Where should I put code to execute once after my Delphi app has finished initialising? - delphi

I have functions I want to perform after my app has finished initialising and the main form has been created. I did have the code (call it ProcedureX) in the forms OnShow event, but I have just noticed that it is being called twice, because OnShow is firing twice. It fires when the main program DPR calls:
Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm) ;
as I would expect. But after that, when I read stuff from an INI file that includes the forms on-screen position, I have a call:
MainForm.position := poScreenCenter ;
This, it would appear fires the OnShow event again.
Where can I put my call to ProcedureX, which must only be called once, and which needs the main form to be created before it can execute?

If your code only needs to run once per form creation (or per application and the form is only created once per application run), put the code in the form's OnCreate handler. It is the natural place for it to go.
Nowadays (since D3 I think) the OnCreate fires at the end of the construction process in the AfterConstruction method. Only if you were to set OldCreateOrder to True (and it is False by default), might you get in trouble as that makes the OnCreate fire at the end of the Create constructor.

The normal order of execution for a Form is :
AfterConstruction: when the form and it components are fully created with all their properties.
OnShow: whenever the Form is ready to show (and, yes, any change causing a CM_SHOWINGCHANGED can trigger an OnShow)
Activate: whenever the Form takes the Focus
So, depending on what you need in ProcedureX, AfterConstruction might be enough, and is executed only once; just override it and add ProcedureX after inherited. It'll be after OnCreate.
If it is not the case, you can post a custom message to your Form from AfterConstruction, it will be queued and will reach your custom handler after the other messages have been handled.
In both cases, you would not need a extra boolean Field.

There's really no need for the FRUNOnce field; simply do OnShow=NIL as the first line of your FormShow method.
FYI, The "run once" idiom -- setting the event handler field to NIL in the first line of the event handler -- is also terribly useful for getting some code up-and-running once a form has been completely initialized. Put your code in a FormActivate method and, as the first line of the method, set OnActivate=NIL.

You can test and set a flag once you call the procedure for the first time. Like so:
TForm1 = class(TForm)
procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
FRunOnce: Boolean;
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
if not FRunOnce then begin
FRunOnce := True;

You can add a procedure in your DPR file, after Application.CreateForm.
Put all code you need to initialize in that procedure.
Works best when you have multiple forms in your app.
Also if the initialization takes a lot, it let's the program to display the forms on the screen so the user will know that the app is loading.
PROGRAM MyProgram;
Application.CreateForm(TMyForm, MyForm);
LateInitialize; <----------- here

I'm going to propose a bit different approach to this answer by Server Overflow. We will achieve almost exactly same effect, but without any edit inside the DPR file (main project source file). We will get there by using a class helper in the unit of our main form:
{ TAppHelper }
= Class helper for TApplication
Public Procedure Run;
Procedure TAppHelper.Run;
inherited Run;
Notice, the Unit1.MainForm.PreRun is some method in your main form, with only one caveat: if your main form is called "MainForm", then you need to prefix it with your unit's name inside the helper's method, because the TApplication class already has a member called MainForm. Incidentally, if you do leave out the prefix, this might still work, given that your Unit1.MainForm is indeed application's main form as well.
The reason why this works, is because the Unit1 is on the uses list of the DPR project, and as long as the TAppHelper is defined in the interface section (not in the implementation section), it will get loaded and by the time the Application.Run method is called in the DPR file, this will already be the helper version of it.
The beauty of this is, that it will run exactly one time, and exactly after all the forms are already created, after all their constructors have already been executed. And the fact that we're effectively customizing the Application.Run call in the DPR file, without editting the DPR file, is kind of ingenious. Again, class helpers in delphi/lazarus !
I will share one more neat trick, first take a look:
Procedure TAppHelper.Run;
TThread.Synchronize(nil, procedure begin Unit1.MainForm.PreRun; end);
inherited Run;
This is a trick I use whenever I want the code to execute with a small delay. Why? Because if your code runs before the inherited Run method, it might (depending what happens inside of that code) hang the UI momentarily, but just long enough for the form to flicker and appear not responsive during its startup. Also, we can't simply put the code behind the inherited Run method, because that won't get executed until the application gets terminated. So instead I use TTask from the System.Threading unit. The sleep(10) is probably an overkill, sleep(1) would most likely do the job, possibly even no sleep at all would work, but I do some complex initialization there, so I keep the delay generous. Bonus: if you don't update UI from your PreRun custom method, then you don't even need TThread.Synchronize wrapper, and it becomes even simpler. In case of FPC/Lazarus you can achieve the same by using TApplication.QueueAsyncCall() instead of TTask class.
I really think it's a neat trick, because I can code it entirely outside of the DPR file, in the unit of the form which defines the PreRun method, and it's guaranteed after ALL Forms are already created, not just the one where I implement my PreRun method. Also, if the class helper is in the unit of the form, instead elsewhere, then the PreRun doesn't even need to be public, it will work with protected or even private method as well! This is great for keeping this little logic away from any other part of the code.

Your code won't work either if you want it to run for every unhide event (you haven't put in any code to reset the frunonce field).
So your method would need to reset frunonce field, and mine would need to set OnShow=FormShow. Same difference, except that you need an additional field.


Delphi TForm constructor

I have already found something on stackoverflow but it doesn't really solve my doubt. I know that the correct way to create an object is, after the creation, surround the code in a try-finally block. But what about:
procedure TForm3.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
a := TClassX.Create;
And then call:
procedure TForm3.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
Where a: TClassX; is a public declaration inside TForm3 class. Should I create the constructor and the destructor for the form, or I can use the code above? Is it safe?
The try/finally is there, or at least something equivalent. It just exists outside your code, higher up the call stack. Something like:
Form1 := TForm1.Create(nil);
// do stuff
Your OnCreate and OnDestroy handlers are called from the constructor and destructor, respectively, and so are protected.
So long as everybody plays by the rules nothing leaks. And the rules here are that objects created in the constructor and to be destroyed in the destructor. Whoever actually creates the object is responsible to ensure that it is destroyed no matter what. But that's the task of the consumer of your class rather than you.
I had some issues with this events some time ago so I would not recommend to use OnCreate/OnDestroy events in your application. Here are just some cases I remember:
VCL by default handles exception from OnCreate/OnDestroy events. Actually if a:=TClassX.Create; will generate an exception, it will be shown by application exception handler but the form will be created successfully keeping "a" variable equals to nil. This may lead to Access Violations if you try to access this variable later.
Depending on OldCreateOrder these events may be called either from constructor/destructor or from AfterConstruction/BeforeDestruction methods. It may also lead to Access Violations if you occasionally change OldCreateOrder in form descendants
And even more, it looks strange for me when you are using events instead of virtual functions. In most cases events are used to delegate the functionality to another objects (for example you assign a form's method to a button's OnClick event).

How to verify if application has done createForm statement?

In DPR file:
Application.CreateForm(TMain, Main);
Application.CreateForm(TCommStatus, CommStatus);
But I get an error if I want to use CommStatus in Main, because it was not instanced yet. Then inside TMain I tried:
procedure TMainWindow.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
Application.CreateForm(TCommStatus, CommStatus);
I was trying to have my LOG window to be positioned and sized according to my MainWindow position and width. But as my LOG window is created after Main Window, I can't really call it in OnCreate(), even because there is no correct positioning data in OnCreate().
Don't use Application.CreateForm to create the CommStatus form at all. Create it yourself in your MainWindow.OnCreate:
proccedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
CommStatus := TCommStatus.Create(Self);
Don't forget to remove CommStatus from the auto-create forms list (in Project->Options->Forms).
I need to know if CommStatus is Assigned before execute CreateForm.
You answered your own question - use Assigned(), eg:
..., CommStatusFormUnit;
if not Assigned(CommStatus) then
Application.CreateForm(TCommStatus, CommStatus);
..., CommStatusFormUnit;
if not Assigned(CommStatus) then
CommStatus := TCommStatus.Create(Application);
Global variables, like the CommStatus variable in the CommStatusFormUnit unit, are zero-initialized at program startup, thus Assinged() will return False until the form is actually created, as long as you assign the new Form instance to the global variable (as the examples above do).
But CommStatus identifier does not exists until it. So I can't use Assigned(CommStatus).
Yes, it does exist, and yes, you can use Assigned(CommStatus). If you are having errors with it, then you are not using it correctly.
Expand(Self) should use Main position information to put CommStatus beside Main in the same left position, but it doesn't.
Then you are not handling the positioning logic correctly.
Another option is to create CommStatus first in your DPR. But without using Application.CreateFom (which would then incorrectly make CommStatus you main form).
This way you'll know it has definitely been created, and not have to worry.
CommStatus := TCommStatus.Create(Application);
Application.CreateForm(TMain, Main);
However, that fact that you're trying to Expand CommStatus in the OnShow of your main form seems a little dubious to me. You've created a hidden dependency between the two forms, which is exactly one of the reasons globals are frowned upon.
One option to clean that up would be as follows:
CommStatus := TCommStatus.Create(Application);
Application.CreateForm(TMain, Main);
This way the relationship between the two is explicit and less error-prone.

Using another forms event procedure

Is there any way to allow one form to use the event procedures from another form?
E.g. I have a form called PongForm and another called ObstPongForm. There is a ticker on PongForm and another one on ObstPongForm. Is it possible to get ObstPongForm to use the code from PongForm's 'tick' event in it's own 'tick' event? Maybe by letting ObstPongForm inherit from PongForm?
You can simply assign it by code (as long as you have access to both instances):
ObstPongForm.Ticker.OnTick := PongForm.TickerTick;
Yes, forms are just classes like any other, and Delphi supports visual inheritance, so you can call inherited methods normally.
If ObstPongForm is a specialized version of PongForm then inheritance makes sense, but be careful as ObstPongForm will inherit all visual controls from the PongForm, including whatever you may add in the future.
Also since I assume you already have both forms, making one inherit from another is doable but requires some manual DFM editing, mainly changing the
Object ObstPongForm: TObstPongForm
Inherited ObstPongForm: TObstPongForm
If the code you want to reuse may be needed in several unrelated forms, then moving the code to a common unit used by these forms may be the best solution
It would be better style to have both of the forms call another class that implements the logic used by both. If you're writing all your program logic in your OnTimer event handler, you're heading down a bad road that many delphi programmers take years to realize was a bad idea
So one form needs to call your method, it does it like this:
procedure TForm1.DoSomething;
Elsewhere there is a timer...
procedure TForm2.Timer1Timer(Sender:TObject);
And then the method itself:
procedure TDataModule1.LogicMethod;
// Everything that you used to have in Timer1Timer goes here, except the setting of
// UI properties in Form1 which is kept in Form1:
Inc(FCounter);// stupid example.
if Assigned(FOnResults) then
FOnResults(Self, FCounter, FDataObject1);
// Form2 is connected to FOnResults event, and stores the
// result in the UI somewhere.
Event handlers are just normal procedures. If your ObstPongForm tick handler has additional code that it needs to run in addition to the PongForm's code, then you can call the PongForm's tick handler manually when needed, eg:
..., PongForm;
procedure ObstPongForm.TickHandler(Sender: TObject);

How do I avoid to call Application.CreateForm twice?

I stumbled on this page Why shouldn’t I call Application.CreateForm.
Now I have some code like this:
SplashForm := TSplashForm.Create(Application);
SplashForm.Update; // force update
Application.CreateForm(TClientData, ClientData);
SplashForm.Update; // force update
Application.CreateForm(TClientMainForm, ClientMainForm);
Application.ShowHint := True;
ClientMainForm.ServerConnected := false;
First a splashform is created, then a datamodule and last the main form. The page says that Application.CreateForm should not be called twice. Should the code above be changed?
There is nothing wrong with using Application.CreateForm multiple times. But this introduces global variables for each form which can be a code smell.
Unfortunately the IDE creates one for each form. Although you can remove them if you like.
A better way is to create a form when you need it and release it when you are ready with it. So you only use Application.CreateForm for the main form.
A main datamodule can be created by the main form. But it can be global too, just a matter of taste.
So to answer the question, you can avoid Application.CreateForm by creating and releasing the forms locally.
The article mentions the side effect of Application.CreateForm (the first completed form is the main form).
So there can be unexpected side effects if the main form creates other forms using Application.CreateForm.
So just to avoid any nastyness, you should limit yoursef to a single call. Which is done using only one global form.
If TClientData is a Data Module and TClientMainForm is a form, then no (except perhaps the two FreeAndNil calls at the end - not really needed). But take care. Because as it says Rob Kennedy in his post, the Application.CreateForm does other things behind (it sets the MainForm variable), so I would advise to set up your project file according to the following rules:
Create all the forms which you want to create at startup using a single call to Application.CreateForm - usually this is done by the IDE.
Remove from the project file the forms which you want to create dynamically (on-demand) in your program. (In Project | Options | Forms...) - move them from 'Auto-Create Forms' to 'Available Forms'
Create your forms in your code using TmyForm.Create(Owner) (etc.) and not with Application.CreateForm(...). As an aside, if you are sure that you will free the form, then it is better (in order to speed the things up) to call TmyForm.Create(nil) - iow without any owner.
If you want to do some kind of initialization at startup you can have a procedure / method in the project file tied to a form / data module already created and run it before application run.
For example:
Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
Application.CreateForm(TdmoMain, dmoMain); //<--this is a data module
Application.CreateForm(TfrmMain, frmMain); //<--this will became the main form
Application.CreateForm(TfrmAbout, frmAbout);
//... other forms created here...
frmMain.InitEngine; //<--initialization code. You can put somewhere else, according with your app architecture
In this way you will have the project file clean and you will know exactly which is which.
When I wrote that article, I was thinking primarily of code outside the DPR file. People see the form-creation code generated by the IDE in the DPR file and think that's the best way to create forms generally, so they use that elsewhere in their programs. They sometimes use it in the main form's OnCreate event handler to create other forms their program needs, and then they hit problems because the program's main form isn't what they think it is.
In the code you provided, it's easy to call CreateForm just once. Use it for the main form, and for nothing else. The data module isn't a main form, so you don't need CreateForm's magic there.
SplashForm := TSplashForm.Create(Application);
SplashForm.Update; // force update
// Change to this.
ClientData := TClientData.Create(Application);
SplashForm.Update; // force update
Application.CreateForm(TClientMainForm, ClientMainForm);
Application.ShowHint := True;
ClientMainForm.ServerConnected := false;
// Remove these.
You really shouldn't free the objects you've created here because you don't own them. They're owned by the global Application object, so let it take care of freeing them: Remove the two calls to FreeAndNil.
The article you refer to is incorrect. There are a number of valid reasons why you would want multiple calls to Application.CreateForm
1) Datamodules: You probably want these available all of the time. Best way to do this is Application.CreateForm. I know of applications with several themed Datamodules e.g. Customer, Invoice, Address to handle different areas of the database & encapsulate the functionality neatly. All of these are created in the .dpr
2) Big, slow loading stuff (which is a bad idea in & of itself but these things happen and are often inherited by support programmers...). Move the load time into the application startup exactly like your example code along with the splash screen updating. The users expect applications to take a while to get going thanks to the stirling efforts of our collegues working on Microsoft Office to lower the bar of expectations for the rest of us :)
So, in summary, don't worry your code is fine - but you can lose the "FreeAndNil" stuff. However small quick hitting Dialog type stuff is best invoked by:
with TMyform.Create(nil) do
case ShowModal of
// Whatever return values you care about (if any)
Short, sweet, to the point & minimises memory usage...

Cancel / abort creating a new form in Delphi / C++Builder?

Is there any way to cancel or abort form creation from within the form's OnCreate event handler or C++Builder constructor?
Basically, I'd like to be able to call Close() from OnCreate or from the constructor and have it skip showing the form altogether. I have several forms that as part of their initialization may determine that they shouldn't be shown at all. (I realize that I could split apart this portion of the initialization or add extra checks from the calling form or similar, but if there's a way to cleanly do all of this from within OnCreate or the constructor, that seems simplest.)
Edit: In response to a few comments, some of the don't-show-at-all logic is UI logic and not business logic; the form might display a confirmation before showing, or it might use a common dialog box to get input for the form then abort if the user cancels that dialog. (Some of it is business logic and needs to be refactored, but it's often hard to find the time to refactor everything that needs it.)
You can always call Release in the OnCreate handler, but that will lead to the form quickly appearing and then being closed. Not a very professional thing.
So here's another idea. Let the forms have a public function or property to return whether they are in fact to be shown. Then where you would usually have
TheForm := TSomeForm.Create(Self);
you would have
TheForm := TSomeForm.Create(Self);
if TheForm.ShouldAppear then
Having said that - any other way of coding this (so you don't create a form that will be immediately destroyed) is surely better. Especially if you want to maintain a clear separation between UI and business layer it would be much better to have the code that decides whether the form is to be shown outside of the form. Create the form only after you have made the decision.
I would think it is much better to not even have to create the form in the first place. IF you're performing some logic which determines that the form is not even necessary, and that logic contains state which is important to the form, then re-factor the logic into a separate object (or even a data module) and pass the object to the form as a property. Here is a simple example (using the object approach):
TOFormTests = class
fStateData : string;
function IsForm1Needed( someparam : string) : boolean;
property StateData : string read fStateData write fStateData;
TForm1 = class(tForm)
procedure SetFormTests(value : tOFormTests);
property FormTests : TOFormTests read fFormTests write SetFormTests;
procedure SetFormTest(Value:TOFOrmTests);
fFormTests := Value;
// perform gui setup logic here.
then someplace in your code, where you are wanting to determine if you should show your gui or not use something like the following:
Tests : TOFormTests;
tests := tOFormTests.create;
if Tests.IsForm1Needed('state data goes here') then
Form1 := tForm1.create(nil);
Form1.FormTests := Tests;
if Form1.ShowModal = mrOk then
// handle any save state logic here.
This also assumes that the form is NOT in the auto-create list and needs to be shown modal.
Use Abort in the constructor. It raises a silent exception. If an object has an exception in the constructor, then the destructor is called and the memory released. The advantage of Abort is then you don't need to worry about an exception dialog being displayed if you don't add exception handling code.
Add a class function that returns an instance when needed. Then the method that determines if the form should be shown is still in that class, but it can determine if it is necessary before the form is actually constructed. Call it like "CreateIfNeeded" and it will work just like a constructor, but won't actually construct the form if it isn't needed. Minimal code changes, and maximum flexibility.
Just raise an exception in OnCreate.
You'll need also redefine behavior of HandleCreateException method (as default is to display an error message, and not to cancel creation).
I would override ShowModal
function TfHtmlEditor.ShowModal: Integer;
if TabControl1.Tabs.Count=0 then
Result := mrAbort
Result := inherited;
