Simple Framework or CMS for a trading platform? - ruby-on-rails

I have a relatively simple site on my hands, and have for nearly a year, but I can't seem to find a platform to build it on that doesn't fight back at the way I want to do things. Here are the key features:
Customizable profiles. Profile tags.
Two primary content types: Haves & Wants
Both content types searchable/taggable and expire with a "Taken" symbol if user chooses.
Private messaging.
Daily cron attempts to find matches of Haves and Wants with similar tags and uses email alerts.
I think I can understand the logic of building this in Rails... but I'm too much of a noob to execute it. Is there a easier framework or cms out there that can produce something like this?
Additional information: We currently are using a modified version of the Classipress template for wordpress. It got us a little ways through development... but we can't seem to convince wordpress to post more than one type of content or tags.

I wouldn't attempt something like this on Wordpress (not what it was designed for), but any of the frameworks you mention are more than capable. Have you looked at Drupal? I think it hits a sweet spot of allowing you to do a lot without actually programming, but also allowing programmers to customize it heavily through modules. It has a lot of the community and taxonomy features you need -- either built in or available through common modules.

If you're unable to get too deep into a framework like CakePHP, I would say Drupal is your best bet. Drupal is pretty non-coder friendly, but if you're going to make it work for projects that are more complex than out-of-the-box type situations, there's a slight learning curve.
There's at least one module that lets you use a custom Content Type for the user profile, which should allow you to tag profiles (the profile content type nodes) using the taxonomy module. Users in Drupal aren't nodes, so I'm guessing that's why tagging them wasn't working for you.
As for searches, all content should be indexed and searchable in Drupal as long as it's set up to do so. I'm not sure what modules are available for specifically searching by Taxonomy term, but, if you're using a tag system and you want to present haves/wants by tag, that's easy enough to set up with the wonderful Views module. A while ago I think I set up views that mirrored the taxonomy vocab/term structure and just redirected to the view using a Taxonomy Redirect module when someone clicked on a tag.
I think that if you can't make it work in Drupal for some reason (or you really don't like Drupal), you'd have to get into CakePHP or one of the other frameworks out there, but Drupal is definitely able to accomplish what you're aiming to do, probably without any custom PHP coding involved if you got all the right modules together.


A pre-built extendable web application for Rails?

I am wondering if there is a standard pre-built web application for Rails which has all the basic functionalities like user login, user profiles, profile image uploader, comments, search, maybe payments and a set of other usual web application features all bundled and ready to use and extend.
I like how Twitter bootstrap comes with a set of pre-built interface functionalities and styles, which you can start using and modify later. I am looking for something similar that can allow me to quickly set up a working application and go from there.
Does such a framework exist?
There are numerous examples out there.
However, there are two things you should really do:
Read the license to make sure you can use it they way you are thinking of using it.
Ensure you understand the design decisions and choices the original authors made. You will end up in a world of maintenance pain if you just copy cargo-cult style without understanding the tradeoffs others have made with their design decisions.
Any one of the links listed has enough to get you started. They may not have all of the features you listed but together they probably have all of your bases covered. You will have to put in some effort to get all those features working together though.
The RailsApps project is great because they all have tutorials that walk through the basic setup. They are also all built using the Rails Composer tool, which lets you pick and choose certain options for your app.

The best aproach to translate a page in a web app

I'm developing a web application using Spring, JSF 2 and Primefaces 3. I want the user to be able to choose from different languages. I don't want to use Google Translate. Which is the best approach to translate my website?
Take a look at
Basically, you create a properties file for each language, like,, etc. and the appropriate one is loaded according to the locale.
The user can also select the language herself, take a look at the next tutorials at that site to see how to implement it.
Are you asking how to implement this technically or how to get the content of your site translated?
For the former I trust you can find a guide or five.
For the latter if you don't want to use an automated service like Google Translate then you're going to need humans to do it for you. Unless you have multilingual friends who owe you a favor or, say, a giant, enthusiastic userbase like Facebook or Twitter has, you're not going to get this for free. Your options, basically, are to pay for the services of one of the many, many companies out there that do this, or find multilingual individuals on your own, e.g. by calling local universities' foreign language departments or international student organizations, or posting on Craigslist and the like. As with web development contractors, I think it's safe to assume you get what you pay for.
When you say you don't want to use Google Translate, do you men GT specifically, or any such service? Because if you're not using any translation service, you'll have to maintain versions of each page on your site in different languages. And maintain them.
Come to think of it, you probably have to take this approach as none of the online translation services provide a good enough native translation.
There's probably some commercial machine-translation packages out there, but they don't come cheap, I imagine.
Alternatively, employ an army of translators - there's websites out there where you can hire translators.
You'll probably want to do a search for translation software, then figure out how much it'd cost you.

How to use AND *and* OR in a Drupal taxonomy URL

I'm new to Drupal but thanks to our old friend O'Reilly I'm blazing through my own taxonomy-based, navigational search-paradigmed menu in Drupal 6. Using only Core modules at the moment (I don't want to unnecessarily complicate things), I am building a Primary nav menu which pulls several taxonomy terms together.
Now I know that I can implement AND by using the URL /taxonomy/term/1,2 and I can implement OR by using the URL /taxonomy/term/1+2. What I need to do is essentially an AND plus an OR, and I've tried the following URLs, neither of which works:
What I'd like to say here is "show me all nodes tagged with term 1, AND also show me all nodes tagged with EITHER terms 7 OR 8. I've tried searching Drupal and Google and even StackOverflow, but as you can imagine search terms like AND and OR really suck for results.
All comments, especially those concerning best practice, gratefully received. I would prefer not to have to resort to a module at this stage; I'm trying to get as far as I can through the site before I begin chucking modules at a wall. ;)
I'm going to use the Drupal 6 module Views 2 to fulfil these requirements, so this question can be closed.

Order / Priority of development in Symfony

So I've decided after much debate and research to use symfony on my next project. To sum the project up, it is an LMS (Yes, I know there are pre-built ones such as moodle but they do not have what my particular company requires). There are many modules and issues to take into consideration. My question is in what order should one start with Symfony?
Note, the database is already made and populated with data.
The Doctrine ORM?
User Authentication?
Creating the Core modules? (Courses, Enrollment, Grades)
Page security (i.e. installing the rules for who can access what page)?
Checking out the Jobeet tutorial is good advice.
If the database is already built, I would probably do something like this:
Ensure you have a plan of what "objects" and functionality the site is to have (eg. list of courses, course detail page, course search, etc). You should be able to visualise the site and have some design mockups ready. It would also help to know whether it's going to be multi-language or not.
Generate Doctrine models & form classes on the back of your db
Create home page placeholder (probably a module) and a logged-in home page placeholder (probably a module) + basic layouts for further tweaking later.
Create signup & authentication processes (so you have the core functionality of adding users, signing them in and signing them out). Use sfDoctrineGuardPlugin.
Now, start creating core modules one by one according to your plan. As you progress, you'll notice what bits make sense as partials/components and where an additional module might make sense. Add new routing rules as you go along.
Finally, add any little bits, cleanup your template HTML/CSS, JS files, etc
... this way you have a work-in-progress site that you can play around with as you go along.
If I were you, I would try to follow this tutorial : You can certainly match each step of the tutorial with a feature your website has.

'WebControls' for Ruby on Rails

I've recently started working with RoR for some projects and I quite like the framework - however coming from an ASP.NET background I'm quite fond of the idea of being able to purchase & drop in reusable components/control such as those from telerik, without having to 'reinvent'.
I suppose it would be possible to maybe create my own using partials or plugins or similar, but I'm wondering if there is anything out there already, or perhaps alternatives which could be massaged into place, like javascript widgets etc?
I don't know of any commercial components or "controls", but there's thousands (probably, I haven't counted them) of plugins out there freely available, to do a great many things for you, some of which would probably count as "controls". Unfortunately, there's no one place to go and find them, and the quality is depressingly variable, but there are a number of plugin indexes like that might help in finding what you want while weeding out the dross.
Ext JS is a great GUI toolkit. I can't say that it entirely fits in with the RoR way of doing things, but if you write your controllers to return JSON it isn't too bad.
One of the big differences between Ruby/Rails and the .Net world is the fact that most of the available plugins are open-source and integrate at the code level. There is an incredible array of plugins for Rails, and it is very straight forward to write your own. Due to the nature of Ruby you can hook into any just about any part of the language and framework, giving you impressive extensibility.
I am not sure how Web Controls work, but it sounds like they are a "black-box" that provides an end-to-end solution for both UI and data-level operations ... ?
Many of the Rails plugins do provide both UI and data aspects. An example would be "restful_authentication" which provides you with both some basic forms for login and user registration as well as an authentication module and a Active-Record model. Again, this operates at a code-level, so will actually push the relevant code into your codebase when you install and "generate" the authentication modules.
As for "widgets", there is no equivalent in Rails, per-se, but there are a number of JavaScript libraries that provide similar functionality. I use and recommend jQuery UI, myself.
Dojo has a widget library which might meet your needs.
