Best way of passing session between 2 sub-domains with MVC -

During the buy process of my ecommerce site that I'm developing in MVC I need to pass the "cart" session to a different subdomain (e.g. http : // to https : //
I guess I have to perform the same trick as with webforms where I save all the variables associated with the session to a database, then pass the ID of the database record to the secured subdomain and reload the session using the id supplied.
However with MVC I have a couple of options (I think):
1) Render a form in the non-secured page that posts an ID to the controller (but call the controller using an hard-coded absolute URL (e.g.
2) Post back the ID to my non-secured controller and then have the controller return a view that is secured (is that possible).
Is there a better way?

Even an easier way if you make sure it won't affect the security, is to allow the cookie to be shared on the domain, instead of the subdomain only. I come from a PHP background, wouldn't know how to do this in .net

I did it through cookies in order to solve the sub domian problem
You can save your data into cookies something like this:
HttpCookie cookies = new HttpCookie("Name");
cookies["data"] = yourdata;
cookies.Domian = ""
Then your data info can be shared across sub domains


ASP.Net MVC: Check if URL is Authorized

I'd like to simply check from a Controller whether another URL is authorized.
So for example, I'd like to call into a Controller like so:
public ActionResult IsUrlAuthorized(string url)
bool isAuthorized = // What do I put here?
return Json(isAuthorized);
So I'd like to know what I could call to check on whether the current user is authorized for the passed-in URL or not. I'm guessing the answer has something to do with Routes, which sit a little bit outside MVC?
This is a somewhat similar question but not quite the same thing:
ASP.NET MVC. Check if user is authorized from JavaScript
Since the user may or may not be authorized in general, but may not have the right permissions or role assignments to see a specific URL.
Update: I use standard MVC authorization attributes to lock down my app, so I'll just give an example of what that looks like here. In MVC Routes map to Controllers. A single method on a Controller can be restricted to one or more Roles:
public class HomeController : Controller
[Authorize(Roles = "User, Moderator")]
public ActionResult ListRecentPosts()
. . .
Or, an entire Controller can be restricted to one or more roles:
[Authorize(Roles = "Admin")]
public class AdminController : Controller
. . .
The actual URL that any of these controller methods responds to is based on a default mapping in a standard MVC app:
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
But, you can be nice to your users and make URLs guessable by adding a lot more Routes - as a result, a Controller method can have many names that point to it. You can't just assume and infer the controller name from the URL (even if it maps out that way for half the URLs in the site).
So presumably I either need a way to ask the Routing engine directly whether a URL is authorized for the current user, or a 2-step of asking the Routing engine for which Controller and Method, then ask if those are authorized - hopefully not by using Reflection and matching Roles directly as that again would appear to assume too much.
Update 2: The way this came up is I have an Account strip at the top of my app. Its state can change by selecting one of several accounts you're authorized as. Depending on where you are in the app, the account you chose might have authorization to view this page - and you might be in the middle of filling out a form you don't want to lose. So the naive approach - just refresh when they pick another account - is harmful, and a waste of the user's time even if there is no form and they're just reading a page that's all text.
While that convenience to the user is nice, the user is going to fairly assume that pages they can't see as a user who shouldn't have permission really are denied (and, it would be harmful to leave them on a page that's forbidden - actions taken from it will fail). So I need to know whether to redirect away based on their new permissions.
One of the things I love about .Net is the way many of its best libraries decompose so well, so you can easily recompose things that are part of its normal functionality, or a new twist. Both the Routing module and MVC appear to be very well constructed, so I have to suspect this can be done.
The cheap hack is to ensure that my authorization module returns a consistent redirect status code when a user isn't authorized, and when the user changes their account in the account strip, fire 2 AJAX calls: One to change account, and then a second to the current page over AJAX just to check the HTTP Status Code. 200 OK means leave the page as is, Redirect means follow the redirect. Obviously this is a little ugly, involves an extra HTTP call, creates a false hit in the logs, and makes an assumption about how authorization is handled across the app.
There could be a secondary concern - the page might be authorized, but just change how it works or looks. This particular app has no change in look based on account (besides the account strip itself), and I can handle functionality changes by just providing a custom event that forms listen to - they can reload any relevant data from the server in response to it.
Using UrlAuthorization.CheckUrlAccessForPrincipal only works if you're only using URL authorization. But for MVC using Routing, we highly recommend that you don't use URL authorization to secure an app.
Instead, we recommend using Authorization attributes on the controller class. The reason is there could be multiple URLs that call the same controller action. It's always better to secure the resource at the the resource and not just at the entry ways.
In this particular case, you'd have to get an instance of the controller given the URL. THat's a little tricky as you'll basically have to run the MVC pipeline from the point where you have the URL to the point where you have the controller. It's possible, but seems heavyweight.
I wonder if there isn't a better and simpler way to accomplish your goals. What is it you're really trying to do?
UPDATE: Based on your scenario, it sounds like this is an initial check just for UI purposes. Perhaps all you need to do is make an asynchronous Ajax request to the URL and check the HTTP Status code. If it's a 401 status code, you know the user is not authorized. That seems like the safest bet.
How about UrlAuthorizationModule.CheckUrlAccessForPrincipal method.
UrlAuthorizationModule.CheckUrlAccessForPrincipal Method (System.Web.Security)

Enable / disable session state per controller / action method

We are building an ASP.NET MVC application which will be deployed behind a hardware load balancer that supports, among other things, caching.
Our proposal is to manually define which URL patterns should be cached by the load balancer. This will be quite an easy process for us as we have 'catalogue' pages which are relatively static, then 'order' pages which are not.
Must avoid using session state on cached pages, as the entire response is cached by the load balancer - this includes any cookies that are sent.
Ideally there would be an attribute which can be applied to controllers or action methods which allows selective use of session state, but there doesn't appear to be one. I realise that an approach like this would result in lost sessions if the use leaves the 'session zone' - that's fine.
Other than re-implementing the entire ASP.NET MVC HTTP controller... any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
This is now moved from Futures into MVC3. There's a ControllerSessionState attribute (apparently will be named SessionState for the final release of MVC3), which can be applied to a controller, something like this:
public class MyController : Controller
(But in the RC version, you must use ControllerSessionState
This is included in MVC 2 Futures. See for more info.

Cookieless sessions and cross-site form posts

Here's the situation...
Site 1) ASP.NET MVC application for customers to login, view and pay bills, etc. This site is using cookieless ASP sessions to allow multiple sessions to run in tabbed browsers.
Site 2) Corporate web site with standard static content. This will have a small form at the top of each page with a username/password form that will post to the MVC application.
When posting to the MVC app, a new session is being generated and the site is returning a 302 redirect with the session ID in the URL (as expected). The controller has two Login methods, one for handling a GET, one for handling a POST. Because of the redirect, it's hitting the GET method and it loses the form values.
By changing the method on the corporate site to do a form GET rather than a POST, the username and password are preserved in the query string after the redirect and I could handle the requests that way, but I would rather do a POST and not pass that data around in the URL.
My gut says that implementing some sort of custom HttpHandler would allow me to do this, but I'm not sure where I'd be able to tie into the session creation. A breakpoint at Session_Start in global.asax shows that the session ID has already been crated and the redirect already happened at that point.
I believe I found where the redirect was happening as well as a possible solution to it. The ISessionIDManager interface has a SaveSessionID method with an "out bool redirected" parameter on it. It appears that when a new session is created, the default session manager rewrites the URL inside this method and does a redirect. I played around with implementing my own ISessionIDManager and I was able to suppress the redirect, but there's no way (that I could tell) of inserting the session ID into the URL for the cookieless session without doing the redirect. Server.Transfer is not allowed at that point in the request lifecycle. I tried that but received an "Error Executing Child Request" message.
Later on, I found this article on Enabling POST in cookieless ASP.NET Applications. Basically by tying in to the Application_EndRequest event, you can detect the redirect, clear the response and fake a form post to the new URL that contains the session ID.
void MvcApplication_EndRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpApplication application = (HttpApplication)sender;
if (application.Request.Form["CorpLogin"] == "1"
&& application.Response.RedirectLocation != null
&& application.Response.IsRequestBeingRedirected)
StringBuilder build = new StringBuilder();
build.Append("<html>\n<body>\n<form name='Redirect' method='post' action='");
build.Append("' id='Redirect' >");
foreach (string key in application.Request.Form)
if (key != "CorpLogin")
build.Append(string.Format("\n<input type='hidden' name='{0}' value = '{1}'>", (string)key, application.Request.Form[(string)key]));
build.Append("\n<noscript><h2>Object moved <input type='submit' value='here'></h2></noscript>");
<script language='javascript'>
// -->
This isn't an ideal solution IMHO but it might be workable enough to meet the requirements.
When the MVC site issues the redirect are you handling that yourself with a controller or is it being routed automatically by your membership provider?
If you can intercept the request before the redirect you could place the username and password in the TempData variable and process it after the redirect.
You're looking for a Server.Transfer equivalent in MVC (see Simon's answer.)
It's like Request.Redirect but simply transfers the .NET processing to another page. It also allows for maintaining the form variables even on POST between transfers (in this case a RouteValueDictionary).
EDIT: (response to your comment #1)
Here is an example of Forms Authentication with MVC. Without knowing the internals of your authorization mechanism, I'm not entirely sure. At any point of the "DoLogin" process, you would be able to do a transfer instead of a redirect.

Url routing with database lookup?

I want to build a ASP.NET MVC site so that the controller for a specific url is stored in the database instead of the URL.
The reason for that is that i'm building a CMS system and the users should be able to change the template (controller) without changing the URL. I also think that the name of the controller is not relevant for the end users and i want clean URL:s.
I realise that i could just add all routes at application start, but for a system with like 100 000 pages it feels like a bad idea.
Is it possible to store the url:s in the database and make a lookup for each request and then map that request to a specific controller?
Basically you'll have to implement your own IRouteHandler.
Part of the answer and some example code is in Option 3 of this question's answer:
ASP.NET MVC custom routing for search
More information:
Why couldn't you just do something like this:
-- Global.asax.cs --
routes.MapRoute(null, // Route name
"content/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { Controller = "Content", Action = "Show", Id = (string) null }); // Parameter defaults
-- /Controllers/ContentController.cs --
public class ContentController : Controller
public ActionResult Show(string id)
// Lookup the 'content' (article, page, blog post, etc) in the repository (database, xml file, etc)
ContentRepository repository = new ContentRepository();
Content content = repository.FindContent(id);
return View(content);
Such that a request to your site would call ContentController.Show("welcome-to-my-first-blog-post").
I suppose ASP.NET can do many of the same things as PHP. If so there is a simple approach.
With rewrite rules you can easily send any traffic to any URL of the 100K to the same place. On that destination you could simply use the server variables containing the URL requested by the client and extract the location. Look it up in the DB and send the corresponding data for that URL back to the client on-the-fly.
"for a system with like 100,000 pages it feels like a bad idea."
It is a bad idea if you are creating a routing system that cannot be reused. The basic {controller}/{action}/{id} schema points you in the direction of reuse. This schema can be extended/revamped/recreated according to your needs.
Instead of thinking about how many pages you have think about how your resources can be grouped.
Instead of creating a heavy routing system why not create an anchor link control (ascx) which allows user to only add valid internal links. Keep a table in the db of your templates and their controllers to populate the control with it.

When to use TempData vs Session in ASP.Net MVC

I am trying to get the hang of MVC framework so bear with me.
Right now, the only thing I'm using the session store for is storing the current logged in user. My website is simple. For this example, consider three domain objects, Person, Meeting, and File. Users can log in and view a "members only" profile of a meeting and can add files to it, or view a meeting's public "profile" if they aren't logged in.
So, from the meeting's private profile, with a logged in user, I have a "add files" link. This link routes to FileContoller.Add(int meetingId). From this action, I get the meeting the user want to add files to using the meeting id, but after the form is posted, I still need to know which meeting the user is adding files to. That's where my question lies, should I pass the "currently interacting with" meeting through TempData, or add it to the Session store?
This is how I currently have the Add action setup, but it's not working:
public ActionResult Add(int meetingId)
var meeting = _meetingsRepository.GetById(meetingId);
ViewData.Model = meeting;
TempData[TempDataKeys.CurrentMeeting] = meeting; /* add to tempdata here */
catch (Exception)
TempData[TempDataKeys.ErrorMessage] = "Unable to add files to this meeting.";
return RedirectToRoute("MeetingsIndex");
return View();
public ActionResult Add(FormCollection form)
var member = Session[SessionStateKeys.Member] as Member;
var meeting = TempData[TempDataKeys.CurrentMeeting] as Meeting; /* meeting ends up null here */
if (member == null)
TempData[TempDataKeys.ErrorMessage] = "You must be logged in to add files to an meeting.";
return RedirectToRoute("LoginPage");
if (meeting == null)
TempData[TempDataKeys.ErrorMessage] = "An error occurred. No meeting selected.";
return RedirectToRoute("MeetingsIndex");
// add files to meeting
TempData[TempDataKeys.Notification] = "Successfully added.";
return RedirectToRoute("AddFiles", new {meetingId = meeting.MeetingId});
Based on most of the answers, can any one provide any examples on what kind of data (other than messages) should be stored in TempData vs Session?
TempData is session, so they're not entirely different. However, the distinction is easy to understand, because TempData is for redirects, and redirects only. So when you set some message in TempData and then redirect, you are using TempData correctly.
However, using Session for any kind of security is extremely dangerous. Session and Membership are entirely separate in ASP.NET. You can "steal" sessions from other users, and yes, people do attack web sites this way. So if you want to selectively stop a post information based on whether a user is logged in, look at IsAuthenticated, and if you want to selectively show information based on what type of user is logged in, you use a Role provider. Because GETs can be cached, the only way to selectively allow access to an action in a GET is with AuthorizeAttribute.
Update In response to your edited question: You already have a good example of using TempData in your question, namely, returning a simple error message after a failed POST. In terms of what should be stored in Session (beyond "not much"), I just think of Session as a user-specific cache. Like the non-user-specific Cache, you should not put security-sensitive information there. But it's a good place to stick stuff which is relatively expensive to look up. For example, our Site.Master has the user's full name displayed on it. That is stored in a database, and we don't want to do a database query for it for every page we serve. (An installation of our application is used in a single company, so a user's full name is not considered "security-sensitive.") So if you think of Session as a cache which varies by a cookie which the user has, you won't be far wrong.
The default TempData provider uses the session so there really isn't much of a distinction, except that your TempData is cleared out at the end of the next request. You should use TempData when the data needs only to persist between two requests, preferably the second one being a redirect to avoid issues with other requests from the user -- from AJAX, for example -- deleting the data accidentally. If the data needs to persist longer than that, you should either repopulate the TempData or use the Session directly.
You can use it as per your requirement. A clarification can be,
TempData Vs Session
TempData allow us to persisting data for the duration of single subsequent request. MVC will automatically expire the value of tempdata once consecutive request returned the result (it means, it alive only till the target view is fully loaded).
It valid for only current and subsequent request only
TempData has Keep method to retention the value of TempData.
TempData.Keep(), TempData.Keep(“EmpName”)
TempData internally stored the value in to Session variable.
It is used to stored only one time messages like validation messages, error messages etc.
Session is able to store data much more long time, until user session is not expire.
Session will be expire after the session time out occurred.
It valid for all requests.
Session varible are stored in SessionStateItemCollection object (Which is exposed through the HttpContext.Session property of page).
It is used to stored long life data like user id, role id etc. which required throughout user session.
TempData and session, both required typecasting for getting data and check for null values to avoid run time exception.
"It doesn't work" isn't very descriptive, but let me offer a couple suggestions.
Under the hood, TempData uses Session to store values. So there isn't much difference in terms of storage mechanisms or anything like that. However, TempData only lasts until the next request is received.
If the user makes an ajax request in between form posts, TempData is gone. Any request whatsoever will clear TempData. So it's really only reliable when you're doing a manual redirect.
Why can't you just simply render the meeting ID to a hidden field in your View form? You're already adding it to the model. Alternately, add it to your route as a parameter.
I prefer to maintain that kind of data in the page itself. Render meetingID as a hidden input, so it gets submitted back to the controller. The controller handling the post can then feed that meeting ID back to whatever view will be rendered, so that the meetingID basically gets passed around as long as you need it.
It's kind of like the difference between storing a value in a global variable before calling a method that will operate on it, vs. passing the value directly to the method.
I would suggest MvcContrib's solution:
If you don't want full MvcContrib, the solution is only 1 method + 1 class that you can easily grab from MvcContrib sources.
The TempData property value is stored in session state. The value of TempData persists until it is read or until the session times out. If you want pass data one controller view to another controller view then you should use TempData.
Use Session when the data need for the throughout application
