Rails - Find or Create based on TimeStamp? possible? - ruby-on-rails

In my controller I'd like to do something like the following:
#book = Book.find(:all, :conditions = > [" created_at > with in the last 1 minute "]
if #book.nil?
# Just incase we didn't create a book, we'll initialize one
#book = Book.create()
#chapters = #book.chapters.build etc.............
* In sum, when the user is uploading a chapter, if they've recently created a book, I want the chapter to automatically go to that book and to make a new book.
Thoughts? thank you all

Hi Your code may be something like
time = Time.now
#book = Book.find(:all, :conditions = > [" created_at >= '#{Time.utc(time.year, time.month, time.day, time.hour, time.min - 1)}'"]) // .first if you're sure that it'll return just one record
if #book.blank? //.blank? not .nil? because the result of find is [] not nil
# Just incase we didn't create a book, we'll initialize one
#book = Array.new() //if you're sure that find'll return just one book you may don't change your code here
#book.first = Book.create()
//if you're sure that find'll return just one book you may don't change your code here
#book.each do |book|
#chapters = #book.chapters.build etc.............
if you're looking for a book created by some user you must pass user_id to this method and your conditions'll be
:conditions = > [" created_at >= '?' AND author_id = ?", Time.utc(time.year, time.month, time.day, time.hour, time.min - 1), params[:author_id]])


Greater/Lower than works but equals doesn't on >= and <= on .where()

I have a Rails 4 app and I'm trying to make a simple search for my invoices with 3 optional arguments: Name of the client, Start Date, End Date.
The search works fine mostly, if I put a start date and an end date it works for < and >, but eventhough i used >= and <=, if the invoice date is the same to either start or end, it just won't show on the result list.
The tables used look like this:
Client Table
The rest of the fields aren't necessary
Invoice Table
Created_At *only here for relevance*
My Invoice Controller Search method looks like this:
def search
if request.post?
#count = 0
#invoices = Invoice.all
if params[:start_date].present?
#invoices = Invoice.invoices_by_date(#invoices, params[:start_date], 'start')
if #invoices.present?
#count = 1
#count = 2
if params[:end_date].present?
#invoices = Invoice.invoices_by_date(#invoices, params[:end_date], 'end')
if #invoices.present?
#count = 1
#count = 2
if params[:name].present?
#invoices = Invoice.invoices_by_client(#invoices, params[:name])
if #invoices.present?
#count = 1
#count = 2
if #count == 2
flash.now[:danger] = "No results found."
#invoices = nil
#name = params[:name]
#start_date = params[:start_date]
#end_date = params[:end_date]
And the Invoice Model methods i use look like this:
def self.invoices_by_client(invoices, name)
invoices= invoices.includes(:client)
.select('invoices.created_at', 'invoices.total_price', 'clients.name')
.where("clients.name LIKE ?", "%#{name}%")
return invoices
def self.invoices_by_date(invoices, date, modifier)
if modifier == 'start'
invoices = invoices.includes(:client)
.select('invoices.created_at', 'invoices.total_price', 'clients.name')
.where("invoices.created_at >= ?", date)
elsif modifier == 'end'
invoices = invoices.includes(:client)
.select('invoices.created_at', 'invoices.total_price', 'clients.name')
.where("invoices.created_at <= ? ", date)
return invoices
It probably isn't the best solution overall and I don't know if i did anything wrong so it would be great if you guys could help me with this.
I followed Alejandro's advice and messed around with the time aswell as the date, something like this:
if modifier == 'start'
invoices = invoices.includes(:client)
.select('invoices.created_at', 'invoices.total_price', 'clients.name')
.where("invoices.created_at >= ?", "#{date} 00:00:00") // Added the start time
elsif modifier == 'end'
invoices = invoices.includes(:client)
.select('invoices.created_at', 'invoices.total_price', 'clients.name')
.where("invoices.created_at <= ? ", "#{date} 23:59:59") // Added end time aswell
I forced the time for the start date as 00:00:00 and the time for the end date as 23:59:59 and it worked as desired. Thank you for the help man and i hope this helps other people!

How can I iterate through a model then iterate again in my view?

I want to pull data for each of my users. I grab their person_id from my user table, then use each person's ID to figure out how many days each person has available, and show that in my view.
I'm not sure if I am doing this correctly because I am iterating in my controller then again in my view.
def how_many_days_users_have
#my_group = User.all.pluck(:person_id)
#my_group.each do |v|
#indirect_id_v = Empaccrl.where("person_id = ? and is_active = ?", '#{v]', 'Y').pluck(:a_code).first
#v_range = Empaccrl.where("person_id = ? and is_active = ?", '#{v]', 'Y').pluck(:ac).first
#v_range_taken = Empaccrl.where("person_id = ? and is_active = ?", '#{v]', 'Y').pluck(:taken).first
#total_v_hours = #v_range.to_d - #v_range_taken.to_d
#total_v_days = #total_v_hours / 8
Then in my view I use this to show me this data:
-#indirect_id_v.each do |idd|
%td.trace-table{:style => 'border: solid black;'}= idd
-#total_v_days.each do |days|
%td.trace-table{:style => 'border: solid black;'}= days
Okay, first things first, move some of that junk to your model, like so:
class Empaccrl < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.all_people
where(person_id: User.all.pluck(:person_id))
def self.active_people
all_people.where(is_active: 'Y')
def self.active_vacation_data
active_people.select(:person_id, :ac, :taken)
def total_v_hours
ac.to_d - taken.to_d
def total_v_days
total_v_hours / 8
Then you can use:
peoples_vacation_information = Empaccrl.active_vacation_data.all
peoples_vacation_information.map do |person|
p "person #{person.person_id} has #{person.total_v_days} vacation days"
Honestly, you don't even need all that, but I'm not sure why you are doing what you are doing, so I figured better be safe and add stuff. Whatever you don't need, just ignore.

Increment/decrement integer in user model by 1

I have a user model which has these columns - name, email, books_on_loan
I have a booking system where users can check out/in books. When A user checks a book out I want to increase their 'books_on_loan_ integer by one, and vice versa.
So far I have tried it like this and am getting an error "undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass" - it doesnt like the #user.books_on_loan
def check_out
#params = params[:book]
title = #params[:title]
name = #params[:name]
#book = Book.find_by_title(title)
#user = User.find_by_name(name)
if #user == nil
#note = 'This user is not registered.'
elsif #book == nil
#note = 'This book is not in the library.'
elsif #book.onloan == 1
#note = 'This book is on loan.'
elsif #user.books_on_loan == 3
#note = 'This user already has 3 books out.'
#book.onloan = 1
#books_loaned = BooksOnloan.create(book_id: #book.id, user_id: #user.id)
#user.books_on_loan = #user.books_on_loan + 1
#note = 'The book was checked out.'
respond_to do |format|
Try this:
#user.increment :books_on_loan, 1
You can try with following codes, that will handle nil value for #user.books_on_loan
#user.books_on_loan = #user.books_on_loan.to_i + 1
#user.books_on_loan = (#user.books_on_loan || 0) + 1
#user.books_on_loan = (#user.books_on_loan.present? ? #user.books_on_loan : 0) + 1
While most answers here are ok, you'd rather change the root of the problem otherwise you'd have to use guard causes in your whole app.
It seems books_on_loan to be an attribute in db, so do :
change_column :users, :books_on_loan, :integer, default: 0
#and change existing bad data
User.update_all({books_on_loan: 0}, {books_on_loan: nil})
Or you could change the getter in your class:
def books_on_loan
super || 0
Side note, design wise, its not that a good idea to have an integer in db maintaining the current books on loan: you could loose sync the real ones.
You'd rather count a real association.
Simply do #user.books_on_loan.to_i. The to_i will convert nil into 0 automatically
ost answers are very correct but I'd like to add the following.
To answer your question, incrementing the value of an attribute (even on a variable that returns nil) can be done this way:
#user.books_on_loan =+ 1
decrementing being: #user.books_on_loan =- 1
However, you can leverage the benefit of proper model associations here and have a has_many -> through relationship between User and Book where by adding/removing a book for a user, the counter is adjusted accordingly.
Rails provides practical abstraction that you can use: increment and decrement.
So you could now do something like this:
#user.increment(:books_on_loan, 1)
Increment takes 2 argument. The table column and the number by which you increment. It initializes the attribute to zero if nil and adds the value passed as by (default is 1).
Similarly you can use
#user.decrement(:book_on_loan, 1)
More on this HERE

Nested ActiveRecords: Find many childrens of many parents

In my Rails 3.2 app a Connector has_many Incidents.
To get all incidents of a certain connector I can do this:
(In console)
c = Connector.find(1) # c.class is Connector(id: integer, name: string, ...
i = c.incidents.all # all good, lists incidents of c
But how can I get all incidents of many connectors?
c = Connector.find(1,2) # works fine, but c.class is Array
i = c.incidents.all #=> NoMethodError: undefined method `incidents' for #<Array:0x4cc15e0>
Should be easy! But I don't get it!
Here’s the complete code in my statistics_controller.rb
class StatisticsController < ApplicationController
def index
#connectors = Connector.scoped
if params['connector_tokens']
logger.debug "Following tokens are given: #{params['connector_tokens']}"
#connectors = #connectors.find_all_by_name(params[:connector_tokens].split(','))
#start_at = params[:start_at] || 4.weeks.ago.beginning_of_week
#end_at = params[:end_at] || Time.now
##time_line_data = Incident.time_line_data( #start_at, #end_at, 10) #=> That works, but doesn’t limit the result to given connectors
#time_line_data = #connectors.incidents.time_line_data( #start_at, #end_at, 10) #=> undefined method `incidents' for #<ActiveRecord::Relation:0x3f643c8>
respond_to do |format|
format.html # index.html.haml
Edit with reference to first 3 answers below:
Great! With code below I get an array with all incidents of given connectors.
c = Connector.find(1,2)
i = c.map(&:incidents.all).flatten
But idealy I'd like to get an Active Records object instead of the array, because I'd like to call where() on it as you can see in methode time_line_data below.
I could reach my goal with the array, but I would need to change the whole strategy...
This is my time_line_data() in Incidents Model models/incidents.rb
def self.time_line_data(start_at = 8.weeks.ago, end_at = Time.now, lim = 10)
total = {}
rickshaw = []
arr = []
inc = where(created_at: start_at.to_time.beginning_of_day..end_at.to_time.end_of_day)
# create a hash, number of incidents per day, with day as key
inc.each do |i|
if total[i.created_at.to_date].to_i > 0
total[i.created_at.to_date] += 1
total[i.created_at.to_date] = 1
# create a hash with all days in given timeframe, number of incidents per day, date as key and 0 as value if no incident is in database for this day
(start_at.to_date..end_at.to_date).each do |date|
js_timestamp = date.to_time.to_i
if total[date].to_i > 0
arr.push([js_timestamp, total[date]])
rickshaw.push({x: js_timestamp, y: total[date]})
arr.push([js_timestamp, 0])
rickshaw.push({x: js_timestamp, y: 0})
{ :start_at => start_at,
:end_at => end_at,
:series => rickshaw #arr
As you only seem to be interested in the time line data you can further expand the map examples given before e.g.:
#time_line_data = #connectors.map do |connector|
connector.incidents.map do |incident|
incident.time_line_data(#start_at, #end_at, 10)
This will map/collect all the return values of the time_line_data method call on all the incidents in the collection of connectors.
Ref:- map
c = Connector.find(1,2)
i = c.map(&:incidents.all).flatten

Rails - Fetch results on the basis of number of params in query string

I am working on an events application where i want to filter events depending on the 3 parameters location or starts_at or ends_at in the query string. There can be any one, two or all the parameters in the query string. In i use if-else statement i need to make 6 cases which will make my code clumsy. Rather i am thinking to implement something this way:
class EventsController < ApplicationController
def index
unless params.empty?
unless params[:location].nil?
#events = Event.where("location = ?", params[:location])
unless params[:starts_at].nil?
unless #events.empty?
#events = #events.where("start_date = ?", params[:start_date])
#events = Event.where("Date(starts_at) = Date(?)", params[:starts_at])
unless params[:ends_at].nil?
unless #events.empty?
#events = #events.where("end_date = ?", params[:end_date])
#events = Event.where("Date(ends_at) = Date(?)", params[:ends_at])
But this code doesnt work since where query doen not work on an array. Can someone suggest me some solution for this..
You should be able to pass your params hash directly to where, and it will form the correct SQL based on the keys and values of that hash:
An example in the console:
1.9.3p194 :001 > puts Example.where(:location => 'here', :started_at => '2012-08-13').to_sql
SELECT "examples".* FROM "examples" WHERE "examples"."location" = 'here' AND "examples"."started_at" = '2012-08-13'
Try Following
def index
unless params.empty?
where_array, arr = [], []
if params[:location]
where_array << "location = ?"
arr << params[:location]
if params[:starts_at]
where_array << "start_date = ?"
arr << params[:starts_at]
if params[:ends_at]
where_array << "end_date = ?"
arr << params[:ends_at]
#events = arr.blank? ? [] : Event.where([where_array.join(" AND "), *arr])
