Don't reshow seen posts in Rails - ruby-on-rails

I'm currently developing an application whereby a user clicks a button and they're offered up a new page of content, and was wondering how I would go about hiding or skipping past those that the user has already interacted with (a separate table stores the post_id and user_id for each view).
I currently use this code in the model for displaying a random page:
def self.random
if (c = count) != 0
find(:first, :offset =>rand(c))
The user authentication system is built off of Authlogic, and I have User, Post and View models.
So if a user has already seen a post "foo", how would I not display that in the future and instead serve up a random "bar".

I would set a boolean field for each post called "read" (default => false).
Upon firing the "show" action of your controller (and any other action you consider the person seeing the post), you can automatically set that to true and perform a save without validation. When you then show your list of records, you can add the condition .where("read = ?", false).
Of course, you can decide whether you want to give users the flexibility of setting individual posts to 'unseen' or 'unread' - if you want to do that it's the subject of another question :).

You could store an array of viewed post ids on the session in the show action of the posts_controller. EDIT -- find random post not already viewed. Not tested, but the idea is here:
def show_random_post
while (id == nil || (session[:viewed_posts] ||= []).include?(id)) # initialize array if it hasn't been initialized
id = rand(Post.count) + 1
session[:viewed_posts] << id
#post = Post.find(id)
# etc.
Do you want to keep a record of viewed posts between sessions?
EDIT: If you want to keep a user-level record of viewed posts between sessions, you'll probably want to do it at the db level. Since this means a many-to-many relationship between users and posts, you'll likely want to manage that with a relational table, and the best way to do that in Rails is with has_many :through. Something like (again, not tested):
class ViewedPostRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :post
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :viewed_post_records
has_many :viewed_posts, :class => 'Post', :through => :viewed_post_records
class PostsController < ApplicationController
def show_random_post
while (id == nil ||
id = rand(Post.count) + 1
#post = Post.find(id)
current_user.viewed_posts << #post
# etc.


Conditional email trigger on Model attribute update (Devise & Rails)

I'm still learning Rails, and using Devise. Currently I am working on a bug/ticket logging system. I'n this system we have tickets created by a user, assigned to another user and all users that can view it can post a reply on it.
I want to trigger an email when a user changes the status of a ticket to closed.
HOWEVER, if you are the creator (of the ticket) and you closed it, you do not want an email, but you want to email the user its assigned to. Likewise, if you are the assignee and you close it, you do not want to email, but you do want to email the creator. If you are neither creator or assignee, you still do not want an email, but you do want to email the other two.
The email will be a small notification noting ticket #_ is closed.
I am a bit tripped up as to where this code should go. There is no new code in the controller but I added a before_update :email_update in my ticket model.
def email_update
#status field is changed
if status_changed? && status.description == "Closed"
if(current_user != assigned_to)
UserMailer.new_ticket_admin(assigned_to, self).deliver
if(current_user != user)
UserMailer.new_ticket_admin(user, self).deliver
But, is this not bad practice to access the current user in one of the models? What would be a better approach?
Pretty sure, but I don't think that you can access current_user in the model. Even if you could, might I suggest an alternative. Instead, I would use a closed_by_id attribute where it is the current_user's ID. This way you can also track who closed a ticket. From here, you can check to see if the ticket is closed and if the creator of the ticket's ID is equal to the closed_by_id.
As you mentioned you have a creator and a 'closer' (or whatever you want to call that user). Within your user model you want to have something like this:
class Ticket < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :requested_by, class_name: 'User' # foreign_key requested_by_id
belongs_to :closed_by, class_name: 'User' # foreign_key closed_by_id
def close(user)
self.closed_by = user
# bonus method
def closed?
def User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :tickets, foreign_key: 'requested_by_id'
has_many :closed_tickets, foreign_key: 'closed_by_id'
And for your controller something like:
class TicketController < ApplicationController
def create
#ticket = params[:ticket]
def close
#ticket = Ticket.find(params[:id])
#ticket.close current_user
This way there is no need to have current_user within your model. Which probably solves your challege.

How to access a model from another model?

I have two models in ROR, one which is Note and another one which is Access. Each Access has a Note field and a user field. In my index action of the notes controller I want to filter notes owned by the user (done) as well as notes accessible to the user, which I named #accessible_notes.
The following code gives me the correct notes owned by the user, however I cannot get the notes accessible to the user.
Basically, I need to find all the Accesses in which the user is involved and then fetch the corresponding notes. How can I do that?
def index
#notes = Note.where(user: current_user)
#personal_access = Access.where("user_id = ?",
#accessible_notes = []
#personal_access.each do |accessible|
tnote = Note.find(accessible.note_id)
#accessible_notes += tnote if tnote
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :accessible_notes, :through => :accesses, :source => :notes
#accessible_notes = current_user.accessible_notes
How about
#personal_access.each do |accessible|
#accessible_notes << accessible.note
There might be a faster way using Active Record queries.
And that faster way is in depa's answer.

Optimizing purchase querying in Rails

I am implementing an online application shop with Rails. Its data model is shown as follows:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many purchase_records
has_many items, :through => purchase_records
class Item < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many purchase_records
has_many users, :through => purchase_records
class PurchaseRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :item
It has a page showing available items and there prices, and if the user has purchased the item, the price will be a download link, just as App Store does. A view helper is written to help generate such links:
def download_link(item)
# generate a download link
def item_link(item)
if current_user and current_user.items.where(:id => != nil
# User already purchased it
download_link(item, 'book-price')
# Not purchased yet, show price and link to its details
link_to item.price, item
current_user is defined by devise. It works fine except for it costs 20 extra database queries for a page with 20 items, since it needs to check if the user has purchased the item or not for every single item. I am wondering if it can be optimized, for example, to pre-load purchased items of current user, but I have no idea how to write it in a view helper.
I just implemented downloadable content for a client.
What I did was write an instance method on the user class that retrieves the user's purchased items, e.g.:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
def downloads
self.orders.collect { |o| o.products }.flatten
You could use the include? method to check if the user purchased the item, e.g.:
def item_link(item)
if current_user && current_user.downloads.include?(item)
download_link(item, 'book-price')
link_to item.price, item
Unfortunately, while this is a bit more explicit, it will still loop through the user's orders every time item_link is hit. I would suggest optimizing this with Rails low-level caching where you may clear the cache every time the user logs in or completes a purchase.
A Rails low-level cache may look like this:
def downoads
Rails.cache.fetch("user-downloads-#{}") do
self.orders.collect { |o| o.products }.flatten
And call the following to clear a cache:
You could set the user's purchased items to an instance variable in the controller. Then you're only hitting the database once:
# app/controllers/items_controller.rb
def index
#purchased_items = current_user.items
# app/helpers/items_helper.rb
def item_link(item)
if #purchased_items.include?(item)
link_to ...
Well, you don't write that in a view helper. You make a scope on the user model called purchased_items where you would check all of the items a user has purchased.
Since you didn't put up the source code for User, Item and whatever their relationship is, I can only give you that general hint.

nested form & habtm

I am trying to save to a join table in a habtm relationship, but I am having problems.
From my view, I pass in a group id with:
<%= link_to "Create New User", new_user_url(:group => 1) %>
# User model (user.rb)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :user_groups
accepts_nested_attributes_for :user_groups
# UserGroups model (user_groups.rb)
class UserGroup < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :users
# users_controller.rb
def new
#user = => params[:group])
in the new user view, i have access to the User.user_groups object, however when i submit the form, not only does it not save into my join table (user_groups_users), but the object is no longer there. all the other objects & attributes of my User object are persistent except for the user group.
i just started learning rails, so maybe i am missing something conceptually here, but i have been really struggling with this.
Instead of using accepts_nested_attributes_for, have you considered just adding the user to the group in your controller? That way you don't need to pass user_group_id back and forth.
In users_controller.rb:
def create
#user = params[:user]
#user.user_groups << UserGroup.find(group_id_you_wanted)
This way you'll also stop people from doctoring the form and adding themselves to whichever group they wanted.
What does your create method look like in users_controller.rb?
If you're using the fields_for construct in your view, for example:
<% user_form.fields_for :user_groups do |user_groups_form| %>
You should be able to just pass the params[:user] (or whatever it is) to and it will handle the nested attributes.
Expanding on #jimworm 's answer:
groups_hash = params[:user].delete(:groups_attributes)
group_ids ={|h|h["_destroy"]=="false"}.collect{|h|h["group_id"]}
That way, you've yanked the hash out of the params hash and collected the ids only. Now you can save the user separately, like:
and add/remove his group ids separately in one line:
# The next line will add or remove items associated with those IDs as needed
# (part of the habtm parcel)
#user.group_ids = group_ids

Best practice: How to split up associations-functions in controllers with equal-access models

I have 2 equal-access models: Users and Categories
Each of these should have the standard-actions: index, new, create, edit, update and destroy
But where do I integrate the associations, when I want to create an association between this two models?
Do I have to write 2 times nearly the same code:
class UsersController << ApplicationController
# blabla
def addCategory
User.find(params[:id]).categories << Category.find(params[:user_id])
class CategoriessController << ApplicationController
# blabla
def addUser
Category.find(params[:id]).users << User.find(params[:user_id])
Or should I create a new Controller, named UsersCategoriesController?
Whats the best practice here? The above example doens't look very DRY.... And a new controller is a little bit too much, I think?
I need to have both of these associations-adding-functions, because f.e.
#on the
# I want to see all assigned users (with possibility to assign new users)
#on the
#I want to see all assigned categories (with possibility to assign new categories)
I'm taking about a HBTM relationship.
If you have a situation where you need to do this with has_and_belongs_to_many, you could take the approach you are currently using, or you could build this into your existing update actions.
When you add a habtm relationship, you will get an additional method on your classes...
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :categories
With this, you can do this:
user = User.find(params[:id])
user.category_ids = [1,3,4,7,10]
The categories with those ids will be set. If you name your form fields appropriately, the update can take care of this for you if you want to use checkboxes or multiselect controls.
If you need to add them one at a time, then the methods you've built in your original post are reasonable enough. If you think the repetition you have is a code smell, you are correct - this is why you should use the approach I outlined in my previous answer - an additional model and an additional controller.
You didn't mention if you are using has_and_belongs_to_many or if you are using has_many :through. I recommend has_many :through, which forces you to use an actual model for the join, something like UserCategory or Categorization something like that. Then you just make a new controller to handle creation of that.
You will want to pass the user and category as parameters to the create action of this controller.
Your form...
<% form_tag categorizations_path(:category_id =>, :method => :post do %>
<%=text_field_tag "user_id" %>
<%=submit_tag "Add user" %>
<% end %>
Your controller...
class CategorizationsController < ApplicationController
def create
if Categorization.add_user_to_category(params[:user_id], params[:category_id])
then your categorization class...
class Categorization
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :category
def self.add_user_to_category(user_id, category_id)
# might want to validate that this user and category exist somehow => user_id, :category_id => category_id)
The problem comes in when you want to send the users back, but that's not terribly hard - detect where they came from and send them back there. Or put the return page into a hidden field on your form.
Hope that helps.
