Get URL and parameters with SSI - url

I have to get URL and parameters with SSI (only with SSI), but I can't find any solution.
For example:
And I have to get value of parameter "data".

<!-- set default value for SSI variable "data" -->
<!--#set var="data" value="" -->
<!-- get "data" value from URL -->
<!--#if expr="$QUERY_STRING = /data=([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/" -->
<!--#set var="data" value="$1" -->
<!--#endif -->
<!-- print the "data" value -->
<!--#echo var="data" -->

old question I know, but I just came across it while doing some SSI stuff myself. I'm sure you've fixed your problem by now, but if this doesn't help you, perhaps it will someone else. I'm assuming the server is Apache. (If not, then I guess this isn't going to work!)
First the disclaimer! I'm by no means an apache, sed, or regex master, so I'm sure what follows can be improved, but it may be a start. It just prints the page relative to the base of the site and the parameter of the data query.
<!--#echo var="DOCUMENT_URI" -->
<!--#exec cmd="echo '$QUERY_STRING' | sed -n 's/\([^&]*&\)*data=\([^&]*\).*/\2/p'" -->
I found a list of apache environment variables here:, and to find out what you can do with this stuff once you've retrieved it look here:
Edited to make it print nothing rather than the whole string when no data attribute is found.


How do I query (via url) the solr.admin.LukeRequestHandler to get collection index data

I want to use the luke handler as suggested in Solr schema, how to get dynamic fields in a collection, which is http://solr:8983/solr/admin/luke?numTerms=0
but the 4.10.3 solrconfig.xml has the following entry which indicates luke has been rolled into /admin/ and I should be able to use the http://localhost:8983/solr/admin path, which give me a 404 error.
<requestHandler name="/admin/"
class="solr.admin.AdminHandlers" />
<!-- This single handler is equivalent to the following... -->
<requestHandler name="/admin/luke" class="solr.admin.LukeRequestHandler" />
<requestHandler name="/admin/system" class="solr.admin.SystemInfoHandler" />
<requestHandler name="/admin/plugins" class="solr.admin.PluginInfoHandler" />
<requestHandler name="/admin/threads" class="solr.admin.ThreadDumpHandler" />
<requestHandler name="/admin/properties" class="solr.admin.PropertiesRequestHandler" />
<requestHandler name="/admin/file" class="solr.admin.ShowFileRequestHandler" >
When I look for LukeRequestHandler documentation I find which expects I am building a java app, which I am not.
I attempt to use several methods found there in a url, all of which 404.
In addition to "how do I query the luke handler to get index data",
"is this the correct documentation for what I am trying to figure out?".
Any help in understanding how (these) java docs relate to me trying to understand how Solr works from url would be greatly appreciated.
I spent some days scratching my head with the same issue. Apparently, you need to include the name of your core into every request.
Testing with the "gettingstarted" core:
http://localhost:8983/solr/admin/luke/ gives 404.
http://localhost:8983/solr/gettingstarted/admin/luke/ gives an XML with the information of the index.
Check if this solves your problem.

Is it possible to rewrite url using ColdFusion?

I have got a requirement for generating user friendly urls.I am on IIS.
My dynamic URLs looks like,
Client wants the urls should look like
I know this can be easily done using IIS URL rewiter 2.0.
But the Client wants to do it using ColdFusion only. Basic idea he given like,
User will hit the url
I need to fetch the article id using the article_title in the url.
Using the ID to call the article.cfm page and load the output into cfsavecontent and then deliver that output to the browser.
But I do not think its possible at application server level. How IIS will understand our user friendly urls . OR am I missing something important? Is it possible to do it using ColdFusion at application server level?
First, I hate to recommend reinventing the wheel. Webservers do this and do this well.
Cold Fusion can do something like this with #cgi.path_info#. You can jump through some hoops as Adam Tuttle explains here: Can I have 'friendly' url's without a URL rewriter in IIS?.
Option #2: My Favorite: OnMissingTemplate..
Only available to users of Application.cfc (I'm pretty sure .cfm has no counterpart to onMissingTemplate).
You can use this function within application.cfc and all affected pages will throw any "missing" urls at this event. You can then place
<cffunction name="onMissingTemplate">
<cfargument name="targetPage" type="string" required=true/>
<!--- Use a try block to catch errors. --->
<cfset local.pagename = listlast(cgi.script_name,"/")>
<cfswitch expression="#listfirst(cgi.script_name,"/")#">
<cfcase value="blog">
<cfinclude template="mt_blog.cfm">
<cfreturn true />
<cfreturn false />
<!--- If no match, return false to pass back to default handler. --->
<!--- Do some error logging here --->
<cfreturn false />
mt_blog.cfm can have contents like, if your url is say just like /blog/How-to-train-your-flea-circus.cfm
<!--- get everything after the slash and before the dot --->
<cfset pagename = listfirst(listlast(cgi.script_name,"/"),".")>
<!--- you may probably cache queries blog posts --->
<cfquery name="getblogpost">
select bBody,bTitle,bID
from Blog
where urlname = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#pagename#">
<!--- This assumes you will have a field, ex: urlname, that has a url-friendly format to match
to. The trouble is that titles are generically, in most blogs, changing every special char
to - or _, so it's difficult to change them back for this sort of comparison, so an add'l
db field is probably best. It also makes it a little easier to make sure no two blogs have
identical (after url-safe-conversion) titles. --->
Or if you use a url like /blog/173_How-to-train-your-flea-circus.cfm (where 173 is a post ID)
<!--- get everything after the slash and before the dot --->
<cfset pageID = listfirst(listlast(cgi.script_name,"/"),"_")>
<!--- you may probably cache queries blog posts --->
<cfquery name="getblogpost">
select bBody,bTitle,bID
from Blog
where bID = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#pageID#">
I don't recommend using a missing file handler (or CF's onMissingTemplate). Otherwise IIS will return a 404 status code and your page will not be indexed by search engines.
What you need to do is identify a unique prefix pattern you want to use and create a web.config rewrite rule. Example: I sometimes use "/detail_"+id for product detail pages.
You don't need to retain a physical "/blog" sub-directory if you don't want to. Add the following rewrite rule to the web.config file in the web root to accept anything after /blog/ in the URL and interpret it as /?blogtitle=[everythingAfterBlog]. (I've added an additional clause in case you want to continue to support /blog/article.cfm links.)
<rule name="Blog" patternSyntax="ECMAScript" stopProcessing="true">
<match url="blog/(.*)$" ignoreCase="true" />
<conditions logicalGrouping="MatchAll" trackAllCaptures="false">
<add input="{SCRIPT_FILENAME}" matchType="IsFile" negate="true" />
<add input="{PATH_INFO}" pattern="^.*(blog/article.cfm).*$" negate="true" />
<action type="Rewrite" url="/?blogtitle={R:1}" appendQueryString="true" />
I recommend using a "301 Redirect" to the new SEO-friendly URL. I also advise using dashes (-) between word fragments and ensure that the character case is consistent (ie, lowercase) or you could get penalized for "duplicate content".
To add to what cfqueryparam suggested, this post on Using ColdFusion to Handle 404 errors shows how to replace the web server's 404 handler with a CFM script - giving you full rewrite capabilities. It is for an older version of IIS, but you should be able to find the proper settings in the IIS version you are using.
As Adam and other's have said (and the same point is made in the post) this is not something you should do if you can avoid it. Web servers working at the HTTP level are much better equipped to do this efficiently. When you rely on CF to do it you are intentionally catching errors that are thrown in order to get the behavior you want. That's expensive and unnecessary. Typically the issue with most clients or stakeholders is a simple lack of understanding or familiarity with technology like url rewriting. See if you can bend them a little. Good luck! :)

how to extract the value of a parameter within a parameter and then print in ant

I want to write a code in such a way that I will remove platform from first 3 lines and then take only the platform name and I will suffix that with installer-zip.${platform_name}.
Now if the selected item is win-x86 then printing installer-zip.${platform_name} should give me E:\abc.jar. I tried ${installer-zip.${platform_name}} and many other things but they are not working
You cannot do this with regular ant, but you can do this with ant-contrib.
In particular, there is a contrib task property-regex.
So something like:
<propertyregex property="$newProperty"
casesensitive="false" />
EDIT: and then...
<property name=desiredProperty value="installer-zip.${newProperty}" />
That should give you enough to work out the exact solution you're looking for...

additional parameters in magento's customer.xml layout file

i'm trying to add some explanatory text to the top customer links (my account, my cart etc) via the customer.xml file from the blank theme (this is in Magento
i think that magento has the capability out of the box by issuing afterText or beforeText parameters, but when i use them it only seems to shove things before the link (not after, which is what I'm after).
here's an extract from customer.xml that includes the additional < afterText > parameter:
<!-- Mage_Customer -->
<reference name="top.links">
<action method="addLink" translate="label title" module="customer"><label>Your Account</label><url helper="customer/getAccountUrl"/><title>Your Account</title><prepare/><urlParams/><position>10</position><null /><aParams>rel="nofollow"</aParams><afterText>click to login</afterText></action>
has anyone had any luck with this before? does it need some additional arguments for liParams?
thanks in advance!
EDIT: here's the final code that seems to be working for me. Note the addition of the extra fields as suggested by
thanks for this, it helped a lot. both you and #Zyava answer below helped me sort it out.
There's one field missing from your suggestion above (the innerText field). I've put the full code below that looks to be working for me. hope it helps someone else!
<action method="addLink" translate="label title" module="customer">
<label>Your Account</label>
<url helper="customer/getAccountUrl"/>
<title>Your Account</title>
big thank you to #clockworkgeek and #zyava - both of your answers helped me get through this.
Unfortunately the XML tag names don't relate to the variable parameters, it is the number of parameters that matters. You need to specify all parameters up to afterText including beforeText.
<action method="addLink" translate="label title" module="customer">
<label>Your Account</label>
<url helper="customer/getAccountUrl"/>
<title>Your Account</title>
<afterText>click to login</afterText>
Block 'top.links' has type Mage_Page_Block_Template_Links. Look at Mage_Page_Block_Template_Links::addLink() method:
public function addLink($label, $url='', $title='', $prepare=false, $urlParams=array(),
$position=null, $liParams=null, $aParams=null, $beforeText='', $afterText='')
As we can see, $afterText parameter exists here. Now go to your theme's page/template/links.phtml, in my case it is \app\design\frontend\base\default\template\page\template\links.phtml and check that something like <?php echo $_link->getAfterText() ?> is present there.

Ant propertyfile replacing value issue

I'm trying to change values in my file and I'm running into issues with an extra "\" character when trying to substitute url addresses. It doesn't happen when I'm replacing regular text.
Here's the section of the properties file I'm attempting to modify:
# Web Info
Here's the section of my script that's not working correctly:
<propertyfile file="">
<entry key="web.url" operation="=" value="${webaddress}" />
<entry key="web.user" operation="=" value="${username}" />
What happens is that the web.user is replaced just fine but the address comes out looking like so:
# Web Info
I can't account for the backslash, if I echo the ${webaddress} variable it doesn't have it. Any idea as to what may be going on?
Check out the "store" method of the Properties object. The javadoc specifically states:
The key and element characters #, !,
=, and : are written with a preceding backslash to ensure that they are
properly loaded.
