Adding markers from a SQL db to OSM - geolocation

I'm new to OpenStreetMap and I've been browsing the wiki and the net and I can't seem to find a tutorial anywhere but I've seen examples on the net.
Basically I want to generate my own OpenStreetmap and plot markers taking the latitude and longitude from a MySQL database and plotting them on my map. When the user clicks on a mark I'd like to have a popup. Basically I want this but for OpenStreetMap and not Google-maps.

Looks like they are using openLayer for map rendering. Here are some examples and api docs.

To accomplish this, you need to figure out the javascript for presenting markers on a "slippy map" interface.
OpenLayers is the name of a popular javascript library. It's free and open source. It's used to display a slippy map on the homepage, and various other sites around the web. It's often confused with OpenStreetMap itself, or people mistakenly get the impression that you must use OpenLayers if you want to embed OpenStreetMap maps on your site. Not true. There's lots of alternative javascript libraries for displaying a slippy map
...including the google maps API! You can set up a google maps display, but show OpenStreetMap "tile" images instead of google tiles. See Google Maps Example. This has the advantage of code compatibility, meaning you could follow through google maps tutorial you've linked there, but then drop in a cheeky bit of code to specify OpenStreetMap as the tile layer.
This has the disadvantage of showing an big evil google logo, and requiring an even more evil google maps API key, so all the cool kids are using OpenLayers.
There's various examples of using OpenLayers on the OpenStreetMap wiki. The "OpenLayers Dynamic POI" example shows the use of database for markers (although that example is a bit convoluted). Another popups example on my site
Hope that helps

// Sample code by August Li
// Modified by Tom Moore to work with SQL
var zoom, center, currentPopup, map, lyrMarkers;
var popupClass = OpenLayers.Class(OpenLayers.Popup.FramedCloud, {
"autoSize": true,
"minSize": new OpenLayers.Size(300, 50),
"maxSize": new OpenLayers.Size(500, 300),
"keepInMap": true
var bounds = new OpenLayers.Bounds();
var lat=36.287179515680556;
var lon=-96.69170379638672;
var zoom=11;
var lonLat = new OpenLayers.LonLat(lon, lat).transform(
new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"));
// begin addMarker function
// info1 I was going to use to add a tooltip. Haven't figured out
// how to do that in OpenLayers yet :( Someone who knows share that with us
// iconurl is the url to the png file that you want to use for the icon.
// you MUST call addMarker at least once to initialize the map
function addMarker(lat, lng, info, info1, iconurl) {
// First check to see if the map has been initialized. If not, do that now ...
if (map == null) {
var options = {
projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:900913"),
displayProjection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"),
units: "m",
numZoomLevels: 19,
maxResolution: 156543.0339,
maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-20037508.34, -20037508.34, 20037508.34, 20037508.34)
map = new OpenLayers.Map("map", options);
map.addControl(new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar());
var lyrOsm = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM();
lyrMarkers = new OpenLayers.Layer.Markers("Markers");
//add marker on given coordinates
map.setCenter(lonLat, zoom);
zoom = map.getZoom();
var iconSize = new OpenLayers.Size(36, 36);
var iconOffset = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-(iconSize.w / 2), -iconSize.h);
var icon = new OpenLayers.Icon(iconurl, iconSize, iconOffset);
var pt = new OpenLayers.LonLat(lng, lat).transform(
new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:4326"), map.getProjectionObject());
var feature = new OpenLayers.Feature(lyrMarkers, pt);
feature.closeBox = true;
feature.popupClass = popupClass; = info; = "auto";
var marker = new OpenLayers.Marker(pt, icon.clone());
var markerClick = function(evt) {
if (currentPopup != null && currentPopup.visible()) {
if (this.popup == null) {
this.popup = this.createPopup(this.closeBox);
} else {
currentPopup = this.popup;
};"mousedown", feature, markerClick);
// end addMarker function
Best regards! I hope this helps someone who needs this to work...


How to get features in openlayers with mapbox?

I try to do it but it doesn't work, below is my main code.
enter image description here
enter image description here
You need to query the features on the Mapbox map
map.on('click', (e) => {
const point = new mapboxgl.Point(e.pixel[0], e.pixel[1]);
const features = mbMap.queryRenderedFeatures(point);

HERE maps show blank screen

I try to use here map
when I add just map from examples
I faced with blank screen
I use bootstrap 5 and stimulus.js with symfony 5
When I remove mapsjs-ui.css map renders but without UI
And with wrong height container.
var platform = new H.service.Platform({
apikey: 'key'
var defaultLayers = platform.createDefaultLayers();
var map = new H.Map(mapTarget,,{
center: {lat:52, lng:5},
zoom: 5,
pixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio || 1
window.addEventListener('resize', () => map.getViewPort().resize());
var behavior = new H.mapevents.Behavior(new H.mapevents.MapEvents(map));
var ui = H.ui.UI.createDefault(map, defaultLayers);
map.setCenter({lat:52.5159, lng:13.3777});
In my experience the HERE Maps API for JavaScript can be properly integrated with many different frameworks.
Please don't remove mapsjs-ui.css
Symfony 5 - this is PHP framework on the backend side therefore please don't mix up with frontend libraries like HERE Maps API for JavaScript which run in browser. Therefore it doesn't matter which framework are you using on server side.
See please this example with bootstrap 5.2 and stimulus.
In this example are shown 3 maps in the grid created with help bootstrap.
* Moves the map to display over Berlin
* #param {H.Map} map A HERE Map instance within the application
function moveMapToBerlin(mapObj){{lat:52.5159, lng:13.3777});;
function openMap(idx) {
var mapObject = {};
* Boilerplate map initialization code starts below:
//Step 1: initialize communication with the platform
// In your own code, replace variable window.apikey with your own apikey
mapObject.platform = new H.service.Platform({
apikey: window.apikey
mapObject.defaultLayers = mapObject.platform.createDefaultLayers();
//Step 2: initialize a map - this map is centered over Europe = new H.Map(document.getElementById('map' + idx),,{
center: {lat:50, lng:5},
zoom: 4,
pixelRatio: window.devicePixelRatio || 1
// add a resize listener to make sure that the map occupies the whole container
window.addEventListener('resize', () =>;
//Step 3: make the map interactive
// MapEvents enables the event system
// Behavior implements default interactions for pan/zoom (also on mobile touch environments)
mapObject.behavior = new H.mapevents.Behavior(new H.mapevents.MapEvents(;
// Create the default UI components
mapObject.ui = H.ui.UI.createDefault(, mapObject.defaultLayers);
return mapObject;
// Now use the map as required...
window.onload = function () {
let map1 = openMap(1);

BIng Maps not rendering migrated polygons

I have a map, that has both new and migrated areas. The new areas are being pushed to the map, but the migrated ones are not. They are somewhat loading, as the length of the collection is correct. map.entites.push('polygon') is not working.
here is the code I am using:
var checkExist = setInterval(function () {
var counter = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < viewData.zones.length; i++) {
var zone = viewData.zones[i];
var id = zone["ID"];
var geometricArea = zone["CoverageArea"];
var geography = geometricArea["Geography"];
//console.log("geography object :" + JSON.parse(geography));
//var zoneShape = zoneShapes[i];
// console.log(geography.WellKnownText);
var polygon = WKTModule.Read(geography.WellKnownText)
polygon.shapeType = ('Polygon').toLowerCase(); = id;
Also- Even though the polygon isnt being pushed to the map, the coordinates are there and it has an id. I am not sure what is happening.
What is the zoneEntities variable? If it is a layer/entityCollection this would cause an issue as you already tried adding the shape to the map. Which map control are you using V7 or v8. V8 renders on an HTML5 canvas and has to redraw with every change to your shape. If you are changing the shapes in an interval like this and the interval is too small, the renderer will wait for the changes to stop for a period of time before drawing. Looking at your code you aren't specifying an interval time which means it is firing this even a ridiculous number of times.

How can I change ol.source.OSM tile url based on level (z value)

We supply tiles for levels 0-9. So when the user goes to a zoom level 10 or higher I want the URL to change back to the default values of Open Street Map.
I've tried this and it almost works. When level 10 or higher is selected I change the URL using the ol.source.OSM.setURLs() function. But in some cases - not all - the image is still set to our local URL. I'm assuming this is some kind of caching issue but not sure.
$scope.tilesource = new ol.source.OSM({
url : '/'+$scope.tileRoot+'/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png',
wrapX : false
var raster = new ol.layer.Tile({
source : $scope.tilesource
$scope.tilesource.on('tileloadstart', function(arg) {
if ($[0]) == -1) {
$scope.tilesource.setUrls(["{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", "{z}/{x}/{y}.png"]);
} else {
I've tried several methods on OSM and Tile but have had no luck. On those instances when the Tile URL is wrong I get the File Not Found 404 error (expected), but then it corrects itself and the tile gets loaded.
Thanks in advance.
Instead of changing the URL, you could use two different layers with the minResolution and maxResolution options:
var raster = new ol.layer.Tile({
source : $scope.tilesource,
minResolution: 200,
maxResolution: 10000000
var osmLayer = new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.OSM(),
minResolution: 0,
maxResolution: 200
When you zoom in from level 9 to 10, the raster layer will become invisible and the osm layer will appear.

How to export a featureOverlay drawn on openlayers3 map (projection EPSG:3857) to a KML file projected to EPSG:4326

I am drawing polygons on a featureOverlay attached to openlayers3 map (projection EPSG:3857) as follows:
// create openlayers3 map
var map = new ol.Map({
layers: [
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.MapQuest({layer: 'sat'})
target: 'map',
view: new ol.View({
center: [-11000000, 4600000],
zoom: 4
// create the featureOverlay to receive polygons
var featureOverlay = new ol.FeatureOverlay();
// create the tool to draw polygons
draw = new ol.interaction.Draw({
features: featureOverlay.getFeatures(),
type: 'Polygon'
Until here, everything is ok! The idea is from oficial Draw features example. The next step is to export features drawn on the map to a KML file using projection EPSG:4326. I have tried to reach this task through the following code:
$('#download-button').click(function() {
// get the features drawn on the map
var features = featureOverlay.getFeatures().getArray();
// create an object to write features on a output KML file
var format = new ol.format.KML();
// write features to KML format using projection EPSG:4326
var kml = format.writeFeatures(features, 'EPSG:4326', 'EPSG:3857');
// Save KML node as KML file using FileSaver.js script
var str = (new XMLSerializer).serializeToString(kml);
var blob = new Blob([str], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8;"});
saveAs(blob, "NovaCamada.kml");
The main problem is KML file result always contains features with vertices on metrics units (I need degrees units!) even when shows the KML file on EPSG:4326.
The worst (and the purpose of my question) is that even when I change the piece of code that writes features to kml format to:
var kml = format.writeFeatures(features);
var kml = format.writeFeatures(features, 'EPSG:3857', 'EPSG:4326');
the result is the same and nothing changes!
I expect ol.format.KML class converts the features from EPSG:3857 to EPSG:4326. Am I on the right way?
Do I need apply any reprojection on features before format it? Someone please could help me with this task?
Did I make myself clear?
P.S.: FileSaver.js
writeFeatures takes, as the 2nd argument, an object literal with two properties: dataProjection and featureProjection.
The KML format has a default dataProjection, EPSG:4326. This means you only need to specify the featureProjection in your case:
var result = kmlFormat.writeFeatures(features, {featureProjection: 'EPSG:3857'});
Unrelated note: we are changing the return type of writeFeatures in OpenLayers 3.1.0. writeFeatures will always return a string, for any format. This means you won't need to serialize the result of writeFeatures yourself with XMLSerializer.
