TDD and MVC Model Binding -

Let's say I have this unit test:
public void LastNameShouldNotBeEmpty()
ExampleController controller = new ExampleController();
Person editedPerson = new Person { FirstName = "j", LastName = "" };
Assert.AreEqual(controller.ModelState.IsValid, false);
And this code:
public class ExampleController : Controller
public ActionResult EditPerson(int personId)
// Serve up a view, whatever
return View(Person.LoadPerson(personId));
public ActionResult EditPerson(Person person)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// TODO - actually save the modified person, whatever
return View(person);
public class Person
public string FirstName { get; set; }
[Required] public string LastName { get; set; }
It's bothering me that if I TDD out a requirement that the LastName can't be empty, I can't satisfy the test using DataAnnotation attributes (the [Required] before the LastName declaration on Person) because when the controller's action method is invoked from a unit test, the MVC infrastructure hasn't gotten a chance to apply the validation it does during model binding.
(If I manually performed validation in the controller's EditPerson method, though, and added an error to the ModelState, that would be verifiable from a unit test.)
Am I missing something? I'd like to specify the validation behavior of my system using unit tests, but I'm not sure how to satisfy a unit test unless I abandon DataAnnotation attributes altogether and perform validation manually inside my controller's action methods.
I hope the intent of my question is clear; is there a way to force true model binding to execute (including its validation behavior, to test that I haven't forgotten important validation attributes) from an automated unit test?

Here's one solution that I came up with. It requires that one line of code be added to the unit test, but I'm finding that it lets me not care whether validation is enforced via attributes for via custom code in the action method, which feels like the test is more in the spirit of specifying outcomes rather than implementation. It allows the test to pass as written even though the validation is coming from data annotations. Note that the new line is right above the invocation of the EditPerson action method:
public void LastNameShouldNotBeEmpty()
FakeExampleController controller = new FakeExampleController();
Person editedPerson = new Person { FirstName = "j", LastName = "" };
// Performs the same attribute-based validation that model binding would perform
Assert.AreEqual(false, controller.ModelState.IsValid);
Assert.AreEqual(true, controller.ModelState.Keys.Contains("LastName"));
Assert.AreEqual("Last name cannot be blank", controller.ModelState["LastName"].Errors[0].ErrorMessage);
ValidateModel is actually an extension method I created (the controller does have a ValidateModel method but it is protected so it can't be invoked from a unit test directly). It uses reflection to call the protected TryValidateModel() method on the controller, which will trigger the annotation-based validations as though the action method were truly being called through the MVC.NET infrastructure.
public static class Extensions
public static void ValidateModel<T>(this Controller controller, T modelObject)
if (controller.ControllerContext == null)
controller.ControllerContext = new ControllerContext();
Type type = controller.GetType();
MethodInfo tryValidateModelMethod =
type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance).Where(
mi => mi.Name == "TryValidateModel" && mi.GetParameters().Count() == 1).First();
tryValidateModelMethod.Invoke(controller, new object[] {modelObject});
It seems to work with minimal invasiveness, although there may be ramifications that I'm not aware of . . .

I agree it's not a very satisfying situation. However, there are some simple workarounds:
Work around this problem by reflecting on the data entities and looking for the necessary validation attributes (that's what I am currently doing). It's much easier than it may sound.
Build your own validator that reflects the viewmodel parameter type and validates it. Use it to verify in your unit tests if the proper validation attributes are set. Assuming that your validation class is bug-free it should be equivalent to the validation algorithm in the ASP.NET MVC ModelBinder. I've written such a validator class for a different purpose and it's not much more difficult than the first option.

I personally believe you should have unit tests that test for the attributes themselves, outside of the scope of MVC. This should be part of your model tests, not your controller tests. You didn't write the MVC validation code, so don't try to test it! Just test the fact that your object has the right attributes you are expecting.
This is very rough, but you get the idea...
public void LastNameShouldBeRequired()
var personType = typeof(Person);
var lastNamePropInfo = objType.GetProperty("LastName");
var requiredAttrs = lastNamePropInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RequiredAttribute), true).OfType<RequiredAttribute>();
Then in your MVC tests you just test the flow of a controller, not the validity of the data annotations. You can tell modelstate that it is invalid to test the flow of what happens if validation fails etc by adding an error manually, as you noted. Then it's a very controlled test of what your controller is responsible for, not what the framework is doing for you.

I don't like tests that check for the presence of attributes personally, it makes the tests act less like documentation and tightly coupled with my understanding of ASP.NET MVC (which may be wrong) and not tightly coupled with the business requirements (which I care about).
So for these kind of things, I end up writing integration tests, generating HTTP requests directly or via the browser with WatiN. Once you get this going you can write tests without the extra MVC abstraction, the tests document what you really care about being true. That said, such tests are slow.
I've also done something where my integration tests can make a backdoor request, which causes a test fixture to be loaded within the server process. This text fixture will temporarily override bindings in my IOC container... This reduces the setup of the integration tests, though they're only half-integration tests at that point.
I might, for instance, replace a controller with a mock controller that will verify the action method is called with the expected parameter. More usually I replace the site's data source with another data source that I've prepopulated.

We can make use of Validator helper class to do TDD with Model Validation. You can find a detailed blog about test driving model validation here.


Recommended approach for model validation that needs to touch the Db

Up to now, most of our validation is performed using validation attributes on our view models.
One additional validation check we need to perform is to validate that a string doesn't already exist in our database.
Originally I was just handling this check within the controller action and then adding an error into ModelState if required. However, I would rather make use of the built-in validation infrastructure.
One method I tried was implementing IValidateableObject on my viewmodel. This feels a bit wrong as I'm calling DependencyResolver:
public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
var viewModel = validationContext.ObjectInstance as EditPostViewModel;
if (viewModel != null)
var slug = (Slug)viewModel.Slug;
var repo = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<IRepository<Post>>();
var existing = repo.Get(p => p.Slug == slug && p.Id != viewModel.Id);
if (existing != null)
yield return new ValidationResult("Duplicate slug.", new[] { "Slug" });
Another approach I thought about was using a custom ValidationAttribute. To me this only makes sense if I can re-use it on multiple viewmodels and to re-use it I need to be able to construct a generic repository interface (as per the above code) as I may need IRepository<Foo> or IRepository<Bar> depending on the Model.
Remote Validation is great but I still need to the validation server side.
So what would people recommend or have used themselves to achieve something similar.
Note that I do have unique database constraints on this column but don't want to fall back to exception handling to perform this validation.
I had a look as the article #Darin suggested. This approach definitely works, but the article is a bit flawed in that whilst it manages to decouple the validation service away from any direct references to ModelState, you instead end up with a circular dependency where controller depends on the validation service and the validation service depends on ModelState (via a wrapper); which doesn't exist until the controller is created. Nice!
Instead I exposed the IValidationDictionary as a public property on my validation service and set this in my controllers constructor:
slugValidator.ValidationDictionary = new ModelStateWrapper(this.ModelState);
The rest is kind of application specific but essentially I created a validator for each type of "slugable" entity I wanted to validate. These were then injected by my container.
public interface ISlugValidator<TEntity> where TEntity : ISlugable {
IValidationDictionary ValidationDictionary { get; set; }
bool ValidateSlug(Guid? entityId, Guid featureId, Slug slug);
I call ValidateSlug(...) just before I check ModelState.IsValid in my controller actions.
This is a good solution for the level of validation I need currently and the fact that most of it can be handled using Data annotations. If my validation/business rules get more complex I will probably switch to FluentValidation (this also works well with Depenency Injection) as it's better suited for externalizing validation logic.
I would recommend doing this type of validation at the service layer and not bother with data annotations.

MVC3 Service Layer Validation. Returning Exception, Custom Object, Model State Dictionary?

Just curious on your thoughts or experiences around service layer validation.
I have to process fairly standard validation such as "object with name property doesn't already exist", but I wasn't sure how to return these validation failures back to the controller.
My initial thought was to implement a standard List<ValidationError> but I've seen it done each and every way so was curious the pros/cons of each.
Thanks for any input.
If you go with System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations entries you can (as you seem to know) decorate your properties with required and many more tags
public class Person
[Required(ErrorMessage="object with name property doesn't already exist")]
public string Name { get; set; }
although I personally use ViewModels rather than exposing domain mdoels to the view, your controller action can now do something like:
public ActionResult SavePerson(Person model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// your model validates - do things
return RedirectToAction("success view here");
return View(model);
This is one of the standard 'post' handler patterns in MVC. This is the simplest path to getting your object model validating in my opinion.
From there, there are a few other options - your domain object can implement IValidatedableObject and you can yield return the errors (see as an example).
I'd recommend not mixing the two though, as if you are using dataannotations and have even a single invalid property, the IsValid method on IValidatableObject will not be called.
From there, there's lots you can do with custom validation attributes (the extended version of IsValid seems to give you more flexibility
Hope some of the above helps - once you get past the basics there's a lot you can do with it and things like client validation of custom attributes etc. are all fun.
[edit to add:
After re-reading your post, it may be that you want to only validate at the service layer? If so, I've used the following approach:
public void Setname(string newName)
Validator.ValidateProperty(newName, new ValidationContext(this, null, null) { MemberName = "Name" });
Name = newName;
obviously your Name property would need a { get; private set; } for this, though you could always add the Validator.ValidateProperty into an extended setter for the public property either.
On a new project I'm working on (first time mvc) I've been using the ms code contracts (which throw exceptions) and do all the validation on my domain objects themselves. For things that can't be validated there (such as validations that require database access) I validate in my services and throw exceptions. Additionally like the poster above I have whole separate view models for everything that have data annotations validators on them. The exceptions bubble up and I catch them in the controller and append to the ModelState. There's a lot of overlap with those and the view model validation but it's not much extra effort and allows me to vary the validation per view and yet still have the "core" validations be required.
The book pro asp mvc 2 has another nice way - write a class that inherits Exception and contains a collection of errors. Then you do your validations, add to the collection then throw the exception then he catches it in the controller and copies over to ModelState. This method will let you catch ALL the errors in one exception instead of just one at the service layer.

How to mock a model in ASP.NET MVC?

I've made a custom model, and I want to mock it. I'm fairly new to MVC, and very new to unit testing. Most approaches I've seen create an interface for the class and then make a mock that implements the same interface. However I can't seem to get this to work when actually passing the interface into the View. Cue "simplified" example:
public interface IContact
void SendEmail(NameValueCollection httpRequestVars);
public abstract class Contact : IContact
//some shared properties...
public string Name { get; set; }
public void SendEmail(NameValueCollection httpRequestVars = null)
//construct email...
public class Enquiry : Contact
//some extra properties...
<%# Page Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<project.Models.IContact>" %>
<!-- other html... -->
<td><%= Html.TextBoxFor(model => ((Enquiry)model).Name)%></td>
public ActionResult Index(IContact enquiry)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(enquiry);
return View("Sent", enquiry);
Unit Testing-
public void Index_HttpPostInvalidModel_ReturnsDefaultView()
Enquiry enquiry = new Enquiry();
_controller.ModelState.AddModelError("", "dummy value");
ViewResult result = (ViewResult)_controller.Index(enquiry);
public void Index_HttpPostValidModel_CallsSendEmail()
MockContact mock = new MockContact();
ViewResult result = (ViewResult)_controller.Index(mock);
public class MockContact : IContact
public bool EmailSent = false;
void SendEmail(NameValueCollection httpRequestVars)
EmailSent = true;
Upon a HttpPost I get a "Cannot create an instance of an interface" exception. I seems that I can't have my cake (passing a model) and eat it (pass mock for unit testing). Maybe there's a better approach to unit testing models bound to views?
I'm going to throw it out there, if you need to mock your models you're doing it wrong. Your models should be dumb property bags.
There is absolutely no reason that your model should have a SendEmail method. That is functionality that should be invoked from a controller calling to an EmailService.
Responding to your question:
After years of working with Separation of Concern (SOC) patterns like MVC, MVP, MVVM and seeing articles from people brighter than me (I wish I could find the one I'm thinking off about this but maybe I read it in a magazine). You will eventually conclude in an enterprise application you will end up with 3 distinct sets of model objects.
Previously I was a very big fan of doing Domain Driven Design (DDD) using a single set of business entities that were both plain old c# objects (POCO) and Persistent Ignorant (PI). Having domain models that are POCO/PI leaves you with a clean slate of objects where there is no code related to accessing the object storage or having other attributes that have schematic meaning for only 1 area of the code.
While this works, and can work fairly well for a period of time, there is eventually a tipping point where the complexity of expressing the relationship between View, Domain Model, and Physical Storage Model becomes too complex to express correctly with 1 set of entities.
To solve the impedance mismatches of View, Domain and Storage you really need 3 sets of models. Your ViewModels will exactly match your views binding to facilitate it to be easy to work with the UI. So this will frequently have things such as adding a List to populate drop downs with values that are valid for your edit view/action.
In the middle is the Domain Entities, these are the entities that you should validate against your business rules. So you will map to/from them on both sides to/from the view and to/from the storage layer. In these entities is where you could attach your code to do validation. I personally am not a fan of using attributes and coupling validation logic into your domain entities. It does make alot of sense to couple validation attributes into your ViewModels to take advantage of the built in MVC client side validation functionality.
For validation I would recommend using a library like FluentValidation (or your own custom one, they're not hard to write) that lets you separate your business rules from your objects. Although with new features with MVC3 you can do remote validation severside and have it display client side, this is an option to handle true business validation.
Finally you have your storage models. As I said previously I was very zealous on having PI objects being able to be reused through all layers so depending on how you setup your durable storage you might be able to directly use your domain objects. But if you take advantage of tools like Linq2Sql, EntityFramework (EF) etc you will most likely have auto generated models with code for interacting with the data provider so you will want to map your domain objects to your persistence objects.
So wrap all of this up this would be a standard logic flow in MVC actions
User goes to edit product page
EF queries the database to get the existing product information, inside the repository layer the EF data objects are mapped to the Business Entities (BE) so all the data layer methods return BEs and have no external coupling to the EF data objects. (So if you ever change your data provider you don't have to alter a single line of code except for the internal implementation)
The controller gets the Product BE and maps it to a Product ViewModel (VM) and adds collections for the different options that can be set for drop down lists
Return View(theview, ProductVM)
User edits the product and submits the form
Client side validation is passed (useful for date validation / number validation instead of having to submit the form for feedback)
The ProductVM gets mapped back to ProductBE at this point you would validate the business rules along the lines ValidationFactory.Validate(ProductBE), if it's invalid return messages back to view and cancel edit, otherwise continue
You pass the ProductBE into your repository model, inside the internal implementation of the data layer you map the ProductBE to the Product Data Entity for EF and update the database.
2016 edit: removed usages of Interface as separation of concerns and interfaces are entirely orthogonal.
Your issue is here:
public ActionResult Index(IContact enquiry)
MVC in the background has to create a concrete type to pass to the method when calling it. In this method's case, MVC needs to create a type which implements IContract.
Which type? I dunno. Neither does MVC.
Instead of using interfaces in order to be able to mock your models, use normal classes that have protected methods which you can override in mocks.
public class Contact
//some shared properties...
public string Name { get; set; }
public virtual void SendEmail(NameValueCollection httpRequestVars = null)
//construct email...
public class MockContact
//some shared properties...
public string Name { get; set; }
public bool EmailSent {get;private set;}
public override void SendEmail(NameValueCollection vars = null)
EmailSent = true;
public ActionResult Index(Contact enquiry)
It is possible to use interfaces.

ASP.NET MVC: Is Data Annotation Validation Enough?

I'm using the Data Annotation validation extensively in ASP.NET MVC 2. This new feature has been a huge time saver, as I'm now able to define both client-side validation and server-side validation in one place. However, while I was doing some detailed testing, I realized that it's quite easy for someone to bypass the server-side validation if I relied on Data Annotation validation alone. For example, if I defined a required field by annotating the property with the [Required] attribute and placed a textbox for that required field in a form, a user could simply remove the textbox from the DOM (which can easily be done through Firebug) and now the Data Annotation validation will not be triggered on that property during ModelBinding inside of a Controller. To ensure that the "required" validation is triggered, I can repeat the validation after ModelBinding happens, but then I'd be repeating my validation logic.
What is everyone's recommendation on validation? Is Data Annotation validation enough? Or does the validation need to be repeated to ensure that validations get triggered in all situations?
Follow-up comment:
Based on the answers below, it seems that I can't rely on the Model Binder and Data Annotation validation alone. Since we're concluding that additional server-side validation is required, is there an easy way for my Service layer to trigger validation based on what's been defined in the Data Annotations? It seems that this will get us the best of both words...we won't need to repeat the validation code, but we'll still ensure that the validation gets executed even if Model Binder doesn't trigger it.
I'm going to post this follow-up comment as a separate question, as it poses a different question than the original one.
I think to be vigilant concerning security you should choose to you make server validation the priority and ensure that this is always your fallback. Your server validation should work without the client validation. Client validation is more for UX and tho that is paramount to your design, it is secondary to security. With this in mind you will find yourself repeating your validation. A goal is often trying to design your app so that the server and client validation can be integrated as much as possible to reduce the work required to validate on the server and the client. But be assured you must do both.
If bypassing the client validation (by means of DOM manipulation) is avoiding the server validation (which it seems you are indicating) then your server validation for this instance may not be employed appropriately. You should be invoking your server validation again in your controller action or in a service layer. The scenario you describe should not be defeating your server validation.
With the scenario you describe, the DataAnnotation attributes method should be sufficient. It seems that you simply need to make a few code changes to ensure that your server validation is invoked also when submitting the form.
I paired xVal with DataAnnotations and have written my own Action filter that checks any Entity type parameters for validation purposes. So if some field is missing in the postback, this validator will fill ModelState dictionary hence having model invalid.
my entity/model objects all implement IObjectValidator interface which declares Validate() method.
my attribute class is called ValidateBusinessObjectAttribute
xVal validation library
Action filter code:
public void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<string, object>> parameters = filterContext.ActionParameters.Where<KeyValuePair<string, object>>(p => p.Value.GetType().Equals(this.ObjectType ?? p.Value.GetType()) && p.Value is IObjectValidator);
foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> param in parameters)
object value;
if ((value = param.Value) != null)
IEnumerable<ErrorInfo> errors = ((IObjectValidator)value).Validate();
if (errors.Any())
new RulesException(errors).AddModelStateErrors(filterContext.Controller.ViewData.ModelState, param.Key);
My controller action is defined like this then:
public ActionResult Register(User user, Company company, RegistrationData registrationData)
if (!this.ModelState.IsValid)
return View();
The DataAnnotation is certainly not enough. I use it extensively also to pre-validate my calls to the domain model to get better error reporting and fail as early as possible.
You can however tweak the DataAnnotation Model yourself to ensure properties with [Required] MUST be posted. (will follow up with code later today).
Get the source for DataAnnotations Model Binder and find this line in DataAnnotationsModelBinder.cs
// Only bind properties that are part of the request
if (bindingContext.ValueProvider.DoesAnyKeyHavePrefix(fullPropertyKey)) {
Change it to
// Only bind properties that are part of the request
bool contextHasKey = bindingContext.ValueProvider.DoesAnyKeyHavePrefix(fullPropertyKey);
bool isRequired = GetValidationAttributes(propertyDescriptor).OfType<RequiredAttribute>().Count() > 0;
if (contextHasKey || (!contextHasKey && isRequired)) {
I wrote my own ValidationService for MVC 1.0 by copying patterns from both xVal's DataAnnotationsRuleProvider and Microsoft's DataAnnotationsModelBinder (and Martijn's comments). The service interface is below:
public interface IValidationService
void Validate(object instance);
IEnumerable<ErrorInfo> GetErrors(object instance);
public abstract class BaseValidationService : IValidationService
public void Validate(object instance)
var errors = GetErrors(instance);
if (errors.Any())
throw new RulesException(errors);
public abstract IEnumerable<ErrorInfo> GetErrors(object instance);
The service is a validation runner that walks the property tree of the object instance it receives and actually executes the validation attributes that it finds on each property, building a list of ErrorInfo objects when attributes are not valid. (I'd post the whole source but it was written for a client and I don't know yet if I'm authorized to do so.)
You can then have your controllers, business logic services explicitly invoke validation when you are ready, rather than relying exclusively on the model binder for validation.
There are a couple of other pitfalls that you should be aware of:
The default DataTypeAttribute in data
annotations doesn't actually do any
data type validation, so you'll need
to write a new attribute that
actually uses xVal regular
expressions (or something else) to
perform server-side data type
xVal doesn't walk
properties to create client-side
validation, so you may want to make
some changes there to get more robust
client-side validation.
If I am allowed and have time, I will try to make more source available...
See codeProject Server-side Input Validation using Data Annotations
Input validation can be done automatically on the client side in
ASP.NET MVC or explicitly validating the model against the rules. This
tip will describe how it can be done manually on the server-side of an
ASP.NET applications or within the repository code of WPF
// Use the ValidationContext to validate the Product model against the product data annotations
// before saving it to the database
var validationContext = new ValidationContext(productViewModel, serviceProvider: null, items:null);
var validationResults = new List<ValidationResult>();
var isValid = Validator.TryValidateObject(productViewModel, validationContext,validationResults, true);

Where should be the validation in a ASP.Net MVC scenario having Repository, Service Layer and using Model Binder?

Related: What’s the best way to implement field validation using ASP.NET MVC?
Let's suppose a solution with the following projects:
Foo; // the MVC web project
Foo.Models is the domain of the application with all the entities, doesn't matter if using EF, NH, POCO or whatever. Here's an example:
public class User
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
In Foo.Repositories there is a UserRepository and in Foo.Services there is a UserService.
In the web application let's consider a model binder like following:
public class UserBinder : DefaultModelBinder
I see three different options on where to put the validation:
In Foo.Models like the following:
public class User
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, string>> ValidateErrors()
//Validate if Username, Email and Password has been passed
In Foo.Services like:
public class UserService
public ICollection<KeyValuePair<string, string>> ValidateErrors()
//Validate if Username, Email and Password has been passed
In Foo inside the model binder:
public class UserBinder : DefaultModelBinder
protected override void OnModelUpdated(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var user = (User)bindingContext.Model;
// validate everything here
base.OnModelUpdated(controllerContext, bindingContext);
Another thing to notice is that considering the first 2 options [Model and Service] there is another decision to make: ValidateErrors method can be called directly on the controller or inside the Binder.
I have 2 questions on the scenario:
Should the validation be:
In the Model being called from the controller?
In the Model being called from the binder?
In the Service being called from the controller?
In the Service being called from the binder?
Directly in the Binder?
Any other idea?
All the above scenario discuss about the User creation. But what about User logon?
Let's say user uses the username and password to login in the application, so it won't need to validate the e-mail.
Where this validation should be?
In the Model being called from the controller?
In the Service being called from the controller?
Any other idea?
Check out the ASP.NET MVC Contact Manager Sample Application it has a very good architecture im my opinion'>
I'm a big fan of putting calling the validation from the controllers and having the validation routine return an ActionResult so the controller can know what to do with the result.
For what it's worth, here's what I have scrounged up in my current project:
I have Models, Repositories (you can call them Services if you like), and ViewModels. I try to avoid writing custom model binders because (a) it's boring and (b) a strange place to put validation, IMHO. To me, a model binder is just taking items from the request and shoving them into an object. PHP, for example, doesn't do any validation when plucking items from a header into the $_POST array; it's the thing we plug the array into that cares about its contents.
My Model objects generally never allow themselves to enter an invalid state. This means that required parameters are passed in during constructors and properties will throw exceptions if they're attempted to be set with invalid values. And, in general, I try to design my Model objects to be immutable. For example, I have an Address object for mailing addresses that is constructed with an AddressBuilder object with looks at the field requirements for a given country by inspecting an AddressScheme that can be retrieved from the AddressSchemeRepository. Phew. But I think it's a good example because it takes something conceptually simple ("validate a mailing address") and makes it complicated in real world usage ("we accept addresses from over 30 countries, and those formatting rules are sitting in a database, not in my code").
Since constructing this Model object is kind of a pain--as well it should be, since it's being quite particular about the data that gets loaded into it--I have a, say, InputAddressViewModel object that my view binds to. The InputAddressViewModel implements IDataErrorInfo so that I get ASP.NET MVC's DefaultModelBinder to add errors to the ModelState automatically. For simple validation routines that I know ahead of time (phone number formatting, first name required, e-mail address format), I can implement these right in the InputAddressViewModel.
The other advantage of having a view model is that because it is shamelessly tailored to a particular view, your real model is more reusable because it doesn't have to make any weird concessions to make it suitable for UI display (e.g., needs to implement INotifyPropertyChanged or Serializable or any of that mess).
Other validation errors about the address I won't know about until I interact with my AddressScheme in my actual Model. Those errors will be there controller's job of orchestrating into the ModelState. Something like:
public ActionResult InputAddress(InputAddressViewModel model)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
// "Front-line" validation passed; let's execute the save operation
// in the our view model
var result = model.Execute();
// The view model returns a status code to help the
// controller decide where to redirect the user next
switch (result.Status)
case InputAddressViewModelExecuteResult.Saved:
return RedirectToAction("my-work-is-done-here");
case InputAddressViewModelExecuteResult.UserCorrectableError:
// Something went wrong after we interacted with the
// datastore, like a bogus Canadian postal code or
// something. Our view model will have updated the
// Error property, but we need to call TryUpdateModel()
// to get these new errors to get added to
// the ModelState, since they were just added and the
// model binder ran before this method even got called.
// Redisplay the input form to the user, using that nifty
// Html.ValidationMessage to convey model state errors
return View(model);
The switch may seem repulsive, but I think it makes sense: the view model is just a plain old class and doesn't have any knowledge of the Request or the HttpContext. This makes the logic of the view model easy to test in isolation without resorting to mocking and leaves the controller code left to, well, control by interpreting the model's result in a manner that makes sense on a Web site--it could redirect, it could set cookies, etc.
And the InputAddressViewModel's Execute() methods looks something like (some people would insist on putting this code into a Service object that the controller would call, but to me the view model will do so much finagling of the data to make it fit the real model that it makes sense to put it here):
public InputAddressViewModelExecuteResult Execute()
InputAddressViewModelExecuteResult result;
if (this.errors.Count > 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Don't call me when I have errors");
// This is just my abstraction for clearly demarcating when
// I have an open connection to a highly contentious resource,
// like a database connection or a network share
using (ConnectionScope cs = new ConnectionScope())
var scheme = new AddressSchemeRepository().Load(this.Country);
var builder = new AddressBuilder(scheme)
if (!builder.CanBuild())
this.errors.Add("Blah", builder.Error);
result = new InputAddressViewModelExecuteResult()
Status = InputAddressViewModelExecuteStatus
var address = builder.Build();
// save the address or something...
result = new InputAddressViewModelExecuteResult()
Status = InputAddressViewModelExecuteStatus.Success,
Address = address
return result;
Does this make sense? Is it a best practice? I have no idea; it's certainly verbose; it's what I just came up with in the past two weeks after thinking about this problem. I think you're going to have some duplication of validation--your UI can't be a complete imbecile and not know what fields are required or not before submitting them to your model/repositories/services/whatever--otherwise the form could simply generate itself.
I should add that the impetus for this is that I've always kind of detested the Microsoft mentality of "set one property -> validate one property" because nothing ever works like that in reality. And you always end up getting an invalid object persisted because someone forgot to call IsValid or some such on the way to the data store. So another reason for having a view model is that it tailors itself to this concession so we get a lot of CRUD work of pulling items from the request, validation errors in the model state, etc quite easily without having to compromise the integrity of our model itself. If I have an Address object in hand, I know it's good. If I have an InputAddressViewModel object in hand, I know I need to call it's Execute() method to get that golden Address object.
I'll look forward to reading some of the other answers.
After a lot of research I think I got the answers to my question so i decided to share.
The validation code should be on Model.
As per the idea of "thin controller, fat model" AND considering that a model would know what it needs to validate or not.
For example, let's say I decide to user the Foo.Models in other solution but I decide NOT to use any other project and the validation is in other project.
I'll have to re-code the entire validation in this case what is a total waste of time, right?
OK. The validation code must be in the model but where should it be called?
This validation must be called where you're saving it to your database or file.
As in the proposed scenario I'm considering the repository as a domain, then we should consider putting the validation just before the change saving [in this example I'm using Entity Framework but it's not necessary, it's just to show]:
public class UserRepository : IRepository<User>
public void Create(User user)
var db = dbFooEntities();
As per MS recommendation, the model validation should raise an exception and the controller must populate the ModelState with the errors found [I'll try to update this answer with a sample code on that as soon as I finish my app].
With that we have an answer for question #1.
What about question #2, regarding the login validation?
As login is not a situation where you're persisting your data, the validation should stay on the Service since logging in is a service in this case.
So, the answers for the question are:
In the Model being called from the REPOSITORY [that is called by the controller]
In the Service being called from the controller
This is very interesting and it helps me a lot in deciding where to put validation.
currently I feel the most for each model implementing a "Validate" method, which is called from a Repository or a Service.
However, what about validating if a chosen username is unique?
Should that code be inside the User model, or inside the UserService class, or in the UserRepository class?
If the uniqueness validation should be inside the User model, then the User model should have access to either the UserService or the UserRepository class. Is that OK, or is that against any "best practice" pattern?
For example:
class User
string Username { get; set; }
string Email { get; set; }
string Password { get; set; } // hashed and salted of course :)
IEnumerable<RuleViolation> Validate()
List<RuleViolation> violations = new List<RuleViolation>();
IUserService service = MyApplicationService.UserService; // MyApplicationService is a singleton class, especialy designed so that the User model can access application services
// Username is required
if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(Username) )
violations.Add(new RuleViolation("Username", "Username is required"));
// Username must be unique: Should uniqueness be validated here?
else if( !service.IsUsernameAvailable(Username)
violations.Add(new RuleViolation("Username", "Username is already taken!"));
// Validate email etc...
return violations;
interface IUserRepository
void Save(User item);
interface IUserService
IUserRepository UserRepository { get; }
void Save(User item);
class UserService : IUserService
public UserService(IUserRepository userRepository)
this.UserRepository = userRepository;
IUserRepository UserRepository { get; private set}
public void Save(User user)
IEnumerable<RuleViolation> violations = user.Validate();
if(violations.Count() > 0)
throw new RuleViolationException(violations); // this will be catched by the Controller, which will copy the violations to the ModelState errors collection. But the question is, should we validat the user here, or in the UserRepository class?
class UserRepository : IUserRepository
void Save(User item)
IEnumerable<RuleViolation> violations = user.Validate();
if(violations.Count() > 0)
throw new RuleViolationException(violations); // this will be catched by the Controller, which will copy the violations to the ModelState errors collection. But the question is, should we validate the user here, or in the UserService class?
My guess would be that validation should be as close to the model as possible. So I'd say that the UserRepository should be the one responsible for validating it's model being added.
The most important queston for me is: Should the User model know about the IUserService / IUserRepository interfaces so that it can validate the Username uniqueness?
Or should the IUserService service validate uniqueness?
I'm curious about your views on this!
I'm using the DataAnnotations attributes in combination with a MVC model binder to do my validation and its pretty awesome. Since I treat User input as Command View Models its the cleanest way to keep domain clean from outside concerns.
This also allows me to take advantage of AutoForm by
And I expect the client side validation tools in MVC 2, VS 2010 to take advantage of these attributes as well.
So I'm whipping out user input view models, commands, at a furious pace right now and tying them into not only the AutoForm functionality but my own custom UI templates to get AutoGrid and AutoOutput from these attributes as well.
Nothing is better than saying:
And getting validation and html generation in a very DRY and orthogonal way. My controllers are light, my domain pristine, and my time is unoccupied by writing the same if( string.IsNullOrEmpty() ) method on every object with a FirstName property.
For me the approach was not as "philosophical" as others have written about. I'm trying to be very pragmatic about MVC development and I get a ton of bang for the buck out of these bits.
