How youtube load image - youtube

I look Youtube load 1 part of images when page load, when i scroll down , it'll load continue remain part . What exactly youtube use, it load remain part image very fast.

I can't quite understand if this is what you're looking for: LazyLoad for jQuery
It's not what YouTube uses, but it should work similarly.


Creating webpages thumbnails in swift

I am trying to code a "webpage selector" on my app, using a fancy carousel to display the webpages thumbnails.
However, I don't want to display the webpages thumbnails as webViews on my carousel because I can get quite a large number (20-30) of webpages at the same time and loading all of those can cause a lot of lag.
So, I decided to use screenshots of the webpages and use those images to populate my carousel instead, making the carousel animation much smoother.
Here is my question:
I would like to know if there is any way to take a screenshot of the webpage (without showing it on the app screen) and save the image into a list that I can use to populate the carousel.
I am aware of this question but is quite an old post, so I was wondering if there is another way to do it. Also, I tried to implement the suggested solution, but it did not work.
You can create a WKWebView that is behind your view controller (and thus invisible) and constrained to the size that you want. Once the page finishes loading take a snapshot by using drawHierarchy(in:afterScreenUpdates:) inside of a UIGraphicsImageRender and save the resulting image as your thumbnail.

How to use cache images for display in flutter until url is loading?

I am having a sample application which is having networking images, how to display preloaded cache images when navigating between pages. Because it is taking some time for loading from api calls. instead of placeholder how to display same image which loaded previously.
I am trying to use flutter_cache_manager 0.1.1, cached_network_image 0.4.1+1
plugins but still unable to achieve.
I think you are looking for FadeInImage where you can set a placeholder image until the actual image becomes available.
The actual image can come from various ImageProviders like NetworkImageWithRetry or similar.

Make YouTube to Count my "Autoplay" Clicks as Views

So I have used java to load only a thumbnail of a youtube video. When the thumb is clicked, the image div is replaced completely with an embed of the video on "autoplay." Everything was working as I wanted BUT
On YouTube when I look at the Analytics/traffic sources the "Unknown — embedded player" views dropped 90%+ to almost nothing as seen on the picture at the above URL. This is apparently because "autoplay" views are not recognized by YouTube as legitimate views which i confirmed on stackoverflow and elsewhere.
So... I want the best of both worlds. I want the fast load speed that comes with loading only the thumb at first AND I want to avoid autoplay so the views actually count on YouTube when the thumb is clicked. My temporary solution is to set autoplay=0 which forces the user to essentially click the same thumb twice, though I would prefer to avoid the redundant click.
Here is a example page from my site that has 4 embedded videos.
Use waiting/loading image instead of video thumbnail. Then use jquery to replace that waiting image by youtube embeded code few seconds after page loaded.

Is it possible to take an image from a UIWebView and display it natively without reloading?

Say I load a webpage with an image on it. Is there a way to reuse this loaded image within a UIImageView without reloading the image from a url?
If the image is cached by URL loading system, it will come from the cache when you try to load it.
Sorry I can't give a large explanation as im on y phone but I feel like what your looking for is 'core data store' there are several examples of how to use this framework, but it's quite complicated and has a large learning curve with ios development.
Also you say 'a' uiwebview. Does that mean that the URL your accessing to show within your uiwebview is static? If so, just copy and save the image and store the image in your project for future reference.
Or are you allowing the user to keep swapping through links in the uiwebview and store all those images that popup on the web page?
Sorry I'm just unclear with the question... Please no down votes :)

Lightbox popup loading slowly in rails

I am using the lightbox plugin to show popups in my app.
Some popup's consist of multiple images.
So when a popup loads it shows images one by one.
My question is how can i load all images and show them at once.
It might help if you were a bit more specific as to what javascript framework you're using, exactly what plugin you're using (a link to it, for example), etc etc.
To answer your question, if you loading a lot of images, yes that's going to be slow. You can try spriting them into one image or you can change your view so that you're only loading one image at a time.
You could also designate a single server for serving assets and store your images there. That could speed things up some.
