Rails ACL Design Question - ruby-on-rails

I am working on a legacy rails codebase and need to implement some ACL logic that is not based around standard CRUD operations on objects, but instead around custom logic about what parts of a page are shown to different groups of users. These page "parts" are not defined by any objects in the database, so my guess is that object-based ACL systems may not be the best fit here.
I currently researching declarative_authorization but haven't yet determined if it can do anything other than object-based permissions.
This must be a rather common use-case for web applications and I'd prefer not to roll yet another ACL. Does anyone have a suggestion for a 3rd party library that would work well for this?

I think CanCan can help you. It's simple to use and should do just what you need. Here's a RailsCast: Authorization with CanCan

I have looked through a whole bunch of different Authorization and ACL plugins and like you I did not like the CRUD approach that most of them used.
In the end, the most suitable for me was a setup similar to that which Redmine uses. I don't know if it origins from any named plugin but I spent some time getting to understand it and made the necessary adjustments for my case.
Basically what it does is to allow use of controllers and actions, either global or for specific models. You start with specifying what different permissions are assignable:
MyApplication::ACL.mapper do |map|
map.permission :view_project, {:projects => :show}
map.permission :manage_project, {:projects => [:update, :edit, :post_status]}
map.permission :delete_project, {:projects => :destroy}
Next step is to assign one or more permissions to a Role which is a model with a serialized field which can store the permissons, ie:
<#Role id: 1 name: "Intern" permissions: [:view_project] >
<#Role id: 2 name: "Member" permissions [:view_project, :manage_project] >
And then you map the different Roles with Users by a Membership model. The Membership can also be mapped with specific models, like Project, since you might be allowed to manage one project but not another one, or it can be global like some index actions which should be restricted but you don't know which Model to authorize against yet.
In the controllers you verify all this by using:
before_filter :authorize, :only => [:show, :update, :edit,
:post_status, :destroy]
And authorize is of course a method that checks if the current user is a member of any role that has the permission required for the current Controller and Action.
This is, although a long description here, only in short how it works :) It is alot more complicated than other ACL plugins out there but I think it is the most "clean" alternative while still allowing the flexibility that I need.


Rails 4 custom admin backend

I'm wanting to create an admin backend for a practice app. After reading around I've come to a general idea of what to do but would like some clarification:
Use namespace to route the backend at example.com/admin...
Put any adminifiable resources inside namespace e.g resources :posts
At this point do I duplicate the normal (public facing) controllers and put them into the admin directory? (Along with CRUD views)
In theory the public facing controllers only need index and show actions, right? As new/create/update/destroy will only be accessed in the admin/controller.
Any clarification or advice is greatly appreciated. Just trying to wrap my head around this.
I would recommend against duplicating your controllers, or any part of your application for that matter. That goes entirely against the DRY principle, which stands for "Don't Repeat Yourself." Duplicate code becomes really hard to maintain and test as your application grows.
Instead, I would recommend limiting access to certain actions using before filters. For example, let's say that you want users to be able to create posts, read posts and see listings of posts. In your PostsController, you can have something like this:
before_action :admin_user?, only: [:edit, :destroy]
Note: before_action is just the new name for before_filters.
So then actions like index would execute normally for all users, but if a user calls the destroy action, the controller would first check to see if the user is an admin, by calling an admin_user? method (typically defined in ApplicationController). This method could be a simple conditional, like "if the user is not an admin, flash an error message and redirect them back to where they were before the request" and then use it to protect any action or resource you want. You could also use it in the views to show delete buttons on posts only if the user is an admin, for instance.
That's for resource-specific actions. Often times it's also a good idea to have a section of the site that consolidates resource views and administrative actions. This would be its own controller/view (I call mine AdminController) and you can protect all actions in it with the above method:
before_action :admin_user?
To make your resources available to AdminController using the methods defined inside the individual resource controllers, you can do this in routes.rb:
namespace :admin do
resources :users
This will make it so that http://yoursite.com/admin/users/index will still call the index action in the Users controller, but it will happen within the context of an admin user (because of the before_action above).

Rails Routes/Controller/Directory Structure design question

I have a design question where I would appreciate a thoughtful response.
Let's say you have a simple application (for example's sake) that has a User, Company and Theme model. A Company has_one Theme and has_many Users.
Administrators (a User) can fully manage Companies, Users and Themes - the whole REST stack, in addition to a few other actions too. Administrators are expected to do things to all 3 of these resources that other user roles cannot do.
We also have a Company role. This role can edit their own Company, as well as select a Theme from the ones the admin-user added as nice defaults, or they can just make their own theme.
Companies can also add/edite/delete users, but only for their company. These pages will have different views and they'll have different behaviour from admins - some overlaps, but some things will be restricted while others will be added.
Now, here we have some non-trivial design choices, and I would like to know what the best-practice is.
In Rails, it makes sense to have resources :users, :companies, :themes for the administrators and probably resource :company, :theme, :users for the Company users.
But of course, we run into some naming conflicts here - both singular and plural - so we might want to try something like resource :my_company, :my_theme, :my_users to separate them? Or is there a better solution?
Furthermore, a theme is just a component of a company, so maybe we want to nest them?
:resource :my_company do
:resource :theme
:resources :users
This works okay, but it could be confusing as to which UsersController we are referring to... no? This is really sticky and I would love to know how to deal with this. Do you have 1 controller, or 2? What do you name them?
So this would be an example:
Company users also might want the list of themes via ajax, so is it correct for them to call:
Is this how to approach this situation, or is there a better way?
Also, what should your directory structure look? Should you have controllers separated by user role?
Or is there better ways to handle this?
It seems weird that users_controller is duplicated 2x and that there is a minor difference between Theme and Themes.
I would really appreciate a thoughtful response on this. Thanks!
I appreciate your desire to organize your codebase as I constantly have to convince myself not to take my default impulse to nest a resource or namespace a model. As there is no right answer to this question, I will just offer the reasons I use to convince myself not to.
A resource lives in once place. User.find(1) should have a single locator (URL), which I like to call user_path. I like calling it user_path because of all the times that I have made myself call it admin_company_user_path([#company, #user]) which malaise makes in me each time I write it.
That resource may render itself in different ways for different situations, like if the requester was an XHR or indicated that they would prefer German to English. Why is the header indicating that the user is an administrator any different?
If I can make it look like the simplest examples in the rails/README, shouldn't I?
At this point I would concede and end up with:
And my routes.rb would have:
resources :users
resources :companies
resources :themes
I should also address how I would handle the thing that makes you want to separate them in the first place–a different view for each of the roles. In my ideal scenario, my decision would result in a themes/_form.haml that looks like:
= form.input :title if user_can_change_title?
= form.input :theme if user_can_change_theme?
And the rest of the differences would handled in CSS, with perhaps a stylesheet for each role.
In the less ideal scenario, I might be using:
= render :partial => "#{current_user.role}_form"

How to organize controller in moderately large Rails application?

I'm working on an application with quite a few related models and would like to hear some opinions on how best to organize the controllers.
Here are some options I have been considering:
1) Namespace the controllers. So, for example, have a controllers/admin directory and a controllers/public directory. This seems appealing for organization but also sorta contrived since a single resource could often have actions which might sensibly belong in different directories (e.g. the show action is public whereas the create action is admin). So this would mean breaking up some of my resources into two separate controllers - one public, one admin. Seems bad.
2) Create nested resources. I've only occasionally used nested resources so it's not always clear to me when it's best to nest resources versus simply passing the data you need through the params explicitly. Does anyone has some suggestions/examples of how best to use nested resources? When is it a good idea? When is it an overkill?
3) Just leave the default scaffolded controllers alone. Create new collection/member actions where needed and use before filters to set permissions within each controller. This seems most appealing since it keeps things simple upfront. But I'm sorta nervous about things getting messy down the line as some of the controllers might start to bloat with several new actions.
If anyone with experience designing large applications could offer some guidance here, it'd greatly appreciated.
For organizing within our applications, I have done a little bit of everything depending on the situation.
First, regarding the separate controllers for admin/user functions, I will say that you probably don't want to go that route. We used authorization and before_filter to manage rights within the application. We rolled our own, but 20/20 hind-sight, we should have use CanCan. From there you can setup something like this (this is pseudo-code, actual language would depend on how you implemented authorization):
before_filter :can_edit_user, :only => [:new, :create, :edit, :update] #or :except => [:index, :show]
def can_edit_user
redirect_to never_never_land_path unless current_user.has_rights?('edit_user')
Or at a higher level
before_filter :require_admin, :only [:new, :create]
and in your application controller
def require_admin
redirect_to never_never_land_path unless current_user.administrator?
It would depend which route, but I would use that for authorization instead of splitting up controllers.
As far as name spaces vs. Nested Resources, it depends on the situation. In several of our apps, we have both. We use name spaces when there is a cause for a logical separation or there will be shared functions between a group of controllers. Case and point for us is we put administrative functions within a namespace, and within we have users, roles and other proprietary admin functions.
map.namespace :admin do |admin|
admin.resources :users
admin.resources :roles
and then within those controllers we have a base controller, that stores our shared functions.
class Admin::Base < ApplicationController
before_filter :require_admin
class Admin::UsersController < Admin::Base
def new
This provides us logical separation of data and the ability to dry up our code a bit by sharing things like the before_filter.
We use nested controllers if there is going to be a section of code where you want some things to persist between controllers. The case from our application is our customers. We search for and load a customer and then within that customer, they have orders, tickets, locations. Within that area we have the customer loaded while we look at the different tabs.
map.resources :customers do |customer|
customer.resources :tickets
customer.resources :orders
customer.resources :locations
and that gives us urls:
Other advantages we have experienced from this is ease of setting up menu systems and tabs. These structures lend themselves well to an organized site.
I hope this helps!
Also, looks like nesting resources more than one level deep is almost certainly a bad idea:
Yeah, it's a old article, but it makes a lot of sense to me.
If anyone disagrees, I'd like to hear why.

Rails-way of structuring admin/user/public controllers

A fictitious Rails app has the following resources:
A Photographer has many Images, that have many Comments
Each photographer has a login and is able to view, upload, edit and delete their images, comments as well as their own profile.
An administration interface is available and can edit both images, photographers and comments.
Furthermore, the photographer, their images and their comments are available from a public interface without login where visitors can add comments.
My question is: What is the Rails-way of structuring the controllers? I was thinking of going with namespaces for each 'role' (public, account, admin) like this:
# For administrator
# For a logged in photographer
AccountController (?)
# For public
However - some of the methods of these controllers are overlapping. Is this the best way, even though it's not that DRY?
If they are overlapping, you could extend the base controllers into the account/admin namespaces. eg you do your ImagesController which is for the actions everyone can see. This extends ApplicationController as normal. Then you do your admin version of ImageController, and that extends ImagesController. Then you add/override methods in the admin version for the required different behaviours, or it may just be as simple as adding a couple of before filters such as require_admin for example, which checks that current_user is an admin user, and redirects them away if not.
as you said, this is not really DRY. at least, you could structure routes and controllers to act for all the requirements, for example:
resources :photos, :only => [:index, :show] # offer only index and show actions to public
scope "/admin" do
resources :photos # full access for logged in users
if you also need index and show actions, you can add some checks inside them to load a different view (say you have a public and admin layouts).
another way could be to have a unique layout, no /admin/ sections and offer editing features to logged in users. so if logged and owner of some photo, allow editing and show context links. it's a matter of tastes :P

Ruby on Rails - differentiating plural vs singular resource in a REST API

I'm working on building the URLs for my REST API before I begin writing any code. Rails REST magic is fantastic, but I'm slightly bothered the formatting of a URL such as:
where Project is my resource and 5 is the project_id. I think if a user is looking to retrieve all of their projects, then a respective HTTP GET http://myproject/projects makes sense. However if they're looking to retrieve information on a singular resource, such as a project, then it makes sense to have http://myproject/project/5 vs http://myproject/projects/5. Is it best to avoid this headache, or do some of you share a similar concern and even better - have a working solution?
Rails (3) has a lot of conventions when it comes to singular vs plural. For example, model classes are always singular (Person), while the corresponding tables are always plural (people). (For example, Person.all maps to select * from people.)
For routes, there's a concept of a singular resource as well as a plural resource. So if you did resource :account then you would get paths like /account for the default path or /account/edit for a path to a form to edit the account. (Note that Rails uses /account with a PUT method to actually update the account. /account/edit is a form to edit the account, which is a separate resource from the account itself.) If you did resources :people, however, then you would get paths like /people, /people/1, and /people/1/edit. The paths themselves indicate whether there can only be one instance of a given type of resource, or whether there can be multiple instances distinguished by some type of identifier.
I agree, go with the flow. Consider how the URL forms a hierarchy.
The root of your website is where you start to access anything.
/projects/ narrows it down to only projects, not anything else. From projects you can do lots of things, /list, /index/, /export, etc... the /id limits things even further.
At each / the scope of what do becomes narrower, and I think it makes sense.
Further programming is all about arbitrary rules. Indexs starting at 1 vs 0, and so on. Anyone working with your urls will sort things out in short order.
There are cases where a singular path to a resource is helpful. If your resource ids are non-numeric user defined names then routing clashes are possible. Example:
/applications/new --> create a new application or show user's application named new?
In this situation you can choose to limit the user input to avoid the clash, or, this can be worked around by overwriting the default Rails 3 behavior:
class ActionDispatch::Routing::Mapper
module Resources
RESOURCE_OPTIONS << :singular_resource
class Resource
def member_scope
#options[:singular_resource] ? "#{singular}/:id" : "#{path}/:id"
def nested_scope
#options[:singular_resource] ? "#{singular}/:#{singular}_id" : "#{path}/:#{singular}_id"
Then when specifying a new resource route:
resources :applications, :singular_resource => true
Which will generate the routes:
GET /applications
GET /applications/new
POST /applications
GET /application/:id
GET /application/:id/edit
PUT /application/:id
DELETE /application/:id
