Preserving environment variables in CMake - environment-variables

I am working on something that requires some header files from a different source tree. For various reasons, I would like to keep these headers outside of my project and reference them during the make process.
I have a CMake build script that generates my makefiles, but I would like to be able to generate makefiles with references to environment variables in them, such that the generated makefile can be run like so:
HEADERS=/somewhere/on/the/filesystem make
Is this possible using CMake? Failing that, is there a way to get what I'm after using CMake only?

This seems to have worked for me:
It's a real-world example but I hope it gives you an idea. You can assign a string to a variable which will be copied verbatim to the Makefile.

You should look at add_custom_command using the TARGET and PRE_LINK options.

You can use $ENV{VARIABLE} to get the value of an environment variable, but it will only be evaluated during the cmake run and not during the make.

For passing environment variable to make, you can:
Replace HEADER to whatever your variable name.
Setting cmake policy CMP0005 is for cmake to generate correct escape for you.


How to use --save_temps in Bazel rule instead of command line?

Is there a way to control the Bazel build to generate wanted temp files for a list of source files instead of just using the command line option "--save_temps"?
One way is using a cc_binary, and add "-E" option in the "copts", but the obj file name will always have a ".o". This kind of ".o" files will be overwriten by the other build targets. I don't know how to control the compiler output file name in Bazel.
Any better ideas?
cc_library has an output group with the static library, which you can then extract. Something like this:
name = "extract_archive",
srcs = [":some_cc_library"],
output_group = "archive",
Many tools will accept the static archive instead of an object file. If the tool you're using does, then that's easy. If not, things get a bit more complicated.
Extracting the object file from the static archive is a bit trickier. You could use a genrule with the $(AR) Make variable, but that won't work with some C++ toolchains that require additional flags to configure architectures etc.
The better (but more complicated) answer is to follow the guidance in integrating with C++ rules. You can get the ar from the toolchain and the flags to use it in a custom rule, and then create an action to extract it. You could also access the OutputGroupInfo from the cc_library in the rule directly instead of using filegroup if you've already got a custom rule.
Thanks all for your suggestions.
Now I think I can solve this problem in two steps(Seems Bazel does not allow to combine two rules into one):
Step1, add a -E option like a normal cc_libary, we can call it a pp_library. It is easy.
Step2, in a new rules, its input is the target of pp_library, then in this rule find out the obj files(can be found via : action.outputs.to_list()) and copy them to the a new place via ctx.actions.run_shell() run_shell.
I take Bazel: copy multiple files to binary directory as a reference.

AST of a project by Clang

I use the Clang python binding to extract the AST of c/c++ files. It works perfectly for a simple program I wrote. The problem is when I want to employ it for a big project like openssl. I can run clang for any single file of the project, but clang seems to miss some headers of the project, and just gives me the AST of a few functions of the file, not all of the functions. I set the include folder by -I, but still getting part of the functions.
This is my code:
import clang.cindex as cl
index = cl.Index.create()
lib = 'Path to include folder'
args = ['-I{}'.format(lib)]
translation_unit = index.parse(source_file, args=args)
I receive too many header files not found errors.
I used Make to compile openssl by clang? I can pass -emit-ast option to clang to dump the ast of each file, but I cannot read it now by the clang python binding.
Any clues how I can save the the serialized representation of the translation units so that I will be able to read it by
Thank you!
You would "simply" need to provide the right args. But be aware of two possible issues.
Different files may require different arguments for parsing. The easiest solution is to obtain compilation database and then extract compile commands from it. If you go this way be aware that you would need to filter out the arguments a bit and remove things like -c FooBar.cpp (potentially some others), otherwise you may get something like ASTReadError.
Another issue is that the include paths (-I ...) may be relative to the source directory. I.e., if a file main.cpp compiled from a directory /opt/project/ with -I include/path argument, then before calling index.parse(source_file, args=args) you need to step in (chdir) into the /opt/project, and when you are done you will probably need to go back to the original working directory. So the code may look like this (pseudocode):
cwd = getcwd()
translation_unit = index.parse(source_file, args=args)
I hope it helps.

User name in .bazelrc

I would like to add this to my .bazelrc, but the $(whoami) doesn't expand like if it was in a shell.
startup --output_user_root=/tmp/bazel/out/$(whoami)
It produces the literal result:
Is there any way to do what I want: adding a name/hash to the option in the .bashrc file?
Edit: what I really want is to set the outputRoot to /tmp/bazel/out without using an environment variable and to let bazel create it's user and workspace hash directories there.
You can run Bazel from a wrapper script. In fact, that's exactly what the bazel binary is (at least on Linux): it's a wrapper script that calls bazel-real. You can edit this wrapper script if you like, or rename it to and write your own wrapper.
/usr/bin/bazel is a script which looks for //tools/bazel, and if it exists, calls it. Otherwise, it calls bazel-real. This lets you check Bazel into your repo, or otherwise modify how it gets called. We use that to download a specific version of bazel, extract it, and then call it.
I would recommend creating //tools/bazel, and having that do your modification. It can then either call a versioned version of bazel, or call bazel-real. That keeps your modifications local to your repo rather than global.

Is it possible to get $pwd value from Bazel .bzl rule?

I am trying to get a value of the full current directory path from within .bzl rule. I have tried following:
ctx.host_configuration.default_shell_env.PATH returns "/Users/[user_name]/.rbenv/shims:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:...
ctx.bin_dir.path returns bazel-out/local-fastbuild/bin
pwd = ctx.expand_make_variables("cmd", "$$PWD", {}) returns string $PWD - I don't think this rule is helpful for me, but may be just using it wrong.
What I need is the directory under which the cmd that runs Bazel .bzl rule is running. For example: /Users/[user_name]/git/workspace/path/to/bazel/rule.bzl or at least first part of the path prior to the WORKSPACE directory.
I can't use pwd because I need this value before I call ctx.actions.run_shell()
Are there no attributes in Bazel configurations that hold this value?
The goal is to have hermetic builds, so you shouldn't depend on the absolute path.
Feel free to use pwd inside the command of ctx.actions.run_shell() (for reproducible builds, be careful, avoid putting the absolute path in the generated files).
Technically, there are some workarounds. For example, you can pass the path via the --define flag:
bazel build :all --define=path=$(pwd)
Then the value will be available using ctx.var["path"].
Based on your comment below, you want the path to declare an output. Let me repeat: You shouldn't use an absolute path to declare the output file. Declare an output in your package. Then ask the tool you call to use that output.
For example, when you call gcc, you can use -o to specify the output. When a tool writes to stdout, use the shell to redirect it. If the tool is really not flexible, you may want to wrap it with your own script (e.g. call the tool and copy the output file).
Using an absolute path here is not the right solution. For example, it should be possible to execute the action on a remote machine (where your absolute path won't make sense.
Zip may be a reasonable solution. It's useful when you cannot know in advance the number or the names of the output files.

Does the preprocessor pass environment variables?

Does the preprocessor have a mechanism to access environment variables directly as defines, without the need to define them on the command line?
For instance,
SOME_VAR=foo gcc code.c
#if ENV_SOME_VAR == "foo"
No, the standard C preprocessor has no such mechanism, and I'm not aware of any compiler extensions that provide such a feature either.
However, you can do this using a build system, such as Cmake or GNU Autoconf, the latter being a part of the GNU Autotools build system. A simple shell script would do this as well, though all of these options mean you'd need to test the environment variable to determine whether to define ENV_SOME_VAR, in which case, you might just define it using something like the following:
That would define ENV_SOME_VAR in your C file as the value of $SOME_VAR if it's set or to the string "unfoo" if $SOME_VAR is empty (null) or unset.
