Keeping a controller thin (too many action methods) -

I'm working on my first real ASP.NET MVC project and I've noticed that the controller I've been working in is getting rather large. This seemingly goes against the best practice of keeping your controllers thin.
I've done a good job keeping the business logic out of the controllers. I use a separate layer for that. Each action primarily calls a method in the business layer and coordinates the end result based on whether or not the modelstate is valid.
That said, the controller has a large number of action methods. Intuitively, I would like to break the controller down into sub-controllers but I don't see an easy way to do that. I could simply break the controller down into separate controllers but the I loose the hierarchy and it feels a bit dirty.
Is it necessary to refactor a controller with a large number of thin actions? If so, what is the best way to do this?

First, when you hear that it's good to keep controller code to a minimum, this mainly refers to keeping each action method as thin as possible (put logic instead into business classes, not into Views and ViewModels.) It seems you're doing this, which is great.
As for having "too many" action methods, this is a judgment call. It could actually be a sign of good organization, that you're having each action focus on one thing. Also, maybe you're using actions specifically for use with RenderAction? And, it could just be the nature of your solution that there are many things to do relating to your Controller's theme.
So, my guess is that you're probably fine. However, to make sure, on note paper break out the controller into 2 or 3 controllers, and sketch out how your stories would work moving from action to action. And if you find that your workflow works with more controllers, you should break it out. Especially if you're going to be adding to this functionality later. The sooner your break it out the better.

Good question.
I believe a "thin" controller may still need to be "wide" or "tall" depending on how you want to stretch the analogy. If there is no clean way to break up a controller that needs to do a lot of things, I don't think that's a problem as long as each Action is focused exclusively on preparing Views/ViewModels and is of limited code size.

Another structural option you have is introducing partial classes for logical groupings of actions. And using something like vscommands to group the files together.
I doubt anybody can come up with a magic number of actions that tells you when it's a good idea to break stuff up and introduce new controllers, it really depends on your domain.

Another solution can be to separate the controllers based on the business concepts of the actions that are included in them, but the route of each action is in accordance with the REST rules.
However, I think it is better to use this solution only in cases where there is a fat controller, otherwise, it is better to categorize actions based on their output resources.


Does this approach to fat model/skinny controller take it too far?

I am afraid that I might be getting lazy.
I am developing a ruby on rails application involving about 8 models relating to two types of users: physicians and patients. Most of the logic is inside the models allowing my controller actions to be very short and concise. Plus, it makes the testing fairly straightforward.
I currently envision at least two controllers and the tests that I am writing lead me to believe that most of my user-facing features can be handled by these two controllers. Sure, I can break this into more sensible compartments-like tests for a patients-controller, physicians-controller, patient-medications controller, patient-lab-results-controller and so on. But it seems to me that the only advantage here is more discreet organization.
On to the question, asides from compartmentalization, what are the reasons NOT to use as few controllers as possible, pack them with lots of actions [disadvantage], but keep the actions skinny [advantage]? take it to an extreme: Why not with MVC, have a bunch of fat models, and one skinny [albeit long] controller rather than a patient controller/model/views+tests for EACH, physician controller/model/views+tests for EACH, etc?
There's organization, as making everything inside a single controller is possible, it's going to be harder to understand and change. Instead of being able to open a file in your editor and finding the action you're looking for right away, you would be scrolling down the file to find what you're looking for.
This also leads to the God object pattern where everything happens inside a single object that's responsible for everything and everyone working at the project will be changing this same object, leading to an eternal merge hell.
And, on Rails itself, there's the RESTful-ness of the framework. Rails embraces the idea of being RESTful and one of the pillars of this idea are the resources and they can only be easily organized in separate controllers. If you try to place two different resources at the same controller you'll probably end up with crazy routes or crazy controller logic to find out which model is being represented.
If you think your controllers have a lot of repeated code, you can DRY them out using some metaprogramming magic or conventions, but it's really better to have them separated, not only for organization but also to simplify your own future maintenance.
If there's a lot of common controller logic, you might consider abstracting it out into a plugin or module that you can mix in when needed. Or the controllers could inherit from a common base controller (much as all controllers inherit by default from ApplicationController, rather than ActionController::Base).
I would advise against having one gigantic controller; a controller should manage the set of actions which pertain to a single type of resource (or the closest analog possible). This idea is even stronger if you are trying to create a RESTful design, in which each controller typically has nothing other than the basic seven actions (index, show, new, create, edit, update, destroy).
So if you want to have URLs like /patients/52394802/lab_results, I think it makes complete sense to have a LabResultsController. If these controllers are lightweight, awesome. I'm of the opinion that their existence is still justified. This shouldn't stop you from trying to make your code DRY; rather, I would simply try to abstract away the common functionality differently.
That's an impossible question to answer. Controllers are about routes and user interactions and views not business logic. Have as many controllers and actions that it makes sense to have for your links and views!
If your business logic is all in your models then it's simple enough. The main difficulty with logic in controllers is that you can't re-use the logic.
Nothing much more to say really. It's up to you to do what makes sense in your app. e.g. have a search controller to search for stuff rather than adding a search action to your existing controllers is not really about anything more than separation and clarity

ASP.NET MVC - when SRP and DRY appear to conflict

My simplest ASP.NET MVC 2 controllers make calls to my service layer and map view models to entities using AutoMapper. Everything looks fantastic and there is no repeated code.
However, when I get into scenarios where I have similar behavior I have trouble balancing Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) with Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY). An example of this might be the need to add/edit vehicles where some properties/behaviors are shared while others are unique to a specific vehicle.
If I strive for really thin controllers (thus honoring Single Responsibility Principle), I end up having repeated code in both the views and controllers with minor variations (title, field labels, field visibility, dropdown values, selection criteria, etc.).
If I strive for non-repeated code I end up bundling too much logic into a single controller/view and it gets bloated.
What are some ways of addressing repeated code in controllers / views? I'm not talking about database code that can be factored out to a repository. Nor am I talking about business logic that can be factored out to a service layer. I'm looking for tools and/or rules of thumb that will help me produce the best solution in the scenario described above.
You get:
action filters
service layer and helper classes (not HtmlHelper)
model binders
base controllers
dependency injection
So your views can invoke shared partials/actions for similar parts, common data can be prepared by action filters, database access code can be hidden in smart model binder, or you can have parent controller that child controllers override with specific tweaks. And, of course, good old service layeres, where you just extract common code into helper/static methods, or, better, inject specific implementations.
That's nothing new, same old tricks.
Or, maybe, your controllers do too much works? This is where stuff above also helps. ASP.NET MVC has very good tools to hide infrastructure-layer code and move it away from controllers. And if it's not infrastructure - it probably belongs to domain layer. There you can use inheritance, composition and other OOP tricks.
Specific example. Suppose your controllers should set few properties in a different way.
You can have your views to do this, if it's mostly formatting or choosing what properties to show
You can have your entities to have virtual methods - i.e. refactor code to move decisions to domain layer instead of controllers
You can have helper ViewDetails classes that will take your entities and get the data based on for what you need it; this is a bit of a dirty trick but sometimes useful; you delegate decision to another "strategy" class
You can use action filters to add this data to ViewData, or to tweak specific ViewData.Model types (look for some interface of it).
You can have abstract controller, where children pass implementation details to the base constructor like (): base(repository => repository.GetSpecificData())
And so on. I actually use all of them in appropriate places.
You are worrying too much about SRP and DRY. They are principles only and are not always right. SRP and DRY are good if they make your code more maintainable, but if they are in the way then ignore them. MVC is similar. It is useful in simple small desktop applications but is not appropriate for web applications. Web Forms is much better for the internet world while MVC is something from the 1980s.
I recommend you to use SRP over DRY in those cases. I wrote here a detailed answer.
In short both are rules which help to keep your code maintainable. DRY is a low abstraction level mechanism, while SRP is a high abstraction level. By maintain an application the high abstraction level structure is more important than the low abstraction level.
In your case I don't think it is necessary to give up DRY.
An example of this might be the need to add/edit vehicles where some
properties/behaviors are shared while others are unique to a specific
Many design patterns can help in this case. You can use decorator, composition, and so on... combined with builders for the different types of vehicles.
I found that ApiEndpoints is very good for this. You create a class for each controller method. A little more code, but I think it's very clean.

Rails: How do I keep a complex app RESTful?

I always try to make my applications as RESTful as possible but I've recently begun working on a complex project that requires multiple additional methods in my controller.
I normally achieve this by adding another :collection to the route but it seems like a workaround and in on scenario I have 5.
Are there any best practices for handling the extra methods in a controller? They are generally simple forms that updates a model.
The other solution, which is what I do, is every time you find yourself creating an action that doesn't fit into the RESTful actions, eg Search, so you might find yourself making a search action on an Article controller, what you could do instead of creating this action is create a Search controller instead, and use RESTful actions inside of that instead. There is no rule saying you need to use all the actions, you might only need one or two, but it keeps your API RESTful and your code organised.
This is not a hard and fast rule, but I have certainly found it helpful when I try to decide where to put stuff.
I think there's a bit of confusion in the Rails community about how and where to use the word "RESTful". Strictly speaking, the only thing that can be RESTful is your web API (as railsninja already mentioned). That the code of an application that conforms to the REST conventions (the application with REST API) can usually be organized into a set of controllers (that match the resources) and methods in these controllers (that match the four verbs of the HTTP protocol) is nothing but a hint of how to keep your application clean and organized.
If we want to talk about a RESTful Rails application, we can't just talk about RESTful controllers - there's nothing RESTful about just controllers themselves. It's possible to have a complex web application with only one controller (and myriad of methods) that represents many resources and is perfectly RESTful.
That said, it's pretty OK to add more methods to your controller. Sometimes, it's good to extract some of these extra methods and create a completely new controller - make this any time you feel good about it (rule of a thumb: create new controller anytime you are able to identify it with some self-sufficient resource, ie. a resource which could exist just by itself). Sometimes though, it'd be silly to extract some resource to a different controller. Say you have a resource which has a status attribute. It makes sense to perceive this status attribute as a resource by itself and perform at least one action on it (update), but it won't make any good to extract it to a different controller.
There is a Railscast about this topic, adding custom actions to an otherwise RESTful controller.
Edit: I see that you've mentioned the method in the Railscast as a workaround already. :-) I believe the only other "pure" way to handle it would be to add additional controllers as required to support the actions you want.
"I normally achieve this by adding another :collection to the route but it seems like a workaround and in on scenario I have 5. "
This sounds perfectly fine to me. REST is not about the crud operations and your concern seems to stem from the fact that you are doing more than the basic crud operations but there's nothing wrong with that.

ASP.Net MVC View Structure

I just finished Scott Gu's Nerd Diner tutorial. I found it very helpful because it not only taught the basics of ASP.Net MVC, but also how to use with Repositories, Validation, Unit testing, Ajax, etc.. Very thourough, but still manageable.
However, I am curious about his site structure:
Specifically, he used this view strucuture for every object:
Then extracted the common elements between the two views and put them into a partial.
I understand the logic, but it seems like it would lead to "view explosion" if you have even a moderate number of tables in your database.
Scott's really good, so I am assuming his structure is right. But I would like to know why.
[Edit for clarification]
I realize that many times it is necessary for there to be multiple actions (and views) to handle differences in creates and edits. It is the case of the very simple edit and create, where the only difference between the two actions is in one case the model has an ID and needs to be updated, and in the other case the model does not, so it needs to be inserted.
In this case, is the violation of the "Dumb View" rule by using the same view to handle both cases going to cause major problems?
The view structure is based on the controllers, not the model directly. In the Mvc methodology, you should have a view for each action (each public method, essentially) in a controller. The controller actions don't have to match up directly to each table in database but there is likely some sort of direct relationship between the number of tables in the database and the number of controllers and views. Controllers are higher level
It is standard to have CRUD type actions on the controller, when they are applicable:
Index: list the items
Details: view a specific item
Edit: edit an item
Create: new item
Delete: delete an item
Each of these actions will require a view (and sometimes more than one).
So, yes, you can collect a large number of views if it is a large application. The way to minimize the code is:
Extract shared functionality to partial views, as to keep the action views as small and simple as possible
Keep the views and controllers simple so that they are easy to maintain
Use AJAX to implement more functionality in one view
It's important to point out that any large application is going to have lots of forms. Whether it's Mvc or Web Forms, if there is a lot of data to work with, there are going to be a lot of forms necessary to do it.
It is true that this can indeed lend itself to a lot of views. However, I've found that in my real life applications, I'll have a number of tables that I don't have a 1:1 correlation to CRUD operations. While I certainly have data that goes into those tables, I've found that most times a view presents data from at least two if not three or more tables. Just like every other application, you've got to know what you're after so that you can plan things out. Any large size application is going to require quite a bit of planning up front (which would include analyzing the number of views/controllers for MVC).
It's only the small apps that you can sling together based on you hunches and past experience.
if you have a background as webforms developer, your answer is natural.
There are several questions, it depends on the point of view. At first, with we do not have fully-equiped server controls making many things for us, without a real awareness what they do. Now you have to type more code and have eyes like a surgeon on html.This way I can find a reasonable question for "view explosion"
Other projects follow more or less that structure, see the project by Rob Conery:
Mvc Storefront
PS: "Skinny controllers, Fat Model and… Dumb view"
[Update response to clarification]
Mhh.. I think there's no violation of "dumb view". The important thing is that the all the views has nothing to do with the code in the business logic layer or in your model. You can a have a button "Save", it is the controller has to know which action must be executed, insert or update.
On more reflection, this is what I am thinking:
Combining the edit/create views would be easy on simple models because
- Same properties displayed
- Same validations
BUT doing this would force you to either
- handle both the update and insert in the same action
- use a control statement in the view to determine which view action is used to update
Both options seem ugly and unnecessary when it is so easy to use separate actions and separate views with common code extracted into a partial. mvc user permissions and views

it seems there are 2 options when dealing with security permissions for views in mvc:
either handle the permissions control logic in the controller and direct the user to the appropriate view...
Or implement some form of security-aware HtmlHelper extensions that render (or not) appropriate form fields/data
am i missing any other options here? the first seems ridiculously un-DRY and the second seems to contradict the definition of a view...
so my question is: is there a better way?
I disagree with the idea that (2) contradicts the idea of a view. Rendering or not rendering a particular component of a view dependent on data received from the controller seems perfectly appropriate to me. Whether you choose to require the data to be in the model or if it can be used from other server resources depends, I think, on how pedantic you want to be. I choose rather to be pragmatic and simply use what is provided rather than fabricate a new model just to hold role-related information so in some circumstances (link my menu control) I simply do the role checking in the view logic.
It's important to remember that MVC is a pattern -- not a dictum. Where the pattern seems to work against you, it's okay to bend it a little. Likewise, DRY is a principle not a law. If it seems best to repeat a little code to accomplish a purpose better, go ahead and repeat it. Understand that you're creating maintenance issues for yourself, but don't let rigid adherence to a principle keep you from doing the "right thing."
