How to integrate carrier site using Rails application - ruby-on-rails

I am integrating the UPS, USPS, DHL and FEDEX with my Rails application.
For that I am using 'trackify' plugin to find the carrier type for given Tracking Number and for also finding the XML response from the respective tracking site.
I want a complete guide for each of the above about how to integrate tracking API's?

You need to go to the companies' sites themselves to get that information. Once you've done that then come back if you have any questions about actual implementation. Sorry for leaving this as an answer but I can't leave comments yet.


Integration Woocommerce with iOS App

I am in search of tracking my app, that how many user visited on specific dates and which functions they are mostly visiting.
Some of fellow told me that go with WooCommerce. I'am exploring its docs WooCommer Docs for integration but I'm not able to find anyway in which integration with iOS(Objective-c) mentioned in Doc. So I have few questions.
Is this the right thing which I am looking for my desired
I think this is mostly use for themes like I fount This
App which more likely for themes instead of tracking app.
Looking for help for initiating my task.

Rails app for food truck, using twitter to update the google map.

So I am writing a rails application for my friends food truck business.
The functionality that I am trying to create with this specific application is the ability for him to update the google map by posting a Geo-location tag on twitter.
A lot of the ruby gems that deal with google maps seem to be depreciated so I'm a bit lost at the moment. If anyone could just point me in the correct direction I would appreciate it.
I realize that this feature is just a quality of life feature but id like to be able to do it with embedded ruby and not have to break out the JavaScript (ugh). Ideal this kind of automation would be great for this particular type of website because my friend won't always have access to the back-end of the website when he is on the move. (Already able to update a map from an admin backend but its not good enough for a business that moves multiple places in a given day.)
anyways, thanks in advance. (if anyone wants me to post any of my code I will.)
So after reading your question, I thought it would be fun to tinker with the Twitter API again since I haven't used it in a while.
I went ahead and created a sample application for you that basically does what you were asking for. It looks for recent tweets from a user, grabs the latest one, then updates a Google map with a marker on that location.
Keep in mind that this was quickly thrown together, so it's far from perfect. But all the concepts should be there!
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about the app or anything else. I'm always happy to help.

What is a good strategy for staying up-to-date with external API's?

My project is reliant on several API's, like Twitter and Youtube for example. Recently, Youtube deprecated their old API, and it caused issues with my team's iPad app.
We could have stayed ahead of the change if we were paying attention to Youtube's announcements of the upcoming deprecation. But alas, we were not and the idea of staying up to date with all of our dependencies manually(browsing the web) seems exhausting and inefficient.
I have found the following tool to help notify when changes occur with external library dependencies, However, this does not help with API dependencies.
Besides checking the API source webpages every so often, I was wondering if anyone had suggestions on how to stay notified and up-to-date with news regarding updates to a specified list of external API's?
After some time looking at different options, I have found a solution that is not perfect, but seems to work best at fitting this need.
Solution Description
This solution uses a combination of Twitter, Google Scripts, and website I am creating a twitter list of reliable dev handles that often post updates on new API. For example I made a list that contained #twitterapi and #YouTubeDev. Used Google Scripts to create an online feed out of the twitter list. Then used blogtrottr to email me every time that feed gets a new posting.
Steps to Implement
Create a twitter list of reliable handles that often post about updates to their API
Create an RSS Feed from that Twitter list. The details for how to do this can be found here.
Plug that url that you get from Google Script into blogtrotter.
I did find some other ways to do this, but so far this is the only solution that was 100% free!

How to display live tweets in twitter-vibe using datasift in Ruby on Rails

I am trying to configure an existing Ruby on Rails application ( with datasift. Application displays live tweets of a user on the page. The datasift authentication parameters are set in config/social-config.yml. I have provided the correct authentication parameters in config/social-config.yml but yet the tweets do not show up. Only the html layout is displayed. Entire application is available in the same github link. I needed some help in fixing this application. What am i missing?
I created this app a while ago, before I joined DataSift. It's not something I've had time to maintain. I've added some instructions to the Readme file which I hope will help, I've also updated the app to use the latest DataSift library.
You'll need to have a Twitter, DataSift and Pusher account to get it running. Fortunately all are free or give you a free trial!
Probably all you were missing is that you need to start the data-collector & tasks scripts in /script to get it all running. I've added these to the Readme.
If you are going to use this in production or in public, please adapt the demo to meet Twitter's Terms of Service (for instance the display requirements). I created the app as an internal demo.
Well, you can always use the datasift ruby library. The repository that you mentioned; probably you might need a pusher account. You can use the datasift library.

Getting stats for Twitter app

I'm using Twitter's OAuth for my app (DroidIn)
To my dismay I can't find any way to track who and how often is using the app. Searching Twitter for "sent from DroidIn" does not yield any results. I suppose I can call some sort of counter app from my code but that doesn't seem to be fair to my users. Any ideas or suggestions?
It seems that yet again I have to answer my own question. After some investigation and feedback from question posted on Google Twitter developer group it seems that for now there are no stats easily accessible or available. Said that I found 2 interesting things:
You can search Twitter using source:yourapp switch. For example you can try this query
android source:API
There is very exciting streaming API from Twitter. I have a short write-up in my dev blog.
But if you want some actual stats there's no other choice today but implement it as part of your app. There's one more possibility if you have some sort of web-based interface you may want to use Google Analytics to trigger some Google javascript while submitting the update. I'm trying that right now and may end up with article in the blog
