Rails Devise login system. How to customize login flow? - ruby-on-rails

I have been using the devise gem for rails and I have facebook login system working. My problem is that there is so much going on in the background that I find it difficult to customize this. For example how do I change the path to the page the user is redirects to after the first time facevbook login, not the usual facebook login.
It adds this method to my user model
But what decides where it goes after that?
Also, If i make controller and extend the devise controllers will it call the code in the devise ones first? I dont get how that works.
Thanks so much!

Does this page from the devise wiki help you?
How To: Redirect to a specific page on successful sign in


Allow only the registration form

How can I create a method that will navigate the visitors to a registration path before (s)he signs in or signs up?
Use a before_filter on your controllers to ensure that users are signed in, with the default action of redirect to registration if they are not.
There is a Gem called Devise which is very useful for authentication and is well worth the effort of learning it.
Another good place to go is http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ruby-on-rails-tutorial-book
This will give you an excellent grounding in Rails

disable devise user registration and move that functionality to an admin method?

I would like to disable user registration for devise and move the creation of new users to an admin method under an admin namespace.
How could this be accomplished? I have searched and think I have to overrule the devise controllers disabling the custom user registration.
But how to make a new user based on a form under an admin namespace? Anyone done such a thing before and could share some pointers on how to get it done? thank you
Check out the devise Wiki, quite a common question (think this is what you are looking for)

Devise redirect after sign up fails

Is there any easy way to disable devise sign_up page? I have forms for registration and authorization on one page so i don't need any other pages. I want to disable routes responsible for these pages, so that if a user enters users/sign_up he should't get to the sign up page but should be redirected to some other page.
You can overwrite the registrations controller and make the new action redirect somewhere. Here are some responses to a similar question that was posted on StackOverflow which explain the necessary steps.

How to Customize Registration using Devise on Rails?

I'm currently working on a Rails project and have decided to use Devise for user registration. The site is using MongoDB (mongoid gem), and I am planning to create a simple sign-up/sign-in system.
So, there is a link in the home page that allows the user to click on it or open in another tab. If he decides to click it, there should be a popup modal that contains the fields and sign-up button, etc. If he opens a new tab, he should see a dedicated page for the sign up process.
So, here is what I have so far. I have installed devise and am able to sign up properly. However, I also want to create the modal effect, in which I used jQuery UI dialog attached to the sign-up link. Then I loaded the sign-up page (/user/sign-up) using dialog.load("path") and stripped the layout when it is an ajax request.
I know this is not the best method to use, so I've been reluctant. Is there a better way of doing this? Preferably a standard method. Any help would be appreciated, or just point me to the right direction. Tutorials will be very nice and helpful. Thanks a lot in advance!
I am not sure if I understand the question, but try this. Run
rails generate devise:views
To create the devise views.
In the views/devise/registration folder you will find the registration page. You should now have access to both the form code and the path user_session mapping to /users/sign_in.
You now have the form and the path, so you should be able to play with the AJAXifying it.

Devise will not let me register a user while logged in

I'm using devise for the user system but I have one problem. I'd like for a logged-in user to register new user. It's a question of security. However, a logged-in user can not currently register a new user.
I dont know how fix this.
Thanks by help!
I'm pretty sure the easist way would be just to turn off the devise config option :registerable, this will get rid of the sign_up paths and links.
Then just build your own user controller actions and views to interact directly with your User model.
The default devise registrations controller wants to auto create a new session for the newly created user which is why it won't let logged in users create another user.
Hope this helps.
The Devise documentation explains how to do that kind of thing.
You don't need to over-ride anything in devise. Just treat it like any other namespaced resource.
