How to investigate the calling convention of PE binary file in windows? - calling-convention

Is there a tool to show whether the calling convention is _cdecl or _stdcall or else?

Calling conventions are per function - not PE file.
Library functions. at least the ones provided by MS, are all _stdcall. Everything else is spread across other calling conventions, most of them being _cdecl.
You can read more here.
The short version:
cdecl functions don't clear it's argument from the stack, allowing variable sized arguments. Good example is printf() which can a different number of arguments.
stdcall functions clears arguments from the stack themselves. Hence variable sized arguments isn't possible.
Edit: added example
Example for cdecl from the link:
push c
push b
push a
call function_name
add esp, 12 ;Stack clearing, 3 arguments take 12 bytes of space (on 32bit)
So after function_name returns, the caller clears the arguments off the stack.


The differences between `lua_pushstring` and `lua_pushliteral`

As per the documentation(,
which says that:
This macro is equivalent to lua_pushstring, but should be used only when s is a literal string.
But I can't understand the explanation aforementioned at all.
As far as I can see, there is no difference from the the macro definition for lua_pushliteral:
#define lua_pushliteral(L, s) lua_pushstring(L, "" s)
The documentation for lua_pushliteral in Lua 5.4 is the same as 5.3, except it adds "(Lua may optimize this case.)". So while it is currently the same as calling lua_pushstring, the Lua devs are giving themselves the option to optimize it in the future.
EDIT: As an example, the doc for lua_pushstring says:
Lua will make or reuse an internal copy of the given string, so the memory at s can be freed or reused immediately after the function returns.
But a C string literal is read-only, so it's impossible for the C code to free or reuse the memory. Also, Lua strings are immutable. It's basically useless to copy one immutable object to another immutable object when you could just refer to the same memory from both places. That means one possible way to optimize lua_pushliteral would be to just not make the copy that lua_pushstring does.

Process memory space, how is a value returned from a function?

As execution of a function is completed, and instructions and local variables are removed from the stack, how is the return value stored in memory for the process' main program to use?
How parameters are passed in, and values returned from, an executed function is known as the Calling Convention.
Ignoring runtime environments (Java and .NET, I'm looking at you) and scripted languages (any of them) and concetrating purely on native code on x86, there's a lot of them. You may have come across them if you've ever heard the term cdecl or stdcall amongst others.
Typically return values will be returned in registers. The cdecl convention, for example, returns data either in EAX (for integers and pointers) or ST0 (for floating-point values).
But the calling convention defines more than just the return format. It also defines how arguments are passed on (stack, or register and left to right or right to left) and who is responsible for cleaning the stack up (i.e., the caller or the callee). cdecl for example is an example of a convetion where the caller must clean the stack up, whilst stdcall the callee keeps the stack tidy.
Other conventions include fastcall, pascal and syscall, amongst others. Wikipedia has a good breakdown on them all, as does Microsoft's MSDN notes. You may also want to look at the SO question "stdcall and cdecl" which goes into cdecl and stdcall in detail.
I think a right answer - "It depends".. in general it's called 'calling conventions'.
I think very good overview you can find here
Pay attention that this link is only x86 related, so for other architectures they can be completely different.

Negative array indexing and placement in memory (pointing)

In fortran you can declare an array with any suitable (integral) range, for example:
real* 8 array(-10:10)
I believe that fortran, when passing by reference, will always pass around array(1) as the reference, but I'm not sure.
I'm using fortran pointers, and I believe that fortran is pointing the "1st" element address, i.e. array(1), not array(-10). However I'm not sure.
How does Fortran deal with negative array indexing in memory? And is it implimentation defined?
Edit: To add a little more detail, I'm passing a malloc'd block from C to fortran by means of using a fortran pointer to point at the the address, which is done by calling a fortran routine from within C. I.e. C goes:
void * pointer = malloc(blockSize*sizeof(double));
And the fortran point routine looks like:
real*8 :: target block(5, -6:6, 0:0)
real*8 :: pointer array(:,:,:)
entry fortranPoint(block)
array => block
The problem is that sometimes when it later tries to access say:
array(1, -6, 0)
I am not sure if this is accessing the address at the beginning of the block or somewhere before it. I now think this is implementation defined, but would like to know the details of each implementation.
Fortran array argument ABI depends on the compiler, and perhaps more crucially, on whether the called procedure has an explicit or implicit interface.
For an implicit interface, typically the address of the first element is passed [1]. In the callee, the procedure then adds an offset depending on how the array dummy argument is declared. E.g. if the array dummy argument is declared somearray(-10:10), then a reference to somearray(x) is calculated as
address_of_first_element_passed_in_to_the_procedure + x + 10
If the procedure has an explicit interface, typically an array descriptor structure is passed rather than the address of the first element. In this structure, the callee can find information on the bounds of each dimension and, of course, a pointer to the actual data, allowing it to calculate the correct offset, similarly to the case of an implicit interface.
[1] Note that this is the first element in memory, that is, the lowest index for each dimension. Not somearray(1) regardless of how the array was declared.
To answer your updated question, for C/Fortran interoperability, use the ISO_C_BINDING feature which is nowadays widely available. This provides a standardized way to pass information between C and Fortran.
If the dummy argument for a regular array in Fortran is declared A(:) (or with more dimensions), the SHAPE is passed, not the specific index range. So the procedure will default to one-indexing. You can override this with a declaration in the procedure of A(-10:), or A(StartIndex:), where StartIndex is another argument.
Fortran pointers do include the index range, but the passing mechanism will be compiler dependent. Code interfacing this to C is likely to be OS & compiler dependent. As already suggested, I'd use a regular array and the ISO C Binding. It is MUCH easier than the old ways of figuring out the compiler passing mechanisms and standard and portable. If you have a large existing Fortran code, you could write a "glue" Fortran procedure that maps between the regular Fortran variable declarations and the ISO C Binding names. While they types will have formally different names, in practice they will be the same if you select the correct ISO C types. The ISO C Binding has been available for many years now -- can you upgrade the compiler on the problem target platform? If not, I'd use a regular Fortran array and either use zero-indexing on the C-side, or explicitly pass as arguments the desired indices.
There are examples of ISO C Binding usage on other Stack Overflow questions.
The interface to a procedure is explicit if it is declared so that it is known to the compiler in the caller. The simplest way it to place the procedures in a module and "use" the module in the caller. Having explicit interfaces helps avoid bugs since the compiler can check consistency between arguments of the caller and callee. It is a little bit like C header files, only easier.

Are there any optimisations for retrieving of return value in Delphi?

I'm trying to find an elegant way to access the fields of some objects in some other part of my program through the use of a record that stores a byte and accesses fields of another record through the use of functions with the same name as the record's fields.
TAilmentP = Record // actually a number but acts like a pointer
Ordinal: Byte;
function Name: String; inline;
function Description: String; inline;
class operator Implicit (const Number: Byte): TAilmentP; inline;
TSkill = Class
Name: String;
Power: Word;
Ailment: TAilmentP;
class operator TAilmentP.Implicit (const Number: Byte): TAilmentP;
Result.Ordinal := Number;
ShowMessage (IntToStr (Integer (#Result))); // for release builds
function StrToAilment (const S: String): TAilmentP; // inside same unit
var i: Byte;
for i := 0 to Length (Ailments) - 1 do
if Ailments [i].Name = S then
ShowMessage (IntToStr (Integer (#Result))); // for release builds
Result := i; // uses the Implicit operator
raise Exception.Create ('"' + S + '" is not a valid Ailment"');
Now, I was trying to make my life easier by overloading the conversion operator so that when I try to assign a byte to a TAilmentP object, it assigns that to the Ordinal field.
However, as I've checked, it seems that this attempt is actually costly in terms of performance since any call to the implicit "operator" will create a new TAilmentP object for the return value, do its business, and then return the value and make a byte-wise copy back into the object that called it, as the addresses differ.
My code calls this method quite a lot, to be honest, and it seems like this is slower than just assigning my value directly to the Ordinal field of my object.
Is there any way to make my program actually assign the value directly to my field through the use of ANY method/function? Even inlining doesn't seem to work. Is there a way to return a reference to a (record) variable, rather than an object itself?
Finally (and sorry for being off topic a bit), why is operator overloading done through static functions? Wouldn't making them instance methods make it faster since you can access object fields without dereferencing them? This would really come in handy here and other parts of my code.
[EDIT] This is the assembler code for the Implicit operator with all optimizations on and no debugging features (not even "Debug Information" for breakpoints).
add al, [eax] /* function entry */
push ecx
mov [esp], al /* copies Byte parameter to memory */
mov eax, [esp] /* copies stored Byte back to register; function exit */
pop edx
What's even funnier is that the next function has a mov eax, eax instruction at start-up. Now that looks really useful. :P Oh yeah, and my Implicit operator didn't get inlined either.
I'm pretty much convinced [esp] is the Result variable, as it has a different address than what I'm assigning to. With optimizations off, [esp] is replaced with [ebp-$01] (what I assigning to) and [ebp-$02] (the Byte parameter), one more instruction is added to move [ebp-$02] into AL (which then puts it in [ebp-$01]) and the redundant mov instruction is still there with [epb-$02].
Am I doing something wrong, or does Delphi not have return-value optimizations?
Return types — even records — that will fit in a register are returned via a register. It's only larger types that are internally transformed into "out" parameters that get passed to the function by reference.
The size of your record is 1. Making a copy of your record is just as fast as making a copy of an ordinary Byte.
The code you've added for observing the addresses of your Result variables is actually hurting the optimizer. If you don't ask for the address of the variable, then the compiler is not required to allocate any memory for it. The variable could exist only in a register. When you ask for the address, the compiler needs to allocate stack memory so that it has an address to give you.
Get rid of your "release mode" code and instead observe the compiler's work in the CPU window. You should be able to observe how your record exists primarily in registers. The Implicit operator might even compile down to a no-op since the input and output registers should both be EAX.
Whether operators are instance methods or static doesn't make much difference, especially not in terms of performance. Instance methods still receive a reference to the instance they're called on. It's just a matter of whether the reference has a name you choose or whether it's called Self and passed implicitly. Although you wouldn't have to write "Self." in front of your field accesses, the Self variable still needs to get dereferenced just like the parameters of a static operator method.
All I'll say about optimizations in other languages is that you should look up the term named return-value optimization, or its abbreviation NRVO. It's been covered on Stack Overflow before. It has nothing to do with inlining.
Delphi is supposed to optimize return assignment by using pointers. This is also true for C++ and other OOP compiled languages. I stopped writing Pascal before operator overloading was introduced, so my knowledge is a bit dated. What follows is what I would try:
What I'm thinking is this... can you create an object on the heap (use New) and pass a pointer back from your "Implicit" method? This should avoid unnecessary overhead, but will cause you to deal with the return value as a pointer. Overload your methods to deal with pointer types?
I'm not sure if you can do it this with the built-in operator overloading. Like I mentioned, overloading is something I wanted in Pascal for nearly a decade and never got to play with. I think it's worth a shot. You might need to accept that you'll must kill your dreams of elegant type casting.
There are some caveats with inlining. You probably already know that the hint is disabled (by default) for debug builds. You need to be in release mode to profile / benchmark or modify your build settings. If you haven't gone into release mode (or altered build settings) yet, it's likely that your inline hints are being ignored.
Be sure to use const to hint the compiler to optimize further. Even if it doesn't work for your case, it's a great practice to get into. Marking what should not change will prevent all kinds of disasters... and additionally give the compiler the opportunity to aggressively optimize.
Man, I wish I know if Delphi allowed cross-unit inlining by now, but I simply don't. Many C++ compilers only inline within the same source code file, unless you put the code in the header (headers have no correlate in Pascal). It's worth a search or two. Try to make inlined functions / methods local to their callers, if you can. It'll at least help compile time, if not more.
All out of ideas. Hopefully, this meandering helps.
Now that I think about it, maybe it's absolutely necessary to have the return value in a different memory space and copied back into the one being assigned to.
I'm thinking of the cases where the return value may need to be de-allocated, like for example calling a function that accepts a TAilmentP parameter with a Byte value... I don't think you can directly assign to the function's parameters since it hasn't been created yet, and fixing that would break the normal and established way of generating function calls in assembler (i.e.: trying to access a parameter's fields before it's created is a no-no, so you have to create that parameter before that, then assign to it what you have to assign OUTSIDE a constructor and then call the function in assembler).
This is especially true and obvious for the other operators (with which you could evaluate expressions and thus need to create temporary objects), just not so much this one since you'd think it's like the assignment operator in other languages (like in C++, which can be an instance member), but it's actually much more than that - it's a constructor as well.
For example
procedure ShowAilmentName (Ailment: TAilmentP);
ShowMessage (Ailment.Name);
ShowAilmentName (5);
Yes, the implicit operator can do that too, which is quite cool. :D
In this case, I'm thinking that 5, like any other Byte, would be converted into a TAilmentP (as in creating a new TAilmentP object based on that Byte) given the implicit operator, the object then being copied byte-wise into the Ailment parameter, then the function body is entered, does it's job and on return the temporary TAilmentP object obtained from conversion is destroyed.
This is even more obvious if Ailment would be const, since it would have to be a reference, and constant one too (no modifying after the function was called).
In C++, the assignment operator would have no business with function calls. Instead, one could've used a constructor for TAilmentP which accepts a Byte parameter. The same can be done in Delphi, and I suspect it would take precedence over the implicit operator, however what C++ doesn't support but Delphi does is to have down-conversion to primitive types (Byte, Integer, etc.) since the operators are overloaded using class operators. Thus, a procedure like "procedure ShowAilmentName (Number: Byte);" would never be able to accept a call like "ShowAilmentName (SomeAilment)" in C++, but in Delphi it can.
So, I guess this is a side-effect of the Implicit operator also being like a constructor, and this is necessary since records can not have prototypes (thus you could not convert both one way and the other between two records by just using constructors).
Anyone else think this might be the cause?

How does WriteLn() really work?

Since the age of the dinosaurs, Turbo Pascal and nowadays Delphi have a Write() and WriteLn() procedure that quietly do some neat stuff.
The number of parameters is variable;
Each variable can be of all sorts of types; you can supply integers, doubles, strings, booleans, and mix them all up in any order;
You can provide additional parameters for each argument:
Write('Hello':10,'World!':7); // alignment parameters
It even shows up in a special way in the code-completion drowdown:
Write ([var F:File]; P1; [...,PN] )
WriteLn ([var F:File]; [ P1; [...,PN]] )
Now that I was typing this I've noticed that Write and WriteLn don't have the same brackets in the code completion dropdown. Therefore it looks like this was not automatically generated, but it was hard-coded by someone.
Anyway, am I able to write procedures like these myself, or is all of this some magic hardcoded compiler trickery?
Writeln is what we call a compiler "magic" function. If you look in System.pas, you won't find a Writeln that is declared anything like what you would expect. The compiler literally breaks it all down into individual calls to various special runtime library functions.
In short, there is no way to implement your own version that does all the same things as the built-in writeln without modifying the compiler.
As the Allen said you can't write your own function that does all the same things.
You can, however, write a textfile driver that does something custom and when use standard Write(ln) to write to your textfile driver. We did that in ye old DOS days :)
("Driver" in the context of the previous statement is just a piece of Pascal code that is hooked into the system by switching a pointer in the System unit IIRC. Been a long time since I last used this trick.)
As far as I know, the pascal standards don't include variable arguments.
Having said that, IIRC, GNU Pascal let's you say something like:
Procecdure Foo(a: Integer; b: Integer; ...);
Try searching in your compiler's language docs for "Variable Argument Lists" or "conformant arrays". Here's an example of the later:
As the prev poster said, writeln() is magic. I think the problem has to do with how the stack is assembled in a pascal function, but it's been a real long time since I've thought about where things were on the stack :)
However, unless you're writing the "writeln" function (which is already written), you probably don't need to implement a procedure with a variable arguments. Try iteration or recursion instead :)
It is magic compiler behaviour rather than regular procedure. And no, there is no way to write such subroutines (unfortunately!). Code generation resolves count of actual parameters and their types and translates to appropriate RTL calls (eg. Str()) at compile time. This opposes frequently suggested array of const (single variant array formal parameter, actually) which leads to doing the same at runtime. I'm finding later approach clumsy, it impairs code readability somewhat, and Bugland (Borland/Inprise/Codegear/Embarcadero/name it) broke Code Insight for variant open array constructors (yes, i do care, i use OutputDebugString(PChar(Format('...', [...])))) and code completion does not work properly (or at all) there.
So, closest possible way to simulate magic behaviour is to declare lot of overloaded subroutines (really lot of them, one per specific formal parameter type in the specific position). One could call this a kludge too, but this is the only way to get flexibility of variable parameter list and can be hidden in the separate module.
PS: i left out format specifiers aside intentionally, because syntax doesn't allow to semicolons use where Str(), Write() and Writeln() are accepting them.
Yes, you can do it in Delphi and friends (e.g. free pascal, Kylix, etc.) but not in more "standard" pascals. Look up variant open array parameters, which are used with a syntax something like this:
procedure MyProc(args : array of const);
(it's been a few years and I don't have manuals hand, so check the details before proceeding). This gives you an open array of TVarData (or something like that) that you can extract RTTI from.
One note though: I don't think you'll be able to match the x:y formatting syntax (that is special), and will probably have to go with a slightly more verbose wrapper.
Most is already said, but I like to add a few things.
First you can use the Format function. It is great to convert almost any kind of variable to string and control its size. Although it has its flaws:
myvar := 1;
while myvar<10000 do begin
Memo.Lines.Add(Format('(%3d)', [myVar]));
myvar := myvar * 10;
( 1)
( 10)
So the size is the minimal size (just like the :x:y construction).
To get a minimal amount of variable arguments, you can work with default parameters and overloaded functions:
procedure WriteSome(const A1: string; const A2: string = ''; const A3: string = '');
procedure WriteSome(const A1: string); overload;
procedure WriteSome(const A1: Integer); overload;
You cannot write your own write/writeln in old Pascal. They are generated by the compiler, formatting, justification, etc. That's why some programmers like C language, even the flexible standard functions e.g. printf, scanf, can be implemented by any competent programmers.
You can even create an identical printf function for C if you are inclined to create something more performant than the one implemented by the C vendor. There's no magic trickery in them, your code just need to "walk" the variable arguments.
But as MarkusQ have pointed out, some variants of Pascal(Free Pascal, Kylix, etc) can facilitate variable arguments. I last tinker with Pascal, since DOS days, Turbo Pascal 7.
Writeln is not "array of const" based, but decomposed by the compiler into various calls that convert the arguments to string and then call the primitive writestring. The "LN" is just a function that writes the lineending as a string. (OS dependant). The procedure variables (function pointers) for the primitives are part of the file type (Textrec/filerec), which is why they can be customized. (e.g. AssignCrt in TP)
If {$I+} mode is on, after each element, a call to the iocheck function is made.
The GPC construct made above is afaik the boundless C open array. FPC (and afaik Delphi too) support this too, but with different syntax.
procedure somehting (a:array of const);cdecl;
will be converted to be ABI compatible to C, printf style. This means that the relevant function (somehting in this case) can't get the number of arguments, but must rely on formatstring parsing. So this is something different from array of const, which is safe.
Although not a direct answer to you question, I would like to add the following comment:
I have recently rewritten some code using Writeln(...) syntax into using a StringList, filling the 'lines' with Format(...) and just plain IntToStr(...), FloatToStr(...) functions and the like.
The main reason for this change was speed improvement. Using a StringList and SaveFileTo is much, much more quicker than the WriteLn, Write combination.
If you are writing a program which creates a lot of text files (I was working on a web site creation program), this makes a lot of difference.
