i have created a dll with tframe .
how can i load it inside my application, i dont like to use bpls , i only want to destribute exe and dlls with my app
Since a BPL is a DLL, go the BPL way: much easier.
It can be done but it's a hell of a job to get it working without errors or memory problems. To make matters worse, you will be using two VCL's in your application, one in your executable and another in the DLL. Your frame would try to refer to the DLL VCL, which would provide very different information than the EXE VCL. Especially when checking the global Screen and Application variables.
Still, a frame is nothing more than a special window control, just like forms. You could export a function from your DLL which would return a value of type TFrame. Your application would be able to call this function and thus create the frame, use it in any way it uses all other frames. It won't have any specific information about additional functionality within your frame, though.The next thing you'd have to work on is to synchronize the data between the EXE and the DLL that is VCL related. That's not very pretty. Plus, you will probably have some issues when using the tab key to tab through the controls on your screen, since the tab key won't be able to tab outside the frame. And you will notice a few more oddities like this.
I have worked on a simple application that used frames this way. Me, and two others spent two months getting some working solution, which did work reasonable well without memory leaks and other troubles. Before we started that project, it just seemed like a good idea. Afterwards, we decided that it didn't turn out to be the solution we'd wanted so we merged the code of the DLL's with the code of the executable to just create one executable. It was better that way.
We did use another alternative, though. We started using a webbrowser component in the mainform. The DLL would contain a HTML page, nicely formatted, and a bunch of methods that would be called when certain specific functions were used. We had this working in a simple test application with good results but then the company went chapter 11... My employer went dead broke since a deal with some customer misfired badly, leaving the company with some huge debts. And thus an interesting project ended...
a DLL that:
is written and compiled with Delphi XE3 32bit
exports a function that displays a modal VCL-form:
function EditOptions(AIniFileName: PAnsiChar; ALCID: Integer): Boolean; stdcall;
is also a COM-server
an installer created with InnoSetup 5.5.4:
imports said DLL function via external 'EditOptions#files:mydll.dll stdcall'-directive and calls it when needed
explicitly unloads the DLL before registering the COM server via the Inno utility function UnloadDLL
Windows is using a theme other than Classic
the modal dialog from the DLL is displayed during installation
the installer hangs upon unloading the DLL
no error messages are shown
logs indicate no runtime exceptions
Please note that to keep this brief, I deliberately left out the explanations for some of the more idiosyncratic details, e.g. why I'm explicitly unloading the DLL or why a COM server needs to have custom exports. Let me know if you think these details would be relevant and should be added.
To further analyse this I created a dummy host EXE that calls the DLL function so I can easier run the whole thing in the debugger. Doing so leads to an AV being raised in TUxThemeStyle.UnloadThemeData on the line that calls CloseThemeData(). When placing a breakpoint directly on that line and stepping forward from the stop, I actually get a "too many consecutive exceptions" error eventually. I can only reproduce the error when I enable runtime themes for the host EXE.
Going back through our git history it appears that this issue exists ever since we switched from Delphi 2010 to XE3 (unfortunately, the installer was not part of our regular test suite so this only cropped up now as work on the actual release comes to a close as the DLL exports exist exclusively for the benefit of the installer).
Any ideas what might be causing this? Could this really be theme-related (I have no custom theme-related code in this project) or is that maybe just a symptom of memory corruption caused somewhere else entirely? E.g. I once had an error that manifested in the form of AVs in the theme tear-down code before but in that case it actually turned out to be caused by the leaking of anonymous method references from initialization sections...
Update: I've worked hard trying to produce a dumbed-down sample project to demonstrate the issue in isolation but so far without luck. I have managed to narrow down a few more things, though. First, here are some more facts about the code:
The dialog I'm showing is a third-degree descendant of TForm. The ancestors accomplish several things:
TAppModalDialog implements a special constructor CreateOnTop that ensures it appears as the topmost window in the current process (the project is a plugin that loads into multi-windowed third-party hosts that do unfortunately not communicate their window handles for use as modal parents) - it accomplishes this by manipulating the global Application.Handle.
TTabbedDialog is part of an interface-based framework that allows registration of "pages" (actually TFrame-descendants) via a factory pattern - at runtime the form will dynamically create TTabSheets in a TPageControl and instantiate and parent the registered page frames to them
I've replaced the call to the actual dialog with a dummy, gradually working myself through the inheritance chain from a blank TForm up to my TAppModalDialog and eventually to my TTabbedDialog class. The problem only starts to occur at that last level. I also commented out all page registrations around the project so that the dialog comes up with an empty page control (this rules out code in any of the pages as the cause for the problem). I then commented out all code and data members in the routines of the TTabbedDialog class itself, leaving only empty method bodies to fulfill the interface implementation requirement and the TPageControl component (along with two empty TImageLists and a TBalloonHint component) -> the error still occurs.
I then copied the call to the dummy dialog into a new DLL project that contains nothing else but this and the tabbed dialog framework. If I load that DLL into my dummy host EXE, the problem does not occur anymore... sigh
So, my suspicion is still that there must be some sort of memory corruption occuring somewhere else entirely and the error I see is only a symptom of that. So the real question is how can I finally get to the bottom of this?
I will now continue by commenting out / removing bits from the production DLL...
What is the best way to implement an external module system for a DELPHI application?
What I need is very basic really:
The main APP detects if a module is present and loads it(Run time)
Modules can store form
Modules can store DataModules
Modules can Store code
I need the use the store forms inside other forms, and only as a standAlone
I use something like this
if Assigned(pNewClass) then begin
Application.CreateForm(pNewClass, _lFrm);
_lFrm.BorderStyle := bsNone;
_lFrm.Parent := pBasePNL //(TPanel);
_lFrm.Align := alClient;
So I create a TForm, but place it inside a TPanel.
As for DataModules I usally store ImageLists so the ideia is to change the app ICOs just bit changing the external module.
So what is the best way to achieve this?
Looked at runtime BPLs but don’t seem to understand how to do it.
UPDATE : .....................................
After reading some related question and answers i think I found my answer and solution.
The article is old stuff but amazingly simple.
Well the logic is there I just don’t seem to get it to Show the forms
I am just testing example 2
It loads the BPL, but doesn’t get the Form:
AClass := GetClass('TForm2');
Always retrievex ‘nil’
But the BPL as it registered:
Can anyone help with this one.
Packages are an easy solution but they have one huge drawback. Using packages forces plugin authors to use not only Delphi, but the same version of the compiler as you do.
I personally would prefer to expose the functionality of the app through a number of interfaces. This allows accessibility from languages other than Delphi.
Typically the plugin would be implemented in a DLL and would export a function that the app would call to pass in the root interface representing the app. The plugin would then call methods of that interface thus establishing two-way interaction.
I made you a demo, it's so easy to get started! However... Started is not finished.
Every time I started using plugins, I later regretted it. However, as you say, you want a binary plugin system. So BPLs are the correct solution. David suggests using interfaces (with plain DLLs instead of the full runtime package BPL) and this would solve some of the commonly encountered BPL-instability problems due to not versioning your classes, and thus your Application-and-package-binary-compatibility dependencies, properly. If you do not need to share memory and do not need to use borlandmm.dll (shared memory management) then a straight DLL with interfaces will work fine.
If you can do everything you need to do with just scripting, and make your plugin system with just scripts, then do it that way. If you can get away with DLLs, interfaces, and no memory sharing, then use plain DLLs. If you must share Memory and class types, then yes, use BPLs.
Beware that using BPLs (Runtime Packages) comes with a lot of side effects you might not have been expecting. The largest BPL-based applications I have worked on have been more of a mess, and less stable, than any monolithic apps I have worked on. It seems that it is only possible to pine for packages until you try them, and then I find, I pine for monoliths again.
If you use BPL packages correctly, and you version your plugins properly, everything is fine. BPLs are great. But in the real world, it seems that sane versioning and ABI compatibility and interoperability, and stability are at a premium.
Update: I made you a demo it's here (plugin_r2.zip). It was done in Delphi XE, but if you are using an older version of delphi, you just delete the .dproj files and open the .dpr file for the main app, and the .dpk for the package.
Is it good idea to put Forms that have complete functionality in dll.
And main app will invoke dll function that returns form object.
The accepted way to do this in Delphi is to use packages rather than DLLs.
Packages are essentially DLLs but with Delphi specific capabilities that allow VCL objects to be used across package boundaries.
Trying to do this with DLLs will lead to a variety of problems that packages deal with. One downside of packages is that all modules must be compiled with the same version of Delphi. But if you are wanting to share objects across module boundaries then you would face the same restriction if you used DLLs.
The Delphi documentation has extensive coverage of packages.
Having said all that, I would add that if you can put all your code into a single module (.exe or .dll) then it does make life a lot simpler.
Adding to the answers about using packages:
Packages can only be used if both, the main app and all dlls (plugins) are written in Delphi and are written using the same version of Delphi
DLLs can be written in any programming language that can create them and can be used by any program regardless of the programming language
So, using dlls rather than packages does make sense.
Regarding the actual question: Yes, it is possible to put forms into dlls and they usually work fine. Just make sure that you do not pass them around because they are only valid objects within the context of the dll. You will experience the odd problem with forms losing focus or coming up behind other forms. This can usually be fixed by passing a window handle from the main executable to the dll which is then used as the parent for the form.
Also note: TObject of your dll is different from TObject of your application. The same applies to other commonly used classes and variables like (Forms.)Application.
I have done it and it was a pain in the lower back but it was not impossible. The main program was written in Visual Basic 6, some modules were written in Delphi 6, others were written in Delphi 7 and Delphi 2007.
Conclusion: If you are sure you will never use something different than Delphi for your app and for your dlls (plugins) and are willing to always recompile everything when you switch Delphi versions, you should use packages. Otherwise it might be better to use regular dlls. (And are you sure you will always be the only person writing these dlls? Maybe at some time there will be a 3rd party developer for one of the dlls who does not own the Delphi version he needs.)
IMO this is sometimes a very good idea and the only way to go - for the reasons others have mentioned, I'm not a fan of packages, and am very comfortable with DLL's. I am currently adding functionality to an app written in Delphi 5 using Delphi XE - it was either use DLL's or write in D5 - of course I opted for the former: D5 app calls DLL's written in XE that contain all the latest and greatest features. (The first projects I did in Delphi were done via the old Borland Paradox - Paradox app invoked DLL's written in Delphi 1!)
But, I don't send the form or module from the DLL back to the main app - I just send the DLL module a structure containing what it needs to know to do its work, and when it's done and the DLL's form closes, it cleans up and then and returns a numerical code or structure back to caller indicating success, failure etc ( old fashioned but very effective).
Passing the form instance from the DLL back to your main app across the DLL threshhold can be problematic - note #dummzeuch's excellent answer above with some good tips on how to negotiate some of those problems should you decide that is your only solution.
+1 for everything that David Heffernan says.
Strategically, you really only need to implement forms (or other functionality) in external files if you're implementing a plug in system.
If you're going to allow plugins to be authored in any language, then DLL's are the only way to go.
If your plugin system will be restricted to developers with the same version of Delphi (same team perhaps?) then go with BPL's. The additional drawback of Delphi packages, from my perspective, is the need to deploy the VCL BPL's with your app, which are always more Mb than a single compiled module.
If on the other hand you want to write a modular system, you can still do that by implementing loose coupling & "plugin" techniques within your code and still compile to a single module.
If you put a form in a normal dll the form won't be able to intercept the TAB or arrow keys. I have been told that this is due to the OnKeyDown not be passed through.
Now this is a very puzzling matter I hope you can help me.
I have a custom component derived from TCustomControl that is included in a package. This package is correctly compiled and installed in D5. The package also requires the use of another library of components the ImageEn library.
I have an application that uses this component, Now until some day ago everything seemed to be fine, but now, after some recent changes to the component (mostly changing the name of the types it uses) I am having a very weird behavior going on. On the form where this component is placed Delphi will create I would say just for no reason a TImageEnIo component (from the ImageEn library) that was not even included in the dfm of the form.
Even more puzzling is the fact that this added imageenio component has no name, thus causing me a lot of trouble when I try to run the application (run-time error). If I delete this component it will reappear as soon as something is updated (for example if I switch between the text and the form of the dfm). Delphi just adds this thing on any form , where I use my custom component. This happens only when my custom component is present, other comps of the package do not generate this problem.
I noticed that it creates 1 of these empty TImageenio for each custom component I have on the form, and moreover if I switch back and forth between the text and the form views of the dfmit will add another imageenio component each time I do this.
Finally the problem is not dependent from the application as it will happen with any application as long as I add my custom component on a form.
Now I have been recompiling everything the imageen and my package many times, I have even tried to restore an older version of the component but the problem persisted (I am quite sure I hadn't experience it with the older version), I have tried anything conceivable but I cannot figure it out. I am at a complete loss, please advice If you need more info please ask, I will try to explain better.
Many Thanks to those who will take the time to answer.
It would seem that the problem was introduced by recent changes in your custom component.
You should use your revision control system to go back to a known good version. Then advance to intermediate versions of the code, perhaps using a binary search for efficiency. Once you've isolated the revision which introduced the bug then you should be able to study the code changes in that revision and identify the problem.
Wild guess: Your custom component directly or indirectly instantiates a TImageEnIo with the wrong Owner. Instead of using Self (i.e. the custom component instance) it uses its Owner property, which points to the form it is sitting on.
The first thing I would try would be to start a new application, create one of your custom controls at run time and put breakpoints on the third party source code where the TImageEnIo component is instantiated, constructor of the component would be fine. If the design time behavior is exhibited at also run-time, the breakpoint would be hit and you would be able to figure out the code part creating the component from the stack trace.
Otherwise, it is possible to debug design-time behavior by debugging the IDE with another instance of the IDE, but I don't know how it can be done with D5.
We are trying to split up our monolithic EXE into a combination of an EXE and several packages. So far, we have one package that we're trying to use, and when running the EXE Codeguard shows the following error on startup:
CG Error
Two different CRTLDLLs are loaded. CG might report false errors
I read this as two different runtime libraries being loaded - one, the correct one (CC32100MT.dll), one incorrect, which is the package we're trying to use.
Continuing to run the program shows odd errors, especially casting between classes or passing a pointer to a class as a parameter in a method that crosses the EXE/DLL boundary. Codeguard itself doesn't show any other errors at all though. Edit: This is now resolved, and wasn't related. The program appears to run correctly, but the warning Codeguard shows is still worrying.
How do we solve this?
Some more details
We've looked at as many things as we (the developer working on this and I) can collectively think of:
Each project is built using runtime packages. The EXE host lists Bar in its package list.
Each project is set to compile with dynamic RTL. However, changing this does not solve the problem.
The package is linked to the EXE via its BPI file, but linking via a LIB makes no difference either.
The EXE and BPL are compiled with the same project settings, where the same options exist for both types of project. We think, anyway :)
There is only one copy of the BPL and BPI on the system: it's definitely linking to the right one.
Examining the EXE and BPL with Depends and TDump show they are both using C:\Windows\system32\CC32100MT.DLL. They should both be using the one RTL.
Creating a new project (a plain VCL forms application) and linking to the BPL (via its BPI) works fine. Something in the process of adding all the files and LIBs that make our EXE contain the code it needs to changes this, but we haven't been able to figure out what.
The LIBs all either correspond to DLLs we use (flat C interface, usually look as though they were built with MSVC) or are simple projects with lots of related files, compiled to a lib for the purpose of linking into the EXE - these correspond roughly to the areas of the program we want to split to BPLs, by the way. There don't seem to be project options for the LIB projects that would affect RTL linking, unless we've missed them.
I have exhaustively hunted through Depends and looked at all RTL and CC32*.dll files the EXE and every single DLL references. All are identical: rtl140.bpl and CC32100MT.DLL. Fully qualified paths show they are the same files, too. Everything should be using the one same run-time library.
Edit: The final EXE is complex, built with several libs, several DLLs, etc. All these, when built with C++Builder, are built with the current version. Is it possible there's something in one of these DLLs or LIBs that could cause a problem? I don't know enough about how the RTL is linked in to be sure about where to look... my (naive?) assumption is that the linker would normally link in one set of RTL functions, but that of course doesn't seem to be happening... and I don't know how things change when using packages. Is it possible this error has always existed and Codeguard has not flagged it before, because we haven't used something dynamic like a package?
Perhaps another question is, Why would a package have its own RTL anyway, or what would make it count as 'a RTL DLL' to Codeguard?
We're stumped. Absolutely stumped. We've had other problems using BPLs (they seem to be surprisingly tricky things, especially using C++) but have managed to solve them all. This one we've had no luck at all and we'd really appreciate any insights :)
We're using C++Builder 2010 (as part of RAD Studio actually, but with little Delphi code apart from components.)
Edit: Started a bounty. I'd really like to solve this!
Edit 2: Thanks to David Dean for his help (marked as answered below.) Via email, he pointed out this issue was reproduced in a simple test case by someone else, and is logged in Embarcadero QC as report 86335. Currently there is no fix, but the warning does not appear to indicate a genuine problem (ie, it's probably a spurious error, and while it's a pity to have to click past the dialog when you run, hopefully there's nothing in the error to worry about.)
Since one of these is coming from a .bpl, did you try turning off "Build with runtime packages" in the project options?
We had a similar problem. We tracked it down to a (non VCL) .cbproj that was created without the "Multithreaded" option.
As far as I can tell, the only time you get chance to set this option is when you create a new .cbproj, it cannot be changed afterwards using the GUI. We ended up "hacking" the .cbproj to include the following:
To determine which dll is causing the issue, it should be the last dll loaded in the output window just before you see the CG message.
Did you check if you use _TCHAR as char. We had some similar problems with RAD Studio and we found a workaround using _TCHAR as char. As soon as one DLL or BPL Project is compiled with wchar_t, this code guard error appears.
We also figured out, that EXE projects can be compiled with TCHAR = wchar_t without any problem (the main function will be WIDE).
The settings does not affect the GUI being able to handle UNICODE.
A customer logged a similar case in our public bug tracking system and the bug has been identified and fixed in the latest release.