iPad slidable panel control like twitter - ipad

What would be the mechanism behind twitter iPad application? I feel its having split viewcontroller, viewcontrollers with animation and gesture controls, or there may be scrollviews for endless scrolling.
How can I develop same UI for my application?

Hey, here our is a demo project which is inspired by Twitter-ipad app
its source code is opensource on githib (link posted in above blog).
hope that help u to understand the concept behind it !!

Matt Gammell ... He did a draggable split view. Its the closest i can think of may be configurable to emulate that http://github.com/mattgemmell/MGSplitViewController

I believe it is just a scroll view with enabled paging, that moves it's subviews on scrollViewDidScroll, does some additional animation in scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation method and with some other slick and sexy things :)


Page Flip animation like iBooks in swift

I have been searching a lot about coding the view transition animation. But I am most interested on the book page flipping animation on the iBooks. May I know is there any available sources for that which is written in swift?
Many Thanks
This is done with the UIPageViewController class. See here:
Please look in this turorial.
For the page turn effect you need to go in Interface Builder and select page curl for your UIPageViewController.

Custom iOS transition similar to UIScrollView paging (like what Luminosity does for their transitions)

I'm after a straightforward custom push transition where the new view controller "pushes" the current view controller off to the left and replaces it. Pretty much what UIScrollView does when paging is turned on...but for view controller transitions.
Luminosity does this for all (or most) of their transitions: https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/lumosity-mobile/id577232024?mt=8
Given the simplicity of this transition, I'd have thought a simple google search would find an example and source code, but all I can find are exotic transitions (flip, explode, swing etc. etc. etc.)
If anyone can point me in the right direction that would be fantastic. I assume the transition code is straightforward, so my next step is to actually learn how custom transitions work and build it myself.
NB: the transition I describe is different to the default ios push transition which does a bunch of funky fading and sliding: http://watchingapple.com/2009/11/a-closer-look-at-iphone-transition-animations/
I guess you found your answer by now. But for anyone else that finds this question...
There is a very good drop in library on github by Colin Eberhardt called VCTransitionsLibrary that has a number of cool ios 7+ transitions. I think the 'pan' transition matches the questioners requirements perfectly:

How to make SWTableViewCell swipe more sticky

I've implemented the SWTableViewCell code in order to allow side swipes to reveal more UI, such as buttons.
Which is working fine, except that the UIScrollview it subclasses is really just too touchy, flicking back and forth like a manic game of ping pong.
I went to make changes to the class, but realised UIScrollView didn't seem to give me the ability to say change the way the scrolling animations work in the way I wanted.
Leaving me thinking that I either need to create my own version of the a Swipe cell, with a pan gesture and a overlay view, instead of a scrollview or find someone who has already solved this problem.
Please check it out sample: https://github.com/runmad/RMSwipeTableViewCell
May be it will helpful to you, Sir
Not sure if this will give you the effect you desire, but you can make it less "jumpy" by altering the decelerationRate. Try:
someScrollView.decelerationRate = UIScrollViewDecelerationRateFast;
If that's the right idea, you can jump-to-definition in Xcode, and checkout the float value, then try your own.

Sliding drawer equivalent in iOS

After wasting lot of time searching, I am finally posting this question, hoping I get an answer.
I want to have a widget in iOS, which has the similar functionality of Sliding Drawer in Android. (Like the bar at the bottom, and on pulling it, it shows up a new view).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
A few similar questions that might help you out:
Making a pull out tray - (iOS)
iOS: Sliding UIView on/off screen
I recently made a drawer container controller and put it up on Github:
While not exactly the same (you are asking about a vertical single view sliding up/down), you might want to download the code and take a look. My approach might as well work for what you are trying to do: basically, creating a container controller which can host another controller and its view and present its view in a custom way.
Specifically, you might want to look at:
-replaceContainedController:forIdentifier: for how you would go about adding child view controllers the 'Apple' way.
-didPanContent: and -translateContentContainerViewToPosition:animated:completion: for the sliding animation from input of a UIPanGestureRecognizer

Custom Scroll view in cocos2d without using uikit

I currently need to create a custom scroll view without using UIKit's scrollview in cocos2d.
The best way, I think, is to create a separate layer and then add all my sprites to that layer. But I'm not sure how to receive touch events for all of the sprites. Is there a best way to do this? Thanks!
Have you seen CCScrollLayer? It might not be suitable for you but maybe you can copy the way that it is picking up touches.
There's another one here as well, not sure if it's a fork or an independent one:
But I didn't have much success with any of these. The bounce and other parts of the experience never feel right, so I go back to using UIScrollView to handle the touches.
I've been facing the same issue and I found the SWScrollView here:
met my needs better than CCScrollView. It acts more like the UIScrollView where as CCScrollView is more for paging from what I've seen.
There is a nice framework called CMMSimpleFramework.
There are some sample videos, and the link to the repo is on those pages.
One of the classes is a scrolling layer that might do what you need.
To get the sample project to run, I had to comment out some game center authentication handler code that has changed, but after I did that the demo worked fine.
