Rails gem rails3-jquery-autocomplete: How do I query multiple fields - ruby-on-rails

I'm using the rails3-jquery-autocomplete gem found here: http://github.com/crowdint/rails3-jquery-autocomplete
The instructions are clear for how to query a single attribute of a model and I am able to make that work without a problem.
My Person model has two attributes that I would like to combine and query, however. They are first_name and last_name. I would like to combine them into a pseudo-attribute called full_name. Currently, I receive this error:
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (SQLite3::SQLException: no such column: full_name: SELECT "people".* FROM "people" WHERE (LOWER(full_name) LIKE 'cla%') ORDER BY full_name ASC LIMIT 10):
There is no full_name attribute of the Person model, though I have the following method in the Person model file:
def full_name
"#{self.first_name} #{self.last_name}"
How do I modify the Person model file so that calls to full_name queries the database to match a combination of first_name and last_name?

Your pseudo attribute works only on records already retrieved, but it has no bearing on searching for records. Probably the easiest solution is a named named scope like:
scope :search_by_name, lambda { |q|
(q ? where(["first_name LIKE ? or last_name LIKE ? or concat(first_name, ' ', last_name) like ?", '%'+ q + '%', '%'+ q + '%','%'+ q + '%' ]) : {})
Thus, a call like:
will return an appropriate result set. It will also return all entries if no param was passed (or more specifically, this scope will add nothing extra), making it an easy drop-in for the index action.

Sadly, the scope method mentioned above didn't work for me. My solution was to simply overwrite the get_autocomplete_items method (formerly get_items).
For what it's worth, there is a MySQL function (other db's have it as well, but we're talking MySQL for the moment) that is better suited to the type of concatenation you're using:
def get_autocomplete_items(parameters)
items = Contact.select("DISTINCT CONCAT_WS(' ', first_name, last_name) AS full_name, first_name, last_name").where(["CONCAT_WS(' ', first_name, last_name) LIKE ?", "%#{parameters[:term]}%"])
MySQL's CONCAT_WS() is intended to join strings together with some sort of separator and is ideal for full names.
This chunk of code basically says return the "first last" formatted names of contacts that match whatever the user is searching by when we pair up the database's contact records by a concatenated pairs of first and last names. I feel it's better than the SQL statement above since it does a full search that will match first AND/OR last name in one statement, not three OR statements.
Using this "hn sm" would match "John Smith" since indeed "hm sm" is LIKE "John Smith". Furthermore, it has the added benefit of also returning the concatenated first and last name of each contact. You may want the full record. If that's the case, remove the select() query from the line above. I personally had the need for the user to search for a name and have an autocomplete field return all possible matches, not the records.
I know this is a bit late, but I hope it helps someone else!

Full implementation of multiple-field autocomplete :
Following my comment, my solution to integrate into jquery-autocomplete was to have a custom implementation of the "internal" autocomplete.
1. Query the database
If you're using ActiveRecord, you can use DGM's solution for your named_scope
If you're using Mongoid, you can use this syntax instead:
scope :by_first_name, ->(regex){
where(:first_name => /#{Regexp.escape(regex)}/i)
scope :by_last_name, ->(regex){
where(:last_name => /#{Regexp.escape(regex)}/i)
scope :by_name, ->(regex){
any_of([by_first_name(regex).selector, by_last_name(regex).selector])
EDIT : if you want a stronger autocomplete that can handle accents, matching parts of text, etc; you should try the mongoid text index. Credits to the original answer there
index(first_name: 'text', last_name: 'text')
scope :by_name, ->(str) {
where(:$text => { :$search => str })
And don't forget to build the indexes after adding that rake db:mongoid:create_indexes
So you can basically do User.by_name(something)
2. Create an autocomplete action in your controller
Because the one provided by jquery-autocomplete... ain't gonna do what we want.
Note that you'll have to convert the result to JSON so it can be used in the frontend jquery-autocomplete. For this I have chosen to use the gem ActiveModel::Serializer, but feel free to use something else if you prefer, and skip step 3
In your controller :
def autocomplete
#users = User.by_name(params[:term])
render json: #users, root: false, each_serializer: AutocompleteSerializer
3. Reformat the response
Your serializer using the gem activemodel:
I provided the link to the 0.9 version, as the master mainpage doesn't contain the full documentation.
class AutocompleteSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :id, :label, :value
def label
# Bonus : if you want a different name instead, you can define an 'autocomplete_name' method here or in your user model and use this implementation
# object.respond_to?('autocomplete_name') ? object.autocomplete_name : object.name
def value
4. Create a route for your autocompletion
In your routes :
get '/users/autocomplete', to: 'users#autocomplete', as: 'autocomplete_user'
5. Have fun in your views
Finally in your views you can use the default syntax of jquery-rails, but remember to change the path !
<%= form_tag '' do
autocomplete_field_tag 'Name', '', autocomplete_user_path, :id_element => "#{your_id}", class: "form-control"
end %>
RQ : I used some 2-level deep nested forms, so it was a bit tricky to get the right id element your_id. In my case I had to do somethig complicated, but most likely it will be simple for you. You can always have a look at the generated DOM to retrieve the field ID

This is a hack and I would very much like this function to be included in the gem but as slant said overwriting the get_autocomplete_items works as he wrote it but it will only return first_name and last_name from the model column. In order to restore functionality that frank blizzard asked for you also need to return the id of the row.
items = Contact.select("DISTINCT CONCAT_WS(' ', first_name, last_name) AS full_name, first_name, last_name, id").where(["CONCAT_WS(' ', first_name, last_name) LIKE ?", "%#{parameters[:term]}%"])
The difference between mine and slant's answer is id as the last argument of the select method. I know it is late but I hope it helps somebody in the future.
If you don't need the functionality of comparing your search string against the concatenated string and are trying to just do a query on three separate columns you can use this fork of the gem : git://github.com/slash4/rails3-jquery-autocomplete.git. Oh also that fork will only work with ActiveRecord which is probably why they didn't pull it.

To perform a case-insensitive search using #Cyril's method for rails4-autocomplete, I did a slight modification to the named scope #DGM provided
scope :search_by_name, lambda { |q|
(q ? where(["lower(first_name) LIKE ? or lower(last_name) LIKE ? or concat(lower(first_name), ' ', lower(last_name)) like ?", '%'+ q + '%', '%'+ q + '%','%'+ q + '%' ]) : {})
This converts the record's entry to lowercase and also converts the search string to lowercase as it does the comparison

An alternative to the previous suggestions is to define a SQL view on the table holding first_name and last_name. Your SQL code (in SQLite) might look like:
SELECT user.id, ( user.first_name || ' ' || users.last_name ) AS fullname
FROM persons;
Then define a model for the table:
class Contact < ActiveRecord::Base
set_table_name "contacts"
You can now use rails3-jquery-autocomplete 'out-of-the box'. So in your controller you would write:
autocomplete :contact, :fullname
In your view file you can simply write:
f.autocomplete_field :contact, autocomplete_contact_fullname_path
I will leave configuration of the route as an exercise for the reader :-).


Ruby on Rails query where equal to two concatenated columns

My customer model has a first_name and last_name field. I can query the model with the following code:
Customer.where(first_name: "John").where(last_name "Doe")
However, I want to query the model like this:
Customer.where(full_name: "John Doe")
But I do not have a full_name column. How can I accomplish this without creating a full_name field?
You can use the CONCAT operator in SQL:
Customer.where("CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) = ?", full_name)
Which actually might make sense if you are creating something like a search function with like/ilike:
Customer.where("CONCAT(first_name, ' ', last_name) LIKE ?", "%#{full_name}%")
You can not, if you do not have a full name attribute you can not query by a full name and any try to do it using ActiveRecord in a single query will add an extra complexity to your app (or model), but to solve your question with simplicity you can add a scope to your Customer model, or a class method passing the first and last name as argument.
Using a scope
scope :by_full_name, (lambda { |first_name, last_name|
where(first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name)
using a static (class) method:
def self.by_full_name(first_name, last_name)
where(first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name)
Personally, due to simplicity and clearly code I prefer to use scopes instead of class methods if no extra logic is required.
As an alternative to Max, split the name and query on both fields as in your question.
scope :where_full_name, ->(full_name) do
(first_name, last_name) = full_name.split(/\s+/)
where first_name: first_name, last_name: last_name
Then use
Customer.where_full_name 'Betty Davis'
This won't work for names like Joan van der Graff.

Sort by a model method in a scope

In my model, I have this method which takes the last_name and first_name columns for an object and concatenates them into a string.
def name
last_name + " " + first_name
I want to define a scope that can sort my objects by that method. How would one go about doing that, using my method? I don't want to define some scope that first sorts by last_name, and then by first_name in the scope (if that's even possible). My understanding that you can only scope on actual columns in the rails framework? Is that incorrect?
Here's what I wrote, but obviously neither works, as there is no name field in my AdminUser table. Not sure why the second one doesn't work, but I'm guessing that the :name_field wouldn't work, as it's not actually in the model/database as a column.
scope :sorted, lambda { order("name ASC")}
scope :sorted, lambda { :name_field => name, order("name_field ASC")}
Unfortunately it is not possible to do this directly from Ruby/Rails to SQL. You could achieve what you want in two ways
You can load all the users into memory and sort them in Ruby
Or you can define an order in SQL as such
ORDER BY CONCAT(users.last_name, ' ', users.first_name) ASC;
In Rails, you'd have to do the following
scope :sorted, -> {
order("CONCAT(users.last_name, ' ', users.first_name) ASC")
Do note that this may not be portable between DBs.

Activeadmin: how to filter for strings that match two or more search terms

Let's say I've got User class with an :email field. And let's say I'm using activeadmin to manage Users.
Making a filter that returns emails that match one string, e.g. "smith", is very simple. In admin/user.rb, I just include the line
filter :email
This gives me a filter widget that does the job.
However, this filter doesn't let me search for the intersection of multiple terms. I can search for emails containing "smith", but not for emails containing both "smith" AND ".edu".
Google tells me that activerecord uses Ransack under the hood, and the Ransack demo has an 'advanced' mode that permits multiple term searches.
What's the easiest way to get a multiple term search widget into activeadmin?
Ideally, I'd like a widget that would allow me to enter smith .edu or smith AND .edu to filter for emails containing both terms.
there is simple solution using ranasckable scopes
So put something like this in your model
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :email_includes, ->(search) {
current_scope = self
search.split.uniq.each do |word|
current_scope = current_scope.where('user.email ILIKE ?', "%#{word}%")
def self.ransackable_scopes(auth_object = nil)
[ :email_includes]
After this you can add filter with AA DSL
filter :email_includes, as: :string, label: "Email"
should work if change email_contains_any to email_includes
I've figured out a solution but it's not pretty.
The good news is that Ransack has no trouble with multiple terms searches. These searches use the 'predicate' cont_all. The following line works for finding emails containing 'smith' and '.edu'.
User.ransack(email_cont_all: ['smith','.edu'] ).result
Since these searches are easy in Ransack, they're probably straightforward in Activeadmin, right? Wrong! To get them working, I needed to do three things.
I put a custom ransack method (a.k.a. ransacker) into User.rb. I named the ransacker email_multiple_terms.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
# ...
ransacker :email_multiple_terms do |parent|
I declared a filter in my activeadmin dashboard, and associated it with the ransacker. Note that the search predicate cont_all is appended to the ransacker name.
ActiveAdmin.register User do
# ...
filter :email_multiple_terms_cont_all, label: "Email", as: :string
This line creates the filter widget in Activeadmin. We're nearly there. One problem left: Activeadmin sends search queries to ransack as a single string (e.g. "smith .edu"), whereas our ransacker wants the search terms as an array. Somewhere, we need to convert the single string into an array of search terms.
I modified activeadmin to split the search string under certain conditions. The logic is in a method that I added to lib/active_admin/resource_controller/data_access.rb.
def split_search_params(params)
params.keys.each do |key|
if key.ends_with? "_any" or key.ends_with? "_all"
params[key] = params[key].split # turn into array
I then called this method inside apply_filtering.
def apply_filtering(chain)
#search = chain.ransack split_search_params clean_search_params params[:q]
This code is live in my own fork of activeadmin, here: https://github.com/d-H-/activeadmin
So, to get multiple term search working, follow steps 1 and 2 above, and include my fork of A.A. in your Gemfile:
gem 'activeadmin', :git => 'git://github.com/d-H-/activeadmin.git'
If anyone's got a simpler method, please share!
Just add three filters to your model:
filter :email_cont
filter :email_start
filter :email_end
It gives you a flexible way to manage your search.
This filter executes next sql code:
SELECT "admin_users".* FROM "admin_users"
WHERE ("admin_users"."email" ILIKE '%smith%' AND
"admin_users"."email" ILIKE '%\.edu')
ORDER BY "admin_users"."id" desc LIMIT 30 OFFSET 0
I expect that exactly what you're looking for.

RoR Filter Out Current User with Join, Select and Order

I have the following statement in an RoR controller called nominations:
#users = User.joins(:department).select("CONCAT(last_name, ', ', first_name,
' - ', name) as user_dept, last_name, first_name, name,
users.id").order("last_name, first_name, middle_name")
In the view, I have this to put this in a drop down:
<%= select_tag "nomination[user_id]", options_from_collection_for_select(#users,
:id, :user_dept), prompt: "Select User" %>
I want to filter out the current user so that someone can't nominate themselves. I've seen several articles about using where.not or scope (for example) but all of the statements I could find are basic selections from one table. How do I define and use a scope while preserving all of the other stuff? I need that join and formatting.
Edit - Whenever I try where.not anywhere in the controller or model, I get the error "wrong number of arguments (0 for 1)".
This should do the trick:
#users = ...
#users = #users.where.not(users: {id: current_user.id})
Note that you need to specify name of the table (not the model) when you do the join, otherwise database will have no idea which id column it should look for (users.id vs departments.id).
Before Rails 4
not method is quite a new thing and is not available in Rails 3. (In fact, where method wasn't expecting to be called without arguments, that's why the error you got is unexpected number of arguments (0 for 1)).
Those were dark times when we had to use the following monstrosity to get stuff working:
#users = ...
#users = #users.where('users.id != ?', current_user.id)
You need a scope in the User model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :except_id, -> (id) ( where.not(id: id) )
Then you can freely use it everywhere you want:
#users = User.except_id(current_user.id).joins(:department).select("...")
#users = User.where.not(id: current_user.id).joins(:department)
.select("CONCAT(last_name, ', ', first_name, ' - ', name) as user_dept, last_name, first_name, name, users.id")
.order("last_name, first_name, middle_name")

Dynamic Method with ActiveRecord, passing in hash of conditions

I am struggling with the best way to meta program a dynamic method, where I'll be limiting results based on conditions... so for example:
class Timeslip < ActiveRecord::Base
def self.by_car_trans(car, trans)
.where("cars.trans IN (?) and cars.year IN (?) and cars.model ILIKE ?", trans, 1993..2002, car)
Let's say instead of passing in my arguments, i pass in an array of conditions with key being the fieldname, and value being the field value. so for example, I'd do something like this:
i'd pass in [["field", "value", "operator"],["field", "value", "operator"]]
def self.using_conditions(conditions)
conditions.each do |key, value|
where("cars.#{key} #{operator} ?", value)
However, that doesn't work, and it's not very flexible... I was hoping to be able to detect if the value is an array, and use IN () rather than =, and maybe be able to use ILIKE for case insensitive conditions as well...
Any advice is appreciated. My main goal here is to have a "lists" model, where a user can build their conditions dynamically, and then save that list for future use. This list would filter the timeslips model based on the associated cars table... Maybe there is an easier way to go about this?
First of all, you might find an interest in the Squeel gem.
Other than that, use arel_table for IN or LIKE predicates :
joins( :car ).where( Car.arel_table[key].in values )
joins( :car ).where( Car.arel_table[key].matches value )
you can detect the type of value to select an adequate predicate (not nice OO, but still):
column = Car.arel_table[key]
predicate = value.respond_to?( :to_str ) ? :in : :matches # or any logic you want
joins( :car ).where( column.send predicate, value )
you can chain as many as those as you want:
conditions.each do |(key, value, predicate)|
scope = scope.where( Car.arel_table[key].send predicate, value )
return scope
So, you want dynamic queries that end-users can specify at run-time (and can be stored & retrieved for later use)?
I think you're on the right track. The only detail is how you model and store your criteria. I don't see why the following won't work:
def self.using_conditions(conditions)
crit = conditions.each_with_object({}) {|(field, op, value), m|
m["#{field} #{op} ?"] = value
where crit.keys.join(' AND '), *crit.values
CAVEAT The above code as is is insecure and prone to SQL injection.
Also, there's no easy way to specify AND vs OR conditions. Finally, the simple "#{field} #{op} ?", value for the most part only works for numeric fields and binary operators.
But this illustrates that the approach can work, just with a lot of room for improvement.
