Setting bounds for UIActionSheet? - uiactionsheet

I have a UIActionSheet and would like to adjust (increase) its width to accommodate the text of the buttons that it contains. The width of these buttons is determined at runtime and could change during runtime.
I have mucked around with [[actionSheet superview] superview] to get the containing UIPopoverView, but changing its frame doesn't yield desired results. And, mostly, this just seems an extremely fragile way to go.
I tried [actionSheet sizeToFit] without any noticeable effect.
So, I am hoping that I have overlooked some obvious method for adjusting the size of the UIActionSheet/UIPopoverView.

It doesn't work, as you have probably figured out. The common solution is to create a custom UIViewController and display it using UIViewController's presentModalViewController, which can give you a nice slide up transition, much like how a UIActionSheet appears.
But that solution is missing something. A UIActionSheet slides up, but not all the way, leaving a semi-transparent covering over the parent view. There is a brilliant detailed tutorial with code and project which will try to show you how to display a custom view with this same effect.
I wish i made this tutorial before this guy made it! he got there before me

That can be done easily.
actionSheet.frame = cgrectmake(0,0,200,300);


How create a tableView that covers an image when it is scrolled

I'm trying to develop something like CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout but customized for my table, but I'm not sure how can I achieve this goal. The idea is
Someone can give me a hint how achieve this objective?
To add to Vollan's answer, to make the title stay still you could use a view that contains two subviews: the first is the scrollview (with the image and table as Vollan suggests) and then add another view (like a UILabel) for the title. Thus, while the image and table scroll in the scrollview, the title will stay still.
Best solution would be to wrap everything inside an UIScrollView. That will allow you to scroll to bottom of the screen and then only scroll the tableview. That way it will appear like the tableview will overlay the image.
While using a tableview within a scrollview would likely work, your tableview would have to always be it's full size (without some annoying constant re-sizing), so you'll lose the value of the enqueuing/dequeueing that makes tableViews work so well.
The CSStickyHeaderFlowLayout has example pretty similar to what you want to do, did you look at their examples? You may be able to play with it and get it to do what you want If your problem is simply having a constant title, you can just add a view above the table or use the NavBar and adjust the contentInsets
You might also consider using a collectionView instead. It's much more flexible as far as layout goes.

How can I manage UILabel's position when rotating the device?

I'm using storyboard.
And I have a toolbar with toolbarButtonItems separated by flexible spaces.
I want labels for each buttons. So I put labels in storyboard, but when rotating the device to landscape, labels are not aligned with buttons.
How can I solve this?
Any suggestions are welcome.
Kindest regards,
Well good sir, like many before you, you're presented with a two options.
Use Auto-Layout's Constraint system to describe what you want.
Use -layoutSubviews, and manually reposition the views in your ViewController.
The Second document on is on how to subclass UIView's in general. Defiantly worth the read. Since you said you're a beginner, it's probably best to use Auto-Layout, so you should probably start there.

Can't set size of UIButton frame with auto layout enabled

I really tried hard to solve this apparently simple problem by myself, but I couldn't fix it yet!
So here's the deal:
I am using a storyboard with auto layout enabled.
But because of to many objects in one of my views, I decided to implement the
- (void)willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation
method for this view controller and set the frames for the views explicit like so:
self.startStopBtn.frame = CGRectMake(10, 223.5, 300, 30);
And it works fine as long as I keep the size of this UIButton object the same (as in the storyboard) and only change its origin. As soon as I change the size the button is gone!
Finally enough I can change the frames of the labels, views and image views without any problems in the same method in the exact same way.
I really would appreciate your help!
Hopefully somebody can guide me in the right direction.
if you are using autolayout you should not manimulate UIView frame. You should modify NSLayoutConstaints to change something in view from code.

UITableViewCell incorrect X positions

I've been searching through here and googling like crazy for a possible solution to this problem. Thus far I'm turning up exactly nothing that actually fixes it so I'm hoping someone can help.
I'm working on the UI for a iPad app. I'm doing it using interface builder. I worked with storyboards briefly but I don't like them all that much so I'm sticking with IB for now. Unfortunately I'm not very experienced with the workings of IOS Ui but it's been going relatively smoothly so far. In my app, I have a view controller, which holds a view containing a pair of sub views. One subview contains a rather windows like header bar (i like the look). The second contains a UITableView. The UITableView is set up properly as far as I can tell, and feeds it's info from a data source using custom UITableViewCells. The UITableView is set to grouped though currently there is only one section. The table is in edit mode by default because I want the user to be able to add new items and use the VC as a selection dialog. The view controller is presented (rather than pushed) using UIModalPresentationFormSheet (again, because I like the view) but I don't know that has any bearing on the problem. The cell border is flush with the X origin, the only reason the text isn't currently starting there is because I went into my cell and move the label over, leaving a gap between the edge of the cell and the label containing my text.
The Offending View
The Problem: The UITableViewCells, for some reason are positioning themselves at X: 0. This puts them outside the border drawn on the UITablewView when you set it to grouped style. I could probably just turn off the border and get away with it, but I like the look so i want to keep it. I've tried messing around with constraints and anchor points on the cells, the content of the cells, the table itself, the view... I've tried simply moving my cell's labels over a bit. I've also had clipping subviews turned on and off. I've made sure the controls are being loaded properly from the XIB. I've made sure everything is added as a subview where needed. I've made sure I've tried everything I could think of short of setting the cell's X position in code. But since I'm not sure how to tell where the border is, I'd rather have the tableview or the cell do the work itself.
The question: How do I fix this? The selection accessory should be outside the grouping box. The text should be inside, not bleeding out onto the background like it is.I believe the content of the cell should be displayed inside the border within the yellow area.
The odd thing is, this is my fifth or sixth table in this app and I've been doing them all basically the same. Thus far this is the only one I've had trouble with.
Can anyone shed some light as to what's going on?
Thanks in advance
I think that to get this in code, you'd have to do something explicit, so the most likely candidate is a messed up IB file.
Since it doesn't cost anything, I'd just delete the tableView from the IB and then re-add it. If that doesn't work, try recreating the complete IB.
Hope that helps

How Do I Create A Simple Scroll View That Scrolls Through Static Images?

Perhaps it's something with Xcode 4.5+ or iOS 6 that makes my research fruitless so far, but...
Apple's own advice hasn't worked for me. I set the contentSize to something different, and it causes no changes.
I found this wasn't unique to me, but the answer in that question 1.) does not inform me about the problem and 2.) I'm left wondering if it's really impossible to create a simple, non-inheriting example of UIScrollView. Thus, this question.
A better answer's code was tried within viewDidLoad and viewDidAppear, but to no avail.
So what gives? Is it possible to create a simple, image-filled view that allows scrolling? Say... something as easy as this basic project I set up on github -- but working?
Create and initialize a UIScrollView
Add it as subview to the view of viewcontroller
Make an array of image names
In a loop create UIImageView and add the images and add imageviews into scrollview considering the width of images, set the frame of imageviews
Number of images is known and the width it consumes can be calulated from the loop itself use it to set the contentSize of the scrollview
