Rails, redirect from NEW to CREATE - ruby-on-rails

Hey all, I'm writing an app to handle registration for athletic events. Some of these events have multiple athletes per entry, while some have only a single athlete. I'm currently sending the athlete to the NEW action on BoatsController like so:
<%= link_to 'Register', new_event_boat_path(#event) %>
My question is, if the NEW action sees that the event only requires one user per boat, how can I forward the user directly to the CREATE action? More concisely, how can I generate a POST from within an action?

You dont need to do anything fancy. The create action is just a method in your controller. You can call it just like any other method:
def new
if event_only_requires_one_user_per_boat
#display new form
Also, this technique prevents the user from having to make multiple requests since it doesn't make the user redirect.

You could instead create a method that encapsulates most of the code from your create action, and invoke it from create (with params as usual) and from your special case in new (sending in data from your user object).

def new
#assuming boats is an array
if boats.size > 1
redirect_to boats_path(:user => params[:user], :boat => params[:boat]), :method => :post
#new stuff
boats_path or whatever object you are trying to create.


Skipping the New Method in Controller (Go Right to the Create Method)

In Rails, I'd like to skip the "new" method in a controller entirely and go directly to the create method. (I don't need any form data to be submitted, and just want to go directly to creating the object based on data from the currently logged in user.)
In rake routes, I don't see a prefix that allows me to link directly to the controller's create method, so I think I should link to the new method and have that redirect to the create action without accepting any input.
I tried doing this with the following:
def new
def create
#request = Request.new
#request.requestor_id = current_user.id
#request.status = "S1"
respond_with(#request, :location => "/products/findexchanges")
When browsing the DB, I can see that this is calling the create action and is adding the record to the db, but after it is done it is redirecting me to new.html.erb rather than the location defined at the end of the create method.
A create action should be triggered by a POST, not GET, which is why there is no specific route for it.
Use button_to instead of link_to. I tried using link_to and even after specifying method: :post, action: :create, it still takes me to index using GET. After using button_to and passing params in ####_path, it directly went to the create method and added data to database. Although I am not sure its correct way or safe way to do this.

Rails Forms for custom actions

I'm trying to link the input of a form to a specific action in my rails app.
Currently if I go to www.myapp.com/check/:idNumber, I'll be able to trigger the action just fine (which means routes is setup properly?). This action is basically a function call to a ruby/rails script with the parameter "idNumber" being passed to it. If the function is successful, it would return a newly created "Person" object and nil otherwise. This is different than the standard new operation as it determines the the attributes based on some information that it obtained from a database somewhere else.
Rake routes does give me the following:
check /check/:idNumber(.:format) person#check {:id=>/\d+/}
What I'm having trouble implementing is the form itself.
<%= form_tag("/check", :method => "get") do %>
<%= text_field_tag(:idNumber) %>
<% end %>
Controller action:
def check
regCheck = RegCheck.new
#person = regCheck.check_id(params[:idNumber])
if #person.name == nil
redirect_to root_path
submitting the form above would bring me to myapp.com/check?utf8=✓&idNumber=1234 instead. Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong?
I believe that using the check_path helper that is generated from the routes file is your best bet.
The form should look like this then.
<%= form_tag(check_path) do %>
<%= text_field_tag(:idNumber) %>
<% end %>
Rails forms can be finicky, especially when trying to build really customized forms.
This line
= form_for [#object]
Determines where the form goes, as well as the object that is being implemented. If you want to route the form to a different place, you can user the :url option. This options determines the path of the form, however you must keep in mind that the method is determined by the #object. If it is a new object, the method will be POST, an existing object will use a PUT method.
Let's suppose you want to update an existing object, but you want to send in data for a new object belonging to the existing object. That would look like
= form_for [#object], :as => #child_object, :url => my_optional_custom_path do |f|
# etc...
This generates a form sending a PUT request to the custom url (or the update path for #object if no custom url is supplied. The PUT request is sent with the parameter params[:child_object].
Hopefully this helps!
I don't think it's possible the way you're trying.. The URL for the form is created before the user inputs any data.. So you need to remove the :idNumber from your routing..
If you do you get the following route:
check /check(.:format) person#check
Because the regex is removed now, you need to do this in you're controller:
def check
# Make sure ID is digits only
idNumber = params[:idNumber].gsub(/[^\d]/, '')
regCheck = RegCheck.new
#person = regCheck.check_id(idNumber)
if #person.name == nil
redirect_to root_path
You're form is allright, but you may want to use check_path like TheBinaryhood suggests..
If you really want it to be check/:idNumber you may also be able to submit the form to another action and redirect it to the right path from there..

Create a link to a defined method?

As my first Rails app, I'm trying to put together a simple blog application where users can vote on posts. I generated the Blogpost scaffold with a integer column (entitled "upvote") for keeping track of the vote count.
In the Blogpost model, I created a function:
def self.voteup
blogpost.upvote += 1
On the Blogpost index view, I'd like to create a link that does something like:
link_to "Vote up" self.voteup
But this doesn't seem to work. Is it possible to create a link to a method? If not, can you point me in the right direction to accomplish this?
What you are trying to do goes against the MVC design principles. You should do the upvoting inside a controller action. You should probably create a controller action called upvote. And pass in the post id to it. Inside the controller action you can retrive the post with the passed in ID and upvote it.
if you need serious voting in your rails app you can take a look at these gems
I assume that you need to increment upvote column in blogspots table. Redirection to a method is controllers job and we can give links to controller methods only. You can create a method in Blogposts controller like this:
def upvote_blog
blogpost = Blogpost.find(params[:id])
blogpost.upvote += 1
redirect_to blogpost_path
In your index page,
<% #blogposts.each do |blogpost| %>
<%= link_to "Vote up", :action => upvote_blog, :id => blogpost.id %>
<% end %>
You can not map Model method to link_to in view. you can create an action in controller to access the Model method and map it using link_to, also if the action is other than CRUD, then you should define a route for the same in route.rb

Rails - When calling NEW, create a record before displaying a form?

Here's what I'm trying to do.
when the user clicks new note.. I want the user to be taken to a page when they can start typing a note, and save it to the server all with AJAX..
Problem is, every time the page saves, it's making a new note.
This leads me to believe that when Rails gets the DEF NEW controller, some how I need rails to first make a NEW NOTE record and then redirect to the edit controller of that new note, where the user can create/edit the note all with AJAX.
Thoughts? Thanks.
I had the same problem once, creating the note first is probably a good idea.
Another way would be to send the user to the new action. When the first save occurs you send the new object back as a JSON object, and replace the form's action with the update url for that record as well as setting the form's method to put.
This way you don't end up with empty records in the database (with your use-case, you might want exactly that, so a User can continue a note later.)
Just my two cents.
Ok a way of implementing this could look like this:
<%= form_for resource,
:remote => true,
:html => { 'id' => 'autosave' },
:url => resources_path(:format => :json) do |f| %>
<% end %>
Application JS
var $form = $('#autosave');
// bind to the first success event from the form
$form.one('ajax:success', function(data, status, xhr) {
// data contains our json object (your note as json)
// now we update the form
$form.attr('action', '/notes/' + data.id);
$form.attr('method', 'put');
$form.attr('data-method', 'put');
class ExampleController
def create
# respond with the json object if format = json,
# see the form above I'm passing the format with :url parameter in form_for
respond_with(resource) do |format|
format.json { render :json => resource }
If you really want use to use #new to create a note and save it, then you can simply do
def new
#note = Note.create # instead of Note.new
Rails will then display this note just like the #edit action, so the note id will be in a hidden field. Then when you send the Ajax calls, you'll be calling #edit. If you want to preserve the behavior of #new for when javascript is turned off, then you might want to create a different action.
def new
#note = Note.new
def new_js
#note = Note.create
When you load the page that has the link to new_note, include some javascript that changes the link to new_js_note. So when JS is off, you get the standard #new form. When JS is on, you get a form that is basically editing a preexisting blank note.

Ruby on Rails: Confirmation Page for ActiveRecord Object Creation

Using Ruby on Rails I want a confirmation page before creating an ActiveRecord object. The user will see a preview of the item they are creating before submitting and the object being saved in the database
A common pattern;
User visits /entry/new
User enters details and clicks submit
User is redirected to /entry/confirm which displays the entry and clicks submit or edit to correct mistakes
Object is saved
How would you implement it?
Another option to solve this issue adding by a virtual confirmation attribute to your model. This way, there is no need to create a separate action for this:
class MyRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessor :confirmation
validates_acceptance_of :confirmation, :on => :create
Now, your new object will not save correctly because the validation will fail on the confirmation field. You can detect this situation and present something like this:
<% form_for(#my_record) do |form| %>
<%= form.check_box :confirmation %> Really create this record.
<%= submit_tag('Confirm') %>
<% end %>
I would probably add a "preview" action to the routes.rb file for that model:
map.resource :objects, :new => { :preview => :post }
You would get to this preview action by POSTing the preview_object_url named route. You would need to essentially create the Object in the same way you would in your create action, like this:
def preview
#object = Object.new(params[:object])
This page would then POST to the create action, which would then create the Object. It's pretty straight forward.
A few options
1- store the object you want to create in the session until you hit the confirm page, then just save it
2- pass around the object w/ each Post/submit from new -> details -> confirm
I would probably go with 2, since I am not prone to saving state with the session.
I'm not sure how to do this (RoR is new to me) but you could just specify the action for /new as /confirm, and then it calls create.
