ADO error 'Operation cancelled' in Delphi - delphi

I have the following code for executing a sql stored procedure that returns multiple resultsets, then reads this result from stream. For background info: it returns xml blocks as strings and then transforms it into complete xml.
It has worked well over a year but now i have a case that results in error message: Operation cancelled. Debugger shows: Project x raised exception class EOleException with message Operation cancelled.
I have no idea whats causing it. Any help or suggestions would be great.
adExecuteStream = $00000400; //Indicates that the results of a command execution should be returned as a stream.
objCmd, InputStream, XML, XSLT, Template, Processor, objConn, strmResults : Variant;
ATStreamClass : TMemoryStream;
Adapt : TStreamAdapter;
OutputStream: IStream;
objCmd := CreateOLEObject('ADODB.Command');
objCmd.ActiveConnection := dmABaasMock.dbRaAndm.ConnectionObject;
objCmd.CommandType := adCmdText;
objCmd.CommandText := <sp proc name with params>;
strmResults := CreateOLEObject('ADODB.Stream');
objCmd.Properties['Output Stream'] := strmResults;
objCmd.Execute(EmptyParam, EmptyParam, adExecuteStream); // HERE COMES THE EXCEPTION
strmResults.Position := 0;
xmlMemo.text := strmResults.ReadText;

Difficult to guess what is going wrong without seeing more.
Three things you can do to get more debugging information:
What has changed between when it was working and now? OS version (or ADO), DB, stored proc,...
Is the stored proc working when launched directly in the SQL environment?
Could you rewrite your code to use the regular ADO components instead of doing late binding and get the results in DataSets instead of an ADODB.Stream OleObject. Only having Variant objects doesn't help much if you need to debug and drill down in the code? You can't debug a black box...

I recently had some strange error message when connecting to ADO, and not having the connection string right.
I'm not 100% sure it was the same error message (sorry, I forgot to take a screenshot back then), but if it is, then this might help:
In .NET, when you connect to ADO and use integrated security, you can specify Integrated Security="True", but using the native providers (not only in Delphi, but from any native environment), you will have to specify Integrated Security="SSPI".
I got into the situation because I was fiddling with connection strings (to connect from Delphi native win32 to a server that I previously connected to from .NET) and forgot to copy just the relevant parts.


Assertion failure in DBAccess.pas

I am interested in upgrading a suite of software from ODAC v5 to v8.2.8.
One app in particular is causing problems. This application loads one of a set of secondary applications implemented as dlls.
LibHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(dllname));
if LibHandle <> 0 then
#showForm := GetProcAddress(LibHandle,'ShowMainDllForm');
if (#showForm <> nil) then
ShowForm(Application.Handle, #FGlobalVars, 1);
The launcher is fine - it has its own database connection, and I can step through the various ODAC units fairly happily.
However, the dll immediately excepts on attempting to open a cursor. The error is an Assertion Failure in the unit DBAccess.pas, called from MemDs.pas. I have stepped through this and have shown that the assertion failure is correct; Assert(FieldDesc is TCRFieldDesc) is receiving a TFieldDesc from MemDS.CreateFieldDefs().
I am stumped. How can it be that one calling method works fine (the launcher app) and the other (the dll) always fails ?
If anyone has experienced difficulties in this area I would appreciate any information, however tenuous it might sound
We have already fixed this problem. You can either download the latest ODAC version 8.6.12 or modify the line invoking Assert:
in the TCustomDADataSet.GetFieldType method
Assert(FieldDesc is TCRFieldDesc);
Assert(IsClass(FieldDesc, TCRFieldDesc));
we use the DEVART MySQL, and SQL connectors. I have experienced the exact issue with the MySQL (MyDAC) connection. However, what I found was this:
In the DBAccess.pas file, the above code change was already there;
Assert(IsClass(FieldDesc, TCRFieldDesc));
But I was still getting the same Assertion error. I stepped in a little further, and found in the CRFunctions unit, I made the following changes, and now my Server connection works perfectly from a dll file:
if IsLibrary then
Result := IsClassByName(Obj, AClass)
// Danny MacNevin : October 3,2013
// commented out the below line to fix an Assertion Error
// using the TMyConnection in a dll file.
// It was being called from the DBAccess.pas file at line: 7251
// To put this file back to normal, remove the line I added, and
// uncomment the line below...
//Result := Obj is AClass;
Result := IsClassByName(Obj, AClass) //Line replaced by Danny

Getting Delphi 7 to play with SQL Server Compact 3.5

We have an old application that was written in Delphi 7. It is currently connected to an old Oracle Lite database that is being retired. The powers that be have chosen to move the data to a Microsoft SQL Server Compact database instead. After sepending a good amount of time moving everything over to the SQL CE database, I am now tasked with getting the Delphi application to play nice with the new databases.
The people who are supposed to be smarter than I am (my boss), tell me that I should be able to simply modify the connection and everything should be back in order. However, I have been banging my head against my monitor for two days trying to get the ADO connection in the Delphi application to work with our new SQL CE database.
A slightly simplified example of what I'm working with:
The connection is made in a global object with a TADOConnection named "adoConn":
procedure TGlobal.DataModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);
adoConn.ConnectionString := 'Provider=Microsoft.SQLSERVER.CE.OLEDB.3.5;Data Source=path\db.sdf;';
adoConn.Connected := True;
Shortly after this, a procedure is called to populate some messages. In an effort to trouble shoot the application, I've simplified the code to make a simple query and show the results in a message box. The procedure receives a parameter for the SQL string, but I'm ignoring it for now and manually inserting a simple select statement:
procedure Select(const SQL: string);
adoQuery : TADOQuery;
adoQuery := TADOQuery.Create(nil);
adoQuery.Connection := Global.adoConn;
adoQuery.SQL.Text := 'select * from CLT_MESSAGES';
While not adoQuery.Eof do
// Here I just created a MessageDlg to output a couple of fields.
Everything compiles just fine, but when I run the application I get the following error:
"Multiple-step operation generated errors. Check each status value."
I've done some additional trouble-shooting and found that the error is happening at adoQuery.ExecSQL. I've tried several different versions of the connection string and a couple different ways of trying to query the data, but it all ends up the same. I either can't connect to the database or I get that stupid "Mutliple-step" error.
I appreciate, in advance, any assistance that can be offered.
Don't use ExecSQL for queries that return recordsets.
Set either the AdoQuery.Active property to True or use AdoQuery.Open to execute a SELECT statement.
After changing your code we see the real error which is DB_E_OBJECTOPEN.
After digging deeper it seems that this is a known bug in the OLE DB provider and nvarchar fields bigger than 127 characters.
these references seem to confirm this:
SO: SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 gives "Multiple-step operation generated errors" error for simple query
Changing the cursor type to server side solved the 127 char issue for me :)

DataSnap Limits Inbound Request to 16k

I built a DataSnap server with Delphi XE2 that implements TDSHTTPService. When the inbound request comes in, TIdIOHandler.InitComponent is called in a thread before execution is handed to the method called in TServerMethods. I do not have any Indy components in the server, so DataSnap is using Indy 10 under-the-hood.
.InitComponent() sets the IO handler's max line length to a hard-coded value (FMaxLineLength := IdMaxLineLengthDefault;), which is 16384. I can't find a way to increase the value. I even tried copying the IdIOHandler Unit to the project folder and changing the constant value. But it still picks up the IdIOHandler.dcu from the Indy 10 build, and ignores the copied file in my project folder. I also tried adding a TIdIOHandlerStream component to the server project and setting its MaxLineLength to no avail.
Plan A = Properly set the MaxLineLength value in the DataSnap server.
Plan B = Somehow compile a modified IdIOHandler.pas file into my project.
Are either of these possible? I've been working on this for hours and can't find anything similar in all my searching, and can't seem to make any headway by experimenting.
After recompiling all Indy packages in Delphi XE3, having changed the IdMaxLineLengthDefault constant to 512 * 1024, and working as expected after that, I began searching for the simplest solution to this problem. So, I found out this an easy workaround for this limit.
You can implement a procedure for the OnContextCreated event of the TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge object used in the main unit of the DataSnap REST Server project. In that event, the AContext object is received, which is created for each request to the DataSnap server. So, in the code for this procedure you just have to override the default value for this property as follows:
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
FServer := TIdHTTPWebBrokerBridge.Create(Self);
{Here you assign the new procedure for this event}
FServer.OnContextCreated:= OnContextCreated;
procedure TForm1.OnContextCreated(AContext: TIdContext);
AContext.Connection.IOHandler.MaxLineLength:= 512*1024 {or whatever value you need);
Short of removing the Delphi XE2 install of Indy 10 and downloading the source, tweaking the constant values and compiling / maintaining my own build forever going forward..., I solve the issue.
I created an additional method in the DataSnap server so that I could create a record in the database with a call to the first method, and then incrementally stream the rest of the data by passing it to the second method 16k at a time -- buffering it in the DataSnap server until all parts are received. Then I update the record in the database with the fully buffered value from the DataSnap server.
Maybe not the most effective solution, but it works and it will scale as needed.

Need a sample/demo of using TIdTelnet to interact with telnet server

I tried to employ Indy 10.5.5 (shipped with Delphi 2010) for:
connecting to telnet server
performing username/password authentication (gaining access to the command shell)
executing a command with returning resulting data back to application
and had no success, additionally i'm completely lost in spaghetti logic of Indy's internals and now have no idea why it didnt work or how i supposed to send strings to the server and grab the results. Need some sample code to study.
Formal form of the question: Where can i get 3-rd party contributed demo covering TIdTelnet component? ( demos webpage do not have one)
The main problem with Telnet is that it DOES NOT utilize a command/response model like most other Internet protocols do. Either party can send data at any time, and each direction of data is independant from the other direction. This is reflected in TIdTelnet by the fact that it runs an internal reading thread to receive data. Because of this, you cannot simply connect, send a command, and wait for a response in a single block of code like you can with other Indy components. You have to write the command, then wait for the OnDataAvailable event to fire, and then parse the data to determine what it actually is (and be prepared to handle situations where partial data may be received, since that is just how TCP/IP works).
If you are connecting to a server that actually implements a command/response model, then you are better off using TIdTCPClient directly instead of TIdTelnet (and then implement any Telnet sequence decoding manually if the server really is using Telnet, which is rare nowadays but not impossible). For Indy 11, we might refactor TIdTelnet's logic to support a non-threaded version, but that is undecided yet.
done with indy.
no comments.. just som old code :-)
telnet don't like the send string kommand.. use sendch.
telnetdude.Host :=;
on E: Exception do begin
end; {except}
if telnetdude.Connected then begin
for i := 1 to length(StringToSend) do telnetdude.sendch(StringToSend[i]);
end; {while}
end; {if}
if telnetdude.Connected then telnetdude.Disconnect;
I hope this helps anyone looking for answers to a similar question.
Firstly, It would seem the typical command/response model (as mentioned above, does indeed NOT apply).
So I just got it working for some very simple application (rebooting my router).
Specific additions to above code from Johnny Lanewood (and perhaps some clarification)
a) You have to send #13 to confirm the command
b) I got "hangs" on every command I sent / response I requested UNTIL I enabled ThreadedEvent. (this was my big issue)
c) the OnDataAvailable event tells you when new data is available from the Telnet Server - however there are no guarantees as to what this data is - i.e. it's pretty what you get in the command line / what ever is appended to the previous responses. But is is NOT a specific response line to your command - it's whatever the telnet server returns (could be welcome info, ASCII drawings etc etc.)
Given (c) above, one would rather check the OnDataAvailable event and parse the data (knowing what you'd expect). When the output stops (i.e. you need build a mechanism for this), you can parse the data and determine whether the server is ready for something new from the client. For the purpose of my code below, I set a read timemout and I just used Sleep(2000) - ignorantly expecting no errors and that the server would be ready after the sleep for the next command.
My biggest stumbling block was ThreadedEvent := True (see above in b)
Thus, my working solution (for specific application, and possibly horrible to some).
lIDTelnet := TIdTelnet.Create(nil);
lIdTelnet.ReadTimeout := 30000;
lIDTelnet.OnDataAvailable := TDummy.Response;
lIDTelnet.OnStatus := TDummy.Status;
lIdTelnet.ThreadedEvent := True;
lIDTelnet.Connect('', 23);
if not lIDTelnet.Connected then
Raise Exception.Create(' TELNET Connection Failed');
lIdtelnet.SendString(cst_user + #13);
lIdtelnet.SendString(cst_pass + #13);
lIdtelnet.SendString(cst_reboot + #13);
if lIDTelnet.Connected then
//Do some handling
and then
class procedure TDummy.Response(Sender: TIdTelnet; const Buffer: TIdBytes);
class function TDummy.ByteToString(
const aBytes: TIdBytes): String;
i : integer;
result := '';
for i := 0 to Length(aBytes) -1 do
result := result + Char(aBytes[i]);

Synapse and string problems with HTTPSend in Delphi 2010

I have been trying to get to the bottom of this problem off and on for the past 2 days and I'm really stuck. Hopefully some smart folks can help me out.
The issue is that I have a function that I call in a thread that downloads a file (using Synapse libraries) from a website that is passed to it. However, I've found that every once in a while there are sites where it will not pull down a file, but wget or Firefox/IE will download it without issue.
Digging into it, I've found some curious things. Here is the relevant code:
TMyThread = class(TThread)
procedure Execute; override;
{ Private declarations }
fTheUrl: string;
procedure GetFile(const TheUrl: string);
property thrd_TheUrl: string read fTheUrl write fTheUrl;
procedure TMyThread.GetFile(const TheUrl: string);
success: boolean;
sLocalUrl: string;
IsSame : boolean;
HTTP := THTTPSend.Create;
HTTP.UserAgent :=
'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)';
HTTP.ProxyHost := 'MYPROXY.COM';
HTTP.ProxyPort := '80';
sLocalUrl :=
IsSame := SameText(sLocalUrl, sTheUrl); //this equals True when I debug
/// I will comment out 1 of the following when debugging
HTTP.HTTPMethod('GET', sLocalUrl); // ----this works and WILL download the file
HTTP.HTTPMethod('GET', sTheUrl); // --- this always fails, and HTTP.ResultString contains "Not Found"
success := SysUtils.UpperCase(HTTP.ResultString) = 'OK';
if HTTP.ResultCode > 0 then
success := True; //this is here just to keep the value around while debugging
procedure TMyThread.Execute
//fTheURL contains this value:
The problem is that when I assign a local variable to the function and give it the URL directly, everything works. However, when passing the variable into the function, it fails. Anyone have any ideas?
HTTP.HTTPMethod('GET', sLocalUrl); // ----this works and WILL download the file
HTTP.HTTPMethod('GET', sTheUrl); // --- this always fails, and HTTP.ResultString contains "Not Found"
I'm using the latest version of Synapse from their SVN repository (version from 2 days ago).
NOTE: The file I am attempting to download is known to have a virus, the program I am writing is meant to download malicious files for analysis. So, don't execute the file once you download it.
However, I'm using this URL b/c this is the one I can reproduce the issue with.
Your code is missing the crucial detail how you use TMyThread class. However, you write
every once in a while there are sites where it will not pull down a file, but wget or Firefox/IE will download it without issue.
which sounds like a timing issue.
Using the local variable works every time. Using the function parameter works only some of the time. That may be caused by the function parameter not containing the correct URL some of the time.
You need to be aware that creating a non-suspended thread may result in it starting to execute immediately (and possibly even to complete), before the next line after the construction call has even started to execute. Setting any property of the thread object after the thread has been created may therefore not work, as the thread execution may be past the point where the property is read. The fTheUrl field of the thread object will be an empty string initially, so whether the thread downloads the file will depend on it being set before.
Your fTheUrl field isn't even protected by a synchronization primitive. Both the thread proc and the code in the main thread can access it concurrently. Sharing data in this way between threads is an unsafe thing to do and may result in any thing from wrong behaviour to actual crashes.
If your thread is really used to download a single file you should remove the write access to the property, and write a custom constructor with a parameter for the URL. That will properly initialize the field before the thread starts.
If you are downloading several files in your program you should really not create a thread for each. Use a pool of threads (may be only one even) that will be assigned the files to download. For that a thread property is the right solution, but then it will need to be implemented with synchronization, and the thread should block when no file is to be downloaded, and unblock when the property is set. The download thread (or threads) would be consumer(s) in a producer-consumer implementation. Stack Overflow has questions and answers regarding this in the Delphi tag, in particular in the questions where alternatives to Suspend() and Resume() are discussed.
One last thing: Don't let unhandled exceptions escape the Execute() method. I'm not sure about whether Delphi 2010 handles these exceptions in the VCL, but unhandled exceptions in a thread may lead to problems like app crashes or freezes.
Well, I'm almost embarrassed to report it, but I owe it to those that took the time to respond.
The issue had nothing to do with Synapse, or TThread, but instead had everything to do with the fact that the URL is case-sensitive!
In my full application, I had a helper function that lowercased the URL (for some reason). I removed that and everything started working again...
Please update last Synapse Revision 127.
