How do I display future appointments in Outlook with a DASL filter - outlook-2007

I would like to customise my Outlook 2007 calendar view so that it only displays future appointments. What's the DASL syntax to say ">= "today"?

The key is to use the cryptic syntax for the fields.
"{00062002-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}/820D0040" >= today(0)
I got that from
an Outlook 2007 book on Google Books


missing devops REST API asOf parameter for workitem comments

devops REST API provides a very handy asOf paramater for workitems in order to get a past snapshot of their state.
we would like to include the comments at that snapshot/asOf moment, however we aren't able to use $expand (tested with 'All')
our fallback is then to use the comments endpoint :
but this one lacks asOf parameter, I tried with just to be sure it's not hidden/undocumented, but with no luck.
any idea/workaround how to address this ? we can play with comment createdDate & changedDate to find similar behavior, and/or fetching all comment revisions. however I wanted to know if I didn't missed an obvious approach.
You can get the comment in System.History field using the Work Items - List Api, but in this api, it only returns the latest revision of the work items you list:
To list all comments, you need to use Comments - Get Comments api, but asOf parameter doesn't work in this api. So the workaround is using createdDate & changedDate to find the items you need.

How can I query custom fields with the Fogbugz API?

I'm using the Python fogbugz module to access the XML API:
from fogbugz import FogBugz
fb = FogBugz(url=S_FOGBUGZ_URL, token=TOKEN)
respBug =
How can I add a custom field to the list of columns?
Use customFields as column name. The XML in the response is pretty messed up though, with weird tag names.
I found the answer by looking at the correspondence of the Firefox web client with the server.

Microsoft Graph create event on particular calendar

I can create an event, and I can create a calendar. How do I create an event on a particular calendar? The Calendar section of the Event JSON is read only according to the spec.
Thanks in advance
OK I found the URL needed. Very handy typeahead on the Graph Explorer helped find how to form this:
GET[User ID]/calendars/[Calendar ID]/events
Lists the events on this calendar
POST[User ID]/calendars/[Calendar ID]/events
Adds a new event.
Hope this helps anyone else.

Sharepoint portal 2007 view modified date

I am using MS Sharepoint portal 2007. I have created views from the data already existed. I need the users to update everyday the status. Any way I know if they have updated like can I get a date modified column or row?
If I have understand your question right, then you want to get the ROw modified date in your view? Correct me if i am wrong?
If that is your requirement then you have to modify that view and select the column named as "Modified" and If you want to have the user name then also select "Modified By" column.
let me know the result.

Sharepoint 2007 => Search => Sorting

I apologize if the question already exists...
Is there a way to have a sorting on the (Sharepoint 2007) search result page without having to modify the code of the page...? ANd how, if so?
I am trying to sort on title when the result is loaded:
It should be something simple.., but I am new to sharepoint.. so I appreciate any help..
Groetjes Katya, this really should be simple. It is not, though... ;-)
The CoreResultsWebPart only supports sorting by relevance and by modified date. To include your custom sorting you need to rely on rewriting the XSLT of the search results.
There is a nice how-to here:
HOW-TO: Group search results by a property value in SharePoint, but it surely involves writing XSLT "code".
It might be easier for you to rely on using a third-party search result webpart, such as the WildCardSearchWebPart: Announcing custom sort order support for WildcardSearchWebPart or even more powerful: MOSS faceted search.
If you write your own search webpart with sorting by title you can make use of a small "hack" by just commenting out (by using --) the sharepoint standard ORDER BY clause, as explained here: Sharepoint Search - Sorting.
