ASP.NET MVC: cache with non-cachable portions -

I have a heavy page that is cached. This is okay for anonymous users. They all see the same page.
The problem is for logged in users. They should have minor parts of the page re-rendered on every request (like personal notes on content in the page, etc.)
But still all the rest of the page should be cached (it does tons of SQL and calcuations when rendered).
As a workaround I put placeholders in page templates (like #var1#, #var2#,..).
Then I make controller method to render View into string, where I do string.Replace #var1# and other into real values.
Any cleaner way to do such kind of partial "non-caching"?

This is called donut caching.
The ASP.Net MVC framework doesn't currently support it, but it's planned for version 3.

To start things off, it might make sense to go through the page and see if there is anything about it that you can do to streamline or reduce the weight. Depending upon how bad things are, investing some time here might pay off in the long run.
That said, in regards to trying to server the content to anonymous as well as logged in users, one option is to have two versions of the page: one for anonymous users and one for logged in users. This may not be the best approach though as it means that you now have two versions of the same page to maintain.
Given the lack of support doughnut caching mentioned by SLaks what I would likely do is try and cache the results of the calculations that are being done for the page (e.g. if you are querying a database for a table of data, cache a DataTable that you can check for before running the operation) and seeing what that does for the performance. It may not be the most elegant solution in the world, but it may solve the problems that you are having.


how to implement pagination correctly?

I am currently working on an MVC4 application that accesses a set of wcf services which delivers content.
I have a page that lists products. This page has a pagination feature called infinite scrolling, so as you scroll down the page, products are loaded.
I am wondering what is the best way to achieve such a pagination feature. The data source is sql server. Options as I see it are:
Paginate at the sql server 2012 layer - returning only the required recordset and feed it back up the stack through wcf and in to the MVC application to display
As option 1 but also include caching at the WCF layer so that the recordset is cached long term. This will mean though that a number recordsets will be stored in cache instead of one large one
Cache all the data, and paginate the cached items, returning the subset from the WCF services cached data
Note: I am using for caching.
So I am looking for feedback as to the best practice for this.
How big is your possible dataset? That I think would be the concern with caching, if it's feasible to hold it all in memory, then do option 3, I don't see the point of option 2, as if you cache for long term, you will most likely get to caching everything anyway. If you want to implement #2, I would cache for a short period of time (the timeframe would depend on how busy the site is).
When i tried this for test purposes i followed this guide:
I dont know if it's the best way of implementing infinite scroll but it's at least a proof of concept.

Web page design - number of pages and user experience

I am just starting a project and the wireframes are ready. But looking at the wireframes it seems that the primary goal was to reduce the number of pages and to include maximum functionality in to a single page.
Taking an example of an organization, the top portion of the page will show the organization details, below that at the left we have an division structure as a tree view, clicking on a division will populate the employee list on the right as a table, and when you click on an employee it will populate the employee details below.
Current wireframe looks something like this:
End user is happy as they can see the entire functionality on a single page and doesn't need to navigate to another page.
But this design reminds me the screen of some old desktop application and I feel that this page is unnecessarily complex- I want to split this in to multiple pages (at least in to three). Also, I am using MVC 4 and splitting this in to multiple pages will definitely help me to reduce the complexities during implementation.
But before arriving at any conclusion and raising any concern, I would like to know what you guys think. Some articles related to User experience are also welcome.
Here's what I think.
Whether the design above is 'right' depends on the target audience and the type of work / business process they need to carry out. There may be a strong business argument for being able to see all the information (org details, divisions, employees and employee details) on one page. It is not unusual to see a lot of information displayed in a page with a lot of interactivity - users expectations have increased because of consumer sites such as Gmail.
The users might find it frustrating if it was broken out into different pages.
To put it another way, I don't think there is a valid technical justification for making the designer change the UI above to split it into different pages.
You would be able to build the UI above in MVC as a single page web application. You will probably need to implement a lot of controller actions to support ajax calls. You're almost certainly going to end up using a lot of JQuery and you are probably also going to end up with a significant amount of JavaScript to write. Also, you'll need to make sure the designer has made good decisions around the sizing of the page. Is it going to be fixed width or dynamic for instance? You'll need to emit well structured HTML in order to achieve that solely using CSS (which I would strongly advise you do).

How to: one database call per request in ASP.NET MVC using L2S

How to fetch all data required for processing a request in one call to DB. Also I want to know how will I do this if my master page also requires some data from database? I know that its clarified in Passing data to Master Page in ASP.NET MVC. But I think that will make multiple calls to database. Please let me know if it's not like that.
+1 and thanks to all answerers/commenter s for their views and advice.
I think you might be confusing one session per request and SELECT N + 1 scenarios. It is perfectly fine to have multiple calls to the database, however you want to watch out for when you have to do one database call per item in a list. This is most commonly encountered when using lazy loaded lists. The solution is to use eager fetching.
ps. I think the popular solution for getting data to the master page is to use Html.RenderAction in the master page. That way you don't have to worry about master page concerns (like navigation) all over the place.
I have to agree with the other answers, what is your justification for this?
NHibernate can batch SQL statements using FUTURES, have you read this blog post?
However said I am not sure how you would combine all possibilities for all of your views on your site. If you do come up a solution I would love to see it.
This is not going to be easy and showing a small code example is not possible.
It's a bit of a tall order to limit yourself to only one database hit per request. What are your reasons for doing this? Is it just a fun challenge you've set yourself? If it's for optimisation reasons, there are better ways of achieving this: optimising queries, caching etc.

Does ASP.NET MVC require you to use master pages?

My group is working on a new web application and is considering using MVC. However, there are members who would rather include pages than use master pages. Is this possible to do in ASP.NET MVC? In the small amount of time that I've poked around with MVC I have not yet been able to figure out how one might accomplish that.
Why the preference?
Having used both in the past, Master Pages are much easier to use. You just have to get over the (very small) learning curve.
ASP.NET MVC doesn't force you to do either one though...
If you like the Include method, then you would probably feel most comfortable using Partial Views to provide the same functionality. You would just add the Partial Views to each page instead of including another page.
No. It does not force you in any way.
You should really avoid server-side includes with anything newer than classic ASP. They're more difficult to debug, IIS has a hard time finding correct line numbers when there's a problem, etc. Also, I haven't looked at the order in which SSIs are processed in the request pipeline - they may not work at all with ASP.NET.
If you're moving into MVC, use RenderPartial() or RenderAction() instead. These perform essentially the same function as a server-side include, but are more inline with the spirit of the framework and provide some additional benefits, like passing models without having to declare a global variable (which should also be avoided, and I'm not sure if it is even possible under .NET scope rules).
And, no, master pages are not required, but you really should use them. Using includes to build your page layout works, but only if you don't and won't need to radically change the layout of your site at any point in the future. I'm in that boat now with a 350k line classic ASP app which used very nicely structured code and #includes to create the page layout. That was the best solution available at the time, but it's causing me a lot of headaches now (10+ years later).
With a master page you can move your ContentPlaceHolder blocks anywhere you want, whereas with #includes the final page really determines the format by the order in which the includes are placed. This also makes it pretty straightforward to create a mobile version of your site - you can create a mobile-specific master page and use the same content views.
Its a matter of choice,but for consistent look and feel across the web application, master pages give you just that. You have to take the team through the learning curve of good master page design, not only would it be useful for the current project at hand but also future projects. Good luck!
I would rather opt to go for Master pages due to the ease of use and built in support in MVC for this.
If you want to know more about it check out this tutorial: Creating Page Layouts with View Master Pages.
Grz, Kris.

Display/hide menu items depending on logged on user

In my web app, I would like to show an "Admin" menu link only to users who have been added to the database as an administrator.
What would be the best way to do this in ASP.NET MVC 2?
At the moment, I am doing it by checking whether the user exists in the Admin database table for every page. Obviously, there must be a better way to do this.
If it helps, I am using Windows Auth.
You could probably save the admin state in a session variable or something, but it seems more appropriate to create a partial view with the menu (if you haven't already) and just have the check in there. You'll still have a database call for it on each page request, but no duplication of code. And unless you have performance issues right now, one extra call really isn't that big of a deal.
If you do have performance issues, make sure you optimize your own code, have all the correct indices on the db etc. A lot of performance gain (especially in db related problems) can usually be made by re-structuring how things are done, instead of what is done.
In ASP.NET MVC 2 there is actually an even better way you could do this, combining Html.RenderAction() and AuthorizeAttribute (or possibly write your own inherited attribute that sets a flag instead of returning an error when the user is not authorized). That way you would minimize view logic, and conform better to the MVC principles.
