How to access validation messages in partials? - ruby-on-rails

So, each rails project i seem to run into this problem and would be really grateful if someone could enlighten me:
With a "normal" setup when the form sits on the view immediately associated with the url/controller it is pretty straightforward, a render => :action on fail will display the validation message.
Now what i have is a form in a partial sitting on a page whose url/controller is a show/:id and not the create action of the form, the validation kicks in but i cannot get the validation message to display because i can't trigger the correct render action...
CLosest i got is a render => #object but there is no css/layout, i can pass a message through a redirect with flash[] but it feels wrong, same with jquery/client error messages...
So how can i "cleanly" display validation messages of a form in a partial (under another controller/action than the parent page)?
(thanks in advance for your help)
edit: can't paste the actual thing now but i'll do my best to explain
i have a main page e.g. article/show/01, on this page is the content of the article (#article) and then at the bottom of the page is a partial _commentform with a form to post a comment. This form is bound to a Create action of a different controller (comments controller).
Now if the form were on its own "page"/url instead of a partial, say /comment/create, i would jus do:
redirect_to #comment
render => :create
and the validation would display normally.
In my case the form is in a a partial on the article/show/01 url, what should be the equivalent to the code above so that on validation fail error messages are displayed on the parent url, like "render article/show/01" ?
I am sure it is easy but i cannot get it to work (i just can redirect on success but cannot display the errors with a render)

I don't think the best way to display validations errors is to render a partial.
IMHO, the best and clean way to display errors messages using the styles/css you or your webdesigner wants is by implementing your own error_messages method in a FormBuilder.
For example, here is the error_messages method I've implemented for my latest project.
Here is an example that will output the errors list in ul/li's with some custom styles...
Just customize this and put your form builder in app/helpers...
class StandardBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder
def error_messages
return unless object.respond_to?(:errors) && object.errors.any?
errors_list = ""
errors_list << #template.content_tag(:span, "There are errors!", :class => "title-error")
errors_list << { |message| #template.content_tag(:li, message) }.join("\n")
#template.content_tag(:ul, errors_list.html_safe, :class => "error-recap round-border")
Then in my forms :
= form_for #post, :builder => StandardBuilder do |f|
= f.error_messages
No need to display/render another partial. And that's all :).

If you want to display anything (including error messages) in a partial you have two ways
1 - Define it in the controller action where the partial is called
2 - pass the message as a parameter to the partial
1 - Example
in your controller/action
redirect_to #comment
#messages = "This is a message"
render => :create
in your partial
you can access the #message variable
2 - passing the variable to the partial
render :partial => “<partial name>”, :locals => { :param1 => “value”}
<partial name> – name of your partial (Ex /partials/footer)
:params1 – parameter name
“value” – value
hope this helps


Rails 7 help DRYing out image attachments?

Bear with me, I am new to posting and Rails so sorry if I mess up phrasing!!
I am working on a Rails app with many similar models. Each view has a _form.html.haml partial that differs in content but contains similar components, such as buttons to submit, delete, etc. Every model has_many_attached photos, and in the form you can add or delete photos. The haml for deleting photos looks like this, where variable is replaced with whatever view _form.html.haml is in:
- do |image, index|
.img-square{ :style => "background-image: url(#{rails_blob_url(photo(#VARIABLE, index))})", :alt => "Photo of #{image}" }
= link_to("Delete", delete_image_attachment_VARIABLE_url(image), method: :delete, class: 'button delete overlay')
To make the delete work on each photo, this code is in each controller:
def delete_image_attachment
#photo = ActiveStorage::Attachment.find(params[:id])
redirect_back fallback_location: #VARIABLE
flash[:success] = 'Photo was successfully deleted.'
And routes.rb has this chunk of code for each model:
resources :VARIABLE do
member do
delete :delete_image_attachment
However, I have about a dozen models I need to do this on. My goal is to bring the gallery into a new partial, since it will be used in every _form regardless of the other content. However, the delete function (though the same for every controller) is tied to the controller/routes.rb of each model.
There must be some way of DRYing this functionality into a couple files instead of copy-pasting for each model, but my Google searches have not turned up anything. So, any guidance or better Rails convention is greatly appreciated!
If I'm understanding the structure properly, it sounds like you would want to do something like the following:
Create a top-level controller that handles deleting images
This could be used by any page.
This would require the following query parameters:
id the photo's ID to delete by.
redirect where to redirect the user after the action is completed.
Now there will only be 1 route to handle the controller above.
Create a reusable partial
For rendering a collection of images with a redirect url that allows you to set the following state for the partial:
photos a collection of images to render.
redirect_url this is passed as a query parameter to the centralized delete image controller.
Thoughts & Mocked Examples
This should be able to DRY up your implementation. Currently the only thing I see that couples the view with the deletion is the redirect URL. By abstracting that out and moving that essentially to a parameter for the partial will allow for re-use and flexibility.
You've already identified your coupling via #VARIABLE, here's a quick mock of how I would expect it to end up looking like:
Partial Template
- #photos.each_with_index do |image, index|
.img-square{ :style => "background-image: url(#{rails_blob_url(photo(#VARIABLE, index))})", :alt => "Photo of #{image}" }
= link_to("Delete", delete_image_attachment_url(image, redirect: #redirect_url), method: :delete, class: 'button delete overlay')
Ths would require: photos, and redirect_url
So make sure to set #photos and #redirect_url on the consuming controller.
Example with instance properties to access in the template
#redirect_url = 'some-redirect-path'
render partial: 'photos_partial'
Example with locals parameter for the template
render partial: 'photos_partial', locals: { photos: photos, redirect: 'some-redirect-path' }`
Note: You may need to change how you access the local variables in the template.
def delete_image_attachment
#photo = ActiveStorage::Attachment.find(params[:id])
redirect_back fallback_location: params[:redirect]
flash[:success] = 'Photo was successfully deleted.'
Here you would only have the single route for deleting any image attachment, and point at the single controller above.
delete 'resources/image_attachment/:id', to: 'resources#delete_image_attachment'
Note: Replace "resources" with whatever your controller name is, or the scoping/naming you would like.
PS: It's been a while since I've done Rails so I'm not completely certain on the accuracy or your environment.

How to pass object to partial using controller?

I've been trying to pass my Product object to my rendered partial but no matter what I try it doesn't work. The home page has a quick view button that pops a modal (the partial) and I want to pass the correct product to it.
get 'shop-product-ajax-page', to: "pages#shop_product_ajax_page"
Home Page (shortened to only the link for brevity)
<% #products.each do |product| %>
<%= link_to "Quick View", shop_product_ajax_page_path, :data => {:lightbox => 'ajax'} %>
<% end %>
Controller Action
def shop_product_ajax_page
render :partial => 'pages/shop_product_ajax_page', :layout => false
Right now, the button works and displays the HTML in the modal. I want to be able to populate the correct product information for whatever Quick View product is selected.
The problem is that the link is making a completely separate AJAX request, it's hitting the server separately, so the Ruby context you expect (variables etc) isn't available in that new request.
Two choices:
Don't make an AJAX request but render the lightbox as part of the page. You could hide it using display: none or similar, then use Javascript to display it when the link is clicked.
Make the request the way you currently are, but pass in the same parameters that your current controller action is using to get #products and in shop_product_ajax_page do the same thing to hit the database and get the products.
The second choice might be easier without messing with JS. It would be something like:
def shop_product_ajax_page
#products = get_products_from_params(params)
render :partial => 'pages/shop_product_ajax_page', :layout => false
def get_products_from_params(params)
Product.find(params["product_ids"]) # or whatever you're currently doing

Add section to form by rendering a partial when link is clicked

For anyone who reads this, this is why it wasn't working as expected in update 2 below: Passing a local variable to a partial that is rendered after the view has already loaded
If anyone knows how to solve that issue, let me know please.
I updated the javascript with the quotation marks and it partially the sense that the javascript is now functional and it will cause a string of text to appear on the page when I click the link as long as I have the partial only contain a string of text. However, when the partial includes the form fields code, something goes wrong.
If I just paste the following render code directly into the form in the new.html.erb view, it produces a new form section properly.
<%= render "add_round", f: f %>
However, when I try to include similar code in comps_helper.rb and then reference it from the link_to, it does not work:
In comps_helper.rb:
def addRound(f)
render "add_round", f: f
In new.html.erb:
<%= link_to "render it!", addRoundLink_path, remote: true %>
<div id="some_id"></div>
And I changed addRoundLink.js.erb to:
$("#some_id").html("<%=j addRound(f) %>"); #Is this the correct change to have made here?
Clicking the link_to link does nothing in that case.
Any thoughts?
Thanks for the reply. I've made the following changes and it still does not appear to be working. The link appears at the bottom of the form but when clicked does not change anything. What am I missing?
resources :comps
match '/new_competition', :to => "comps#new"
get "/addRoundLink" => "comps#addRoundLink", :as => :addRoundLink
Note: I included the other 2 lines related to "comps" just in case those would cause an issue.
def addRoundLink
respond_to do |format|
def addRound
render "add_round"
$("#some_id").html(<%=j addRound %>);
<%= link_to "render it!", addRoundLink_path, remote: true %>
<div id="some_id"></div>
First off, I'm new to rails. I've read and tried many solutions to similar questions but nothing has worked so far.
I created a form with rails form_for and fields_for. The form creates a new competition (comp). The competition has many rounds. The top half of the form (the form_for section) accepts the details about the competition as inputs and the bottom half of the form accepts details about each round (the fields_for section). The form works perfectly in this basic format.
I took all the code that is in the fields_for section and put it into a partial. My plan was to then create a "add new round" link to the bottom of the form that would simply display the partial above the link each time the link is pressed. This would add a new section to the form for a new round and allow the user to input as many rounds as they'd like. This is the part that I am struggling to make work.
I added this code to my comps_helper:
def addNewRound
render "add_round"
This renders the file /views/comps/_add_round.html.erb.
My question is: how do I get this to render in the form when a link is clicked. As far as I can get with the research I have done is:
<%= link_to "Add new round", { }, :remote => true %>
I don't exactly know what is supposed to go in the {} that will execute the addNewRound method. And I don't know what, if anything, I need to add to my comps_controller file.
Thanks so much for the help.
You have to create an action in your controller
def hello
respond_to do |format|
and define a route to this action.
get "/hello" => "some#hello", :as => :hello
then create a link to this action like that:
<%= link_to "render it!", hello_path, remote: true %>
<div id="some_id"></div>
When you click this link it will find its way to your action and respond with js(javascript) because we told action to respond with only js.
At the end render the partial to anywhere you want in your view(*in this example to the some_id div*)
$("#some_id").html("<%=j addNewRound %>");
WARNING: Creating dynamic forms is a pain. You will face a lot of problems (like setting different ids for new form elements etc...). I highly recommend you to use ryan bates nested_form gem

Rails 3, rendering a partial for the given controller if it exists?

In my application.html.erb layout for my app, I want to have a partial that renders if it exists for the given view. for example.
If the visitor is at, I'd want the partial /users/_sidebar.html.erb to render.
But if the visitor were at say,, I'd want the partial /users/locations/_sidebar.html.erb to render.
So the thing here is that if there were no partial for that controller/action it would render some generic partial in my shared directory, and I'd rather not litter every single view with content_for blocks ya know?
Any ideas guys?
My solution is a bit different. Throw this in your application helper:
def render_partial_if_exists(base_name, options={})
file_name = ::Rails.root.to_s+"/app/views/layouts/_#{base_name}.html.erb"
partial_name = "layouts/#{base_name}"
else_file_name = ::Rails.root.to_s+"/app/views/layouts/_#{options[:else]}.html.erb"
else_partial_name = "layouts/#{options[:else]}"
if File.exists?(file_name)
render :partial => partial_name
elsif (options.key?(:else) and !options[:else].nil? and File.exists?(else_file_name))
render :partial => else_partial_name
Then in your view:
<%= render_partial_if_exists "page_#{controller.action_name}_sidebar", :else => "page_sidebar" %>
In an edit action, if "layouts/page_edit_sidebar" exists it renders it, otherwise it will render a standby "layouts/page_sidebar"
Sean Behan has a great post on exactly this:
I might move it to a helper and tweak it a bit to:
<%= render_sidebar %>
# This method could use either the rescue or the if file exists technique.
def render_sidebar
render(:partial => "/#{}/sidebar"
#default side bar

how can I cache a partial retrieved through link_to_remote in rails?

I use link_to_remote to pull the dynamic contents of a partial onto the page. It's basically a long row from a database of "todo's" for the day.
So as the person goes through and checks them off, I want to show the updated list with a line through those that are finished.
Currently, I end up needing to click on the link_to_remote again after an item is ticked off, but would like it to redirect back to the "cached" page of to-do's but with the one item lined through.
How do I do that?
Here is the main view:
<% #campaigns.each do |campaign| %>
<!--link_to_remote(name, options = {}, html_options = nil)-->
<tr><td> <%= link_to_remote(, :update => "campaign_todo",
:url => {:action => "campaign_todo",
:id =>
) %> </td></tr>
<% end %>
<div id="campaign_todo">
I'd like when the New/Create actions are done to go back to the page that redirected it there.
When someone wants to "do" a task, it takes them to the new action. here is the controller:
def create
#contact_call =[:contact_call])
flash[:notice] = "Successfully created contact call."
redirect_to contact_path(#contact_call.contact_id)
render :action => 'new'
I switched to redirect_to :back, which takes me back to the main view shown above...but WITHOUT the PARTIAL. It means I need to reload the partial all over again, which is a time-consuming database call.
1) Is it possible to go back to a view that has a partial called through AJAX and still have those results show up?
2) Can that result, however, be marked via CSS to indicate that it has been "checked off"?
I would render the to-do list item response from javascript ERB files. So when you make the link_to_remote call, instead of redirecting back to the page, instead render javascript.
You'd have the form in /app/views/contact_call/_form.html.erb
page.replace :contact_form, :partial => "contact_call/form", :locals => { :user => #user }
page.visual_effect :highlight, :contact_form
Your controller would then render the javascript, which would in turn replace html on your page with the latest version (and highlight it). And your page would load the partial with strike-through on completed items.
you have to create an ajax call when you mark one item as 'done', in this action you'll need to
update your list item to add the 'line-through' to text-decoration
create a method like 'after_save', to expire your cache
you can read about the CSS 'line-through' here:
and the documentation for expire_page and expire_action is here:
I think you may be able to use action caching on your index action, or whatever the name of the action is that renders your main page.
You can also do page caching and fragment caching, which would work with partials. For more information on Rails caching strategies, see the rails guide:
