How to reference a grails GSP model variable indirectly e.g. via .get(...) - grails

I'm using a GSP for sending out emails based on the MailService plug-in. The sendMail closure passes (amongst others) body(view:..., model:myModel)
I know that I can access every item of the myModel Map just using ${itemName} in the GSP. However as I sometimes want to build the item name dynamically like 'item'+i, I need to have some surrounding method to access the variable.
I already tried ${model.get('item'+i), and ${params.get('item'+i), but model is null and params is an empty Map. I also tried pageScope, but though I can access an item via ${pageScope.itemName, I can not use ${pageScope.get('item'+i)} because pageScope is not a Map.
Probably there are multiple solutions to solve this; I'd be glad about an easy one ;-). One solution I see is to pass myModel as the only parameter and then always use myModel.get(...), however this would mean that I had to change all my existing GSPs to always refer to myModel instead of accessing items (with fixed names) directly; so if there's a way where I don't have to change the model passed to the GSP, this would be my favorite.
If someone could also say a few words about the difference of model and params in this context, this would be additionally helpful!

I've managed it now using ${pageScope.getProperty(...)}.

There's no 'model' scope or variable. Instead objects in the model map are set as Request attributes to make them available to the GSP. This is a Spring feature which makes it easy to access variables in JSPs using JSTL and since the GSP syntax is very similar to JSTL it works the same way in Grails.
So you can use this:
to access model variables using dynamic names.

You can use ${fieldValue(bean: book, field: 'title')}


How to force one method on Razor ambiguous reference?

On one MVC 4 project, we have a lot of Pages.cshtml that receive a collection of Models (generally hundreds of rows), which we serialize as JSON via
The problem is that on some of those pages we are receiving an exception (The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxJsonLength).
We know what is the reason and how to fix it. The thing is that I would like to create a similar Json.Encode() method (using Json.Net), so we do not need to modify all the cshtml pages. If I create a Json.Encode() method, Razor complains about ambiguous reference between My.Namespace.Json and System.Web.Helpers.Json.
Again, we know how to solve this by adding an alias on the page:
#using Json = My.Alias.Json
What I'm trying to do is to transparently instruct Razor to choose this alias for all the cshtml pages that uses this Json.Encode. The reason is that I want this to be transparent, so later if somebody adds a new page, automatically he will start to use our custom JSON implementation.
I think on Views/Web.config you can add namespaces and some configurations for Razor, but I don't see how to explicitly set the aliases.
Interesting issue, but as far as I know that's not possible. See e.g. this: C#: Globally alias a generic class name?
As an alternative you could create a helper method Html.JsonEncode() and teach, drill or entice everyone to use that.
If you make it also do the Raw() call and return IHtmlString, then you can do #Html.JsonEncode(Model) as opposed to #Html.Raw(Html.JsonEncode(Model)) and before you know it everybody is a fan of your new method.

grails control list method appearance

Given the grails dynamic method list() on a domain class, how does one control the appearance of the list elements, but NOT using the toString() method. I.e. in one case I need the list returned to look one way (in my g:select), and in another case, I need it to look another way, from the same domain class, as it is using different fields.
It looks like one can also do a closure in the optionValue part of g:select, e.g.
<g:select optionKey="id" optionValue="${{it.title?.toUpperCase()}}" name="book.title" from="${bookList}" />
I missed this before.
Pass a list of DTOs to your GSP instead of a list of your domain objects. Format the DTOs however you need them to be.

How to reference a grails map instance in a GSP using a variable

I'm passing a map named grossScores into a GSP and need to reference individual instances of the map using another variable in the GSP. For example,
grossScore.Bob = 5
The posting How to reference a grails GSP model variable indirectly e.g. via .get(...) is helpful but I still couldn't get there.
I've tried:
Any suggestions?
assuming the name of the map is grossScores, as in your question.
You misplaced the $-symbol in your first try. It is also possible to reference the value like:
Note, however, that this solution will create problems, if you use this construct within an attribute of a grails tag, e.g.:
<g:set var="playerScores" value="${grossScore."${player}"}" />
Will NOT work, and playerScores will NOT be set. However there is NO syntax error displayed at all, the attribute is just ignored. This can lead to a lot of confusion. If you want to use this kind of writing, then you need to use different quotes:
<g:set var="playerScores" value='${grossScore."${player}"}' />

Creating a 'configuration settings' object, persisted to the db, that you can create properties for

Since Rails is using Ruby (dynamic language), would it be possible to create a very flexible
'configuration' class that has properties that you use throughout the website, AND have the ability to add new class properties (in the db for web modification) and then just use it in the code.
Each property would be of a specific type like a string, integer, bool etc.
You can't do this in a strongly typed language, but it must be possible with Ruby!
So say my class is like:
I guess to make this work, I would loop through all the properties in the db, create properties in the class and assign the value right?
I actually have a settings plugin on GitHub you can use:
It makes this easier for you. Right now it's not rails3-ready, so let me know if you need that. I also need to put in the time to roll it into a gem, instead of a plugin.
If you end up using it, let me know and I'll get it up to date. Otherwise, you can look at the code to see how I did things, and use that to help build your own custom solution.

ACL on field level in Grails

in our new software project, we have the following requirement: A webpage shall show a set of data. This data shall be editable by some users (assigned to roles, i.e. manager), and only viewable by others. The tricky part is described by an example:
A User-page consists of address data and account information. The addess data shall be editable by the user and the manager and viewable by all users, while account information shall only be viewable by the actual user and the manager.
I have read a lot of information about SpringSecurity. It provides a very good framework to gran permissions on urls and methods and even domain classes. But what I need is field level ACLs. At least, that's what I think at the moment.
So, the question is: How to solve this problem using Grails?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Regards Daniel
Spring Security (Acegi Plugin) is definitely the way to go with Grails.
There is a taglib you can use that will allow a page to be different for different roles such as the following:
<g:ifUserHasRole roles="ROLE_ADMIN">
html code for extra fields
Me, I'd encode it on the domain class, emulating the way GORM has you annotate the domain classes (static access = [field1: "ROLE_USER", field2: "ROLE_ADMIN,ROLE_USER"] as an example). Then build a method your controller could use to redact them for a given user. That method could use the domain class's annotations to decide how to redact it. Then, metaprogram it onto each of the domain classes the way plugins do.
Similarly, write the opposite method to restrict data bindings of params into the domain class, write your own data binding utility method, then metaprogram it onto each domain class as well.
Then you can just use instance.redact(user) or instance.bindData(params, user) to do what you want, and it's practically declarative syntax.
We have a similar situation and use both the ifUserHasRole tag in the gsp to drive the appropriate presentation and the we have a filter that enforces the rules based on the action being called. For example, on user controller we would only allow the management roles to call save action, or if the is the same as the This seemed to be the best option for our situation.
What about creating an ACL class like this:
class ACL(val entry: Entry*) {
def isAccessAllowed(subject: String, permission: String): Boolean = ...
class Entry(val subject: String, val permission: String*)
new ACL(
new Entry("dave", "read", "write"),
new Entry("linda", "read")
(This example is in Scala, because I found it more expressive in this case, but it should be easy to transfer it to Groovy.)
You would then connect an ACL object with the object to be protected.
