Development environment query on some models very slow - ruby-on-rails

I am scratching my head over for this issue for last few weeks.
My local rails dev environment has been so slow for some reasons. I have production environment working as quick as a bullet on the servers. But with the same code, my dev environment is taking so slow and I have decided to dig into that further.
I have found that the problem exists with two of my main models. I could identify it with Console in the terminal.
#(super quick, no records there)
#(super quick, about 1400 records there)
#(super slow, about 3 seconds. but no records in there yet!!!!)
#(super slow,about 3 seconds, too.. but this one has about 4000 records)
Admin and User has almost the same number and type of fields except User has a photo (using Paperclip). But paperclip is working fine with Club anyway.
Any help will be appreciated.
EDIT: I have found more precise issue there. In both User and Site models, I have this reference which is slowing things down on my dev env.
include ActionController::UrlWriter
I know we should not use URL in the model level. But I have to use it. The question now is why the heck it's slow to use it only on Dev env, not on production?

In the development environment code is reloaded after each request and not cached. This means you can make changes to the code and just refresh the page and not have to refresh the server.
In production mode routes/models are cached as these are less likely to be edited between requests without a server restart.

it's because your URL are reload in each time. So take some times. In production there are no reload of your route.


Rails - Mongoid : Slow problem between production and development

I have a problem on my Rails application.
I am in version 3.2.22 of rails and 2.2.5 of ruby connect to a mongodb 2.6.
The problem is that I have huge difference in performance on simple or even more complex queries.
For example :
I run rails c development and then I execute my function (quite complex) it responds after 30 seconds
I run rails c production, I perform the same function as the previous one, it responds after 6 minutes 30 seconds, 7 times slower.
So I try to copy pasted the configuration 'development' in 'production', but the result remains the same, same for the Gemfile.
I look in all the code of the project no difference between the environment production and development.
Do you know the differences in the heart of rails between these two environments? did anyone ever encounter the problem?
Importantly, I am of course connecting to the same database.
Thanks in advance.
You have not specified your mongo (Ruby driver) and mongoid versions, if they are old you may need to upgrade and/or adjust the code to your environment.
To determine whether the slowdown happens in the database or in your application, use command monitoring as described here:
Look at the log entries corresponding to your queries and make note of how log they take in each environment. By implementing a custom event subscriber you can also save the commands being sent and verify that they are identical between the two environments.
I got this!
When I saw the number of requests in production, I immediately thought of the query cache.
I found the 'identity_map_enabled' parameter for mongo, so I changed it to true, and hop magic!

Rails 3 - All users stuck while someone is processing

We have a web-app here that makes hundreds of calculations with money and other very specific numbers. It has been developed in Rails 3, which I have not much experience.
Recently, I have noticed that even in Digital Ocean server, where it runs for production, whenever an user requests to open some page for example, that does any query to get data from the database, everyone else gets stuck until the processing finishes.
It just looks like rails is running on a "single-threaded" mode, similar to running the same scenario with Tomcat in development mode in Eclipse.
Is there any trick to make it work "multi-threaded"?
I don't see any reason or even logic for it to run like this, there's no sense in making everyone wait until the request of another user finishes.
Thanks in advance to everyone!
Well, I've found the solution.
To enable Rails with WEBrick to work in a "multi-threaded" way, you'll have to simply go to the config file, and add :
# Enable threaded mode
After that, restart the server and the trick is done. It "solved" my problem, but ended up creating a thousand others, cause the application wasn't developed thinking about a "threadsafe" scenario, which means, that everytime I try to run similar requests at the same time, the application mixes up everything in memory, crashing.
Well, one problem at once!
The original from this topic is solved.

MVC3 site running fast locally, very slow on live host

So I've been running into some speed issues with my site which has been online for a few weeks now. It's an MVC3 site using MySQL on
I cleaned up the structure of the site and got it working pretty fast on my local machine, around 800-1100ms to load with no caching. The strange thing is when I try and visit the live site I get times of around 15-16 seconds, sometimes freezing up as long as 30 seconds. I switched off the viewstate in web.config and now the local loads in 1.3 seconds (yes, oddly a little longer) and the live site is down to 8-9 seconds most of the time, but that's still pretty poor.
Without making this problem to specific to my case (since there can be a million reasons sites go slow), I am curious if there are any reasons why the load times between the local Visual Studio sever or IIS Express would run so fast while the live site would run so slow. Wouldn't anything code wise or dependency wise effect both equally? I just can't think of a reason that would affect the live site but not the local.
Any thoughts?
Further thoughts: I have the site setup as a sub-folder which I'm using IIS URL Rewriting to map to a subdomain. I've not heard of this causing issues before, but could this be a problem?
Further Further Updates: So I uploaded a simple page that does nothing but query all the records in the largest table I have with no caching. On my local machine it's averages around 110ms (which still seems slow...), and on the live site it's usually over double the time. If I'm hitting the database several times to load the page, it makes sense that this would heavily affect the page load time. I'm still not sure if the issue is with LINQ or MySQL or MVC in general (maybe even
I had a similar problem once and the culprit was the initialization of the user session. Turns out a lot of objects were being read/write to the session state on each request, but for some reason this wasn't affecting my local machine (I probably had InProc mode enabled locally).
So try adding an attribute to some of your controllers and see if that speeds things up:
public class MyController : Controller
On another note, I ran some tests, and surprisingly, it was faster to read some of those objects from the DB on each request than to read them once, then put them in the session state. That kinda makes sense, since session state mode in production was SqlServer, and serialization/deserialization was apparently slower than just assigning values to properties from a DataReader. Plus, changing that had the nice side-effect of avoiding deserialization errors when deploying a new version of the assembly...
By the way, even 992ms is too much, IMHO. Can you use output caching to shave that off a bit?
So as I mentioned above, I had caching turned off for development, but only on my local machine. What I didn't realise was there was a problem WITH the caching which was turned on for the LIVE server, which I never turned off because I thought it was helping fix the slow speeds! It all makes sense now :)
Fixing my cache issue (IQueryable<> at the top of a dataset that was supposed to cache the entire table.. >_>) my speeds have increased 10 fold.
Thanks to everyone who assisted!

How do I stop rails from regenerating routes on every request?

I am working on a pretty large rails project with a lot of routes. If rails is in development mode the app runs extremely slowly because it has to generate the routes repeatedly. I've tested this a couple of times by removing most of the routes and our app is nearly instant in bringing up our pages rather than the 10 or so seconds it usually takes. What I'm trying to find out is how I can stop rails from regenerating the routes on every request when in development mode. Is there a way to cache it or just stop it from regenerating?
I wouldn't advise it, but set cache_classes to true in your config. You'll have to restart the server every time you want to test a code change though.
Did you get anywhere with this?
I'm a little late to the party, and I don't have a direct answer for stopping the regeneration of routes, but would you accept speeding up other parts of the development environment as a compromise? If so, it's worth checking out the Rails Development Boost gem. I've had some great speed increases from there.

Response time increasing (worsening) over time with consistent load

Ok. I know I don't have a lot of information. That is, essentially, the reason for my question. I am building a game using Flash/Flex and Rails on the back-end. Communication between the two is via WebORB.
Here is what is happening. When I start the client an operation calls the server every 60 seconds (not much, right?) which results in two database SELECTS and an UPDATE and a resulting response to the client.
This repeats every 60 seconds. I deployed a test version on heroku and NewRelic's RPM told me that response time degraded over time. One client with one task every 60 seconds. Over several hours the response time drifted from 150ms to over 900ms in response time.
I have been able to reproduce this in my development environment (my Macbook Pro) so it isn't a problem on Heroku's side.
I am not doing anything sophisticated (by design) in the server app. An action gets called, gets some data from the database, performs an AR update and then returns a response. No caching, etc.
Any thoughts? Anyone? I'd really appreciate it.
What does the development log say is slow for those requests? The view or db? If it's the db, check to see how many records there are in database and see how to optimize the queries. Maybe you need to index some fields.
Are you running locally in development or production mode? I've seen Rails apps performance degrade faster (memory usage) over time in development mode. I'm not sure if one can run an app on Heroku in development mode but if I were you I would check into that.
