How can I automate the login to Twitter using Oauth? - twitter

Assumedly, I can use curl to send vars to
All of the libraries I'm trying have the same behavior: I instantiate the object and then I'm directed to the Twitter login screen at This is not going to work for me because my users should never know the username/password for Twitter.

Used Abraham library for this. Thanks.


OAuth Using UIWebView iOS

I would want to know how can I make user login OAuth via a UIWebView instead of Safari browser.
I've implemented Twitter OAuth with Deployd as backend, after making login with Twitter it redirects to my API url for a POST request and get stuck. It's not redirecting back to the application.
So any approach or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Any reason why you're not using the Fabric SDK? It makes it really easy to login a user via Twitter and it checks automatically if an account is set up in the System Settings. If there isn't one, it'll present the OAuth login option. In this way your user doesn't have to leave your app which is great.

Integrating twitter login in IOS

In my IOS app i Want to add twitter login in order to fetch the user's information like Name, Email ID and Profile picture.Can anyone please provide me some useful information or some tutorial link that can help in integrating twitter login in my app and to fetch user information.
If you're just trying to do some really simple login stuff and are new to iOS, I would definitely check out Parse's Twitter Login tools.
Really user friendly and simple to get the hang of.
If you want to add twitter login to your app in a simple way, I would recommend you to use Fabric framework. Follow this link:
Note: You can't bring user's email easily. You need to get permissions from twitter by filling a form in twitter website or else by sending email to fabric team.
Twitter Kit provides all the required functionalities and mechanism for making authenticated requests to Twitter's REST API.
Follow the configuration process here.
Using TWTRSession, you can request for TWTRUser object and that will have what you need.
This is the right way and advisable one too.

iOS Twitter login without reverse auth

I have found an example that shows login via Twitter using Reverse Auth. But I want something like this
NOTE: NOT open in Safari
Is there any example or tutorial talking about this?
I use this library to do web view Oauth login, this should make the job done:

Auto login in twitter account using username and password

I am using Twitter oauth for achieving the auto-login concept by providing the username and password. I am only able to get the data from my Twitter account. How do i login to Twitter by providing the username and password as parameters to some function which may be Twitter API login function or whatever the function. Did anyone come across this issue? If so please process me the code or links.
I want to achieve the following using oauth Twitter API or xauth... or some script:
I have an icon (Twitter) in my air application which has some background details like url (, username, password.
If i click the Twitter icon, i want the Twitter site to login automatically and to be rendered on my AIR browser (webkit).
It can be anything like Twitter API or some script which does the login mechanism.
I am stuck with this, How do i login to Twitter using auto login?
The Twitter API no longer supports authenticating to Twitter with a user name and a password. In order to use the API, you need to implement OAuth either by writing your own implementation (which I strongly advise again) or by using a library that someone else has written.
Which one you use depends largely on your development platform.

Sign in and sign up functionality using oauth

Hello I want to perform functionality like sign in or sign up with facebook using oauth2.
I have generated the consumer controller for oauth and could successfully consume the services provided by facebook.
But now I want to have functionality of sign in and signup.
Im getting a error with this.
My control comes to the def load_consumer but from there it is not going in to def callback2.
If the user is already signed in then it works perfectly fine else it crashes.
And also I wanted to know when to use oauth provider and when to use oauth consumer.
Please if you find a proper documentation for this then please post it here.
Thanks in adavnace.
There's a live example of how to implement Facebook Login via the Temboo SDK here. The source code for that example is available on GitHub (in PHP) but you can easily generate the Ruby code you need to achieve the same behavior via the Temboo website, see link below:
(Full disclosure: I work at Temboo, so let me know if you have any questions).
