Does Umbraco allow non-umbraco subdomains - umbraco

Hi I am installing Umbraco to the root directory of my website. And also I want to install my wordpress blog to a subfolder in the root directory.
However any request to the subfolder is being intercepted by Umbraco and it is showing that document URL cannot be found. Is there a way to make Umbraco ignore certain subdomains?

You can tell Umbraco to ignore certain paths or folders in the web.config.
You need to update the following entry in the appSetting section of the web.config:
Add the subfolder you wish Umbraco to ignore in there.
<add key="umbracoReservedPaths" value="/umbraco,/install/,/wordpress/" />
There are more details on the Umbraco web.config settings in on

it's useful for binding too:
<add key="umbracoReservedPaths" value="~/umbraco,~/install/,~/http-bind/" />
Thanks Tim Saunders

You can also use umbracoReservedUrls to tell umbraco to ignore specific pages:
<add key="umbracoReservedUrls" value="/mypages/regular-page.aspx" />

This can be set up with in IIS by setting up the blog as a separate application with in the umbraco site.
However if you are trying to make a sub-domain there is no reason why this should be in the same site, I would say it is best to create a separate site with in IIS or purchase another hosting account to host the blog separately


Host MVC application in an existing site

I am already running a site where there are webforms and classic asp running concurrently. Now I have created a new project with MVC and trying to upload it to the site. I have published it in my local and uploaded files to site. But when I am trying to ping the url if says 404(file not found).
In order to get exact problem please add the following to your web.config under
<customErrors mode="Off" />
Then come back with your problem.

How to deploy a website to a local IIS

I'm trying to deploy a website to my local IIS for the first time
I added a new website to my local IIS (also created a directory for it)
I published it with File System method from VS2012 to this directory (checked - it's in there)
I clicked Manage WebSite > Browse
This shows an error:
HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden The Web server is configured to not list
the contents of this directory.
I found on the web that I should enable Directory Browsing. I tried it.
Now it shows me my app root directory instead of loading the web app (that's not what I wanted...)
How to make IIS launch my web app?
You need to grant permission to that folder.
When i deploy on IIS i grant "network service" read write access to the folder
You will need to launch the IIS Management Console and within the Default Website, your website folder should hopefully be listed. Do a right click on the website folder and click "Convert to Application"
You may want to consider using Web Deploy as it will simplify the deployment process.
If it's an MVC app, then the default controller & action in the routing need to correspond with a controller & action in your app. By default this would be the Index action in HomeController. If your default is some other combination, change the defaults in the routing config.
If you have a home/index controller/action, then check your server is configured to run aspx pages. do this by simply creating a default.aspx with some text in it & see if it's served when you browse the folder.
Directory Browsing should be disabled, as it would allow someone to browse the files on your server. I know it's your localhost, but good practice & all that.
I finally found it. It wasn's an IIS problem. One of my colleagues added the following lines to the Web.config
<remove name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-ISAPI-4.0_64bit" />
<remove name="ExtensionlessUrlHandler-Integrated-4.0" />
Removing them fixed the problem.

MVC Publish to host is adding extra sub folders

I'm publishing an MVC 3 site to a go daddy account. I'm using the FTP Publish utility in VS 2010. The site publishes "okay". But here is the issue:
On my local machine, when I run it the web address is:
On my go daddy account, I have created a subdirectory called mvctest.
I have created a subdomain called that points to the virtual directory at mvctest. This works fine.
But after I publish my site to, I am getting an additional /mvctest/ directory in all of my links. What I want is:
what I get is:
What's interesting is that if I manually type in what I want, the page loads fine. If I've hard-coded a link to the root, it's fine, but all of my Url.Content and Html. Links add the additional mvctest directory..
I've searched all over and haven't found an answer to this dilemma. I tried in the web.config, but I don't think that does it. I feel like something in the FTP Publish utility in VS2010 is altering the routing structure in my global.asax file, but I'm not sure.
Any suggestions appreciated.
Is your virtual directory an application? If it's not set as an application, IIS will treat the root of your site as the application and add the subdirectory. See this post.
The following solved the same issue for me and is quoted from a blog post I found (source):
So now for the solution, and I probably should have mentioned this at the beginning but hopefully you’re using IIS7 with the URL rewriting module installed (it is installed by default when you use IIS7 on GoDaddy).
Simply add the following into your web.config’s system.webServer element:
<rule name="Remove Virtual Directory">
<match url=".*" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="{R:0}" />
All this does is “rewrite” the URL with itself. This causes URL Rewrite to add the original URL (the one with no folder name) to a ServerVariable which is used by ASP.NET MVC to generate other URLs.

Disable Umbraco aspx handling

I have a project where I want to use Umbraco only for the backend as a CMS. But I want to disable it completely in the frontend handling my aspx pages for me, and I want to use the API to get the content I want. In other words, I want to create an aspx page manually which will not be handled by the Umbraco engine. Right now, if e.g. you create a test.aspx page and put it in the root folder, it will return 404 because Umbraco will look for a node with this alias.
Ho do I disable the .aspx handling by Umbraco, but still be able to use Nodefactory etc. in codebehind to access the content?
There are a few ways you can override pages so that their URLs are not "caught" by Umbraco, you can do this by modifying the following appSettings items in the web.config file.
To add single files:
<add key="umbracoReservedUrls" value="~/myfile.aspx,~/config/splashes/booting.aspx,~/install/default.aspx,~/config/splashes/noNodes.aspx" />
To add whole subdirectories:
<add key="umbracoReservedPaths" value="~/myfolder,~/umbraco,~/install/" />
You should be able to add ~/ to umbracoReservedPaths which would disable all URL mappings, I just tried it and it seemed to work. But I can't vouch that it'll have no unintended side-effects on the running of the Umbraco CMS.

ASP.NET MVC Application in Sharepoint 2007 virtual directory

I have MOSS 2007 installed at lets say http://localhost:4999/ and I want to have my custom ASP.NET MVC (1.0) application at http://localhost:4999/mvcapp/ - logic dictates that, in IIS, i should create a new application virtual directory under my MOSS site and point it at my custom MVC app.
I've done this and it works for executing my controllers etc, however, none of my /Content content is being returned! All referenced images, javascript and css aren't retrieved.
If I put this app into it's own site, or a virtual application within a non-sharepoint site, this works fine and pulls down the images, js and css as normal.
Note - I'm creating a new application in IIS, not just a virtual directory and I have no requirement for integrating with sharepoint, I just want it to have the same domain and port number.
Any ideas?
** EDIT **
To clarify - the URL's that are being generated aren't the issue - they are correct and are being generated in the same way as they would be if this wasn't hosted under sharepoint. IE: /mvcapp/Content/Scripts/jquery.js etc.
** EDIT 2 **
More clarification - the MVC app has it's own web.config file - but it appears that when using a virtual directory withn a sharepoint site, many of the handler mappings still get pushed up to the child site (Note: This is a virtual directory configured as a seperate application not just a virtual directory).
Whilst I don't want or need SharePoint integration, I need my MVC app to come from the same domain and port to overcome some cross domain issues (a lot of MVC content is iframed into sharepoint in various ways). So sharepoint would be at http://site and my app at http://site/mvc
I would keep them on separate web sites (MVC and SharePoint that is). You could create a new website entirely for your MVC app, and then through IIS, right click your MVC web site, edit bindings, and redirect the traffic from your MVC website to URL you want.
I set up a couple of WebForms apps to run in much the same way you say that you want: a separate virtual application with its own web.config, etc. I had to tweak the web.config to make it work, though. My app uses things like session state and view state, but I reckon those aren't applicable to your MVC app. As I look at my web.confing, I think this section might be applicable for what you're trying to do:
<xhtmlConformance mode="Legacy" />
<trust level="Full" />
<remove name="PublishingHttpModule" />
Hope that helps. I also have an <authorization> section in there, but it wasn't necessary to make the app work.
Look at the following:
Configuring Specific Files and Subdirectories (MSDN)
Disabling Configuration Inheritance For ASP.NET Child Applications (Blog)
