T and R estimation from essential matrix - opencv

I created a simple test application to perform translation (T) and rotation (R) estimation from the essential matrix.
Generate 50 random Points.
Calculate projection pointSet1.
Transform Points via matrix (R|T).
Calculate new projection pointSet2.
Then calculate fundamental matrix F.
Extract essential matrix like E = K2^T F K1 (K1, K2 - internal camera matrices).
Use SVD to get UDV^T.
And calculate restoredR1 = UWV^T, restoredR2 = UW^T. And see that one of them equal to initial R.
But when I calculate translation vector, restoredT = UZU^T, I get normalized T.
restoredT*max(T.x, T.y, T.z) = T
How to restore correct translation vector?

I understand! I don't need real length estimation on this step.
When i get first image, i must set metric transformation (scale factor) or estimate it from calibration from known object. After, when i recieve second frame, i calculate normilized T, and using known 3d coordinates from first frame to solve equation (sx2, sy2, 1) = K(R|lambdaT)(X,Y,Z); and find lambda - than lambdaT will be correct metric translation...
I check it, and this is true/ So... maybe who know more simple solution?


Fundamental matrix from transformation

I have two images with known corresponding 2D points, the intrinsic parameters of the cameras and the 3D transformation between the cameras. I want to calculate the 2D reprojection error from one image to the other.
To do so, I thought about getting a fundamental matrix from the transformation, so I can compute the point-to-line distance between the points and the corresponding epipolar lines. How can I get the fundamental matrix?
I know that E = R * [t] and F = K^(-t) * E * K^(-1), where E is the essential matrix and [t] is the skew-symmetric matrix of the translation vector. However, this returns a null matrix if the motion is pure rotation (t = [0 0 0]). I know that in this case a homography explains the motion better than the fundamental matrix, so that I can compare the norm of the translation vector with a small threshold to choose a fundamental matrix or a homogaphy. Is there a better way of doing this?
"I want to calculate the 2D reprojection error from one image to the other."
Then go and calculate it. Your setup is calibrated, so you don't need anything other than a known piece of 3D geometry. Forget about the epipolar error, which may as well be undefined if your camera motion is (close to) a pure rotation.
Take an object of known size and shape (for example, a checkerboard), work out its location in 3D space from one camera view (for a checkerboard you can fit a homography between its physical model and its projection, then decompose it into [R|t]). Then project the now-located 3D shape into the other camera given that camera's calibrated parameters, and compare the projection with the object's actual image.

3D reconstruction from two calibrated cameras - where is the error in this pipeline?

There are many posts about 3D reconstruction from stereo views of known internal calibration, some of which are excellent. I have read a lot of them, and based on what I have read I am trying to compute my own 3D scene reconstruction with the below pipeline / algorithm. I'll set out the method then ask specific questions at the bottom.
0. Calibrate your cameras:
This means retrieve the camera calibration matrices K1 and K2 for Camera 1 and Camera 2. These are 3x3 matrices encapsulating each camera's internal parameters: focal length, principal point offset / image centre. These don't change, you should only need to do this once, well, for each camera as long as you don't zoom or change the resolution you record in.
Do this offline. Do not argue.
I'm using OpenCV's CalibrateCamera() and checkerboard routines, but this functionality is also included in the Matlab Camera Calibration toolbox. The OpenCV routines seem to work nicely.
1. Fundamental Matrix F:
With your cameras now set up as a stereo rig. Determine the fundamental matrix (3x3) of that configuration using point correspondences between the two images/views.
How you obtain the correspondences is up to you and will depend a lot on the scene itself.
I am using OpenCV's findFundamentalMat() to get F, which provides a number of options method wise (8-point algorithm, RANSAC, LMEDS).
You can test the resulting matrix by plugging it into the defining equation of the Fundamental matrix: x'Fx = 0 where x' and x are the raw image point correspondences (x, y) in homogeneous coordinates (x, y, 1) and one of the three-vectors is transposed so that the multiplication makes sense. The nearer to zero for each correspondence, the better F is obeying it's relation. This is equivalent to checking how well the derived F actually maps from one image plane to another. I get an average deflection of ~2px using the 8-point algorithm.
2. Essential Matrix E:
Compute the Essential matrix directly from F and the calibration matrices.
E = K2TFK1
3. Internal Constraint upon E:
E should obey certain constraints. In particular, if decomposed by SVD into USV.t then it's singular values should be = a, a, 0. The first two diagonal elements of S should be equal, and the third zero.
I was surprised to read here that if this is not true when you test for it, you might choose to fabricate a new Essential matrix from the prior decomposition like so: E_new = U * diag(1,1,0) * V.t which is of course guaranteed to obey the constraint. You have essentially set S = (100,010,000) artificially.
4. Full Camera Projection Matrices:
There are two camera projection matrices P1 and P2. These are 3x4 and obey the x = PX relation. Also, P = K[R|t] and therefore K_inv.P = [R|t] (where the camera calibration has been removed).
The first matrix P1 (excluding the calibration matrix K) can be set to [I|0] then P2 (excluding K) is R|t
Compute the Rotation and translation between the two cameras R, t from the decomposition of E. There are two possible ways to calculate R (U*W*V.t and U*W.t*V.t) and two ways to calculate t (±third column of U), which means that there are four combinations of Rt, only one of which is valid.
Compute all four combinations, and choose the one that geometrically corresponds to the situation where a reconstructed point is in front of both cameras. I actually do this by carrying through and calculating the resulting P2 = [R|t] and triangulating the 3d position of a few correspondences in normalised coordinates to ensure that they have a positive depth (z-coord)
5. Triangulate in 3D
Finally, combine the recovered 3x4 projection matrices with their respective calibration matrices: P'1 = K1P1 and P'2 = K2P2
And triangulate the 3-space coordinates of each 2d point correspondence accordingly, for which I am using the LinearLS method from here.
Are there any howling omissions and/or errors in this method?
My F matrix is apparently accurate (0.22% deflection in the mapping compared to typical coordinate values), but when testing E against x'Ex = 0 using normalised image correspondences the typical error in that mapping is >100% of the normalised coordinates themselves. Is testing E against xEx = 0 valid, and if so where is that jump in error coming from?
The error in my fundamental matrix estimation is significantly worse when using RANSAC than the 8pt algorithm, ±50px in the mapping between x and x'. This deeply concerns me.
'Enforcing the internal constraint' still sits very weirdly with me - how can it be valid to just manufacture a new Essential matrix from part of the decomposition of the original?
Is there a more efficient way of determining which combo of R and t to use than calculating P and triangulating some of the normalised coordinates?
My final re-projection error is hundreds of pixels in 720p images. Am I likely looking at problems in the calibration, determination of P-matrices or the triangulation?
The error in my fundamental matr1ix estimation is significantly worse
when using RANSAC than the 8pt algorithm, ±50px in the mapping between
x and x'. This deeply concerns me.
Using the 8pt algorithm does not exclude using the RANSAC principle.
When using the 8pt algorithm directly which points do you use? You have to choose 8 (good) points by yourself.
In theory you can compute a fundamental matrix from any point correspondences and you often get a degenerated fundamental matrix because the linear equations are not independend. Another point is that the 8pt algorithm uses a overdetermined system of linear equations so that one single outlier will destroy the fundamental matrix.
Have you tried to use the RANSAC result? I bet it represents one of the correct solutions for F.
My F matrix is apparently accurate (0.22% deflection in the mapping
compared to typical coordinate values), but when testing E against
x'Ex = 0 using normalised image correspondences the typical error in
that mapping is >100% of the normalised coordinates themselves. Is
testing E against xEx = 0 valid, and if so where is that jump in error
coming from?
Again, if F is degenerated, x'Fx = 0 can be for every point correspondence.
Another reason for you incorrect E may be the switch of the cameras (K1T * E * K2 instead of K2T * E * K1). Remember to check: x'Ex = 0
'Enforcing the internal constraint' still sits very weirdly with me -
how can it be valid to just manufacture a new Essential matrix from
part of the decomposition of the original?
It is explained in 'Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision' from Hartley and Zisserman. As far as I know it has to do with the minimization of the Frobenius norm of F.
You can Google it and there are pdf resources.
Is there a more efficient way of determining which combo of R and t to
use than calculating P and triangulating some of the normalised
No as far as I know.
My final re-projection error is hundreds of pixels in 720p images. Am
I likely looking at problems in the calibration, determination of
P-matrices or the triangulation?
Your rigid body transformation P2 is incorrect because E is incorrect.

Coordinate transformation in OpenCV

I have a polyline figure, given as an array of relative x and y point coordinates (0.0 to 1.0).
I have to draw the figure with random position, scale and rotation angle.
How can I do it in the best way?
You could use a simple transformation with RT matrix.
Let X = (x y 1)^t be coordinates of one point of your figure. Let R be a 2x2 rotation matrix, and T be 2x1 translation vector of the transformation You plan to make. RT matrix A will have the form of A = [R T;0 0 1]. To get transformed coordinates of point X, You need to do this simple calculation AX = X', where X' are the new coordinates. Now, to get the whole figure transformed, instead of using a single column, You use a matrix where each column has x coordinate in first row, y in the second and 1 in the third row.
Of course You can try to use functions provided by OpenCV, shown in this tutorial, or ones intended for vectors of points instead of whole images, but the way above makes You actually understand what are You doing ;)

Understanding the output of solvepnp?

I am have been using solvepnp() for the calculation of the rotation and translation matrix. But the euler angles calculated from the obtained rotation matrix gave very erratic values. Trying to find the problem, I had a set of 2D projection points for my marker and kept the other parameters of solvepnp() constant.
Eg values:
2D points
[219.67473, 242.78395; 363.4151, 238.61298; 503.04855, 234.56117; 501.70917, 628.16742; 500.58069, 959.78564; 383.1756, 972.02679; 262.8746, 984.56982; 243.17044, 646.22925]
The euler angle theta(x) calculated from the output rotation matrix of solvepnp() was -26.4877
Next, I incremented only the x value of the first point(i.e 219.67473) by 0.1 to check the variation of the theta(x) euler angle (keeping the remaining points and the other parameters constant) and ran the solvepnp() again .For that very small change,I had values which were decreasing from -19 degree, -18 degree (for x coord = 223.074) then suddenly jump to 27 degree for a while (for x coord = 223.174 to 226.974) then come down to 1.3 degree (for x coord = 227.074).
I cannot understand this behaviour at all.Could somebody please explain?
My euler angle calculation from the rotation matrix uses this procedure.
Try Rodrigues() for conversion between rotation matrix and rotation vector to make sure everything is clean and right. Non RANSAC version can be very sensitive to outliers that create a huge error in the parameters and thus bias a solution. Using RANSAC version of solvePnP may make it more stable to outliers. For example, adding too much to one of the points coordinates will eventually make it an outlier and it won’t influence a solution after that.
If everything fails, write a series unit tests: create an artificial set of points in 3D (possibly non planar), apply a simple translation first, in second variant apply rotation only, and in a third test apply both. Project using your camera matrix and then plug in your 2D, 3D points and projection matrix into your code to find the pose. If the result deviates from the inverse of the translations and rotations your applied to the points look for the bug in feeding parameters to PnP.
It seems the coordinate systems are different.OpenCV uses right-hand coordinate-system Y-pointing downwards. At nghiaho.com it says the calculations are based on this and if you look at the axis they don't seem to match. I guess you are using Rodrigues for matrix computation? Try comparing rotation vectors as well.

Camera motion from corresponding images

I'm trying to calculate a new camera position based on the motion of corresponding images.
the images conform to the pinhole camera model.
As a matter of fact, I don't get useful results, so I try to describe my procedure and hope that somebody can help me.
I match the features of the corresponding images with SIFT, match them with OpenCV's FlannBasedMatcher and calculate the fundamental matrix with OpenCV's findFundamentalMat (method RANSAC).
Then I calculate the essential matrix by the camera intrinsic matrix (K):
Mat E = K.t() * F * K;
I decompose the essential matrix to rotation and translation with singular value decomposition:
SVD decomp = SVD(E);
Matx33d W(0,-1,0,
Matx33d Wt(0,1,0,
R1 = decomp.u * Mat(W) * decomp.vt;
R2 = decomp.u * Mat(Wt) * decomp.vt;
t1 = decomp.u.col(2); //u3
t2 = -decomp.u.col(2); //u3
Then I try to find the correct solution by triangulation. (this part is from http://www.morethantechnical.com/2012/01/04/simple-triangulation-with-opencv-from-harley-zisserman-w-code/ so I think that should work correct).
The new position is then calculated with:
new_pos = old_pos + -R.t()*t;
where new_pos & old_pos are vectors (3x1), R the rotation matrix (3x3) and t the translation vector (3x1).
Unfortunately I got no useful results, so maybe anyone has an idea what could be wrong.
Here are some results (just in case someone can confirm that any of them is definitely wrong):
F = [8.093827077399547e-07, 1.102681999632987e-06, -0.0007939604310854831;
1.29246107737264e-06, 1.492629957878578e-06, -0.001211264339006535;
-0.001052930954975217, -0.001278667878010564, 1]
K = [150, 0, 300;
0, 150, 400;
0, 0, 1]
E = [0.01821111092414898, 0.02481034499174221, -0.01651092283654529;
0.02908037424088439, 0.03358417405226801, -0.03397110489649674;
-0.04396975675562629, -0.05262169424538553, 0.04904210357279387]
t = [0.2970648246214448; 0.7352053067682792; 0.6092828956013705]
R = [0.2048034356172475, 0.4709818957303019, -0.858039396912323;
-0.8690270040802598, -0.3158728880490416, -0.3808101689488421;
-0.4503860776474556, 0.8236506374002566, 0.3446041331317597]
First of all you should check if
x' * F * x = 0
for your point correspondences x' and x. This should be of course only the case for the inliers of the fundamental matrix estimation with RANSAC.
Thereafter, you have to transform your point correspondences to normalized image coordinates (NCC) like this
xn = inv(K) * x
xn' = inv(K') * x'
where K' is the intrinsic camera matrix of the second image and x' are the points of the second image. I think in your case it is K = K'.
With these NCCs you can decompose your essential matrix like you described. You triangulate the normalized camera coordinates and check the depth of your triangulated points. But be careful, in literature they say that one point is sufficient to get the correct rotation and translation. From my experience you should check a few points since one point can be an outlier even after RANSAC.
Before you decompose the essential matrix make sure that E=U*diag(1,1,0)*Vt. This condition is required to get correct results for the four possible choices of the projection matrix.
When you've got the correct rotation and translation you can triangulate all your point correspondences (the inliers of the fundamental matrix estimation with RANSAC). Then, you should compute the reprojection error. Firstly, you compute the reprojected position like this
xp = K * P * X
xp' = K' * P' * X
where X is the computed (homogeneous) 3D position. P and P' are the 3x4 projection matrices. The projection matrix P is normally given by the identity. P' = [R, t] is given by the rotation matrix in the first 3 columns and rows and the translation in the fourth column, so that P is a 3x4 matrix. This only works if you transform your 3D position to homogeneous coordinates, i.e. 4x1 vectors instead of 3x1. Then, xp and xp' are also homogeneous coordinates representing your (reprojected) 2D positions of your corresponding points.
I think the
new_pos = old_pos + -R.t()*t;
is incorrect since firstly, you only translate the old_pos and you do not rotate it and secondly, you translate it with a wrong vector. The correct way is given above.
So, after you computed the reprojected points you can calculate the reprojection error. Since you are working with homogeneous coordinates you have to normalize them (xp = xp / xp(2), divide by last coordinate). This is given by
error = (x(0)-xp(0))^2 + (x(1)-xp(1))^2
If the error is large such as 10^2 your intrinsic camera calibration or your rotation/translation are incorrect (perhaps both). Depending on your coordinate system you can try to inverse your projection matrices. On that account you need to transform them to homogeneous coordinates before since you cannot invert a 3x4 matrix (without the pseudo inverse). Thus, add the fourth row [0 0 0 1], compute the inverse and remove the fourth row.
There is one more thing with reprojection error. In general, the reprojection error is the squared distance between your original point correspondence (in each image) and the reprojected position. You can take the square root to get the Euclidean distance between both points.
To update your camera position, you have to update the translation first, then update the rotation matrix.
t_ref += lambda * (R_ref * t);
R_ref = R * R_ref;
where t_ref and R_ref are your camera state, R and t are new calculated camera rotation and translation, and lambda is the scale factor.
