and in the controller name. I wouldn't go against Rails' conventions. Instead I would change the name of the controller to API controller (or something similar) and put the templates under the directory called API.
In case you still want to do this, simply use render within your print action and specify the exact file you'd like to use (see here)
just remove the v1 from the match, like this:
namespace :api do
scope module: :v1 do
match "print",
:to => "v1#print"
sorry, the problem is in your template folder.
app/views/(namespace)/(module)/(action) <- you have forgoten the controller
the right one would be:

Routing custom action in Rails 3

I have a very simple question.
Trying to figure out what is the simplest way to route the custom action in rails 3.
Let's say i have controller UsersController and action promote_to_premium
Should I specify in routes.rb every custom action that differs from new/delete/update/create/ect/....?????
Thank You.
Yes you need to specify in your routes.rb.
resources :users do
member do
post :promote_to_premium
This way you can access the route like this:
You should use this in routes.rb:
match "/users/:id/promote_to_premium" => "users#promote_to_premium"
You should mention the route in routes.rb file for custom methods in the controller.
You can specify the routes using either get"" or a match""=>"" or a "post"
when you write get "controller/something" something should be an action(method) called by the name "something" in your controller. But in your case you cannot use get"controller/:id" as there is no ":id" method in your controller. So, you should match your controller/:id to some 'action' in your controller.
Hence you need to write
"match users/:id/promote_to_premium"=> "users#promote_to_premium"
But if you are writing something into the database then you should use 'post'. From whatever i know, i think you can try
match 'users/:id/promote_to_premium' => 'users#promote_to_premium', :via => :post
You can study more about routes in the below link:
Yes you need to specify every route. Actually you define the normal routes too with the resource command.
There is a specific wildcard command to allow access of any action, but it is only for debug purposes, because it allows access to actions you may not want to be accessible:
match ':controller(/:action(/:id(.:format)))'
